2017年8月19日 星期六


Hands Off Your Experience True Nature Says, “Hands Off!”

我們的大腦總是想方設法讓我們變的更複雜,但是自性的教導卻十分簡單,它的精要就是hands off 請勿拍打餵食,什麼都別做,完全停止一切想操縱自己的作為,停止干預你的內在經驗。

Our minds usually want to make things complicated, but the basic instruction of True Nature is quite simple. It says: "Hands Off!" That is the primary teaching. Don't do anything. Completely cease anything you are trying to do to yourself. Hands off your own experience.

人們理所當然的會懷疑臣服到底是什麼意思,因為hands off聽起來很被動,如此任由事態發展卻又不采取任何行動.但是自性所教導我們的並非不采取任何行動,而是停止干預內在升起的一切經驗,這不是說當你餓時不該吃,也不是在暗示當有人攻擊我們時也不該回擊.

People naturally wonder what that means, because "hands off" sounds like passivity, that we should just let everything happen to us and not take any action in the world. But True Nature doesn't mean hands off the activities of your life; it means hands off your experience. However, you experience yourself, whatever arises in your awareness—that is to be left alone. That is not to say that when you are hungry, you shouldn't eat. And it isn't to suggest that if somebody is attacking you, you shouldn't defend yourself.

舉個簡單的例子.比如你咬了一口桃子,然後發現桃子是壞的.hands off的意思是,我咬了桃子一口,體驗壞桃子的滋味,所以我把桃子放下來,但是我並沒有抗拒體驗壞桃子的味道.許多人誤解hands off的意思,認為應該繼續吃桃子,但是這不是它真正的意思.當壞桃子的味道已在內在經驗升起時,如果我試著趨散這份感覺,我就是在分裂我自已,我便是在抗拒內在的經驗.所以當我們說hands off 其實是在說停止干預內在升起的一切經驗.

I’ll give you a simple example. Let’s say that you take a bite of peach and discover that it is rotten. What is the teaching? Hands Off! Hands off means that I take a bite, I experience the rotten taste, so I put the peach down, but I don’t put away my experience of the rotten taste. Many people misunderstand hands off, thinking it means that they should continue eating the peach. But that’s not what it means. The rotten taste is already in my mouth. I already have it as an inner sensation that is arising in my experience. If I try to put that sensation away, I am dividing myself; I am saying no to something in my experience. So when we say, “hands off,” we mean hands off whatever arises in our inner experience.

當我們吃到好吃的東西,我們會緊緊抓著不放。這時hands off的意思是,我享受食物的味道但不試圖加強或延長這份經驗。而不是籍由戒除的方式來達到斷除依附。它的訣竅在於如實的體驗,享受它的味道卻不試圖延長、改變、或排拒它!

Hands off also applies when the peach tastes wonderful. When we taste how good it is, we sometimes want to hold on to that experience. Then hands off means I eat the peach, and I enjoy it without trying to intensify the experience or make it last longer. It does not mean that you make yourself stop eating peach so you can practice nonattachment. The trick to hands off is that you enjoy the delicious peach as it is—without trying to hold on to it, without putting away your feelings, and without having to put away the peach.


In the case of the rotten peach, you taste it and you put it away; with the delicious peach you taste it and continue eating it—but in both instances, you mind is not doing anything to manipulate your inner experience.


That is what True Nature teaches us. It doesn’t do anything to itself. It just is. So what we need to learn is how to be just like that. That is what the practice is. True Nature doesn’t say, “Do this or do that,” Rather, it tells us not to do things that interfere:” No pushing, don’t manipulate, that’s not it.” Whenever we want to do something to ourselves, it tells us, “No, hands off—leave your experience alone.”


So to practice is to learn how to leave yourself alone. Imagine you are with a person or a group of people that is always telling you what to do: “Do this… this is no good… you should change that… no, no, this is terrible; do it the other way.” How would you feel? You would want to be free of them, right? We naturally dislike coercion when it comes to our inner experience. Even if you don’t have people like that in your life, the problem is that those people are always inside of you. Their voices keep trying to push you in one direction or another.


And if we have been doing inner practice, one of the more prominent voices is always trying to make us better, more spiritual. We are trying to make ourselves enlightened. We are trying to squeeze ourselves into some kind of state. We are trying to corral ourselves into a particular condition. So, let’s say you sit down to meditate one morning. If you are sitting because you want to do something to yourself to get someplace, then you are interfering. If you just sit—that’s all—without doing anything, you are practicing.

From "Hands Off Your Experience," a chapter of "The Unfolding Now," segment titled "True Nature Says Hands Off," ch. 2, pp. 21-23

