2017年8月19日 星期六


The oneness of our experience



Whatever impression, image, thought, sensation, feeling, or form of experience we become aware of always emerge from our consciousness, it is in the field of our awareness. It is not that our awareness is aware of something other than itself. Whatever we experience is always part of the field of our awareness manifesting as a particular form. Our awareness simply recognizes this change or this arising within it. 


If we consider our experience as it manifests in the form of feelings, emotions, thoughts, images, impulses, desires, and so on, we see that these always arise within us as part of us. You could describe them as waves in a field of the same substance or as wave modulations in the same kind of medium. Each wave arises with a certain flavour, texture, colour,  and quality that makes us experience it as one thing or another. 


But it is not as though our consciousness were a vacuity, and some object pops out from it. It is not that we are separate, looking at that object as if it were something different from us.Whatever arises is always inseparable from us. 


We might not be aware of this if we don’t yet know our True Nature. But the moment we know our True Nature, we recognize that everything arises within True Nature. Everything arises within this field, this presence, and is no separate from it. So we realize that if we fight anything off that is in our experience, we are dividing ourselves.

From "Make Space for Everything ," a chapter of "The Unfolding Now," segment titled “The Oneness of Our Experience,” ch. 3, p. 34


Interference in our experience always implies a division: we separate ourselves into parts though meddling. So, maybe there is me interfering with my fear. Or me interfering with my love. Now this division is recognized, or reveals itself, most clearly when we meddle with an experience, or some aspect of an experience, that we would not rather have or don’t feel good about experiencing.


Maybe it’s something that’s scary or painful, or it’s something that we think is shameful. Perhaps it’s something that we feel is too much—too delicate, too sweet, too strong, too powerful—anything that threatens or contradicts what we take ourselves to be. When we are not informed by our True Nature, then whatever it is that we find threatening or objectionable, we tend to oppose or reject. We want to fight it off, push it away, or push against it. We don’t want to feel it or we don’t want to feel it fully. This tendency to fight with ourselves and the elements of our experience is what we usually call resistance.


Sometimes we don’t even want to be aware of what’s bothering us, we don’t want to know it is there. In this situation, it doesn't matter whether it’s positive, negative, painful, pleasurable, expanded or contracted emerging in our consciousness. If we are not familiar with it or are scared of it or feel bad about it, we don’t want to be aware of it. So we end up opposing something even not manifested yet. We resist it.


We dull our awareness and thicken it in a manner that opposes or pushes away whatever element is arising in our experience that we prefer not to have. And when we do that, it becomes very difficult just to be present. How are we going to be there, how are we going to be ourselves, if we are fighting something in our experience.

摘自 The Unfolding Now 

