2017年11月17日 星期五

Genekeys 52 艮山反見卦


SIDDHI STILLNESS ——  圓滿成就 -  止             
 GIFT RESTRAINT —— 天賦 - 接納限制(不干預)
SHADOW STRESS ——    陰暗面市 - 壓力(緊張)


CODON RING: THE RING OF SEEKING (15, 39, 52, 53, 54, 58)  基因碼之環 —— 自我探索之環
AMINO ACID: SERINE  氨基酸 —— 絲氨酸

THE 52ND SHADOW – STRESS 52陰暗面——壓力(一種緊張的情緒)

52的陰暗面為現代化社會的壓力禍首。雖壓力運作於許多不同的層面,而最大的影響卻在身體層。 52與58的陰暗面代表了破壞人類健康的基因二元模式,特別是在集體層面更是如此。關於壓力有一件很重要事必需了解,那就是壓力是集體層面的,並非個人層面的,它是被人類集體創造出來的能量層,而不是根植於特定的個人問題。這也意味著,壓力與我們環境及周圍的人連結在一起

The 52nd Shadow is responsible for one of the great phenomena of the modern world —stress. Stress operates on many levels although its primary impact takes place on the physical plane, inside your body. This 52nd Shadow and its programming partner the 58th Shadow of Dissatisfaction represent the deepest genetic binary pattern that undermines human health. This is especially true at a collective level. For that reason, we need to understand something very important about stress. It is a collective pressure and not a personal pressure. It is an energy field generated by every human being alive, rather than being rooted in any specific personal issue. This means that stress is also deeply connected to our environment and to those around us.

Our actual environment is formed by the boundaries of the human aura. The average human aura will extend to fill half of a normal sized room, which means that generally speaking, when you are in the same room as someone else, you share each other’s auras. The more people you have in the same area, the greater the collective auric body grows. In densely populated areas, such as towns and cities, it is virtually impossible to escape the collective aura of others even in the sanctuary of your own home. In more rural parts of the world the pressure of the local aura is far less and the degree of stress is therefore far less.

然而,因為地球的人口很多,不太可能完全還逃離集體的能量場。數十億的靈光圈相互連鎖在一起,形成一個很大的罩子,覆蓋整個世界,使得人們無法體驗到意識的合一性,它構成了西方人所說的maya - 幻像。
However, because of the huge population currently existing on our planet, it is no longer possible to entirely escape the vast collective energy field of humanity. Billions of auras interlocking together form a great sheath that covers our world. This sheath or skin is what prevents human beings from seeing and experiencing the true unity of all consciousness. It is the construct known in the East as the maya — meaning the great illusion.

人類的DNA是很奇妙的物質,雖然它我們的出生日期連鎖在一起,但DNA所包含的化學編碼, 對於能量場的震動非常敏感。基因學家把個人的基因組成稱作「基因的遺傳型」(genotype),並將其基因的組成顯化出來所表現的性狀稱為「基因的表型」(phenotype),所以在一定的程度上,能量的頻率通過「基因的遺傳型」時決定了「基因的表型」,這意味著你的環境深深的影響你的行為 ,更重要的是,它影響了我們所認為的自己——自我認同(it influences who you think you are.)。
Human DNA is a fascinating substance. The chemical codes contained within DNA, although locked in from birth, are highly sensitive to vibrating energy fields. Geneticists refer to the genetic makeup of an individual as the genotype, whereas they refer to the manifestations of that makeup as the phenotype. So, to an extent, the frequency of energy passing through the genotype determines the manifestations of the phenotype. This means that your environment greatly affects how you feel and behave, and most importantly, it influences who you think you are.

At the subtlest level, your environment is created by the subatomic world of vibration. The frequency you are tuned to actually determines this environment, regardless of your physical geography. In the case of the 52nd Shadow, the collective or extended phenotype of humanity is shaped by fear, which creates an environment that puts the physical organism under great stress.

逃離這種集體制約場的唯一方式,便是提昇到某個能量層次上,這並不是一件容易的事。你必需以某種方式昇升能量頻率 (frequency of energy moving through your genotype.)提昇能量通過「基因表型」的頻率 。當這件事發生時,因為「基因的遺傳型」而影響我們表達與感受自性的方式,也會相繼改變。大多數的人均會短暫的將能量提昇到這個層次,隨即又退回原來的狀態。很少人能夠一直保持這種脫離緊張的能量狀態。秘訣是改變我們的想法, 感受及所見所聞. 如果我們所見所聞均為雜訊與混亂, 便會影響我們所經驗到的事物. 
The only way to escape this collective programming field is to rise above it at an energetic level, which is no easy task. You must somehow raise the frequency of energy moving through your genotype. When this occurs, the phenotype — the way your nature is experienced and expressed — will also change. Most human beings will rise above this energy field for brief periods of time and then fall back into it again. It is extremely rare for someone to rise permanently above the field of stress. The secret is to change your inner environment — your feelings and your thoughts — thus changing what you see and hear. If all you hear is noise and all you see is chaos, then that will determine your experience. However, if you anchor yourself into a higher frequency, the same life can be experienced as though you were living in an entirely different world.

緊張是一種生理的壓力狀態,透過低頻能量所引起的。緊張其中一個關鍵點,展現在人們無法逃離心智上的焦慮。當我們付予心智決定權,希望終結這種緊張狀態,最終只會導致災難,因為心智活動本身就是一種緊張能量的示現。這種反饋迴路強化了我們原本想逃離的狀態。52 shadow 強烈的與「腎上腺功能」及人類的「戰逃反應」連結在一起 。
Stress is a state of physical pressure brought about through the lowering of your frequency. One of the key manifestations of stress is the inability to escape mental anxiety. What happens is that you give the mind the authority to make decisions that you hope will end the stress. However, this nearly always ends in disaster because the mind’s activity is actually the manifestation of the stress itself. This classic biofeedback loop reinforces the very state you are trying to escape. This 52nd Shadow is deeply connected with the function of your adrenal glands and the classic flight or fight response in human beings. (The activity of your endocrine system is directly related to the frequency passing through your genotype, and as we shall see when we get to the 52nd Siddhi, the human glandular system is not just limited to manufacturing hormones such as adrenaline that are rooted in survival and fear.)

理解52 陰暗面的其中一個關鍵,可以在 52 天賦面的名字中找到(52 天賦——知所限制)。 52的陰暗面根植於容易被恐懼牽著走(rooted in the inability to keep yourself from reacting to fear),有時恐懼強烈到深入潛意識,以致於無法浮至表意識處理,更無法將它概念化。然而這股恐懼滲透至我們的環境, 使我們不是被它壓跨就是想逃離它. 若考慮到52連結到腎上腺,那麼52陰暗面暗指可能誘發生理上的活動,或是沒有任何生理上的活動——也就是面對壓力常見的二種狀態, 就52陰暗面而言有二種類型的人,一種人無法停下來, 一種人生命停滯不前。
One of the keys to understanding the 52nd Shadow is to be found in the name of the 52nd Gift — the Gift of Restraint. The low frequency expression of the 52nd Shadow is rooted in the inability to keep yourself from reacting to fear. Sometimes the fear driving this Gene Key can be so deeply embedded in the unconscious that you have no concept of it, at all. Nonetheless, this fear pervades our environment and your reaction to it produces one of two responses — you either collapse or you run. Given its chemical connection to the adrenal system, this Shadow is deeply implicated in physical activity or lack of activity, the two human responses to stress. As far as the 52nd Shadow is concerned, there are two types of people — those who cannot sit still and those who are stuck. In our modern age, we tend to think of stress as being a chaotic, frenetic energy dynamic, but it also has this more repressed aspect.

Natural life rhythms follow seasonal patterns — life knows when to work and it knows when to rest. However, the collective power of the 52nd Shadow keeps human beings from trusting in this flow of life and the Shadow frequencies of this 52nd Gene Key enhance one extreme or the other. We can clearly see this manifesting in the world today. The West tends towards the extreme of restless activity, expansion and improvement with little or no collective sense of purpose and the East has traditionally moved in the other direction away from activity and improvement and more towards the religious and spiritual realms. Even though today in a reversal of roles the East is becoming more like the West and vice versa, the underlying phenotype of humanity remains based on fear and the two polarities of this Shadow continue to manifest. Until human beings experience their unity with all of creation they will create and be driven by this underlying stress — the physical manifestation of our deepest and most hidden fear.


壓抑態在52Shadow所産生的壓力下,使我們在生理上,情緒上及心智上崩解。這些人的人生未曾踏出真正的一步,在這極端的狀態中, 無法發揮52天賦層的[接納限制], 因而感到人生停滯不前,沮喪與冷漠。 當這些人放棄自己,腎上腺功能委縮使其在器質上受到阻礙。(leads to a deep feeling of being stuck.)一但人掉進了這種狀態就很難逃脫。跳脫這種狀態的其中一種方式便是服務他人。 在52 天賦狀態中有服務他人的強烈需求,當他們獻身於這鼓內在的渴望,便能漸漸的取回生命的力量。
The repressive nature tends to physically, emotionally and mentally collapse under the pressure of the stress created by the 52nd Shadow. These people never really get off the ground. The Gift of Restraint remains locked in this extreme shadow manifestation and leads to a deep feeling of being stuck. These feelings can so pervade the body that one enters deep states of depression and apathy. As these people give up on themselves, the adrenal system can actually atrophy leaving them physically impeded in some way. Once one has sunk into these states, it can be very difficult to escape. One of the only means of lifting oneself free of such a state is to find a way to be of service to others. There is a deep genetic need in the 52nd Gift to help others and when this urge is engaged, gradually one can find one’s life force returning.


這是一群靜不下來的人,他們反動的本質會讓他們以各種行動逃離恐懼,這些人將挫折及恐懼投射在他人身上以掩蓋住自身的恐懼。他們過度刺激腎上腺,産生超出自己需求的能量。然而持續的分泌腎上腺,久而久之會造成身體的傷害。因此這些人時常將生命燃燒殆盡。跳脫這種狀態秘訣在於,看清自己的心理動力,並探索迫使他們行動的內在恐懼。介由面對並擁抱這份恐懼,將逐漸侵蝕支撐陰暗面的執著, 並學會[天賦]面的[接納限制]。
These are people who are unable to sit still. Reactive natures by their nature try to escape their fear through activity. However, these people mask their fear through projecting their frustration and anger onto others. The restless aspect of stress is based upon over-stimulation of the adrenal glands, producing more energy than one needs. However, the consistent secretion of adrenaline into the body actually causes great damage over time. Thus these people often burn themselves out in life. The secret for such people is to see through their own mental dynamic and discover the deep fear that drives them. By confronting and embracing this fear, they will gradually erode its hold over them and learn to activate their Gift of Restraint.

THE 52ND GIFT – RESTRAINT 天賦——接納限制 (譯註: 基於實際,基於自我認識與信任生命所了悟到的知所限制,知所節制, 而非懂得限制自已, 而是基於信任生命,不催逼,不勉強,不放棄,不過分干預,而能在動靜之間, 做與不做間, 取得一種最自然的平衡, 在不干預的前題下,接受限制,但又不限制自己,從現象來看有點像禪的無為, 或者「作而無作」—— 做但沒有做的勉強, 而關於接納有很多人對它有所誤解, 普遍上分為三種接納形式, 1)不得不的接納 2) 執取式的接納 3) 真正的接納, 當生命停滯不前又一直想過份干預控制自已時, 就很容易走到1跟2 )


52天賦在字面上的意思可能會讓人貶低他的價值。[限制]聽起來一點也不有力, 然而這卻是其中一個最卓越的天賦之一。52的天賦正如其他的天賦一般,是關乎於平衝二種極端的能量,也就是陰暗面狀態中的「靜止」與「噪動」的能量。事實上就人類的生命而言,沒有任何一個genekey比52重要。 他決定了世界上各種活動的進行(It determines the source signature of all activity in the world. ),如果我們的行動是基於恐懼,恐懼的種子便會隨著相應的行動開花結果,最後像病毒一樣侵蝕整個地基。
People may tend to devalue the 52nd Gift because of the way it sounds. Restraint does not after all sound particularly exciting or dynamic. Ironically, however, this is one of the most remarkable Gifts in the whole human genome. This Gift, like all the Gifts, is about striking a balance between two extremes of energy — in this case, the energy of activity and passivity. In fact, no Gene Key is more fundamental to human life than this 52nd Gene Key. It determines the source signature of all activity in the world. If you begin something from a place of fear, that seed of fear will infect every aspect of the expansion of that activity. Even though the smallest human actions can sometimes lead to the creation of vast empires, if the seed of fear is there at the beginning, then like a virus it will pervade the structure and it will eventually bring that structure to the ground.

52天賦包含了生態學的秘密。所有努力的人都需要知道關於限制的深遠意義,他是所有生態系統的自然現象,如果一個系統必需長久,他就必須要學著餵養他自己,如果他想要繁殖增生,他就必須學著發展生物多樣性。然而如果一個系統想要獲得真正的圓滿,從核心到每個開始他都必需要有個至關重要的因子——他必須不單單只是餵養他自己。52天賦「限制」需要極大的耐心以了悟到,萬物都有他自己的步調。特別是一件事在起頭時一定比較慢,如果我們快速的推進一個想法,我們就打亂了自然的步調。(The moment we try to rush an idea, we disturb the ground in which it is sown),從這個觀點來看,我們會很清楚人類多容易受陷於陰暗面的「壓力」中。(this how easily humans fall victim to stress.)
The 52nd Gift contains a secret of ecology. All true endeavours require a profound understanding of restraint, a phenomenon natural to all living systems. If a system is to last, it must learn to feed itself whilst it grows. If it is to proliferate, it must learn to diversify and take in an ever-expanding source of nutrients. However, for a system to be really successful it must have one vital factor right at its core from the very beginning — it must serve more than just itself. The 52nd Gift of Restraint requires a great deal of patience and an understanding that everything in nature moves at its own speed. Particularly in the beginning, things appear to move slowly. The moment we try to rush an idea, we disturb the ground in which it is sown. You can see from this how easily humans fall victim to stress.

 52天賦是關乎於團體福𧘲的,在最深的層次裡,我們所種的種子,最終會引領人類走向合一性的團體. 但就現在而言, 52的天賦關於乎我們是否信任生命, 在做任何事以前我們的意圖必需要很清楚. 我們的意圖越是不是被小我掌控, 它所帶來的力量越大(The more selfless your intention, the more power it will have.) 如果一開始所種的因是正確的, 接下來所有的事都會到位 (then everything will follow), 但是我們必須抵抗干預生命的誘惑(出於恐懼), 我們的意圖便是我們所種因, 就像種子般, 關乎於引領這段旅程所需的養份. 它甚至關乎於所需要的香氣, 在對的時間吸引盟友 .
The 52nd Gift, you may divine, is a Gift that concerns human organisations. At its deepest level, it contains the seed that will one day bring all human beings into a perfect organisational unity. For now, this Gift concerns our own trust in life. To begin anything, you must first have a clear intention. The more selfless your intention, the more power it will have. If you begin with the right intention, then everything will follow, but you must resist the temptation to interfere with the process out of fear. The intention is the seed, and the seed contains all the necessary ingredients and properties that will be needed in the journey ahead. The seed even contains the specific fragrances that will attract the right allies at the right times. 

它的力量越大, 需要發芽的時間就越久, 紫杉木的種子與太陽花種子大小一樣, 然而太陽花只要幾個月就能長到全尺寸, 然而盤根錯結的紫杉木, 它有它自已的時間與腳步,需要花十年的時間才能達到太陽花的高度, 但卻能存活五千年. 同樣的觀點也適用於所有的事. (譯註: 佛教典籍裡常提到利根人與鈍根人, 利根人很聰明, 一點就通, 他們就像一根針, 很容易就刺穿障礙物, 打通一個小洞,見到光明, 而鈍根人很笨, 怎麼也不懂, 他們就像拳頭, 總是向著障礙物又又打, 可是一但打通了以後, 障礙物整個被粉碎, 這是利根人做不到的)
It is also true to say that the greater the power, the longer it takes to germinate. The seed of a yew tree and the seed of a sunflower are similar in size. However, whilst the sunflower will grow to its full size within the space of a few months, the yew tree has depth and complexity and will begin at a different pace and follow its own timing. It may take ten years just to reach the height of the sunflower, but it may live as long as five thousand years. So it is with all human ideas and actions.

每個人身上都有一顆個體命運的種子, 為了讓我們所種的因更加清楚, 我門必須要問自已一個問題,  我如何為整體服務? 然後你必須活出這個答案. 因為我們無法預知這段旅程會發生什麼,  我們必須信任我們所種的因, 即便他沒什麼道理. 然而這是52天賦 限制的力量, 它允許生命自由展開而沒有一絲的催逼

( 譯注: 對於52談的限制關連到生命的自由性,這二個看似矛盾,其實不然,用「自由意志」來說明大概是最好懂的,如果「自由意志」是存在的,那一定必需包括「不自由」這件事,否則就不叫自由意志,也毫無意志可言;自由必須無所不包,既然無所不包,就一定包含不自由,既然叫意志,就一定有某個特定的方向,既然有特定的方向就有限定性!只是現代人把意志窄化成前意識的慾求!如果意志只是前意識的慾求,這種散念應該沒辦法被稱為意志!如果自由無法包含不自由,那自由有什麼資格被稱為自由?)
Every human being alive contains this intention — it is the seed of your individual destiny. To get your intention clear, you must ask yourself the question “How can I be of the greatest service to humanity?” Then you must live the answer. Because we humans cannot see the details of the journey ahead, we have to trust in the direction that our intention takes, even if it does not make sense to us at the time. This is the power of Restraint — to allow your life to unfold without urgent demand.

我們在統計上看到, 52 運作於陰暗面時會令我們感到生命停擺, 但只有在人們與最核心的自已失去了連結以後, 生命才會停擺. 只要我們還與真心的種子保持連繫,也許我們仍然會感受到外在世界的停頓,但是我們的人生不會因此而停擺,因為種子己經敲敲生根了,通常在這個階段,人會忙起來並開始干預生命,破壞下階段演化所需的花苞。諷刺的是,正是在這個階段裡(外在世界停擺,能量也停擺),將迎來最大的成長。
We also saw from analysis of the 52nd Shadow that another aspect of this Gene Key is the belief or feeling that we are stuck. Only if you lose touch with your innermost core can you be truly stuck. As long as you remain in touch with the seed of your true intention, you may experience an outer pause, but you cannot be stuck. Deep within the seed, or indeed the plant, new shoots are being born. It is usually at this stage when humans become restless and try to force a direction, damaging the delicate buds that will form the next phase in the evolution of your intention. Ironically, it is during the moments of outer pause, when all energy seems to have come to a halt, that the greatest growth occurs.

The stored up energy and potential within a single human being is infinite in its proportions. However, this potential must be managed economically and allowed to grow and expand in an organic fashion. In this respect, the Gift of Restraint is about non-interference. When you apply this to your own life, you have to accept yourself as part of a far greater flow than you can see, and as such you have to accept that there are times when you will feel deeply restrained. The acceptance of this restraint and its manifestation as patience is a truly powerful gift. There is an apt parallel here with the developing life of a young child. Children contain the seed of their own future, and if allowed to develop at their own pace and in their own way without too much interference, they will eventually flourish. Every parent has to find the delicate balance between laying down healthy boundaries and trusting in the life force as it moves through the child.

正是透過限制,力量才能夠以創造性的方式被駕御。52 是基因密碼環中,自我探索之環的一部份(Ring of Seeking)。自我探索之環中的每一個Genekey都跟壓力有關。這是一鼓生命的內在壓力迫使人們演化。它是一股巨大的生命力量想從內在完全的迸發出來.  如果我們審視「基因碼環」——「自我探索之環」中每一個天賦的名字, 便能夠對這股內在力量有些觀念。15 吸引力(Magnetism) 39 激發創造的活力 (Dynamism) 52 接納限制 (Restrain) 58 喜悅活力 (Vitality)。 52「天賦」在這四個Genekey中突顯出,它是唯一與限制壓力有關的,對於調節生活, 與維持內在結構及節奏有重大關係。正是這個Genekey產生了扭力,使得所有的系統得以運轉與演化。
It is through restraint that human power can be harnessed in a creative way. The 52nd Gene Key is a member of the codon family known as the Ring of Seeking. You will learn as you journey through each of the six Gene Keys of this codon that they are all concerned with pressure. It is this internal pressure that drives evolution. There is a vast amount of life force literally wanting to burst out of all human beings from within this aspect of our DNA. If you scan across the names of the Gifts in this Codon Ring, you will get an idea of the power stored inside you — Magnetism (15), Dynamism (39), Restraint (52), Expansion (53), Aspiration (54) and Vitality (58). The 52nd Gift of Restraint stands out among these as the only one keeping all this pressure in check. It is of huge importance in regulating your life and in maintaining a degree of internal rhythm and structure. It is this Gene Key that actually generates the torque that allows all systems to gyrate and evolve.



有個有趣的現像能夠幫助我們了解到,為什麼Siddhi能夠全然的超越低頻影響(why the siddhic state transcends frequency altogether)。如果我們思考一下頻率到底是什麼(單位時間內能量波的震盪次數,次數越多,間隔越小,次數越小,間隔越大),我們會發現有一些矛盾特質處於頻率光譜中的二極(高頻與低頻)。當頻率無限低時,它是靜止的,感受不到任何東西。在光譜的另一端,當頻率無限高時,看起來就像連在一起,你也感受不到任何東西。這種空無的特性體現了Siddhi的狀態,有很多字眼用來形容這種狀態:狂喜,慈悲, 在52身上則是 Stillness 靜止
An interesting phenomenon occurs at the highest level of frequency that may help us understand why the siddhic state transcends frequency altogether. If you consider what frequency really is — the oscillation of energy waves at different speeds and intervals — you will find that there is a paradox when you take frequency to either of its extremes. Energy waves oscillating at lower and lower frequencies would eventually stop altogether and you would experience nothingness. At the other end of the spectrum, energy waves vibrating at higher and higher frequencies eventually become so close together that they merge to create another kind of nothingness. This nothingness represents the siddhic state. Obviously there are many words used to describe this state: Bliss or Universal Love or — in the case of the 52nd Siddhi — Stillness.

靜止的圓滿成就能夠幫我們了解道這種超越低頻不受低頻影響的狀態。很矛盾是在光譜的二極都導致了同樣的狀態,於其二極我們都能感受到靜止,很多教法都提及終極的了悟是空性 (todo)

The Siddhi of Stillness can greatly help us to understand this concept of transcending frequency. Paradoxically, both ends of the spectrum lead to the same state. At both extremes of the spectrum, we experience stillness. Many spiritual systems or great teachers have referred to the ultimate enlightened state as nothingness or void... 



艮山卦——「反見」「照顧」「靜止」的閘門 源自**Root** 集中專注的壓力,會一直讓人一直想尋求些什麼(seek),為了迴避或克服這種來自生命低層的壓力而産生的焦慮,所型塑出來的shadow,生理上為會陰部,其shadow會刺激腎上腺,這種噪動使人靜不下來而不斷想尋求些什麼




gates:        [ 52, 9 ]
center:       [ 'Root', 'Sacral' ]
type:          [ 'Collective', 'Understanding Circuite', 'type of Generated' ]
quarter:     [ 'Civilization', 'Mutation' ]
theme:       [ 'Purpose fulfilled through Form',  'Purpose fulfilled through Transformation' ]
aspect:      -151.875  (占星上為補12分相,陰陽對立,水火對立,創始與變動星座,該相位産生消耗,是一種需要平衡的相位)
signs:        [ 'Cancer巨蝎' ,  'Sagitarius射手' ]
elements:  [ Water, Fire]
modes:      [Cardinal, Mutable]

Codon Ring: The Ring Of Seeking(暫)

Cancer -  The Light within the form

This is the diffused light of substance itself, the "dark light" of matter.. 
It is the light awaiting the stimulation coming from the soul light.

Cancer Keywords
Mutable (Shadow)Fixed(Gift)Cardinal(Siddhi)
Totally Subjective
Awakening to environment
Identifies with the Whole
Selfish desire
Shared desire
Selfless desire
Waters of womb
Waters of earth
Waters of Life
Instinctual mother
Worldly mother
Universal Mother

Keyword Phrases

Let isolation be the rule and yet - the crowd exists. 就讓孤立主宰吧,但記得 - 其他人還存在。  
When a person's life is centred in the personality as its total expression, his eventual destiny will be isolation and loneliness.  He is so fundamentally subjective that it becomes impossible to connect with others, no matter how close the biological or karmic attachment.  Without the tension of the personality-Soul relationship, he becomes imprisoned by the shell of the lower self.

I build a lighted house and therein dwell. 我建造了愛的光之屋,並身居其中 
The illusion of separateness eventually gives way to the illumination of universality.  It is then that the soul-centred individual becomes the channel for the "Light of the World" which, when expressed through Cancer, is unlimited nourishment to all the forms and creatures of life.

