GIFT PRESERVATION 天賦 —— 生命的汰舊與續存
SHADOW FAILURE 陰暗面 —— 恐懼失敗
CODON RING: THE RING OF ILLUSION (28, 32) 基因密碼環 —— 幻像之環
THE 32nd SHADOW – FAILURE 陰暗面 —— 恐懼失敗
THE MYTH OF FAILURE 對於失敗的迷思人類最大的恐懼之一便是32陰暗面——「恐懼失敗」。 這種恐懼根植於我們的DNA之中。雖然古代原始人表現出來的症狀與我們不同,但與我們有著相同的恐懼。害怕失敗根植於物種生存的集體恐懼。我們的祖先了解到,當我們聚在一起集體行動,便能獲得較高的生存率。這種集體的運作是由個體及家庭的網路組成,每個成員間有其相應的責任與能力,當他們匯集在一起時便能提高生存率。在史前時代如果個體被孤立或放逐了,幾乎便形同死亡。
One of the greatest fears that haunts humanity is found in the 32nd Shadow — the fear of failure. This fear has a deep biological root since it is built into your very DNA. Our early hominid ancestors had exactly the same fears as we do today, even though they may have manifested differently. Your individual fear of failure is rooted in the collective fear of failure to survive as a species. One of the first realisations that our ancestors had was that we had a better chance of survival if we stayed together and operated in packs. The pack or tribe consisted of a network of individuals and families all with different skills and responsibilities which, when pooled together, enormously improved the chances of survival. In prehistoric times if an individual became isolated or ostracised from the group, it almost certainly spelled death.
這種承襲自基因的部落群聚方式,其核心與另一種恐懼有關 —— 恐懼基因無法被延續 —— 換言之恐懼部落的消亡。對女人而言指的是無法找到交配的對象並生育,對男人而言指的是不孕。若將這份恐懼移至現代來看,它對於傳統及部落家族的延續有所影響。然而在西方我們會看到這種強固的部落結構不再了。男人與女人跨出原有的家庭結構尋求機會,導致部落結構的解體,中斷了部落所提供的支持。這種趨勢的成因是因為世界圍繞著金錢運作著。
At the core of this genetic reflex to stay together in tribal groupings lies another related fear — the fear of not passing on your genetic material — in other words, the fear that the tribe or family itself might die out. For a woman, this is the fear of not being able to give birth or find a mate, and for a man, it is the fear of infertility. Let’s translate this ancient fear for a moment right into the present. Obviously, for most people in the world, this genetic fear is responsible for keeping alive many tribal lines and traditions. However, in the West and in the developing world, we can see something different occurring — we no longer have such strong tribal family structures. Now most young men and women leave their families seeking opportunities outside the old family structures, which leads to the dismembering of those older structures and the support they offered. The reason for this trend is that the modern world revolves around money.
集體的生存恐懼幾乎完全投射在金錢上。 害怕失敗的恐懼深入了我們的身體並與金錢連結。介由這份恐懼,32陰暗層趨使現代社會的人們運作於低頻模式中。我們創造了一個以個體運作的世界,每個個體都為了自己的需求競爭,以延續自己的基因。也許實際上看起來不是這樣,但是他們是同一股恐懼 —— 我們渴望有更大的房子與車子,這是由於集體的競爭與恐懼所創造的。當其運作於陰暗面下,我們會認為當我們錢越多就越不可能失敗,這也是現代社會中為何金錢像徵成功的原因。
Our collective fear of survival is almost entirely projected onto the amount of money we have. The fear of failure as a feeling inside your physical body is intimately linked with money. The 32nd Shadow drives our modern society and keeps humans operating at a low level of frequency by means of this fear. We have created a world in which individual groups operate independently of each other in their need to compete and maintain their genetic lines. It may not seem that way, but the fear is that same old fear — your desire to have a bigger house or a faster car is actually born out of a huge collective energy field of fear and competition, which is in turn rooted in a much older fear. The larger your bank balance, the less chance there is of failure — that is how your mind thinks at the Shadow frequency. This is how money has become the great symbol of success in the modern world.
但是,金錢遊戲是虛幻的,他是由32陰暗面所創造的幻像。金錢的存在意義餵養了古代基因的生存恐懼。無論我們賺了多少錢或繼承了多少財富,這種古代的恐懼總是存在於生活的背景之中。而金錢則成了多數人的重大議題。為何會如此呢? 因為恐懼總是需要某些東西來餵養。即便金錢滅絕於文明之中,這股恐懼仍然會找到其他的替代物。然而正是恐懼本身是我們所而要克服的,而非金錢!真正的成功意味著不再被成敗所主宰。32陰暗面使得人們停留在自私與精英主義(32 ndShadow ensures that human beings will always remain selfish, restricting themselves to small elitist groups, families, businesses and fiefdoms.) ,只要人類的意識狀態還停留在分離的個體, 我們便會小氣吝嗇,並封閉在熟悉的部落與小團體之中(Until we can raise the consciousness of humanity as a whole, we humans will always remain essentially stingy in spirit, confining ourselves to our own gene pools and our own little tribal circles and cliques. )
But, and it’s a big but, the whole money game is an illusion and a sham — it is nothing more than a symbolic mirage created by the 32 ndShadow. The very existence and notion of money feeds the same ancient genetic fear. And that old fear is always somewhere in the background of our lives, no matter how many millions we have earned or inherited. Money remains one huge issue for most people on our planet. Why is this? The answer is that fear always needs something on which to feed. Even if we were to eradicate money from our civilisation, fear would simply find another place to hide. It is fear itself we have to conquer — not money! True success means no longer being ruled by the concept of success and failure. Thus the 32 ndShadow ensures that human beings will always remain selfish, restricting themselves to small elitist groups, families, businesses and fiefdoms. Until we can raise the consciousness of humanity as a whole, we humans will always remain essentially stingy in spirit, confining ourselves to our own gene pools and our own little tribal circles and cliques.
如同古代祖先所發現的,失敗實際上意味著一件事——孤立無援。 當我們與部落的支持網路切斷了以後, 我們便失去了能支持與豐足我們的生命鏈。現今,我們是如此的適應生存,以致於只要我們有足夠的金錢就能夠適應生存,即便我們孤立,什麼人都不見也能很活躍。然而32陰暗層不只關乎於人,它還關乎於整體性的生命(about life as a whole)。我們不顧地球自顧自的活著(isolated from the earth herself),我們仍思考著家族的生存,最多思考文化的生存,但仍尚未提昇集體意識,使其足以思考物種的存續。雖然己經有許多人走在前面,但我們仍未轉化32陰暗層以及其所伴隨而來的迷思 —— 失敗。
As our ancient ancestors discovered, failure really means one thing — to be isolated. The moment you cut yourself off from your tribal support network, you lose touch with the living chain that supports and nourishes you. Nowadays, we have become so adept at survival that if you have enough money you can flourish in isolation, without ever seeing anyone! But the 32 ndShadow is not only about people; it’s also about life as a whole. We humans now live isolated from the earth herself. We still think in terms of the survival of our own families and at best, our cultures, but we have not raised our group consciousness enough to think in terms of our species. Yes, there are individuals who think ahead, and these days there are many more of them, but we still have not transformed the 32 ndShadow and its myth of failure.
雖然這個陰暗層根植於免疫系統,但令其引發反應與失常的則是我們的心智。如果我們不能主宰我們的心智並覺察他的作用,那麼我們將受心智所主宰,換言之我們將被恐懼所主宰。 提昇心智的意識便是遠離這份恐懼。這並非意味著我們不會再感受到這股承襲自古代的恐懼,即便天賦層我們還是會感受到它,因為這份恐懼是集體意識的一部份,只是我們不再對它起反應。這便是關鍵。事實上這些恐懼適用於某些目的—— 它使得人類得以生存興盛。我們能夠由 32「陰暗層」所伴隨而來的「錯卦」 42看出,我們是如何在思維及經濟上被制約成小氣及競爭。42陰暗層代表「無法放下」並與死亡的主題有關。32所在的基因密碼環為幻像之環(Ring of Illution 28, 32),這個密碼環主要建立在死亡的幻像上,也就是28Genekey(譯註:28 恐懼死亡本身,而死亡的主題又與32的錯卦 42「無法放下」的死亡主題呼應)。死亡(譯註:28)與金錢(譯註:32)這二個主題在基因上(譯註:透過幻像之環)有直接的連結,因此在我們能夠超出自身以更大的視野來思考整體以前,我們將會一直停留在孤立的小世界裡。
Although the fear of this Shadow has its roots deep within the human immune system, it is the mind that reacts to it and feeds offit. If you are not in control of your mind or aware of its power then your mind will run your life, which means that fear will run your life. To raise the consciousness of the mind is to escape the grip of all fear. This doesn’t mean that we will never feel these ancient fears — at the Gift frequencies we probably will, because they are still a part of our planetary consciousness — but we no longer have to react to them. That is the key. These fears have actually served their purpose — they have kept the human species alive and allowed us to flourish. We can see from the 42nd Shadow — the programming partner to the 32 ndShadow — how strongly conditioned we are to be stingy and competitive, not only financially but also in our thinking. The 42nd Shadow represents the inability to let go and it is connected to the theme of death itself. This very codon group — the Ring of Illusion — is based on the illusion of death through its ally, the 28 thGene Key. There is a direct genetic linking between the themes of death and money (or death and taxes, as the old adage goes!). Therefore, until we begin to think in far wider terms, beyond our own little lives and out into the whole, we will remain isolated in our own little boxes with our own little bank accounts.
當我們不再認為是整體的一部份,當我們無法感受到合一而存在著內在分裂,其伴隨而來的結果便是失敗。當我們提昇頻率,超越了成敗,我們會知道所有的生命均運作於宇宙的法則之中。當我們能夠放下成敗以進入這種宇宙法則之中,生命便會帶給我們所需的資源(As you let go into this pattern you always find your natural support within it)。當我們不再恐懼並臣服於這種宇宙法則之中,金錢自然會在需要的時刻到來。
Failure is only an outcome when you cut yourself off from the whole. When you raise your frequency beyond the reach of concepts such as success and failure, you remember that all of life moves in a great cosmic pattern. As you let go into this pattern you always find your natural support within it. The more evolved among humanity have found this truth reflected by the way in which individual finances operate. When you surrender to the greater pattern and raise your consciousness above the fear threshold, money always arrives just when it is needed.
事實上金錢提供了一個學習機會,使我們得以放下恐懼,在許多方面它己成為了一種靈性導師。然而金錢的確存在,我們應該善用它以作為一種臣服宇宙法則的外在像徵(we should make the fullest use of it as an outer symbol of our ability to surrender to higher forms of consciousness.)。每當我們為金錢担憂時:放鬆、微笑、深呼吸、 感謝祖先,當你真正需要時,它自然會到來。
Money actually provides a wonderful lesson in letting go of fear, and in many respects it has become one of the new spiritual teachers on our planet. Whilst it is here (which is not forever), we should make the fullest use of it as an outer symbol of our ability to surrender to higher forms of consciousness. Every time you feel yourself worrying about money, smile, take a breath, thank your ancestors, and relax. When you truly need it, it always comes.
32陰暗層運作於壓抑態下是極端的保守主義份子。32陰暗層本身是股深度緊縮的能量,因此當他以壓抑及恐懼示現時,會變的極度緊縮與墨守成規。他們在生理上、情緒上、以及經濟上限縮自己使自己窒息。他們不接受他人的幫助,與及收新的生命能量,因而使自己匱乏。他們傾向將自己孤立在緊密封閉的小團體。這種小團體容易變的偏執,消亡也是遲早而己。The repressive side of the 32 ndShadow is an extreme form of conservatism. The 32 ndShadow is a deeply contracting energy in itself, so that when it manifests through a repressive and fearful nature it becomes extremely tight and fundamentalist. Such people are literally choking themselves physically, emotionally and financially. They are starving themselves of breath and of support from others. The tendency of such people is to isolate themselves in tight little communities that do not interface with the wider world. Such communities, groupings or cults can easily become paranoid about the rest of the world, and it is usually only a matter of time before they die out altogether.
32陰暗層失去了 與整體連結所産生的生命連續性。這種狀態建立在憤怒之上 —— 他們憤怒於自己的孤立,憤怒於沒有支援只能靠自己。 這意味著我們的憤怒將趨使我們走進自我毀滅的生命模式。當我們與生命的流動失去連繫,我們將自己從生命的源頭斷離, 生活不再順利。這樣的人與社會脫節、沒有目的感與該有的生命節律,將使他們招致身體上的危機。他們無法做出與自然律動相符的決定,進而讓自己得到健康與財富。無論我們做出什麼樣的決定,均令我們孤單。The reactive nature of the 32 ndShadow is about losing all sense of the continuity in life. This is a state based on anger — the anger that there is nothing to support you but yourself. This means that your anger will drive you into a self-destructive life pattern that will probably escalate at an alarming rate. If you have lost touch with the flow of life, then nothing really goes smoothly for you — you have cut yourself off from the source. People who live such disjointed lives, with no real rhythm or purpose, put themselves in great physical danger. The decisions they make cannot follow the natural flow that leads to health and wealth. Every decision we take in life either connects us to something greater than ourselves or cuts us off from our true and vital inheritance, leaving us feeling isolated and alone.
THE 32nd GIFT – PRESERVATION 天賦 —— 保存(生命的汰舊與續存)
THE ART OF GRAFTING 續存的藝術這是個祟高的天賦,關乎於超越自身的小框框來看世界,也就是超越「自私」。32天賦關乎於令事物得以延續(keeping things alive)。然而它不單單只是令事物得以延續,它還關乎於應該延續什麼。如同我們在32壓抑態所見的,這個genekey很容易導致「保存」對人類無用的事,如保守的基本教義主義。然而當人提昇了頻率,超越了恐懼的限制得以跳出來思考,他們會發現自己有投資的天賦(investment: 投入某項對自己或他人有用的事物)。
The 32 ndGift is called the Gift of Preservation. It is a truly noble Gift because it is about seeing beyond your own little world, which means going beyond selfishness. The 32 ndGift is about keeping things alive. However, it is not about keeping just anything alive, it is about knowing what to keep alive. As we saw with the repressive side of the 32 ndShadow, this Gene Key can just as easily lead to the preservation of things that really do not serve the human race, such as fundamentalism. However, the person who has raised the frequency of this Gene Key can see beyond the confines of their fear-based thinking, and they find that they have an instinctive gift for investment.
Investment can be understood on many levels. If the 32 ndGene Key is a major aspect of your hologenetic profile, then you have the potential of a powerful instinct for sensing the long-term picture in all situations. People with this gift also often have a deep capacity for restraint. They have the strength to withhold their energy (or money) from situations that appear tempting but that in the long term would not serve them. By the same token, this Gift enables people to trust in an instinct (especially about other people) that often does not appear to be at all logical, but that in the end will be extremely beneficial to them and to many others.
這個天賦是一種用來平衡風險(什麼需要改變)與約束(什麼需要保留)的直覺能力。這些人天生就知道,如果要成功就必需堅守原則、持續的更新、變革以擴展原先所投入(investment)的事。新約聖經有個寓言對於32天賦而言是很好的隱喻。有個大地主分別給了三位佃農 10元 5元 與1元,並要他們他善加保管與運用,第一位佃農繳回了20元,第二位佃農繳回了10元而最後一位佃農因為害怕把錢丢失而將錢埋起來只繳回1元。地主獎勵了前二位佃農但沒收了最後一位佃農的1元。
The secret to this Gift is the instinctive ability to balance restraint (what to keep alive) and risk (what to change). These are people who inherently know that if you want to maintain success in life, you have to have an unflinching set of principles coupled with a constant need to update, revolutionise and expand your original investment. The parable of the Talents from the New Testament is an excellent metaphor for the 32 ndGift. Here is a loose translation: A landowner gave three of his tenants ten, five and one talent each (a talent being an ancient unit of currency) and bade them make something of their investment. The first man (who had been given ten talents) returned with twenty talents, the second man (who had been given five talents) returned with ten talents and the third man (who had been given one talent) returned with only his one talent having buried it in the ground for fear of losing it. The landowner rewarded the first two men but took away the third man’s single talent.
這是個克服失敗恐懼的故事。 32天賦並非關於自我保護性的自我續存,而是關乎於生命的續存。32天賦有能力評估過去,建立優勢汰除弱勢。這些人很自然的能夠理解生命的節律及四季的更替。這使他們能夠直覺的認出事物的消亡,與何時需汰除。32「天賦」所伴隨而來的 42「天賦」—— 「去依附」(Detachment),當某件事不再合於32天賦的擴展性視野時,透過42「天賦」「去依附」能夠讓我們放下。
The lesson from the above parable concerns overcoming the fear of failure. The 32 ndGift is not about self-preservation, but is about the Preservation of Life. Only that which will adapt itself can survive and flourish. The 32 ndGift has the ability to assess the past, weeding out weaknesses and building upon strengths. These people have a natural understanding of the ebb and flow of the seasons and the rhythms of nature. It allows them to instinctively recognise when something is dying and to decide whether it needs to be pruned right back or disposed of altogether. Since the 42 ndGift (its programming partner) is that of Detachment, we can also see another of the strengths of this Gift — the ability to let go of whatever no longer serves the expanding vision of the 32 ndGift.
32天賦是嫁接(grafting )的天賦,而這正是「保存」(Preservation)的精要。我們必需保留強壯的根(rootstock)並將新的枝葉嫁接於其上。 以這種方式才能極大化我們的能量。嫁接的天賦能夠應用在所有人類活動的領域。 「去依附」(Detachment)也是這個過程的必要面向,因為我們必需放下失敗的概念。通常正是出於害怕失敗,使得人類無法適應全新的系統。 32天賦「保存」,能夠在自然界中眼見所及之處均有所映射。作為一個物種,當我們越是與「自然」一致,我們越能夠成功。就天賦層而言,成功關乎於一種經濟的方式(Success at the Gift level is about economy),而經濟來自於一種和協而非競爭。
This 32 ndGift is the Gift of grafting, which is the essence of true Preservation. You have to retain that which is strong — the rootstock — and then you have to graft the new onto that which is strong. In this way, you will always maximise your energies. This Gift of grafting can be applied across any and every field of human endeavour. Detachment is also an essential aspect of this process since you will have to let go of your own notion of failure. It is usually the fear of failure that prevents human beings from adapting to a new system. The Gift of Preservation is mirrored everywhere you look in nature. The more human beings align themselves with nature, the more successful we will become as a species. Success at the Gift level is about economy, and economy comes from being in harmony rather than in competition.
就幻像之環的深度理解而言,我們能看到人類現今所面臨的二難。我們創造了一個由32陰暗層所映射出來的世界。影響我們最大的二種恐懼便是失敗與死亡。當人類進入了32的天賦層,我們將再次回歸到自然。自然代表著強壯的老根(old rootstock),其狂野便是衪的力量,而人類則是嫁接其上的新枝葉。當我們再次學會對於自己的起源感到榮耀,地球將會教導我們走進和協的自然節律。當我們能夠傾聽古代部落的古老的智慧,我們將再次的發現到真正的內在本心。當我們能夠有這樣的定錨,我們便能開始將現代科技嫁接在古代的智慧上,這才是真正的超越。
From a profound understanding of the Ring of Illusion, you can see the dilemma that humanity currently faces. We have created the modern world in the image of the 32 ndShadow. Our two great fears are death and failure. As we move into the 32 ndGift as a species, we shall once again return to nature. Nature represents the old rootstock. Its very wildness is its strength, and we, humanity, are the vibrant young shoot with its dreams of transcendence. As we learn once again to honour where we have come from, the earth will teach us how to move in harmony with its natural rhythms and cycles. As we listen to the great wisdom of our ancestors and of the indigenous tribal cultures, we will once again find our correct inner spirit. Once we have this as our anchor, we can graft our modern technologies onto the old wisdom and the result will be truly transcendent. This is the great secret of preservation.
The other great domain of the 32 ndGift is relationships. People with this Gift in their hologenetic profile have an instinct for who will make a good ally and who will not. They don’t just see individuals — they see the interrelationships between many different people as well. Thus they have a natural understanding of hierarchies and the continuity of those relationships within the hierarchy. Because of this they can be invaluable within any business or community. Given their gift of restraint, they can also sometimes appear at first glance to be quite conservative. However, each of the 64 Gifts is essentially a balancing act between the two extremes of the Shadow — hence people with this gift are neither too conservative nor too haphazard — they simply have the gift of knowing when to be one or the other. In this respect they really hold the future of the planet in their hands. If these people cannot overcome their fear of personal failure and selfishness we, humanity, are all at risk. However, if they rise above that fear and move beyond the selfish tendencies of the Shadow frequency, they can be the most vehement defenders and preservers of our earth.
Libra - The Light that moves to rest
天秤 —— 由動態轉向靜止的光
This is the light that oscillates until a point of balance is achieved. 震盪的光,直到平衡點發生
It is the light which is distinguished by a moving up and down. 以上下震盪界定自己的光
Keyword Phrases
Let choice be made.
這段陳述揭露了在俗世層面上,天秤持續受到的張力。它是一種對立的張力,需要和諧與平衡。透過人格自我上演高我與小我的戰爭, 天秤的試煉便是在此耕耘,學習正確的批判與愛。
This statement reveals the consistent tension which exists for Libra on the ordinary wheel. It is the tension of opposing forces, needing harmony and balance. This is the battle between the lower and the Higher selves as it plays itself out through the personality. It is here that Libra is tested, and right judgment and proper use of love are cultivated.
這段陳述揭露了在俗世層面上,天秤持續受到的張力。它是一種對立的張力,需要和諧與平衡。透過人格自我上演高我與小我的戰爭, 天秤的試煉便是在此耕耘,學習正確的批判與愛。
This statement reveals the consistent tension which exists for Libra on the ordinary wheel. It is the tension of opposing forces, needing harmony and balance. This is the battle between the lower and the Higher selves as it plays itself out through the personality. It is here that Libra is tested, and right judgment and proper use of love are cultivated.
I choose the way which leads between the two great lines of force.
Right choice is always made when one is aligned with the Will-to-Good. This statement reflects the relationship between the First and Seventh Rays, as well as between Aries and Libra. The battle lines are drawn, and yet Libra's goal is one the focus of world service through the unfolding of expanded consciousness and the resulting responsibilities such visions entail. This is symbolised for us through Saturn's exaltation in the Scales.
Right choice is always made when one is aligned with the Will-to-Good. This statement reflects the relationship between the First and Seventh Rays, as well as between Aries and Libra. The battle lines are drawn, and yet Libra's goal is one the focus of world service through the unfolding of expanded consciousness and the resulting responsibilities such visions entail. This is symbolised for us through Saturn's exaltation in the Scales.