GIFT IDEALISM 天賦 —— 理想主義
CODON RING: THE RING OF LIGHT (5, 9, 11, 26) 基因密碼環 —— 光之環
THE 11th SHADOW – OBSCURITY 陰暗面 —— 晦澀不明
THE FASCIST REGIME OF THE HUMAN EGO 支撐自我的法西斯11Genekey 屬於基因密碼環中的「光之環」(Ring of light),11地天泰卦關乎於人類的視覺(包含內視覺及外視覺),正因為這樣它與人類的眼睛有極大的關連,也與新皮質層如何轉譯我們所接收到的影像,以形成想像力有關。
The 11 thGene Key will open you to a whole new world — the world of light. Indeed, it is this Gene Key that gives its name to the important genetic and chemical group known as the Ring of Light. This Gene Key concerns human vision — both internal and external. As such it is deeply connected to the human eye and the way in which images are translated via the visual cortex into the brain as imagination. One of the most fascinating studies of light in all its potential can be seen through this genetic codon.The amino acid threonine programs your DNA through the 11 thGene Key. Threonine also codes for three other Gene Keys — the 5 th , 26 thand 9 th .
光之環中的每個genekey,涉及到人類如何與光連結。當它們運作於高頻狀態下時,5th 「圓滿成就」「永恒」顯示了,光如何透過空間以超出時間的限制,這是為什麼超越光速也會帶來時空上的超越。26th 「圓滿成就」 「隱形」 涉及到以超自然的能力,介由透過磁力控制人對光的受覺。9th 「圓滿成就」「不敗」喚起了如鐳射般的聚集光束,以解離身體的實相,使你變得萬能 (譯註:9的不敗 - 指的是臣服宇宙識,高度集中於更高層的意志,使我們能夠馴服再小的瑣事,因為內在空間無限的被打開所以「不敗」,「隱形」也很類似,只是面向不同,指的是「自我」消融掉) 。
Each of these four Gene Keys concerns a different code through which human beings are connected with light. At the highest level of consciousness, the 5 thSiddhi of Timelessness shows how time can be brought to an end through its connection with light via the medium of space. This is why transcendence of the speed of light also leads to the transcendence of time and therefore space. The 26 thSiddhi of Invisibility concerns the supernatural ability to manipulate the human perception of light through magnetism, and the 9 th Siddhi of Invincibility invokes the laser-like focusing of light in order to dissolve your physical reality thereby making you effectively omnipotent.
這四個Genekeys中的每一個都能以陰暗層的角度看待,更進一步說明了我們如何透過光的介質以碰觸內在明析的力量,這股力量深深與人類的苦難連結在一起。以 11地天泰卦 陰暗層及天賦層的例子而言, 涉及到光與人類心智間的處理介面。 11地天泰卦 陰暗層在這中間放置了一個干預頻率,以轉譯這些光。換言之,透過11地天泰卦 陰暗層會阻止我們所經驗到的世界,因此它代表了 幻想,妄想,與晦澀不明。
Each of these four Gene Keys can be viewed through the lens of their shadow frequencies, which further illustrates how deeply human suffering is linked to your ability or inability to tap into the powers of clarity through the medium of light. In the case of the 11 thShadow and Gift, we are looking at the interface between light and the human mind. The 11 thShadow places an interference frequency between light and the way in which the brain processes, translates and communicates that light. In other words, your whole experience of the world is pushed off kilter(順利) through the medium of the 11 th Shadow. It therefore represents the field of illusion, delusion and obscurity.
多數人其實是活在很小一段的光譜內,這意味這我們無法清楚的看見實相。多數人認為的實相都是糢糊歪斜的。11地天泰卦 陰暗層為人類右腦創造了一個功能上的限制。也就是找們無法透過語言與文字看見事物的運作,而是介由大腦深度所産生的直覺及影像來捕抓真相。右腦長久以來被認為是女性(陰性)化的腦,它是心智的直覺面向,藝術面向及水平思考面向。如果我們不能完全發揮這個女性化大腦的功能,我們會對於所感知到的實像是如此局限,而感到震驚。
The greater percentage of human beings on this planet lives within a very narrow band of light waves, which means that they do not see reality clearly. What most people think of as reality is a very dim and skewed view of the true reality. The 11 thShadow greatly limits a very specific functioning of the right hemisphere of the human brain — that aspect of your mind that does not see patterns and facts through language and number, but grasps reality through reams of(大量的) interconnected and intuitively grasped fractal images emerging from the deep recesses of the brain. The right hemisphere of the brain has long been seen as the feminine side of the brain — it is the lateral thinking, intuitive and artistic side of your mind. If you could see how deeply limited your perception of reality is without the full functioning of this feminine side of your nature, you would be enormously shocked.
11地天泰卦陰暗層 ——「晦澀不明」,基本上將我們放在一個虛擬的實相裡,這個實相的建構,伴隨了其錯卦12天地否卦 陰暗層 —— 自負虛榮。這個實相是很晦澀不明的,只能從很侷限的因素來看待我們的生命。他們的運作方式如下:陰性化的腦會為我們創造出恐懼,右腦傾瀉而來的影像既不能被控制,也不能被解讀,在多數情況下他們會被放到大腦不常用的地方處理,這些是我們所壓抑的夢想,情緒問題,及沒有被表達的事(包括幻想)。因此男性化的左腦就變的比較占優勢,因為邏輯意味著得到控制。右腦似乎很混沌,而左腦則是控制及合理化。
The 11 thShadow of Obscurity essentially places you inside a virtual reality — a construct created through a combination of programming via this 11 thShadow and its programming partner, the 12 th Shadow of Vanity(自負虛栄). This reality is a total obscuration in which you can only view life through a certain very limited set of parameters. Here is how it works: representing the feminine pole of the brain, the 11 thShadow creates a field of fear within human beings. The images that flood your mind from the right side of the brain can neither be controlled nor do they appear to make sense. In most cases, they are relegated to a backwater of your brain where they emerge as secret fantasies, repressed dreams, emotional issues and hidden agendas. The male oriented left side of the brain (encapsulated in the 17 th Shadow) therefore becomes far more dominant, since it uses logic as a means of controlling your reality. Whereas the right brain seems chaotic, illogical and idealistic, the left brain is the voice of control and reason.
11地天泰 所伴隨而來的錯卦 12天地否 涉及到的是聲音而非光。它將11地天泰陰暗層——以抽像為導向的實相,轉譯成虛構的內在神經語言,並將其投射在世界上。在這個虛擬的世界中心,坐著一個分離的自己,這是一個受內在法西司所控制的幻覺,並透過內在媒介運作著,這個媒介持續透過光與聲音的形式操控我們。換言之在 11地天泰 與 12天地否 陰暗層的影響下,它只允許你聽見和看見他想讓你知道的部份。如果你很熟熟悉這些聲音,這是因為外在的實相是由內在所映射出來的。「虛榮自負」給了這個分離的自己一個名字,它形成了虛構實相的基楚。許多其他糸統及傳統均將這個建構出來的內在自己,命名為「自我」。
The next part of the story involves the programming from the other side of our genome through the 12 thShadow. The 12 thShadow programs through sound rather than light. It translates the abstract oriented reality of the 11 thShadow into an inner language — a neuro-linguistic fabricated(人造) reality that you then project out onto the world. In the centre of this virtual world sits the separate self — a controlled illusion held together by a fascist inner regime operating through an inner media that continuously manipulates you though the medium of light and sound. In other words, the 11 thand 12 th Shadows only allow you to see and hear what they want you to see and hear. If this sounds familiar to you, it is because our outer world has a tendency to mirror the inner reality. Vanity is the name given to the false protagonist(主角) sitting in the middle of your screen, and it forms the basis of this planet's false reality. Many other systems and traditions have named this inner construct the ego.
這個分離的「自己」或「自我」(The ego or separate self)虛構出集體的制約,但正如同我們能夠進行去制約一般,「自我」也能漸漸的被消融。這是一個很精密的的過程,也是心裡分析及多數玄密系統的基楚。人類巨大的恐懼被壓抑在右腦,當我們開始釋放右腦傾瀉而來的資訊時,會為我們曝露在極大的危險之下。我們可能會被潛意識的壓抑所傾瀉而來的影像淹沒,而我們的內在語言可能無法處理這個解離的過程。 這是為什麼這種內在事件被視作一種死亡,且常常會造成妄想的狀態,因為我們內在的恐懼,會與右腦內浮現出來的原型結合為一體。( 譯註:原型指的是某種人類共通的性格原型,如被害者,救者贖者)
The ego or separate self is thus a figment(虛構) of our collective genetic conditioning, and just as our conditioning can be picked apart, so can the ego gradually be dissolved. This is an extremely delicate operation and is the basis of most mystical systems and certain types of psychoanalysis. The great fear for human beings remains the repressed right hemisphere of the brain. As you begin to unleash the floodgates of this part of your brain, whether through some form of shamanic training, mystical technique, drugs, therapy or art, you put your whole constructed reality in great danger. You may begin to feel overwhelmed by the flood of imagery that rains down on you from your repressed unconscious, and your inner language may not be able to handle and integrate the results of such dissolution. This is why such inner events are seen as a death and can often result in delusional states where your fear tries to identify with the archetypes emerging through the right brain.
The secret of the 11 thGene Key and the right brain is the secret of the archetypes. Every single element or image that floods you from your unconscious represents an archetype — a collectively held alchemical image that reflects the process of dissolution. There are archetypes that thrill you and archetypes that terrify you. In the modern world, the mass consciousness maintains its main outlet to this archetypal world through stories, television and cinema. You cannot escape the archetypes because they are the projections of your own psyche. But the real power of an archetype is its biophysical response within your body. These are not just images that you can view objectively, but are neurological links that stimulate your entire body via your glands. You try to avoid the particular archetypes that cause you the greatest fear, but you never can. The more you try to avoid them, the more they stalk you. Thus you keep recreating the very situations you hate, especially in your relationships, where the archetype often assumes the form of your partner.
11地天泰陰暗層 是否定 、罪疚、壓抑、逃避與失落夢想的地雷區,如果我們開始相信腦中浮現的夢想,並透過想像力孵化,我們置身於虛假夢想的問題便開始浮現。為了脫離這種狀態,需要有很豐富的經驗。 也就是除了走出幻想的世界之外,還必需步上另一條新的道路,這條路可能與多數人所走的都不同。我們有天必需步出這一步,正是這一步使我們從陰暗層走向天賦層。當我們最後有勇氣一躍,長久以來隱藏的夢想會搖醒我們,引領我們走向新的視界。
The 11 thShadow is a veritable(真實的) minefield of lost dreams, escapist behaviour, denial, guilt and repression. If you could just begin to trust in the images that come to you in your dreams and allow them to incubate in your imagination, you would begin to emerge from the false dream that you have placed yourself in. To awaken out of such a state is a vast experience. It is to step out of the illusion of the rest of the world and to tread a new kind of path that is at odds with the majority. It is the step that you must one day take to move from the 11 thShadow into the 11 thGift. When you finally make this courageous inner leap, the dream that has been hidden inside you for so long shakes you awake and introduces you to a new and boundless horizon.
當右腦的原型形像被壓抑,它會轉而向內創造一個幻想的世界。幻想本身並沒有錯,只要它找到個一個創造性的出口,但多數情況下均找不到。壓抑的基底是恐懼,當我們沒能擁抱這份恐懼時,它會耗盡我們身體的能量。我們沒能活出的部份逐漸耗盡身體的能量,導致各種建康的問暊。甚至更遭的,當幻想找不到一個創造性的出口,會阻礙我們找到天命。我們的命運就隱藏在這些幻想背後,當我們延誤的越久,它們就會越扭曲,直到內在的原型被曲解成更黑暗的形式。在我們能學會為自己的夢想負責以前,這股創造性的力量便無法釋出。When the archetypal imagery of the right brain is repressed, it turns inward and creates a world of fantasy. There is nothing wrong with fantasy so long as it finds a healthy and creative outlet, but in most cases it does not find such an outlet. The foundation of repression is fear, and when this fear is not embraced it creates an enormous drain on our whole body and being. Unlived lives gradually drain the physical energy from the body, leading to all manner of physical health problems. Even worse than this, inner fantasies that do not find a creative outlet block us from following our true destiny. Our destiny is always hidden away behind these fantasies. The longer we hold them within, the more twisted they become until what began as a simple archetype becomes perverted(破壞曲解) into a much darker form. Until we can own responsibility for such a form, we cannot release the creative power that lies within us.
反動態根植於憤怒與拒絕,將內在幻想轉為投射場並顯化於世界中。 如果能擁抱內在的恐懼及憤怒,那們我們內在的原型確實能得到顯化,但是反動態的本質從不允許這件事。反動態本質利用外在世界迴避自己的內心,這些人有很好的想法,但從來不實現。因為內在深層是拒絕的,他們無法放下夢想中的自我形像。這些人最終會轉向失望,甚至是崩潰。「妄想」本身,會企圖外化虛假的夢想,並掩了真實的夢想。 直到真實的夢想被揭露以前,內在所浮現的只是無力顯化的裝飾(what emerges is simply a veneer with no power to manifest)The reactive nature, rooted in denial and anger, turns the inner fantasy into a projection field and tries to manifest it in the world. If the anger were embraced and the deeper fear owned, then the archetypes within us would indeed manifest in the world, but the reactive nature never allows this. Reactive natures use the outer world to hide from what lies within them. These are the kind of people who have a great idea in their minds but they never manifest it. Because of the depth of their denial, they cannot let go of the inner image they have of what they would one day become. Such people are headed for eventual disappointment and even breakdown. Delusion is the attempted externalisation of a false dream that conceals a deeper and real dream. Until the true dream is uncovered, what emerges is simply a veneer with no power to manifest.
THE 11th GIFT – IDEALISM 天賦——理想主義
MAGICAL REALISM11地天泰 天賦是當今最重要的關鍵之一。 隨著越來越多人有勇氣實現右腦的創造性力量,世界就越健康。 歷史上女性及陰性力量的壓抑,正是陰暗面下大腦化學物質失衡最直接的示現。這些困住我們的原型形像,其壓力來自於過往的祖先。換言之,這些形像是記憶。進一步來說,這些記憶並非個人的,而是壓抑了上千年的集體記憶。 這些記憶在我們身上以原型示現,當你開始了解這些原型能為你做什麼,便開始能運作天賦「理想主義」
The 11 thGift is one of the great keys of our present age. The more people who can be encouraged to play with the imagery and creative power coming from the right hemisphere of the brain, the more healthy the world will become. The historical repression of the feminine power and of women in general is a direct manifestation of the imbalance within our brain chemistry coming through the 11th Shadow. The imagery that lies trapped within us is the pressure of our ancestral past. In other words, these images are memories. Furthermore, these memories are not just personal memories, but collective memories that have lain repressed for millennia. Such memories exist within you as archetypes, and the moment you begin to understand what an archetype is capable of, you begin to work with the dynamic energy of the 11 thGift — the Gift of Idealism.
Idealism is given a bad rap in our modern world. It is seen as the opposite of realism, and realism is associated with the power of manifestation whereas idealism is generally seen as weaker. The 60 th Gift of Realism however is actually founded upon a magical truth — that the only thing needed for magic to occur is some form of structure and an open mind. This is not in any way at odds with the true nature of idealism. What most people think of as idealism is really the Obscurity of the 11 thShadow that is unable to manifest its dreams. For idealism to manifest in the world, all it needs is a structure to manifest through. But, and it is a big but, first you have to discover what your true ideals and dreams really are.
The moment you begin to entertain the archetypes of the 11 thGift, you open a floodgate of seemingly chaotic imagery in your inner life. If you are not prepared for this and the chain reaction that will inevitably follow, all kinds of delusional problems can result. The power of working with an archetype is that you know beforehand that no matter what you feel or experience, it is a projection of your own inner psyche. For example, if you have an altered experience of becoming the Buddha or experience messianic powers, instead of identifying with this experience you can see it as an alchemical stage in your own psychic process. The danger comes with identification. The entire notion of past lives is based upon such identification, and although it seems perfectly harmless to identify yourself with a past historical character, it actually prevents the archetype from flowing deeper inside you. Archetypes move in fractal patterns, flowing from the past to the future and vice versa. Only in the present are you safe, because the present is the only thing you cannot identify with.
理想主義代表了穩定的原型記憶之流進入了物質世界。只要允許它自然流動,便能顯化你的夢想。 當它進入物質世界以前,你不會知道他是什麼樣子。你唯一知道的是內心深處被攪動的感受。 你的心智為你的夢想招來了視覺的形像, 而這正是阻塞流動昇起的潛在因素。你必需在相信夢想的同時,卻又能放下它應該如何被實現的樣子。每個形像,原型或是神秘經驗,都是時間之流的一部份。 因為如此,11天賦的精要便是能夠樂於享受這股流動,既不被過去制約也不被未來的期望形塑。(11 thGift is the ability to play with the archetypes that pass before you and into your life.)這股玩樂的感受會放鬆我們,及我們想要緊抓的經驗。
Idealism represents the steady flow of archetypal memory into the world of form. As long as it is allowed free movement, it will manifest your dreams in the world. One of the trickiest things about your dream is that you never know what it will become as it emerges into the world of form. You only know the feeling that it stirs deep inside your heart. Your mind conjures visual images around your dreams and ideals, and this is where potential blockages to the flow arise. You must believe in the power of your dream and at the same time you must give up what it looks like. Every image, archetype or mythical experience you have or see is a part of the river moving from the past towards the future and vice versa. Because of this, the real essence of the 11 thGift is the ability to play with the archetypes that pass before you and into your life. This very playfulness loosens your tendency to try to tightly grip your experiences.
The 11 thGift, as you may sense, is a world of magic and fairy tale, but make no mistake about its real power. With the right structure, this energy of idealism will manifest great things in your outer life. Through the 11 thGift, all the forms of the natural world swirl within us. This is the land of the tribal totems — creatures infused with particular and potent ancestral power. In every culture, such totems abound. Even in our modern world, we use symbols and animals to represent our businesses and lives. Each one of these symbols carries real power behind it when it resonates with your inner ideal. In the world of the 11 thGift, everything is a symbol of the endless pattern of the great archetypes moving from the world of the formless into the world of form — from the past into the future via the vital artery of the present.
當人類再次把右腦的重要性考慮進來, 我們會為物質世界帶來極需的平衡。 當父權主宰的力量消解了,男性開始以陰性的力量加以平衡,世界最終會以這樣的方式顯化右腦所帶來的平衡。這是我們時代的真正意義。 這也是為什麼有這麼多的古代部落知識,再次傾瀉到地球的集體意識。正是透過11地天泰「天賦」,真正的魔法再次回到我們的世界(譯註:這裡講的魔法讓我想到佛教講的神通,神通不只是超能力,像藝術創作,帶領眾人或有能力處理生活中的瑣事都是神通)。
As we humans begin to think once again with our right brains, so we will bring much-needed balance to the world of form. The result will manifest in the world around us as the dominance of the patriarchal forms subsides and the power of the feminine pole comes into balance with the male. This is the true meaning of the time we are living through. It is why so much ancient tribal knowledge is once again pouring into the collective consciousness of our planet. It is through this 11 thGift that the true art of magic is once again returning to our world.
Sagittarius - A beam of direct, focused Light
射手 —— 距焦的直線光束
In this the point of light becomes the beam, revealing a greater light ahead
and illumining the way to the centre of the light.
Keyword Phrases
Let food be sought.
This phrase symbolises the urge to gain experience, something that Sagittarius on the ordinary wheel of life does quite indiscriminately. Any food will do - the idea is just to gather the basic substances of life in order to bring about those situations that stop the Horse "in his tracks". When he is thus satiated and bursting he may then realise that he had better take control of the reins, since he is the rider as well as the steed.
This phrase symbolises the urge to gain experience, something that Sagittarius on the ordinary wheel of life does quite indiscriminately. Any food will do - the idea is just to gather the basic substances of life in order to bring about those situations that stop the Horse "in his tracks". When he is thus satiated and bursting he may then realise that he had better take control of the reins, since he is the rider as well as the steed.
I see the goal.
I reach that goal and then I see another. This sentence clearly depicts the frame of reference of a Sagittarian on the reversed wheel of discipline and initiatic promise.
I reach that goal and then I see another. This sentence clearly depicts the frame of reference of a Sagittarian on the reversed wheel of discipline and initiatic promise.