數千年來人類的文化遺産表明了一件不可思議的事 ——那便是微觀宇宙與宏觀宇宙之間是相互映射的。正如玄秘主義者的一句名言「天上如是,人間亦同」(As above, so below 譯註:above - 天上的大宇宙,below - 人體的小宇宙,印像中在占星書上好像稱作[上下法則])。如果這是真的,那麼就連整全心智(holistic mind 譯註:身心靈)也似乎可以是以邏輯理解的,就連
也能在物質的肉身找到。確實,Genekeys本身就是在這樣的啓發下所建立的,64個Genekeys的DNA都象徵著一種原型,它能在個體層面及物種層面上詮釋我們所伴演的角色,及我們所走的路。緊接著這個啓發而生的想法是,人類染色體中的這種原型,似乎也與其他面向的基因有著強力的連結,因為基因透過生命的創造與維繫掌控了我們內在的進程。50 陰暗層特別突顯出一種原型,它反映出基因的某種過程,這一過程被稱作基因轉錄(transcription)。
For millennia, the wisdom of all human cultures has suggested an incredible possibility — that the microcosm exactly reflects the macrocosm and vice versa. As the famous mystical axiom states, “As above, so below.” If this is true, which to a holistic mind would seem logical, then deep within the human body we should be able to find the answers to existence itself. Indeed, the Gene Keys themselves are founded upon just such a suggestion — that within these sixty-four genetic building blocks of DNA can be found an archetypal code that explains who we are and where we are heading, both as individuals and as a species. Ensuing from this suggestion, it would appear that certain archetypes within the human genome also have powerful links to other aspects of genetics as it governs the inner process through which life is created and maintained. The 50th Shadow stands out in particular as an archetype that mirrors the process in genetics known as transcription.
50陰暗層——「腐化」(Shadow of
),指的正是政治與社會的腐化,當權者為了個人利益濫用權力。然而我們需要以另一個脈落來理解50陰暗層所談的腐化 —— 資料的腐化(Data
The 50 thShadow is the Shadow of Corruption. More often than not, we think of political and social corruption, where those in positions of authority misuse and abuse their power for the purpose of personal gain. In examining this 50th Shadow however, we need to consider the word corruption in another context — that of data corruption. Data corruption is an expression that denotes the incorrect translation of computer data during transmission or retrieval. Even though this 50 thShadow has to do with the social values of human beings, by thinking of corruption in this more impersonal way we can understand the word at a far deeper and more objective level.
In life there are natural laws that govern human beings. An example is our tendency to operate in hierarchies, behaviour which is born out of our mammalian ancestry. As well as these natural laws, there are man-made laws that attempt to maintain a certain level of order within our societies. It is because we still operate out of a hierarchical consciousness that we need such social laws to govern our hierarchies. However, social hierarchies create a climate of deep division among human beings, since they give birth to comparison, which in turn leads to greed, desire, jealousy and inevitably social corruption. The human tendency to operate in hierarchies derives from our need to compete with each other, which comes from an older part of our brain that favours individual survival, or at best tribal survival. The Shadow frequency is created out of these archaic aspects of human awareness that are based on fear. However, other possibilities exist as the human brain thankfully continues to evolve. At the level of the Gift frequency, this 50 thGene Key sees an entirely new reality for human social interaction, one which is currently in the very earliest stage of manifesting in the world around us.
在陰暗層的頻率下,所有的資料透過「恐懼」轉錄至我們的大腦。當它發生時,資料便損毀,導致世界的偏頗。在基因上,50陰暗層與RNA複制DNA的方式有關。RNA是一種與DNA相似的化學物質,它的角色便是「轉錄」基因碼,好讓蛋白質得以形成。這一個過程被稱作「轉錄」,轉錄前的訊息如果發生錯誤,就會轉錄錯誤的訊息。然而這正是我們社會上所發生的——恐懼産生了錯誤的解讀,導致一個群體的反動,這個反動又激起了另一個團體的恐懼及反動。 結果便是混亂(Chaos) —— 50 陰暗層 所伴隨而來的錯卦 3 混亂(Chaos)。
At the Shadow frequency, data that is processed by the human brain is translated through the medium of fear.As this occurs the data is corrupted, leading to a slanted manifestation in the world. In genetics, this 50 thShadow has much to do with the way in which RNA copies DNA. RNA is a chemical substance similar to DNA whose role is to transcribe aspects of your genetic code in order that new proteins can be formed. In other words, RNA is a messenger that reads and copies the instructions for life. In the process known as transcription, messages can be misinterpreted before they are translated. This is exactly what occurs within human society — fear causes misinterpretation leading to a reaction from one party, which triggers the same fear and a counter-reaction in another party. The result is Chaos, the 3 rdShadow and programming partner of this 50 thShadow.
易經將50 火風鼎卦詮釋為「宇宙制序」,而他的符號是「鼎」。古代聖哲很明顯的了解50最高頻率所象徵的原型。 當社會的整體頻率下降,腐敗與混亂便發生。有許多與世隔絕的社會及部落,過著和平美好的日子,他們的整體頻率很好。然而問題發生在不同種族家庭住在同一個疆域裡。 這時以「恐懼」為導向的古代生存腦便進來攪局。這股「恐懼」,錯誤的「轉錄」資訊,並將資料損毀。因此「腐壞」能夠被理解為一種集體所創造的實相。「腐壞」需要階級制度才得以存在,而階級制度是為了企圖維持社群的制序,當我們為社群創造了律法,便可能招來反抗。
The ancient Chinese name for this 50th hexagram of the I Ching is generally interpreted as Cosmic Order and its symbol is a cauldron. The sages of old evidently understood the archetypal role of the 50 thShadow at its highest frequency. When the frequency running through a whole society decreases, chaos and corruption rule. There are many examples of isolated societies and tribal groups that lived at a high frequency and enjoyed a peaceful existence. However, problems occur when different races, families and customs converge and try to live in the same general territory. It is then that the old fearful brain thinking once again springs into action. This fear misinterprets and corrupts data. Corruption can therefore be understood as the symptom of a collectively created reality. Corruption requires hierarchy in order to exist, and hierarchy is a low frequency attempt to maintain order within a community. By and large, the moment you create a law, one might say that you also create a rebel.
如我們在RNA的隱喻所見,「腐敗」的問題源自於自然法則的錯誤轉錄(譯註:階級制度)。50天賦握有人類社群的「和協」藍圖,但是當這些資訊透過我們的「古代生存腦」錯誤的轉錄時,50天賦「沉穩的平衡點」便不可能會發生。這一個過程能夠以44 陰暗層「干擾」加以了解。 50 與 44 共同形成了基因密碼環 —— Ring of Illuminati,其DNA在化學上有所連結。
As we have seen from the metaphor of DNA and RNA, this whole issue of corruption is born of an erroneous translation of natural law. The 50 thGift at its higher frequency holds the blueprints of all human harmony, but through a process of flawed transcription rooted in the old part of our brain, this equilibrium cannot occur. This process can be understood even more deeply through the 44th Shadow of Interference which, together with the 50 th , creates a chemical bridge in our DNA forming the Codon group known as the Ring of the Illuminati.
The 44 thShadow sets up an interference pattern that directly leads to social misinterpretation. One can see how deeply involved this 50 thShadow is with the complex world we see around us today.
Because of the speed at which technology has evolved, different human races with different laws and beliefs are thrown together into the collective cauldron. Despite the speed of our technological revolution, the old hierarchical consciousness still prevails across continents and cultures, giving rise to a kind of international hierarchy ruled by the wealthiest countries. At the Shadow frequency this elite hierarchy is often perceived as a secret world government bent on controlling the world — a kind of dark conspiratorial illuminati.
The world we see through the news headlines is actually a world that is struggling to move beyond the 50 thShadow. Corruption is rife throughout the socio-political and economic systems across our planet. The wealthiest countries are trying to maintain global equilibrium through hierarchical control, whilst at the same time being riddled with their own corruption. Almost everywhere one
looks, the fear-based thinking of the 50 thShadow is at work. However, as we humans will eventually learn, you can never tackle corruption by targeting individuals, individual groups or even individual countries. To restore equilibrium to this planet, we must look deeper than corruption itself. Corruption is merely the by-product of a deeply flawed worldview, and until one the core problem — hierarchy itself — is tackled, corruption will and must continue to flourish.
壓抑態 —— 過度負責
50陰暗層——「腐敗」,創造了二種人 —— 一種是階級統治的受害者,一種是得利者。而那些
The 50 thShadow of Corruption creates two types of human beings — those who are victims of the hierarchy, either through reaction or submission, and those who take advantage of it for personal gain. Those who submit to hierarchy are those who fear it and, in such people, this fear creates repression. These people are overwhelmed with the weight of the world and with the responsibility of protecting those closest to them. They are the victims of the hierarchy itself, and form the great majority of those caught up in the system. Unable or unwilling to escape the system, they usually live lives in which their dreams are compromised due to their perceived social responsibilities. This low frequency creates a stalemate because it is in their dreams that their creativity resides. Only when the deep fear is faced can their creativity force an outlet for them to transcend the system.
反動態 —— 無責任
他們雖然是階級統治的得利者,但也是受害的一方。這些人的恐懼會以無意識的憤怒呈現,以反抗上級或欺壓下屬表達他們的憤怒。 他們認為自己不用為行為的結果負責任。他們是帝國的創立者、企業家、沉迷於利益與名聲的女人。他們也是罪犯、判亂分子、與腐敗官員。
Those who take advantage of the hierarchy are as much victims of the system as those of whom they take advantage. In such people, the fear emerges as unconscious anger, which can be expressed either up the hierarchy at the leaders or down to those below. These people are irresponsible in the sense that they feel they are not accountable for the results of their actions. They are the empire creators, the industrialists, the competitive businessmen and women who are obsessed only with gain and status. They are also the rebels, criminals and corrupt officials at all levels of society.
Collectively these people are the expression of the ugliness inherent in all hierarchy, even though they live out such lives for the most part unconsciously.
To understand the 50 thGift is to see a great hope for humanity arising in the years to come. Within the 50 thS
hadow lies a hint of this hope in the form of a new social model that must lie beyond hierarchy. If the data passing
through the human brain is corrupted via the 50 thShadow then one must ask the question “What does it look like
when it is uncorrupted?” The answer is that within every human being is an inherent code for creating harmony,
both on an individual level and on a global level. Here in the 50 thGift is found the inner fulcrum upon which
balances the quality of our lives and our future possibility for world peace
As the Gift
of Equilibrium, this 50 thGift also holds the key to deep inner peace.
No single Gene Key can be truly understood without an understanding of all the other Gene Keys, which is why it is so important to come to know the essence of each one. A single molecule of DNA contains every one of the 64 Gifts in archetypal chemical form, so every one of them also has a resonance within your being at some level.
50天賦「沉穩平衡」與59天賦「親密」有個有趣的關聯。在一定的意義上我們可以說50「天賦」手握著讓集體進入「沉穩平衡點」的藍圖,而實現這個藍圖的則是 59「天賦」「親密」。順著這個邏輯推衍,我們也能找到59陰暗面「不誠實」與50陰暗面「腐敗」之間的關聯。「親密」是創造世界「沉穩平衡」的關鍵。「親密」在這個脈落中指的是誠實的與他人互動
。誠實最重要的角色便是創造一個乾淨的團體氣場,使得所有台面下的議題均能浮上台面。 少了誠實,世界不可能到達這種「沉穩的平衡點」。
It is interesting to note the relationship between this 50 th Gift of Equilibrium and the 59 thGift of Intimacy. In a certain sense one could say that the 50th Gift holds the blueprint of equilibrium whilst the 59 thimplements it. You can also follow this connection into the Shadow consciousness to find the deep connection between the 59 thShadow of Dishonesty and the 50 thShadow of Corruption. Intimacy is the key to manifesting equilibrium in the world. Intimacy in this context refers to honesty in interaction with others. The vital role of honesty is to create a clean group aura in which all hidden agendas are laid on the table. Without this, no true equilibrium can ever be reached.
榮格說「沒有任何一件事比起父母沒能活出自己,還要能夠影響心理及環境,特別是對於孩子」,這句話與50天賦高度相關,它跟「價值」如何一代一代的傳承下去有很大的關連。父母受壓抑的情緒及不被允許表達的密秘,會透過孩子顯現,進而創造一股不安的紛圍,除非父母能夠為自己的行為負責。顯然的,大多數的父母都假定問題出在孩子身上,需要導正及幫助的是孩子而不是自己。這個法則特別在第一個發展周期的七年裡最適用。在第一個七年以後,行為完全的被烙印,孩子需要被理解以消散無意識間所吸收的情緒負載。 透過參與孩子映射在自己身上的行為,父母能夠把握在第一個七年的黃金時期,療癒關係及能量場,並將「沉隱平靜」(equilibrium)帶給家人。
Carl Jung said “Nothing has a stronger influence psychologically on their environment and especially on their children than the unlived life of the parent.” This is highly relevant to the 50 thGift, which has much to do with the way in which values are passed on from one generation to another. Repressed secrets or emotions lying between the parents will emerge through the life of the child, creating an atmosphere of unrest, unless both parents take responsibility for the manifestation themselves. Obviously, most parents do the opposite and assume it is the child that needs fixing, helping or disciplining rather than themselves. This universal law applies particularly to children in the first seven years of their lives. Beyond this phase behaviour is fully imprinted and the child may indeed need some form of deep understanding to shed the emotional load that has been unconsciously placed upon his or her shoulders. Through attending to the mirror of their children’s behaviours, parents with children under the age of seven years have a golden opportunity to clean the aura of their relationship and bring deep-seated equilibrium into their family.
These people can create harmony in a group without even thinking about it.
This same law can be applied to larger social groupings, businesses and entire communities. At high frequencies the 50 thGene Key creates powerful ripples and electromagnetic currents that have the remarkable effect of bringing groups into equilibrium. Wherever a 50 thGift is found in a person, a point of equilibrium exists within the fabric of the social group, be it a family, a business or even across a whole race. Those people who carry the 50 thGift as a prime Gene Key have a great responsibility in the world. If the cauldron of the 50 thGift represents the social values of a particular community or family, then the role of the 50 thGift is to balance the ingredients in the pot, in order to create a state of equilibrium. These people are like cooks who know exactly how to read the needs and requirements of any group and adjust the ingredients accordingly. Although this gift sounds a complex one requiring a host of interpersonal skills, the truth is that these people can create harmony in a group without even thinking about it. Their true power is rooted in the high frequency that moves through their aura.
關乎於圓滿「個人」及「團體」的需求。 50天賦持有的願景,主要建立在「循環式階層」(heterarchy)的概念。簡而言之,
We have seen that the 50 thGift holds a kind of genetic blueprint for social equilibrium. Because of this it is a deeply complex archetype. Maintaining social equilibrium involves fulfilling the needs of both the individual and the group as a whole. In this capacity, the vision that the 50 thGift holds is based upon the notion of heterarchy, a social model beyond hierarchy, and discussed in more depth in the 45 thGene Key. In a nutshell, heterarchy is based upon the principle that if an individual is not in balance then the group has no chance of finding balance. Heterarchy thus places individual equilibrium before all else. It does this through encouraging a process of individual creative empowerment where each individual is given an extraordinary gift — trust. By trusting the individual to take responsibility for his/her own contribution to the group, a very powerful energy field builds within that group.
在「循環式階層」的模型中,50的基因密碼環及其錯卦3天賦「創新」也扮演著很重要的角色。Genekey 3 天賦「創新」
Within the heterarchical model, the 50 thGene Key’s programming partner and codon group also come into play in an important way. The 3 rdGift of Innovation engenders the spirit of playfulness and creative freedom that allows the heterarchy to empower itself. Only when individuals are trusted with
their own freedom does a community truly begin to radiate health. The 3 rdGene Key actually governs individual cell mutation within the human body. On a social level this translates as the empowerment and harmonisation of a whole group, one cell at a time. Group equilibrium is
also enhanced through the 44 thGene Key and its Gift of Teamwork, which together with the 50 thGift,
forms the basis of the heterarchical model.
True equilibrium and teamwork is always a self-organising phenomenon that can never be successfully implemented through external control. Herein lies the great secret to humanity’s future collective harmony — it can only be achieved through individual freedom and trust in the self-organising intelligence that emerges from that freedom.
Equilibrium can be lost, but harmony is constant and infinite.
Libra - The Light that moves to rest
天秤 —— 由動態轉向靜止的光
This is the light that oscillates until a point of balance is achieved. 震盪的光,直到平衡點發生
It is the light which is distinguished by a moving up and down. 以上下震盪界定自己的光
Libra Keywords |
Mutable | Fixed | Cardinal |
| | |
Imbalance 不平衡 | Urge for equilibrium 渴求平衡 | Perfect balance 圓滿平衡 |
Lust 貪慾 | Lust vs love 愛與慾求的平衡 | Perfected love 圓滿的愛 |
Need for dominance
支配慾 | Winners and losers
勝敗的平衡 | Perfection of Sacrifice
以奉獻來圓滿 |
Personal relations
個人關係 | Interpersonal relations
人際關係 | Transpersonal relations
超個人關係 |
Totally egocentric
自我中心 | Myself vs others
自我與他人的平衡 | The One Humanity |
Eye for an eye 意見回擊 | Eye to eye 意見一致 | The Third Eye 第三方意見 |
Materialistic 唯物論 | Idealistic 理想主義 | Realistic 務實主義 |
Keyword Phrases
Let choice be made.
這段陳述揭露了在俗世層面上,天秤持續受到的張力。它是一種對立的張力,需要和諧與平衡。透過人格自我上演高我與小我的戰爭, 天秤的試煉便是在此耕耘,學習正確的批判與愛。
This statement reveals the consistent tension which exists for Libra on the ordinary wheel. It is the tension of opposing forces, needing harmony and balance. This is the battle between the lower and the Higher selves as it plays itself out through the personality. It is here that Libra is tested, and right judgment and proper use of love are cultivated.
I choose the way which leads between the two great lines of force.
Right choice is always made when one is aligned with the Will-to-Good. This statement reflects the relationship between the First and Seventh Rays, as well as between Aries and Libra. The battle lines are drawn, and yet Libra's goal is one the focus of world service through the unfolding of expanded consciousness and the resulting responsibilities such visions entail. This is symbolised for us through Saturn's exaltation in the Scales.