The stance of the ego-self that doesn’t know its nature is to fight some experience and hold on to others. The ego-self has preferences for what should happen and shouldn’t happen. According to its ideal of what we believe is enlightened or not, and what we think is pleasurable or painful. We have all kinds of value and judgement standards about what’s good or what’s bad, what is scary and what is not. Some of this is conscious, some of it is unconscious, and much of it divide us within. This division creates a kind of war, like a resistance movement within us, whereas our True Nature is inherently invisible and undivided.
When you are resisting, you are basically resisting yourself. It is a kind of self-resistance. Instead of being yourself, you are resisting being yourself. That is what it means to resist our True Nature. The ego experience, which is by its nature not simply being ourselves, implies resistance to being.
The nature of ego itself is an ongoing resistance to what is. Even just manifesting as ego implies that we are resisting our nature, because if we didn’t resist our nature we would instantly be our nature. So, the fact that we are not experiencing ourselves as our True Nature, the fact that we are not this spacious presence, implies resistance
It might be that allowing ourselves to feel our True Nature would threaten us too much by bring all kinds of vulnerabilities, fears, or securities into the open. In fact, truly being is a kind of death. I talk about things such as resistance and how to be allowing, but to really be without resistance means ego death, ultimately.
From "Make Space for Everything," a chapter of "The Unfolding Now," segment titled “The Nature of Resistance,” ch. 3, p. 36