2017年8月20日 星期日

GeneKeys 51震卦




PHYSIOLOGY: GALL BLADDER —— 生理:膽囊,能量中心:意志力中心, 與25th(ego)組成發起通道
CODON RING: THE RING OF HUMANITY (10,17, 21, 25, 38, 51)  基因密碼環——人性之環



51GeneKey 的頻率光諎包含了令人震驚的密秘,是跟人類覺醒經驗有關的行為。而人類的競爭天性是其中一個最能夠被識別出的特徵。在我們能夠達到51的神性以前,人類都會被競爭性所趨使,依據這股能量的使用方式,決定於它會帶我們進入合一性或分離性。當它與錯卦57 Shadow 「不安」合併出現時,51 Shadow 會創造更具大的焦慮與不安。在我們能夠提昇自身的頻率以前,這股焦燥的能量都會影響我們。

The 51st Gene Key and its spectrum of frequencies contain some startling secrets regarding human behaviour as well as leading you towards the process or experience referred to as awakening. One of the most recognisable human traits to emerge through our genetics is our innate human competitiveness. Until you reach the highest level of frequency in the 51st Siddhi, human beings are driven to compete with each other. Depending on how you channel this energy, it can either lead to unity or it can lead to division. Together with its programming partner the 57th Shadow of Unease, this 51st Shadow of Agitation creates enormous disturbance and insecurity within human beings. Until you can elevate your consciousness into and beyond the higher frequencies of the Gift level, you will always feel this sense of agitation inside you at some level.

51 Shadow之所以創造了一股擾動能量場的混亂能量,其原因是非常簡單的,因為生命是不可被控制的。不可預見的事物會在生命中一次又一次的發生,並為我們的命運帶來激烈的改變。當它處於陰暗面時,我們所認知到的無常會為我們帶來深度的不安全感,因為這個潛在的恐懼會讓我們時常感到有壞事來臨。當我們目擊到壞事發生時,這種不安全混合了當下的直接證據,使我們相信他的真實性。

The reason that the 51st Shadow creates such a disturbance in the energy field of human beings is quite simply because life is beyond our control. Unforeseen events will occur in your life from time to time and these events can radically change your destiny. At the Shadow frequency the perceived randomness of life creates a deep insecurity in human beings because of this underlying fear that something bad could happen to you at any moment. This insecurity is compounded through direct evidence as we witness it happening to the people around us. For example, in London during the Blitz in the Second World War, bombs would drop at random throughout the night. Most streets in central London were hit at some time or other and entire families were instantly killed whilst neighbouring properties often remained relatively unharmed. In life, the question of which house gets hit plagues all human beings. Because we see it happening to others, this generates the unconscious fear that it might happen to us next.


Shocks are a part of all human life, but at the Shadow level where fear reigns, the possibility and fear of shock continually unnerves us. The hallmark of all Shadow frequencies is a profound lack of trust in life itself. And trusting in life is neither an intellectual nor even an emotional issue. It is in fact purely physical. Trust is something that is either felt within the cells of your body or not. Without trust, human beings stay in a state of agitation — we tend to be jumpy, nervous and stressed.


We either shy away from life out of fear or we rush at it out of rage or panic. Your frequency determines how you view shocks, as well as how you handle them physically and emotionally when they do come. At a higher frequency, shocks are like wormholes to a new and potentially higher dimension. Shock directly challenges the very bedrock of your reality and your attachment to that reality. In this sense, the true role of any shock is to chip away at your sense of separateness from life and release you from the false security of the Shadow consciousness.

51 Shadow 將其能量獻身於避開避無可避的事件。它以抗拒打擊而活著 —— 也就是抗拒死亡,它扼殺了我們的生命。只有完全擁抱生而必死的事實,人才能夠真正的活著。當我們沒有人生而必死的觀點時,生命就失去了價值,使我們粗鈍化(desensitises human beings)。51 GeneKey 只為自己及自己的利益而戰。

The 51st Shadow devotes all its energy into trying to stave off the inevitable. It lives in denial of the ultimate shock — the fact of physical death, and in denying death it actually throttles life. Only one who has fully embraced the certainty of death is truly alive. Without the perspective of death life loses its true sense of value, which is precisely what desensitises human beings. Given that the 51st Gene Key is also responsible for the human competitive spirit, we see humans fight only for themselves and their own benefit without any sense of higher purpose.

51 Shadow 的競爭性,使人把自己當第一順位,並非著重於改善自己,而是在感受上必需優於他人。人類競爭性在陰暗面是很醜陋的,因為它能在競爭的過程中無視其他人。它將其他人視為向上爬的工具。在這層意義上,追求優秀是一個脆弱的方式以減輕生命中避無可避的事件。這些人最後會因為死亡存在的事實而變的謙虛。

The competitiveness of the 51st Shadow is about needing to be first, not in order to better yourself, but to feel superior to others. The human competitive spirit can be a very ugly thing at the Shadow frequency because it can so easily brush aside others in its relentless push towards the top. It literally views all others as a means to rise higher, and in that sense it uses other people for the sole purpose of its own advancement. In this sense, superiority is a feeble attempt to allay the inevitable. All those who have risen to the top of the hierarchy throughout history are eventually humbled by death.

51 Shadow 的焦燥狀態中有一股可怕的能量,當我們不具備內在的目的感或方向感時,這是非常可怕的。這種焦燥狀態會不斷的讓你行動,以釋放這種坐立不安。

The 51st Gene Key as a genetic archetype is rather special. It is unique in that it represents a portal. Where this portal leads depends entirely upon the frequency you program into your genetics. There is a terrific amount of energy within the agitated state of the 51st Shadow. Without a sense of inner purpose or direction this can be a dangerous Gene Key. Agitation never leaves you alone but continually prompts you to do something in order to get some kind of reaction. It will do anything to release its restless, electrical energy.

這會導致個種魯莾與笨行動,只為了釋放焦慮而釋放焦慮。51 Shadow 為趨使我們做出別人想像不到的事。這導致一個奇怪的現像,他們可能因此而感到無懼,但並非基於信任生命的無懼。它發生在當焦燥越來越強大以致於想熄滅他。

This can lead to all kinds of reckless and foolish acts, done simply for the sake of releasing the agitation. The 51st Shadow can drive people to do things that others would never dream of. This leads to a strange phenomenon that can occur to people strongly influenced by this Shadow — they can actually experience a state of fearlessness. However, this fearlessness is not a true fearlessness based on trust. It occurs when the state of agitation becomes so strong that it wants to extinguish itself, and in doing so it drowns out the fear within the body.

51 Shadow 透過不尋常又危險的個體性,影響了集體意識。任何被51 Shadow 強烈影響的不是落入強烈沮喪就是成為世界的負擔。這些人不關心生命,所以他們不是失去希望就是在行動時感到極度的無能。這些人是被受打擊的代理人,並深化集體意識的恐懼。

The 51st Shadow impacts the collective through highly unusual and often dangerous individuals. Anyone strongly influenced by the 51st Shadow is either in danger of falling into a deep state of depression or of becoming a liability in the world. Many of these people may have little or no respect for life, so they either lose all hope or they act out their sense of futility in some extreme way. These people are the agents of shock in the world, deepening the mass consciousness fear that nowhere and nothing is safe.

The fear that at any moment something terrible may happen is further compounded by the mass media through its constant coverage of just such events. It is remarkable to see how just a few individuals living out the extreme of this Shadow can exert such a huge influence over the rest of the world. As we have said, the 51st Shadow is a portal, and at the Shadow frequency this portal leads you to perceive the world only through the lens of your fear.


When refracted through an introverted nature, the 51st Shadow manifests as a kind of cowardice. These are people who steadily lose hope concerning life and, instead of lashing out like the reactive nature, slowly shut down and turn inward. These can be highly depressive people with little or no enthusiasm for anything in life. The cowardice here lies in the repression of a very powerful nature. These people simply allow fear to rule their life, even though they have the power within them to pull themselves out. The real fear is of facing the fear itself. Ironically, by facing the fear it is shown to be an illusion. However, such natures rarely find the individual courage to break the illusion, preferring instead to wallow in a repetitive cycle of self-pity. To break out of this cycle of depression these people have to wake up to the fact that only they can rescue themselves.


The extroverted version of this Shadow manifests as hostility. This hostility is the result of the dangerous pairing of a fearless rage and a deep sense of futility. These natures bring outer shock into the world, obviously in varying degrees. At an emotional level these people have no real sense of respect for human beings. They tend to be drawn to any sphere of society where competition is worshipped, from business to sports. They are generally loners with deep-seated emotional boundaries. They often throw themselves into highly dangerous or risky situations where they may even face death.

透過反動的性質,焦燥更深遠的意義潛藏於 當51 GeneKeys將自己投射至他人身上。因此這些人也會挑起他人的敵意。將模式打破的唯一方式,便是重新將焦燥的能量導向至創造性活動,以將其轉化成圓滿與成就。

With the reactive nature, the profound sense of agitation that underlies this 51st Gene Key projects itself onto others. Thus these people also provoke hostility in others, but without any real agenda. They simply do it because they cannot help themselves and do not care. The only way for such a pattern to be broken is for these people to channel their agitation into some creative project that will ultimately lead to a feeling of fulfillment.



鑑於 51 Shadow 是「通往地獄的入口」,而51 Gift 則通往了強大的個人力量。51 Gift 只有當人類競爭之魂(competitive spirit)被用在為創造性服務之上時才會參與進來。 當我們有勇氣順從內在的創造力之源,我們便開始步入51 Gift 「通往主動性的入口」。51的天賦是基因矩陣的關鍵點,因為它啓動了個體賦權的能力。

(譯註:個體賦權individual empowerment——知道自己是誰,越來越能夠覺察到自己是個獨立的個體,它包括了信心與力量的發展,實現目標成就自己。每個人都有自己的天賦與缺點,但是因為沒能夠覺察而變的不知不覺,最後低估了自己的價值。
Personal empowerment is about looking at who you are and becoming more aware of yourself as a unique individual. Personal empowerment involves developing the confidence and strength to set realistic goals and fulfill your potential. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses and a range of skills that are used in everyday situations, but all too often people remain unaware of, or undervalue, their true abilities. 
A person aiming for empowerment is able to take control of their life by making positive choices and setting goals. Developing self-awareness, an understanding of your strengths and weaknesses - knowing your own limitations is key to personal empowerment. Taking steps to set and achieve goals - both short and longer-term and developing new skills, acts to increase confidence which, in itself, is essential to self-empowerment.

Whereas the portal through the 51st Shadow leads to hell, the 51st Gift leads to a place of great personal empowerment and genius. The 51st Gift is engaged whenever the human competitive spirit is put into the service of creativity. Every time you have the courage to follow your own independent creative juices, you have stepped through the 51st portal of Initiative. This 51st Gift is a key place within the human genetic matrix because it contains the activation code for individual empowerment

發展內在的主動性的方式,是離開潰敗的軌道,尊循內我並能為自己的生命做的了主( follow the dictates of your own inner being)。當我們這麼做,當我們順從於內在的命運,我們便會走出自己的舒適圈,緃身一躍至一條無前例可尋的道路上。大多數人既尊敬又害怕步上這條路的人。這種集體性的作為,創造了一個安全網,而不是尊循玄秘的個體性之路持續的面對著不確性(but the way of the individual is mysterious and fraught with uncertainty)。如我們所見,這也是唯一的一條覺醒之路。

To follow your initiative is to step off the beaten track and to follow the dictates of your own inner being. There is no safety net when you follow your own destiny in this way — it is a giant leap onto a path that no one else has ever travelled. The mass consciousness is both in awe and afraid of those who follow this path in life. The collective way is the way of security, but the way of the individual is mysterious and fraught with uncertainty. As we shall see, it is also the only path to true awakening. It is not possible for a human being to awaken without first stepping fully into their creative independence.

步入51 Gift 的人會刻意的離開了先人的道路。他們會蓋上書本,進行個體化及內在真相的探索,而不是採納別人的觀點。這是一條玄秘的道路——一條通常被視為通往苦難(Underworld)的路,那裡有各種挑戰與測驗。但它也是一條回家的路(註:把心帶回家)—— 這是一條以心印心的路(註:意思是只能由心去了解) 。如同38 39 Gift 的原型為戰士, 51 Gift 的原型也是戰士。然而 51 的戰士有別於38 39,他與對抗集體的恐懼無關,也與榮耀無關。這是一場與內在恐懼的奮戰,它無關於人生的困境與奮斗(Struggle)—— 它所牽涉的是緃身一躍的勇氣。它將我們躍入更高的自我(higher self),它是從一個階段的醒悟到另一個階段所遭受的打擊(Shock)(註:原文用Shock是因為51是震卦,震=Shock,有震驚打擊的意思,而引申為「從一個階段踨身一躍至另一個階段」的那個關鍵一躍,很像是遭逄打擊後的蛻變)

Those who do step through this portal into the 51st Gift are deliberately turning their backs on all who have come before them. They are closing the book on all previous teachings and wisdom and are going out to discover what their own individual truth is, rather than anyone else’s. This is a mythic path — a path often seen as a journey into the underworld in which the traveller will confront many challenges and tests. It is also a path that eventually arrives home — it is a path of heart leading into the heart. Just as the 38th and 39th Gifts are archetypes of the warrior, so too is the 51st Gift. However, this is a different kind of warrior. This has nothing to do with fighting collective fears and it has little to do with Honour. This is the battle with your own fears, and unlike these other two Gene Keys, this battle does not involve a struggle — it involves a leap. The leap into the 51st Gift is the leap into the higher self. It is the shock of awakening from one level of being into another.

51 Gift 是表達人類競爭之魂(competitive spirit)的最高展現。在這一個層次上,你不再與他人競爭。即便在任何競爭的場域裡,不再把別人壓下只為了提昇自己的高度,你只是將自己做為一面鏡子,介由反射他人與自己的不同來知道自己的優劣。

The 51st Gift is the highest expression of the human competitive spirit. At this level you no longer compete with others but with yourself. Even in the field of competition — whether that be political, financial or recreational — you use others as mirrors to reflect your own level of excellence rather than pushing them down so that you might rise higher. In sports, for example, the 51st Gift will find its own innate genius and strength by realising its difference from others. This 51st Gift is about harnessing your difference from others rather than trying to beat someone else at their own game.

To take your own initiative is to disregard everything you have ever learned or heard。而這正是內在天才之路(There is no other way than this towards true genius.),這是由恐懼所舖出來的一條路,你無法繞道而行。無論我們最深的恐懼是什麼,都會在 51 Gift 相遇。
When you are truly being yourself, you unlock the magical force of genius that belongs to you and no other. To take your own initiative is to disregard everything you have ever learned or heard. There is no other way than this towards true genius. This is a path through fear, and the fear cannot be sidestepped. The specific context in which the fear arises is the perfect and deepest fear for that person. Whatever your deepest fear is, you will meet it here in the 51st Gift, and you will transcend it.

51 GeneKey 是基因密碼環中(Codon Ring)的人性之環(Ring of Humanity)。創造性的啓蒙是人類的精神性之路(path of every human spirit)。我們每個人都會在人生的某個時刻,離群改變方向以進入內在尚未被探索的地區(head off into the uncharted wilderness of our heart),這是人類的命定之路與究竟之路。主動性所産生的活力與勇氣,攪動了量子態的強力反應。當你越是相信自己,並依循內在而行動,整個世界都會變成你的資源。為了克服無價值感跨越競爭性,便是去擁抱更高的次元(embrace the magic of higher dimennsions)。走上啓蒙之路,尊循自己的人,因為全世界會成為你的資源,所以好運自然會來到 ,從這層意義來說,當我們遵循自己的內心時,51 Genekey 會以好運的方式報答我們的堅毅,我們會為自己的好運感到震驚(Shock you with good fortune,全世界成為你的資源,有的時候一提到什麼事,資源馬上就出現)。

The 51st Gene Key is a key component in the genetic family known as the Ring of Humanity. Creative initiative is the path of every human spirit. Every one of us must at some point in life leave the crowd and head off into the uncharted wilderness of our heart. This is the true path and destiny of humanity. The vitality and courage in initiative stirs powerful responses from the quantum field. Thus the more you believe in yourself and act from this belief, the more life supports you. To overcome your own sense of unworthiness and step beyond competition is to embrace the magic of higher dimensions. Those who take the initiative engage the forces of good fortune and synchronicity. In this sense the 51st Gene Key will always reward your perseverance when you trust in your own heart. It will shock you with good fortune!

如同51 Shadow 創造了低頻震動,以負面的方式驚恐我們,51 Gift則以帶來好運及資源的方式震驚我們。這些人以基於恐懼的方式(fear-based modality)為集體意識帶來覺醒。當有人迷失了,擁有51Gift的人會為這些人帶來生命中的挑戰以步上自己的生命之路(tread their own path)。擁有51 Gift 的人並非Leader,他們是啓蒙者。他們為人性的新進程帶來催化反應,或者因為他活所活出的獨特性與勇氣啓發了其他的人。

People with the Gift of initiative are the first to do things in the world. Even though they may have followed others in their past, when it comes to the leap, they will always follow their own path. In this way, individuals throughout history stand upon each other’s shoulders and keep the human spirit evolving. Just as the 51st Shadow creates agents of low frequency shock in the world, so the 51st Gift creates agents of positive shock in the world. These people come to awaken the collective consciousness out of its fear-based modality. Wherever individuals are lost, the people of the 51st Gift will challenge them to tread their own path. It is important to understand that people of the 51st Gift are not leaders — they are initiators. They come to catalyse new processes among humanity, or they live lives that are so unique and courageous that others are inspired to do likewise.

The 51st Gift has a particularly important role to play in the world of commerce by providing the competitive drive within organisations. In large groups or organisations the 64 Gene Keys each take on different genetic roles. The 51st Gift operates through the entire culture of the business rather than at the level of individual achievement. The more individuals there are with this genetic activation, the more competitive the spirit of the company will be. Most people are confined to living out of its Shadow frequency, which is more likely to make the company over-competitive and create a sense of collective agitation felt by all the employees and especially the management teams. However, as we can learn from the 64 Gene Keys, the secret is not really about quantity but quality. Thus a single person manifesting the 51st Gift can turn around an entire organisation through the collective morphogenetic field of that company. The presence of such a person in a pivotal position can propel the organisation into a totally new level of functioning in which individuals are empowered rather than kept down and controlled.






