GIFT AUTHORITY 天賦面——影響力(譯註:字面上是授權的權力)
A Noble Life 崇高的生命
PROGRAMMING PARTNER: 48TH GENE KEY - 錯卦 48 水風井卦PHYSIOLOGY: LUNGS 生理: 肺(譯註:中醫心肺是一體的,後文可以看到21跟心臟有關)
CODON RING: THE RING OF HUMANITY (10, 17, 21, 25, 38, 51) 基因密碼環 - 人性之環
THE DEMISE OF HIERARCHY 階層式統治的消亡造成人權的侵犯與糾結,並折磨著人類的主要問題之一,便是支配及控制慾。所有的支配問題均根植於「疆域」性的問題。我們將會看到有許多種理解疆域途徑。第一個疆域便是我們自己,我們的身體,情緒及心智界,這些界定出我們的存有及靈光圈(aura) , 如果我們將這個主題延伸出去,我們可能會看到「關係」與「家庭」也是我們疆域的一部份,而家與土地很明顯的也是家庭疆域進一步的沿伸。再沿伸出去則是組成國家的社群與種族。再沿伸出去則是地球,它是所有人類的疆域。這種巨大的疆域創造出一種潛在性,使得許多人類的衝突均根植於控制。
One of the major issues to plague human beings and the cause of enormous conflict and violation of basic human rights is the issue of control. All control is rooted entirely in a single theme — territory. As we shall see, there are various different ways in which we can understand territory. The first territory is yourself — the physical, emotional and intellectual confines of your own being and the boundary of your aura. If we extend that theme you might view your relationships and families as another form of territory. In turn, your home and land is obviously a further extension of your family territory. Then there is your entire community or race, the outer territory of which is made up of your nation. Finally there is the earth itself, which forms the current territory of all human beings. This constitutes a great deal of territory, which taken together creates the potential for a lot of human conflict rooted in control.
Another way of looking at territory is to view your life as territory and the events of your life as the aspects within that territory that you wish to control. The 21st Shadow certainly views life like this, and it does so at a deep genetic and unconscious level. Because humanity still operates collectively at the Shadow frequency, we are used to dividing life up into millions of individual territories and trying to control them. When you consider that we are really a single unified organism this seems rather a ridiculous way to behave, but it is nonetheless how the world works. At the Shadow frequency everyone is a victim — the controllers are victims of their need to remain in control, and the controlled are the victims of the controllers.
在21陰暗層的運作下,我們會發現,有些人不是太脆弱以致於無法掌控,就是有深度的控制慾以掌控身邊的大小事。 在過去,支配關乎於食物與資源,而食物則是靠國土的防衛才得以維持。 然而,現代戰爭己經有所改變,戰場己變成了金錢,而21的陰暗層變得與金錢與權力習習相關。 在陰暗層下會令我們認為有錢就是權力,然而當它運作於天賦層,我們將會看見,真正的權力與金錢無關。支配根植於恐懼與緊縮,它為我們的環境創造了各種區隔與張力。更重要的是,它創造了階層式統治(管理),因為有支配者就有被支配者。這種關係在扭曲的狀態下能夠運作的很好。它是階級制度的基楚,在理想的狀況下,上位者有餵食下位者的責任。
Wherever you find the 21st Shadow, you will find someone either too weak to control anything at all, or someone with a deep-seated need to control everything in their environment. In the past, control was about resources and food, and food depended on maintaining and defending your territory. In the modern world however, the battlefield has changed even though the genetic dynamic has not. Today the battleground is money, and this 21st Shadow has much to do with power and money. At the Shadow frequency, if you have money it appears that you also have power. However, at the Gift level and beyond we shall see that true power has nothing to do with money. Control is based on tightness and fear. It creates tension and boundaries throughout all our environments. Even more crucially it creates the notion of hierarchy, because there are those who control and those who are controlled. In a contorted kind of way, this relationship between the controllers and the controlled can actually work quite well. It is the foundation of the idea of classes and castes, and in its ideal form it became the responsibility of the upper classes to feed and protect the lower classes.
我們過去的歷史均運作在這種制度下。它是世襲血統的基楚,直到不久前世襲皇權才逐漸的失去其支配權。而這種階層統治的消解所造成的其中一種現像,便是中産階級興起。然而中産階級並沒有為過去的階層統治創造出差異。它産生了許多問題。 許多家庭變的比以往來的不那麼緊密,在情緒上彼此是截斷的,每個家庭均只為自己。支配慾就這樣轉換了地方,在資本主義的運作下運作良好,而支配所帶來的問題則變為父權社會的問題。
This has been the way most societies on our planet have functioned for millennia and the greater part of the world still operates in this old way. It is the basis of our notion of royalty and ancestral lineages in families. It is only fairly recently that these archaic systems have really been questioned and are gradually losing their control and power. One of the manifestations of this decline of hierarchical control has been the rise of the middle class in the western world. However, the new rise of the middle classes does not offer a great deal more than the old system. It creates just as many problems. Families are now more cut off from each other than ever, and we have a world of every family for itself. The urge to control has simply shifted venues. Control now operates most powerfully through capitalism.
The issue of control is the issue of patriarchy. Patriarchal forms of government are the bedrock of our society, from politics to education to business. Most of those who are in control are only interested in power and money, and those who are not interested in power or money are generally too submissive to take any action. Apart from a few valiant individuals with true vision, the positions of true power on our planet are filled by those following personal agendas. The 21st Shadow makes it seem as though you simply cannot defeat the patriarchal system, so most people’s true visions for a better world are choked before they are given a chance. However, the first ripples of a new frequency are emerging in the world. As those with the 21st Gift find positions of power the balance will begin to shift, because the higher frequencies of this Gene Key are not interested in power or money or control, despite having a Gift for all three. They are really interested in serving community. Even more than this, they have the courage to enact their visions, and that will make all the difference.
There are many misunderstandings about the issue of control and power. There will always be people who are naturally gifted leaders, but at the higher frequencies they see leadership as service, which means that those who serve with them or under them are never really under them — rather they are working alongside them. The problem with the old system is not the model but the frequency of the people in the model. The moment a system has everyone in exactly the right place, it no longer is patriarchal or matriarchal. It actually becomes synarchical. Synarchy is a model in which all people are equal but some still have more authority than others. This authority however is based upon frequency rather than fear. The reason that synarchy succeeds where hierarchy cannot is that every person in a synarchy is fulfilled by their role, regardless of how much or how little responsibility it carries. For a fuller description of such a model you can read the 44th Gene Key.
世界疆域的分裂最終根植於不信任生命。這是一種疾病, 並以金權與疆域的支配加以顯化。 而21所伴隨而來的「錯卦」48 Shadow of Inadequacy(不足) ,支撐了害怕失控的恐懼。我們只是還不知道,我們所有人均屬於同一個整體。當重要的時刻到來(譯註:合一境),我們會發現,我們的自性與全人類共屬同一個整體,於是控制慾開始寂滅。最終,掌握權力的人將是那些不再需要掌控生命的人。這些人是我們未來的領導者,而那些持續支配著自己與他人的人,最終發現,我們只是不斷的與內在的自己進行對抗(that we are fighting only ourselves. 這裡感覺有二個意思,一個是內在分裂的對抗,一個是自他本來是一體的)。
The ultimate root of territorial divisions across our planet is distrust in life itself. This is the real human disease. Territory and control through power and money are simply the manifestations of this disease. The programming partner of the 21st Shadow is the 48th Shadow of Inadequacy, which underpins all this fear of losing control of your territory. We simply do not yet know that we are a single entity. When the time comes that we see our true nature as a collective holistic human family, the need to control life will cease. Ultimately, the only ones who will be given positions of control will be those who have given up being in control. Those people are our future leaders — in business, in government and at all levels of human society. Those of us who continue to try and hold tight control over our territories and other ’s lives will eventually find that we are fighting only ourselves.
所有的壓抑態均始於讓渡個人權力。透過21的壓抑態,其表現出來的樣子便是順從。這些人甘願被控制而不行使個人權利。此外,壓抑態傾向於延宕拖延,因此無法承坦責任。臣服於生命所帶來的一切,與干預生命之間只有一線之隔。這些人將自己的遭遇下意識性的責怪他人,並關閉了自己的意志。21天賦的本質是掌控生命的各種情境,但是壓抑態的順從模式則害怕掌控,因為這恴味這他們必需為自己的行為負責,必需為自己的成敗負責。這些人無法完全的參與生命,總是帶著一個懶散抽離的面具。然而真相是,這些人不願意承擔責任。最終,能夠取得生命主控權的人是那些不再需要掌控自己的人(譯註:不負責與挑避責任也是一種掌控,所以即便逃避責任也是掌控, 不管是主動式的「掌控」還是被動式的變向掌控,只要他們是出於心智的排拒都是一種掌控,而真正獲得生命主控權的人是能夠「不管你自己」的人,也就是臣服於生命所帶來的一切,而臣服到底什麼意思可參考 hand's off your experience, true nature says hands off)
All repressive natures are based upon the denial of personal power. Through the 21st Shadow this shows up as submission. These people let others remain in control without asserting their own authority. Added to this, the repressive nature has a tendency to defer control to life itself therefore not assuming responsibility for the direction in which it takes them. There is a fine line between surrendering to what life brings and influencing the path of one's own destiny. These people unconsciously blame life for whatever happens to them, closing down the centre of their willpower. The true nature of the 21st Gift is to control and manage situations, but the submissive side of this Shadow is afraid of being in control since it means they alone are accountable for their actions and potential success or failure. These people would rather not participate in life at all. They often masquerade as being laid back. However, the reality is that such people are hiding from their true responsibility. Ultimately, the only ones who will be given positions of control will be those who have given up being in control.
21陰暗面的另一邊有極高的控制慾,這些人被稱作控制狂,他們被憤怒緊緊纏住以致於無法令身邊的事物脫離掌控。前文的壓抑態太鬆,而反動態則太緊。 這些人無法處理生命中帶來的改變,除非他們被激怒。如果有人侵入他們掌控的疆界,所有壓抑的張力及憤怒均會被表達出來。這種本質助長了以導德至高點及階層式統治來支配他人。不幸的是,這種持續性的控制會對身體及造成傷害,特別是心臟。這些人只有當他們面臨到身體及情緒危機時才能學會謙卑,正因為他們無法放手,所以常常會碰到這一類的危機The other side of the 21st Shadow is the acute need for control. These are the people we sometimes label as control freaks. Their anger is so tightly coiled that they cannot allow any part of their environment to escape their control. As the repressed nature is loose, so the reactive nature is tight. These people cannot handle change unless they have instigated it. If others transgress the confines of their deeply controlled lives, all their pent up tension and anger is likely to be detonated. Such a nature strives to maintain control over others through hierarchical dominance or by taking the moral high ground. Unfortunately, such sustained insistence on control takes a great toll on your body and in particular on your heart. These are the kind of people who can only be humbled by a deep physical or emotional crisis, and because of their inability to let go, they often meet such crises in life.
THE AUTHORITY OF SUBMISSION 使人服從的影響力自我授權的影響力天賦是與生俱來的。如果你的基因全像側寫檔案裡有21(hologenetic profile),而你的言行是出於真心的,不管到哪都會激起他人對你的信任。自我授權的影響力是21天賦基因的振動頻率,它在夠在任由事態發展與控制之間取得平衡。影響力授權的頻率高低,取決於我們的真實意圖。如果我們以階層統治的方式行使這鼓影響力,我們便是以恐懼與控制來支配他人,這是不可能産生正真的信任的。若以這種方式,也許身邊的人看似信任你對你忠誠,但他們很快的便會轉移信任到其他地方。真正的忠誠是由愛所維繫的,而非恐懼。這樣的人被他人付予權力,而這正是授權的真正意義。影響力無法行使於意志,唯有信任足以承擔之。
The Gift of Authority is a gift that is innate. If you have the 21st Gift in your hologenetic profile and you speak and act from your heart, you will inspire loyalty in others wherever you go. Authority is the true vibration of this 21st Gene Key when it has found that delicate balance between allowing things to go their own way and assuming control of the way things are going. Authority is a frequency that is determined by intent. If you assert authority through the hierarchical base of the 21st Shadow, then you rule through control and fear, which never inspires true loyalty. In such cases, the people around you may appear loyal, but given the right circumstances they will quickly and easily transfer their loyalties elsewhere. True loyalty can only be maintained when the frequency of love outweighs the frequency of fear. Such people are given authority by others, and this is the real meaning of authority. Authority cannot be asserted through will. It can only be afforded through trust.
Authority is a phenomenon within the auric field that takes place between one individual and another, or between an individual and a group. True authority unites rather than controls. This can be understood well by the archetype of the master and the servant, which is the bedrock of our societies. Some of the deepest relationships are formed between one person in a position of authority and another in a position that appears to be submissive. However, if both parties in such relationships are as deeply in service as each other then their relationship transcends its social stereotype of dominance and submission. In order for such relationships to work, both parties must be equally in service to the other. If this is the case, the relationship can be mutually beneficial and potentially very powerful.
這種主從的關係,也是宇宙的陰陽(男女)關係。在陰陽二極中,男方代表權力,女方代表服從。雖然我們的文化是這樣建立起來的,但是主從關係不必然與性別有關。女人也同樣能站在權力一方,而男人站在服從一方。這只是父權與母權社會的差別,除非雙方都有好的意圖,不然是無法運作良好的。如果女性太順從,男性太掌控,這種不平衡的出現便是21的陰暗面向。 而不論哪一方本來是可以即不用相互控制與怨懟。這種平衡的出現正是21天賦的展現,會展現在各種核心關係中。
This relationship between authority and submission is the relationship between yin and yang, between the male and female energies throughout our universe. The male polarity represents authority and the female represents the subject or servant of that authority. Despite the fact that this relationship has established itself culturally across most human societies, it has little to do with men and women. Women can equally be the authority and men the servants. It is just the difference between matriarchy and patriarchy, but neither works unless the intent at the root of the relationship is pure. If the female side is too submissive, then the male side will be too controlling and vice versa. Any imbalance in this kind of relationship is a manifestation of the Shadow aspect of this 21st Gene Key. There can be no need for power or resentment from either side. This balancing of the archetypes is a hallmark of the higher frequency of the 21st Gift. You will find that all relationships play out this same drama — it is the core relationship between parent and child, husband and wife, employer and employee.
當雙方向彼此臣服正是21天賦神奇的地方。當主僕易位,權力在關係間會變的活躍流暢起來(then the relationship really hums with power)。 從外表來看,這種關係似乎很單向,但是運作其內的是一種反向的平衡力量(譯註:外在充份授權,內在卻有主從的愛與信任)。在大型的公司企業及軍隊,如果權力的像徵與下屬連結,會激起忠誠以強固整個群體。 這種領導關係,有別於7th 31th genekeys,他們關乎於放下掌控信任集體,並讓他們自行決擇。而在21天賦的例子中,領導者是制定決策的人,而他也必需對整個團體負責。
The beauty and magic of the 21st Gift occurs when both sides of the relationship surrender to each other. The beauty and magic of the 21st Gift occurs when both sides of the relationship surrender to each other. When the authority becomes the servant and the servant becomes the authority then the relationship really hums with power. On the outer plane, such a relationship may appear to be one-sided, but on the inner plane the balance of power is reversed. Only when this happens does the real meaning of authority become clear. In large groups, communities, companies and even armies, if the authority figure represents and connects with all their subordinates, they will inspire the kind of loyalty that strongly binds the group. This kind of leadership is very different from that of the 7th or 31st Gene Keys, which is based upon the ability to completely let go of all control and trust the collective spirit of the group to make its own decisions. In the case of the 21st Gift, a pact is made that one person will become the decision maker for the group, and this person is thus responsible for the entire group.
There are many different styles of leadership within the human genetic matrix. Whereas the 31st Gift represents the voice of the group and the 7th Gift represents the heart of the group, the 21st Gift represents the will of the group. Thus, these people are designed to handle more responsibility than other human beings, since their will directly affects all those in submission to them. The key lies in the willingness of those in submission to be represented by the one who is chosen to be the authority. As has been shown, when these relationships work at a high enough frequency, the one in authority simply becomes the conduit of the will of his or her followers. When that happens, transcendence occurs. Such relationships are founded upon kinship rather than kingship. The authority figures, as we shall see at the very highest frequencies, must remain continually in communion with those below them in the hierarchy. Only when this merging and transcending of cultural stereotypes occurs can the highest spirit incarnate into a human group. To act with Valour is to enter a higher world.
21st Genekey 能從基因密碼環(coden ring,譯註:具有特定脈落的genekey會被放在同一個coden ring)的脈落加以進一步的了解。 21是人性之環(Ring of Humanity)的一部份,它形成了人類創傷的整體面向。人性中的神聖創傷(sacred wound)(註),及一切受苦的理由,均能被人性之環中的Genekey所解放。 階層統治是最古老的人性創傷(human wound)之一,如同其他的苦一般也能介由愛來療癒。如果要啓動21stGenekey的高頻狀態,必需要很有勇氣。它需要我們完全臣服於另一方( It takes a powerful human being to surrender completely to another),無論是介由順服的形式還是權力的形式,事實上臣服讓有權力者變得願意服從,讓服從者願意發展自己的權力,這種方式能夠精確療癒我們的傷,消解支配與階層統治。(譯註:如果有學過占星的話,這一段很像天秤與牧羊各自陰暗面的療瘉)
This 21st Gene Key can be further understood when seen in the context of its wider genetic family or Codon Ring. As part of the Ring of Humanity, it forms an integral aspect of all human wounding. The sacred wound at the heart of humanity and the reason for all of our suffering can be unlocked by the Gene Keys that make up the Ring of Humanity. Hierarchy is one of the oldest human wounds and like each aspect of our suffering it can only be healed by love. To activate the higher frequencies within this Gene Key you must have great courage. It takes a powerful human being to surrender completely to another, whether through authority or submission. The fact is that surrender makes authority submissive and submission authoritative, which is precisely what heals the wound and brings an end to hierarchy and control.
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