GIFT HUMANITY 天賦——人道(成為真正的人)
GIFT HUMANITY 天賦——人道(成為真正的人)
CODON RING: THE RING OF DIVINITY (22, 36, 37, 63) 基因密碼環——神性之環
THE 36 THSHADOW – TURBULENCE 陰暗面 —— 情緒上的混亂
THE DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL 靈魂的黑夜64個genekeys的陰暗層,為人類的苦難提供了成長的助力。每個陰暗層提供人類神秘的挑戰,以安度難關。36關乎於我們都必需面對的情緒問題。當這股陰暗面的震動傳遍了整個世界,36的陰暗層會以集體的方式,展現其導致情緒混亂的特質。每個人都知道災難隨時會發生,正因為不確定性存在,混亂也會存在。我們透過大眾媒體大量還宣傳這種混亂的特性,不斷的報導負面新聞,使的人類在無意識下便處在這種混亂與緊張中。
The 64 Gene Key Shadows provide the grist for the mill of all human suffering. Each shadow provides a mythic challenge for humanity to move through which, at the individual level, is fought within the physical battlefield of the body. The 36 thShadow is an emotional battle that must be fought by every individual at certain points during his or her life. As a vibration felt across the length and breadth of our planet, this Shadow manifests as a collective emotional turbulence. This turbulence exists because uncertainty exists and every human being knows that disaster could strike at any moment. There is a great deal of heavy propaganda for this 36 thShadow, particularly through the modern mass media. The continual barrage of negative news via television and the media ensures that most human beings are programmed with an unconscious background field of nervousness and turbulence.
64卦在中國的歷史上主要用於占卜,用以預測週期循環。古代聖哲注意到,當某個特定的卦象出現,便預示了某段時間的重大危機。而36卦(地火明夷卦)是其中一個不祥的卦門(譯註:地火明夷卦:明夷的意思是:光明隕落,光明消失,火在地下,光明隱藏於地中。比喻有聰明才智的人,受到壓抑,無法出頭,合併情緒中心解釋:「情緒混亂的真相(光明)無法被感知,而最大的混亂之一來自情慾」 )
At a certain point in history, the 64 patterns or hexagrams of the Chinese I Ching were adapted for the purposes of divination and for predicting cycles within time. It is the modern use of the I Ching as an oracle that is so popular today. The ancient sages noticed that when certain hexagrams were drawn, they indicated periods of intense crisis or danger. The 36 thhexagram was one such hexagram, and thus it was given the ominous name The Darkening of the Light. There is much truth within this name, although when understood at its most profound level, the 36 thShadow contains an enormous wealth of consciousness.
以推測而言,36Genekey代表了刺激人類的化學物質,使人們願意跨出經驗的疆界,探索未知(to break through boundaries of experience.)。 在集體的層面上,這對於人類的生存至關重要,能讓我們學習什麼是危險什麼不是。 以這層意義來說,「生命的演化」能夠被放在更大的脈落裡來加以詮釋。 生命的意識利用人類之眼作為經驗的接收器,以探查意識本身的限制,並要求我們不顧自身的恐懼,踨身躍入其中。 因為36的陰暗層,沒有人能夠免於情緒上的混亂。這種混亂深植於我們過去的迷思。現代肥皂劇的現像說明了集體對於情緒混亂的一種認可,這種情緒混亂是每個人都必需去經歷的。對於提升頻率其中一個決定性的因素便是,我們如何在情緒上處理生命中的挑戰。
Extrapolated to our genetics, the 36 thGene Key represents a part of our chemistry that goads human beings to break through boundaries of experience. At a collective level this is a vital aspect of human survival — to learn what is dangerous and what is not. Evolution in this sense can be viewed in a much wider context. It uses us humans as experiential eyes to probe the outer limits of consciousness itself and demands that we look into the darkness, put our fears aside and plunge in regardless. Because of this Shadow, there can be no human life free of emotional turbulence. It is deeply engrained in our myths. The modern phenomenon of the television soap opera is a prime example of our collective recognition of the emotional turmoil all humans have to go through over the course of their lives. One of the greatest determinants of our frequency is how we deal with emotionally challenging situations.
人際關係是36Shadow展現破環性力量最大的地方。記住,36的錯卦所伴隨而來的是 6天水訟卦,天水訟的陰暗層是「衝突」,它會破壞我們與他人間的溝通。人類最大的渴望之一就是擁有愛的關係。 這是我們從小的渴望,這段旅程始於36的陰暗層。它的挑戰,始於性與性所扮隨而來的罪惡,如同許多神話裡所提及的。
Nowhere does the 36 thShadow wreak more destruction than in the field of human relationships. Keep in mind that the programming partner of this Gene Key is the 6 thGene Key whose Shadow is Conflict — the breakdown of communication between individuals or groups. One of the deepest human yearnings is for a perfect loving relationship. It is a yearning that has been with us since the beginning of time, and the journey towards this ultimate dream of ours begins here in the 36 th Shadow. The journey begins, as do so many of our myths, with the challenges of our sexuality and with the guilt that follows it.
在較低的頻率中,當情慾的渴望昇起時,36陰暗層展現的最為強烈 。性慾只是演化上低頻的表達,它催逼我們跨出另一個經驗的疆界(譯註:跨入另一個人的世界,跨入另一種全新的經驗)。情慾在身體的感受上是一種混亂的化學反應。當它展現自己時,會以各種方式為我們的生命創造出情緒上的干擾。 當我們不以道德的觀點來看時,情慾只是純能量。無論我們對它産生抗拒或是反動,它做的便是在經驗層面上使我們的生活更有趣。 這正是36陰暗層的目的 —— 它創造了一個有趣的劇情線,把我們的生命向前推進。 然而在較低頻的層次上,人們可能會經歷一次又一次的苦難,直到進化發生。
At a low level of frequency the 36 thShadow manifests most strongly through our sexuality where it becomes sexual lust. Sexual lust is simply a low frequency expression of the evolutionary urge to break through another boundary of experience. Lust itself is an incredible chemical turbulence felt within the body. When it presents itself, it can create all manner of emotional disturbance in your life. Seen without a moral connotation, lust is a very pure energy. Whether you try to resist it or yield to it, one thing it does is make your life more interesting in terms of your experience! This is exactly the purpose of the 36 thShadow — to create an interesting storyline to your life thereby pushing you forward. However, at the lower levels of this shadow frequency, human beings can go through suffering after suffering until they finally begin to evolve.
情慾本身並非負面的能量,只是在道德的框架下汙損了。 遲早人們必需提昇自己的頻率免於陰暗層所害。 當它發生時,情慾不再是問題。 他們能夠以誠實透明的方式,坦誠的溝通,以免除罪惡感。 我們身上沒有何一種感受是錯的或是不好的。人類身上所感受到的化學反應本身無罪。 只是當我們出於恐懼或憤怒壓抑這股感受,或者過度反動,會為我們及身邊的人帶來巨大的混亂。
The problem at all low levels of frequency is that the patterns perpetuate themselves. With the 36 th Shadow lust can be suppressed, causing illness, or it can be expressed, causing guilt and/or deception. Lust in itself is not a negative energy, but is dirtied through entanglement in human morality. Sooner or later, all human beings must raise their frequency in order to escape being victims of these Shadows. When this happens, problems such as sexual lust cease to be problems. They are dealt with cleanly and honestly, with openhearted communication and freedom from guilt. No feeling in us is ever wrong or bad. Every human being is innocent of their own chemistry and the way it makes them feel. Difficulties emerge when we react or repress our feelings out of fear or anger, creating enormous turbulence within our own lives and those closest to us.
在神祕主義中,36陰暗層被稱作「靈魂的黑夜」(Dark night of the Soul)(譯註:Dark night of the Soul 源自西班牙修道士寫的詩,說明了露魂找到內在平靜並與神性合一時,所要經歷的旅程),它是人類共通的原型,把我們帶到未知面前,也將未知拉近我們。這個陰暗層提供了我們超越苦難的機會。它會像磁鐵一般將人生中的危機帶到我們面前。如果我們無法中斷受害者模式,而持續的抗拒我們的自性,重複的課題會不斷的出現,直到我們學會為止。
Among mystics, the 36 thShadow has long been known as the Dark night of the Soul. It is an archetype within human beings that pulls us towards the unknown, and that draws the unknown towards us. In so doing, this Shadow tests your levels of frequency and offers you the opportunity to transcend your own suffering. It tends to draw crisis towards itself like a magnet. If you do not break out of your own victim patterns but continue to resist your true nature, you will keep being shown the same lessons again and again until you learn from them.
這些苦難之所以存在,可以由 36th 基因密碼環中的「神性之環」來解釋。 神性之環(22, 36, 37, 63)中的genekeys能夠喚醒內在的最高意識。透過22的慈悲,這四個原型能夠將生命的挑戰帶到我們面前。
The potential suffering that exists on account of this Gene Key is part of a genetic family known as the Ring of Divinity. This is a quite beautiful revelation. Each of the four Gene Keys within this codon group has the capacity to awaken the highest consciousness inside you. Being allied to the Grace of the 22 ndGene Key, these four archetypes bring intense emotional experiences and challenges to your life.
他們也會趨向於令你躍入自我懷疑的黑暗中。 然而「神性之環」的主題是救贖。當你安住於苦難之中(As you allow yourself to be purged by the power of your own suffering),我們會了悟到高層意識中全然的幸福,也將會了解到自己是有多麼幸運。 我們會看到,「神性之環」在許多方面與基督意識有深層的連結。如果你感到有強烈的連結,或者它是基因全像側寫檔裡(hologenetic profile 可去官網下載)的關鍵部份,那麼你是個幸運兒,它終將帶領你進入這層了悟。
They also tend to plunge you into a deep dark night in which you are riddled with self-doubt (the 63 rdShadow). Ultimately however, the theme of this codon group is redemption. As you allow yourself to be purged by the power of your own suffering, you will realise the utter bliss of the higher states and will recognise your own huge good fortune. As we shall see, this codon group in many respects is deeply connected to the true meaning of the Christ consciousness. If you feel a strong connection to it, or have it as a key aspect of your hologenetic profile, you are indeed a fortunate human being and your journey will inevitably lead you to this realisation.
當我們抗拒情緒上的混亂,會變的緊張不安,並透過身體及氣場漣渏出去。他的本質出於害怕改變,不惜一切代價企圖維持外在的平靜。然而我們所付出的代價是,混亂開始內化,並受困於我們的神經系統。這些人無法放鬆,並將緊張的情緒波送向他人及環境,破壞了他們試圖想要維持的穩定。這些人出於害怕改變,傾向於壓抑性慾,不容易接近也不容易被了解。即便如此,這股原始的性趨力無法永遠的被壓抑(問),通常最後會造成精神崩潰,或癌這一類的。((問) 譯者本人的問題,可以跳過: 這一句真的不太懂XD,希望懂的人可以跟我說明一下,因為多半性能量都可以被轉移,追劇或高度專注在自己想做的事上都算,或者不珍惜能量想把能量放掉也沒人會管,要一直自慰也是自己的事,怎麼會被壓抑呢?如果是因為性而昇起的情緒被壓抑掉,這個可以理解,但是性本身被壓抑這個完全沒頭緒,還是因為我不接受佛洛依德的Eros所以問這個問題?)
When emotional turbulence is resisted, it becomes nervousness that ripples through one’s entire body and aura. These are natures that are terrified of change and that attempt to maintain outer calm at all costs. The cost is that the turbulence becomes internalised and gets trapped in the nervous system. Such people are unable to relax and send nervous waves into their immediate environment as well as into others, destabilising the very things that they are trying to keep stable. These are also people who tend to repress their sexuality out of their deep-seated fear of change. They can be very hard to approach or get to know. Nevertheless, the terrific primal force of our sexuality cannot be indefinitely repressed, and the usual result is a nervous breakdown or cancerous disease of some kind.
REACTIVE NATURE – CRISIS PRONE 反動態 —— 危機傾向(易於發生危機)
當情緒的混亂沒有被清楚誠實的表達,它會一再引發破懷性的性緒困境。 這些人的生活就像肥皂劇一樣,重複戲碼一再上演。反動性的本質比較有可能為了掩蓋性事而産生愧疚。然而如同壓抑的本質,當我們不接納內在升起的經驗,便會一直繚繞在心頭散之不去,因此生命會在無法預料的面向上,吸引情緒危機。這些人無法了解到,他們因為無法清楚誠實的表達情緒與情慾,以致於在無關的生命領域中,創造出進一步的混亂。When emotional turbulence is expressed without clarity or honesty, it results in repetitive destructive emotional situations. These are people whose lives run like the soap operas. The reactive nature is more likely to have sexual affairs and then conceal them through guilt. However, as with the repressive nature, non-acceptance of your true nature always comes back to haunt you, and thus life will always tend to draw an emotional crisis into such a person’s life from a different and usually unexpected direction. These people do not realise that their inability to deal with their emotions and sexuality cleanly and honestly creates further turmoil in other seemingly unrelated areas of their life.
THE 36th GIFT – HUMANITY 人道(成為真正的人)
THE SPIRIT DESCENDING當我們能夠真誠的擁抱性與情緒的混亂時,天賦由此而生——我們終於畢業成為一個真正的人了。 36天賦是人性光輝的天賦, 這是人類受苦的理由。因為苦難把我們連結起來。它打開了我們的視野使我們不在聚焦於自己身上,它迫使我們演化令我們不再自私。成為一個完全整合的人,意味著我們開始轉化自身的苦,並將心門打開迎接生命的每一個面向。擁有36天賦的人,因為深刻了解人類的情緒,因此了解所有的人。當36天賦「人道」開始成熟時,其伴隨而來的錯卦 6th 天賦「外交手腕」也會開始成熟起來。當我們不再認為自己是命運的受害者時,便能開始與他人清楚的交流。
When your struggles with sexuality and emotional turbulence are finally embraced openly and honestly, a remarkable Gift is born — you finally graduate as a human being! The 36th Gift is the Gift of Humanity, and this is what human suffering is really all about. It is our suffering that connects us all together. It opens up your eyes beyond your self-obsessions and forces you to evolve beyond your selfishness. To be a fully integrated human being means to begin to transform your own suffering and open your heart to life. A person with the Gift of Humanity is a person who truly understands human emotions and who consequently understands all people. You can see here how the programming partner of this gift, the 6 thGift of Diplomacy, matures simultaneously as this 36 thGift matures. The moment you let go of the notion that you are somehow a victim of the fates, you begin to finally communicate cleanly with others.
人道天賦是一個只能從生活中磨出來的天賦(The Gift of Humanity is truly a Gift that can only be earned),他們己經整合了自己的陰暗面,並戰勝了情慾與情緒混亂的搏斗。這些人正處於接受人生苦難的過程中 (todo)
The Gift of Humanity is truly a Gift that can only be earned. These are people who have looked deeply into their own Shadows and who have grappled with the challenges of their sexuality and their emotions. These are people who are in the process of accepting their own suffering and thus experience it at a different level of frequency. Only at the highest levels is our suffering instantaneously transformed into rapture. At the Gift level however, suffering is still suffering, but it brings human beings together rather than pushing them apart. This Gift is about humaneness — it is about working from your heart. When you begin to live from your heart, you suddenly have an antidote to fear.
36天賦與陰暗面被同一股渴望所趨使——它是一股演化的趨力,使我們為了學習而擴展新經驗。 36天賦能夠成熟有手腕的,調節人生中的挑戰與情緒上的混亂,並能將他人與自己考慮進去。當苦難來時其他人會被吸引而來,因為他們的氣場與人們的苦難産生共振。他們不再為情緒所苦,而能在受苦時也能打開心門,這使他們在情緒上能夠處理所有的創傷經驗。
The 36th Gift is driven by the same urge as the 36th Shadow — the evolutionary impulse to experience new feelings and new situations in order to learn from them. Here, with an open heart, the 36 thGift can negotiate challenging and potentially turbulent emotional situations with maturity and diplomacy, taking one's own and others' feelings into consideration. People with the 3th Gift are thus the kind of people that others turn to when in distress, since their aura resonates strongly with the common human theme of suffering. At this level these people are no longer overwhelmed by emotions as they tend to be at the Shadow level, but have opened and expanded themselves to life through harsh experience. This makes them emotionally capable of handling all manner of traumatic experiences.
PS: 有寫todo的部份大多是精力不夠所以沒翻完,不然就是太玄秘或虛無飄渺,覺得翻了也沒什麼用
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