GIFT DIPLOMACY 天賦面 —— 外交手腕
CODON RING: THE RING OF ALCHEMY (6, 40, 47, 64) 基因密碼環 —— 內在鍊金術之環
THE BATTLE OF THE SEXES 陰與陽的戰爭6th Shadow - 衝突 關乎於影響人際溝通最大的問題。 當運作於高頻時, 6th 像徵了和平的原型,然而當運作於低頻時則導致了人際間的衝突。這種衝突源自於無法處理極端的情緒狀態。 當衝突的雙方能夠識別出自己的情緒狀態,對峙與昇高便能瓦解。一但我們被情緒系統所掌控,便會受困於情緒抓摸不定的本質。
The 6 thShadow of Conflict is the single most influential Gene Key in regard to the issue of human communication. At its highest potential, the 6 thGene Key is the archetype of peace on earth, whilst at its lowest potential it is the root cause of all human conflict. This conflict stems from the human emotional system and our inability to handle the voltage of extreme emotional states. Conflict breaks out whenever two or more people agree to identify with their emotional state. As long as you surrender your will to the emotional system, then you will be trapped by its volatile nature.
6thShadow 關連到人體血液中的PH,以維持酸醶平衝。 若以更大的尺度來看這個象徵,我們可以看出 6th shadow 關乎於某種失衡。 特別是男女的失衡,長久之下最終導致性別間的戰爭。這種戰爭並非只限於男女,而是關乎於失衡的二極——宗教與科學,東方及西方,貧與富,陰與陽。 如同世界有自身的PH一般,一但失衡便將導致衝突。 同樣的,身體如果偏酸將有利於病毒與癌症,而社會如果失衡將造成動亂,腐敗,更遭的將導致戰爭。
Within the human body, the 6 thShadow relates to the pH level of your blood. Its job is to maintain an optimum balance of acidity and alkalinity so that your cells can thrive. As a metaphor on a wider scale, we can see that the 6 thShadow is about the loss of this balance in the world at large. In particular it is about the imbalance between male and female and over time has given rise to the notion of the battle of the sexes. This battle or conflict is not just about men and women — it is about the balance of all polarities — religion and science, east and west, rich and poor. The world itself has its own kind of pH level, and wherever it is imbalanced, conflict ensues. In the same way that an overbalance of acidic body tissue becomes an environment for viruses and cancer to thrive, so do social imbalances result in upheaval, corruption and at their worst, war.
6th Shadow 能夠分別以人際與集體來加以詮釋。當它運作於個人層面會透過情緒的狀態加以顯化。 如果我們曾在情緒上有所壓抑,整個文化都會受影響。 同樣的如果我們完全的被情緒所掌控,我們就無法享有內在的和協。情緒與我們的建康習習相關,如果我們情緒一直很緊張,我們的身體就會受折磨。 情緒問題是導致疾病最大的原因,而 6th 的錯卦 36th Shadow of Turbulence (混亂)則強化了這個問題。36 的陰暗層制約了我們,當我們感到不安全及不確定時,會令我們變的神經質。正是這種神經質帶來的緊張形成了一種集體的頻率,充塞於我們的環境。而他們(6,36)之間的生物反饋迴路便根植於防衛與神經質。36的陰暗層使我們感到緊張,這鼓神經質餵養了6的陰暗層,使我們表現出防衛。同樣的,我們的防衛也會使周遭的人感到緊張。
The 6 thShadow can be interpreted individually through relationships or collectively through communities. At an individual level, this Shadow manifests through your emotional state. If you have ever been emotionally repressed through shame or guilt or abuse, the entire culture within your being has been disturbed. Likewise, if you are utterly ruled by your emotions, there can be no sense of harmony inside you. It is well known how much your emotional state influences your biological health. If you are stressed emotionally your body will suffer. Emotional problems are the greatest cause of illness on our planet, and the 36 thShadow of Turbulence, the programming partner to this 6th Shadow, reinforces this fact. The 36 thShadow conditions you to be nervous when you feel uncertain or insecure about anything in life. It is this nervousness that forms the background frequency of our whole planet. The biofeedback loop between these two shadows is rooted in nervousness and defensiveness. The 36 thShadow makes you nervous, feeding the 6 thShadow, which responds through making you behave defensively. Likewise, your own defensiveness makes other people behave in a nervous manner around you.
人類下意識性成癮於衝突。我們渴望內在和平與世界和平,但是集體的低頻卻強化了我們的衝突模式。這在關係中再清楚不過了。 男性與女性間的分岐是最古老的創傷之一,其引動機制便寫在我們的基因裡。面對異性時,我們在基因上便被設定好會産生防衛,除非我們提昇自己的頻率,否則難以感受到內在的平靜。這對6th的陰暗層來說是很諷刺的,我們必需放棄對異性的吸引,才能消解這份衝突。 性別與戰爭是相互關連的。這對許多人而言是個重要的殘酷事實,特別是我們面對這種困境卻毫無辦法。
Human beings are unconsciously addicted to conflict. We long for peace individually and globally, but our collective low frequency ensures that we keep reinforcing the patterns of conflict. Nowhere is this seen more clearly than in our relationships. The conflict between male and female is part of the oldest wound there is, and it is hot-wired into our genetics. You are genetically sub-programmed to defend yourself from the opposite sex, and until your frequency rises above the emotional gravitational pull of the opposite sex, you can never really know peace. This is the deep irony of the 6 thShadow — to bring an end to conflict, you have to give up your attraction to the opposite sex. Sex and war are deeply interrelated. This is a profound and perhaps disturbing truth for many people, and especially so because there is nothing we can do about it. Human sexuality can only be transcended through physiological mutation, which is dependent on the extent of your connection to the higher planes of reality.
當 6th陰暗層放到社會的層面來看,它主宰了不同種族間的關係。6th的反射性的防衛會變還很危險,因為我們在基因上便被設定無法信任其他的種族與文化。正是6th的陰暗層導致了國界與彊域,也必需為戰爭負責。然而當我們把6th陰暗層放到生命的演化來看,它其實也沒那麼可怕。 它是一個古老的基因,也是演化上必需的。它確保了種族多樣性最初得以生存,允許不同種族不受近親繁殖的影響。相較而言,直到全球化的最近,不同種族間才開始融合,這也暗示者人類己經到達基因上的反轉點了(axis point)
When the 6 thShadow is viewed at a social level, it dictates the relationships between different racial groups. Here the genetic defence reflex becomes truly dangerous, since we are subprogrammed to distrust other gene pools and cultures. It is this 6 thShadow that first gave birth to the idea of national borders and boundaries, and it is the 6 thShadow that is responsible for war. War has been a by-product of our genetic makeup for millennia. However, the 6 thShadow is not as frightening as it sounds when viewed in evolutionary terms. It is an ancient part of our genetics, and it has been a necessary part of our evolution. It ensured that racial diversity existed in the first place, allowing different gene pools to expand and thrive without too much inbreeding. Only relatively recently have all the gene pools begun to merge with each other, which suggests that the human race has arrived at a very important genetic axis point.
6th陰暗層關乎於維持清楚的界線(about maintaining boundaries and borders),它關乎於決定誰是與自己一國的,誰不是,其運作根植於我們的防衛。6th的陰暗層使我們相信必需要保護自己免於危險。這可以分別從個人層面與國家層面看到。我們情緒上的防衛方式決定於發展週期的第二個七年裡(7-14)。這些生命裡的巨大能量被栓住,以保護我們免於受到情緒起浮的影響,除非我們能夠去除這種制約,否則即便我們成人了,這種防衛還是會持續。同樣的,就國家的層面而言,我們也花了太多的精力在防衛上。
The 6 thShadow is about maintaining boundaries and borders. It is about who is included and who is excluded, and its entire basis is defence. The 6 thShadow causes you to believe that you have to defend yourself from danger. You can see this at both an individual level and a national level. Your emotional defence strategies are primarily laid down during your second seven-year cycle — from the age of 7 until 14, as you navigate puberty. An enormous amount of life energy is tied up in protecting ourselves from the volatile emotional situations we felt as children. Unless we enter some deep process of de-conditioning, we will continue to carry these defences throughout our adult lives. In the same way, on a national level, we invest the majority of our energy in defence. The aggregate world defence budget is equivalent to well over one thousand billion dollars. One can only imagine how different the world might be were even one tenth of this sum used in a creative way.
直到每個個體能獲得情緒上的進化,並能夠於關系上和平共處 (譯註:從占星上而言,冥王星跨過天秤天蠍,就是為了處理這個問題,以確保下一個世代的孩子在情緒上能發展的好),世界才會和平。6th的陰暗面無法被超越,然而我們會看到,這種演化會發生,事實上它正在發生。
The 6 thShadow is the reason we cannot create world peace. Until such time as human beings move through an emotional revolution at an individual level and find peace in our relationships, this Shadow cannot be transcended. However, as we shall see, it is also written into our human story that revolutions do occur, and in fact one of the biggest is beginning right now.
當6th運作於壓抑態時,它會不計代價維繫人際間的和平。這種模式主要基於恐懼,透過妥協來操控環境以達到情緒上的安全。 這是他們的防衛模式,也是那些會取悅他人的人。 他們會掩蓋衝突,並用一切方法阻止它發生。 問題在於,除非能將衝突透明化,否則早晚會爆發。這種過度小心的壓抑態,其內在深處是虛假的,這種虛假會喚起他人下意識的不信任。 這種狀態也會吸引另一種極端的人(反動態),造成失能的關係及家庭動力。當他們有勇氣發展足以面對衝突的勇氣,他們會了解到,這並沒有比想像中來的可怕。The repressive nature of the 6 thShadow is concerned with maintaining peace between people, regardless of the cost. This pattern is based entirely upon fear and means that these people will totally compromise themselves in order to maintain control of their emotional environment. This is the defence pattern of over-attentiveness, and these are the people pleasers. The repressive nature will sweep conflict under the carpet by adopting any behaviour that will keep it at bay. The problem here is that unless conflict is dealt with transparently it tends to eventually explode. The over-attentive nature is at its core deeply false, which means that it will invoke unconscious distrust in others. Over-attentive natures also tend to draw tactless natures to them, resulting in some spectacularly dysfunctional relationships and family dynamics. When these people finally develop the courage to face conflict, they realise it is never as bad as they feared.
REACTIVE NATURE – TACTLESS 反動態 - 缺乏情緒策略(譯註:字面上為不得體)
壓抑態的另一端,無法容納任何情緒。他們缺乏情緒策略,顯露出陰暗面的本質,導致一種誇張的情緒表達方式(inevitably results in a backlash)。這些人總是會發現自己身陷情緒危機,並由於自己需要為憤怒找一個出口,並將憤怒投射在他人身上,而使情況變的更糟。他們無法為自己反覆無常的情緒負責。他們共通的防衛就是把人痛批一頓後便轉身而去。這種缺乏情緒策略的二難在於,他們看不見自身缺乏情緒策略。他們認為問題總是在別人身上,使他們很難讓人親近而沒有朋友。只有前文壓抑態的這一類人才能和他們相處。要打破這種模式的密訣在於為自己的情緒負責,而不是以青春期習得的方式回應。
The other side of this 6 thShadow is unable to contain its emotions at all. Lack of emotional tact and timing betrays a low frequency nature that inevitably results in a backlash. These people are always finding themselves in difficult emotional situations, which they make worse by giving vent to their anger, as well as projecting it onto others. They are unable to take responsibility for their own volatile feelings. Their most common defence is to lash out and then storm away. The dilemma of the tactless nature is that it is deaf to its own lack of tact. These people assume that the problem is always in the other person which, unfortunately, earns them no friends and makes it very difficult for others to get close to them. The only kind of person who will remain with such a pattern is the over-attentive nature described above. The secret to breaking this pattern is for reactive natures to take full responsibility for their emotions, instead of remaining stuck in a teenager mentality.
THE 6th GIFT – DIPLOMACY 天賦 —— 外交手腕
DROPPING YOUR DEFENCES 放下防衛運作於天賦層時,6th「外交手腕」能夠調整自己與他人和協的交流。這個天賦來自於面對他人時能打開自己。 當我們越清楚自己情緒上的制約時,我們會感到越來越平靜。 因為這個天賦與PH的平衡有很大的關係, 也會在環境中穩定我們的氣場。換言之,當一個人能看清自身無意識的投射時,便能夠中斷集體陰暗層的影響。如果我們不再扮演對峙與昇高的遊戲(reaction/blame game),衝突的另一方便會被迫面對內在的希特勒。
At a heightened frequency, the 6 thGift pulls rapidly away from the world of conflict and argumentation. This is the Gift of Diplomacy — the ability to adjust your own behaviour to create a harmonious exchange with others. This gift is a by-product of opening your heart to another person. As you become clearer about your own emotional conditioning, you begin to feel more peaceful. Because this Gift is so deeply connected with the pH balance in your physical body, it also has the effect of stabilising the emotional aura in your environment. In other words, when one is able to see and own their unconscious projections, they actually rupture the collective Shadow patterns wherever they go. If one person is not playing the reaction/blame game, the other is forced to come to terms with his or her own demons.
我們能看到這個天賦如何能夠讓我們進一步的了解,平衡PH值在我們身體的影響。一段健康的關係必需有陰陽上的平衡,施與受的平衡,傾聽與表達上的平衡。當平衡被打破時,衝突便隨之而來。6th的天賦能夠立即的運用這種需求上的平衡,以維持和協(in order to maintain peacefulness)。例如,如果一方在關係中變得有人侵略性,天賦層的對策便是吸收這鼓攻擊性,並如實的將這鼓能量還給對方(pass the energy back without adding anything to it)(註),這可以用很多方式做到,最常見的便是以誠實的情緒策略應對。誠實是6th天賦的關鍵,另一個關鍵則是時機,你必需在對的時機以對的方式以誠實應對。
(譯註:關於如實的將這鼓能量還給對方,這段也許很多人都看不懂,其實這在外國影集常演,婚姻諮商裡面也用這個技巧,而他的原理卻來自於禪,如果從禪的方法切入,所謂的如實還給對方指的是,「不跟隨」「不對抗」,什麼意思呢,「不跟隨」指的是我不跟隨自己的情緒起浮,也就是不成為我的情緒,不對抗指的是我不壓抑我自己,那麼這樣的二難要去哪裡找出口?——表達你的情緒,也就是不跟隨情緒不成為情緒,而是表達你的情緒,常常會看到一些外國影集有一些橋段,就是當一方攻擊另一方時,女方常常會說:「你讓我很受傷」,這就是表達情緒,他的難度在於,需要一個人清清楚楚的看到自己當下的狀態,並表達那個狀態,所以原文寫到 pass the energy back without adding anything to it,禪裡面稱作「如實」,意思是「是什麼就是什麼」,清清楚楚)
You can see how the balance of pH in the body can be further understood through this Gift. For a relationship to be healthy there must be a balance of yin and yang, of receiving and giving, listening and expressing. Conflict ensues when this balance is lost. The 6 thGift has the effect of instantly applying the required amount of give and take in order to maintain peacefulness. As an example, if one person in a relationship becomes aggressive, the diplomatic countermeasure is to absorb the aggression and then pass the energy back without adding anything to it. This may be done in any number of ways, but tactful honesty is one of the most common. Honesty carries an extraordinary power and is one of the keys to Diplomacy. The other key is timing. You have to be honest in the right way and at the right moment.
6th的天賦會透過靈光圈的共振場,調節我們在適當的時機該說什麼,該做什麼。這些人能夠在身體上感知另一個人的能量場。他們能做到這件事是因為這是一個特別的天賦,也是因為他們在情緒上很成熟。 情緒上的成熟意味著,即便在深度的情緒狀態,我們的覺察(awareness)依然運作著。隨著我們越來越能夠覺察到自己的情緒模式時,通過情緒系統的頻率開始加速被釋放。這讓我們對能量更加敏感,就如同衝突的預警系統一樣。當我們運作於6th天賦模式時,我們能在衝突昇起前便能感知到。這使我們能夠緩和自己的言行,以消散衝突。
People displaying the 6 thGift are always attuned to the right timing of how to act and what to say through the strong resonance field of their aura. These people can physically feel into another person’s aura. They can do this because it is a specific genetic gift and also because they are emotionally mature. Emotional maturity means that your awareness operates even during the most profound emotional states. As you become more and more aware of your own emotional patterns, the frequency passing through your emotional system is released and quickened. This makes you much more sensitive at an energetic level, like an early warning system for conflict. When you are operating out of this 6 thGift you can sense conflict in others before it even arises. This enables you to temper your own actions and/or words to disperse the conflict.
然而 6th天賦外交手腕,不單單只是能夠說正確的話。真正的天賦是能量上的,運作於人的靈光圈(aura)。6thGenekey 鉗入於人的性慾之中,它關乎於穿透人際界限(penetration of borders and boundaries)。由於6th陰暗層,介於二性之間存在著巨大的磨擦力。 使得雙方忙於防衛,以致於缺乏真正的愛與連結。隨著6th天賦進入了人際關係,人與人之間的情緒障礙便開始瓦解。 6th天賦催化消解了二性間的磨擦力,並介由這個過程,使得雙方能夠進行更深層的能量交換。 這正是戀愛中所感受到的經驗。
The Gift of Diplomacy is far more than the ability to speak the right words, however. That is a mere surface skill that can be mastered by anyone even at a low frequency. True diplomacy is an energetic gift operating through a person’s aura. Because this 6 thGene Key is so embedded within human sexuality, it is about the penetration of borders and boundaries. Because of the 6 thShadow, there is tremendous friction between the opposite sexes. Both sides are so busy defending their individuality that there is very little real love or connection. But this friction is maintained only as long as each party hangs on to its defences. As the 6 thGift enters into human relationships, the emotional barriers begin to break down between people. The 6 thGift catalyses the process of dissolving the natural friction between opposites and in doing so, it allows a far greater exchange of energy between them. This is exactly what the experience of falling in love is.
6th是基因密碼環——內在鍊金術之環的一部份。6th天賦扮演著人類轉化的關鍵作用,這個基因密碼環由四個genekeys 組成(6 47 40 64)
As part of the chemical genetic family known as the Ring of Alchemy, the 6 thGift is playing a pivotal role in the transformation of the human species. This codon ring is formed by four Gene Keys — the 6 th , 40 th , 47 thand 64 th— whose themes are Diplomacy, Resolve, Transmutation and Imagination respectively. This is a very powerful genetic grouping. The 6 thGift is breaking down the barriers in human relationships, the 40 thGift is forging this new openness into our communities, the 47 thGift is allowing us to transform our old ways and the 64 thGift is opening us to a fresh set of possibilities for living in a new way. At a collective level therefore, every person manifesting the 6 th Gift is a participant in this deep alchemical process of gradually bringing peace to earth. These people realise how throttling defensiveness can be, both in individuals, cultures and whole races. As this Gift enters the world in a more widespread manner, as indeed it must, we shall begin to see the dismantling of the many types of borders and barriers that keep people apart from each other.
PS: 有寫todo的部份大多是精力不夠,或者有些段落太虛無所以最後再翻
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