2017年8月21日 星期一

Genekeys 61 風澤中孚卦


SIDDHI SANCTITY 圓滿成就 —— 內在聖堂


CODON RING: THE RING OF GAIA (19, 60, 61) 基因密碼環 —— 蓋亞之環

THE 61st SHADOW – PSYCHOSIS 陰暗面 —— 精神異常


一般字典中「精神病」的定義可能是「任何形式的心理缺陷或者精神錯亂」。普遍視作一種精神上的痛苦,並與思考紊亂及妄想有關。也許他的關鍵特徵便是,由於個體過於深受其害,以致於無法覺察自身的痛苦。精神病有輕重不同的程度。重者無法在不傷害自他的情況下與社會互動。然而61陰暗面所顯示的是,造成精神病無法與真實世界互動的,正是所有人類的背景意識(what the 61 stShadow will show is that psychosis, which entails a loss of contact with reality, is the background consciousness of almost all human beings),那些聲稱己了解疾病本質的人也包括在這個背景意識之內。下面這句話可能會震驚心理學界:精神病事實上是人類意識的一般狀態。

A standard dictionary definition of the word psychosis might read "any kind of mental defection or derangement.” Generally seen as a mental affliction rooted in chemistry, psychosis is associated with disorganised thinking and delusional beliefs. Perhaps its key hallmark is that the individual so affected is usually unaware of their affliction. There are degrees of psychosis from mild to acute. The psychoses that are recognised are the more acute forms in which human beings are unable to function in society without endangering either themselves or others. However, what the 61 stShadow will show is that psychosis, which entails a loss of contact with reality, is the background consciousness of almost all human beings, including those that purport to understand the nature of the malady itself. At the risk of shocking the psychological community or indeed the wider community, psychosis is in fact the ordinary state of the mass consciousness of humanity in the world today. 


In the 61 stShadow the true nature of the mind is obscured. The true nature of the mind is described, as much as it can be described in words, in the 61 stSiddhi of Sanctity where it is seen as emptiness, or perhaps more clearly as infinite space. However, the mind as we know it today is sick, and it is sick for one reason alone — because it seeks itself. It is through the narrow gate of the 61 stGene Key that a great question permeates the world of human beings, the question of why. This question Why? is in fact an aberration caused by the limitations of our current awareness. It is also this question that has powered the direction taken by humanity for thousands of years and in particular over the past few hundred years. There is a tremendous pressure within the human brain to find an answer to this question that continues to well up from the deepest reaches of our unconscious. 

左右腦均想由「為什麼」尋求解達,但註定均以失敗告終。右腦透過宗教以釋放這股想尋求解答的壓力,左腦則透過科學來釋放這股壓力。我們無法減輕這股壓力的關鍵因素,便存在於61所伴隨而來的錯卦 62 陰暗面 —— 以心智思維(intellect)尋求解答。61陰暗面所帶來的壓力,透過化學與神經元直接與人類的智能相連,這也是為什麼最初它會將單純的「壓力」轉化為「為什麼」的問題。(註),「為什麼」是所有字句的開頭,進而延伸出人類社會不同的語言。


Both right and left hemispheres of the brain grapple with an answer to this question but both are ultimately destined to fail. The right hemisphere seeks to end the pressure through religion whilst the left hemisphere seeks to end the pressure through science. The key to our failure to relieve the pressure is found in the programming partner of the 61 stShadow, the 62 ndShadow of Intellect. The pressure from the 61 stShadow is neurologically and chemically routed directly into the human intellect, which is what turns the pressure into a question in the first place. The word why is the first word of all words, and out of it has been born all the different languages of humanity. This pairing of the 61 stGene Key and the 62 ndGene Key is a very mystical pairing. 

直到人類最終演化發生前,我們都會保持在這種精神異常的狀態。我們的心智會持續的趨使我們尋求答案,或尋求釋放問題的壓力。在現代,人類演化( The arc of human evolution )也被這個問題加劇,我們可以看見他的背後有很崇高的目的在。但也讓人進退二難 (它防止我們真正的接觸到實相)。 如同所有精神病狀態均無法覺察到自身的精神病。即便是一個敏銳的人,能覺察到人類的自我毀滅傾向,也無法逃離這種二難。這種二難在於,我們無法在精神異常的狀態下修復自身的精神異常。古文明稱此為幻像(Maya)。

Until humanity's final evolutionary leap takes place — the quantum leap triggered through the 55 th Gene Key — we will remain in a state of psychosis. Our minds will continually drive us consciously or unconsciously to seek an answer to the question, or try to find release from the pressure behind the question.  The arc of human evolution in modern times has been fuelled by this question, so you can see what a lofty purpose it serves. And yet it produces a deep dilemma — it prevents us from actually experiencing reality. As with all psychotic states, we are unaware of our own psychosis. Even those sensitive people who do become aware and can see an inevitable human slide into self-destruction are caught within the dilemma. The dilemma is that you cannot fix the psychosis from within the psychosis. The ancient civilisations called this perceptive cloak thrown over the world the maya — the great illusion. 

實相本質的問題關乎於頻率, 正如同64個genekeys也關乎於頻率。只有當通過基因碼的頻率能提昇到一定的層次,你才能開始感知到實相。如William Blake 寫到:「如果知覺之門得以洗淨,每件事都會顯示無限的本質」。這能夠描述在 61 62 天賦層間所發生的知覺轉換。在最高的層次上,實相的確是無限的壯麗。然而在現今的集體意識下,61陰暗層滲透全人類,使得人類變成壓力的受害者。對於那些能夠保證我們,解救我們免於壓力的人,我們不惜為他做任何事,也會相信他所說的一切。因為他允諾我們能延遲心智上的壓力,宗教正是如此。

The issue of the true nature of reality is all about frequency, just as this entire work on the 64 Gene Keys is about frequency. Only when the frequency passing through your individual genetic coding rises to a sufficient level can you begin to perceive reality, or as William Blake famously put it: “If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear as it is, infinite.”  This is aptly demonstrated through the shift in perception that occurs between the 61st and 62 nd Gene Keys at the Gift levels of frequency. At the very highest levels beyond that, reality is indeed experienced in all its infinite splendour. However, at the frequency level of the mass consciousness of humanity today, the 61 stShadow prevails and humanity is simply a victim of the pressure of this Shadow. We will do anything and believe anything or anyone who promises to deliver us from the pressure. Thus because it promises us respite from the pressure within our minds, religion is one of the biggest businesses on our planet. 


The problems with religion are not usually sourced by the founders. Those rare beings who attained the highest frequencies in the past spoke directly from the siddhic reality. But the 61 stShadow holds a single great flaw, the flaw of worship. The moment you worship another, you set yourself below them in a victim position. You guarantee that your frequency will remain at that low level and be severely impaired. You need to understand here the difference between worship and devotion. Devotion contains the seed of individual dissolution, whereas worship requires a basic duality between you and your God. The only way to release the pressure of the 61st Shadow is to step right into the heart of the pressure rather than constantly trying to make it go away.

但是心智思維(intellect)很不喜歡61所帶來的壓力,心智思維在自身週圍型成了一個複雜的心理構造,並將其稱之為實相。當我們走進61所帶來的純粹壓力時,便能完全粉碎所我們所建構出來的心智(intellect),但是很有可能在我們面臨心智或靈性的 突破/崩潰 時,引起急劇的精神異常。 為了讓粉碎心智的過程能夠安全的進行,一個人必需經歷漸進式鬆脫心智的準備期。而這一過程正是 61天賦——「靈感」 的過程

But the pressure from the 61 stShadow is truly terrifying for the human intellect, which has formed an intricate mental construct around itself and called it reality. Stepping into the pure pressure from the 61 stShadow will shatter the intellect completely, quite possibly inducing a state of acute psychosis in which you undergo a spiritual and/or mental breakdown or breakthrough. In order for this delicate shattering process to occur safely, a person must pass through an organic preparatory period in which the hold of the human intellect and its false reality is progressively loosened. This is exactly the process referred to through the 61st Gift — the Gift of Inspiration. 

61所帶來的壓力,也同樣能餵養科學思維。因此,科學性思維同樣的也建立了一個無效的釋壓方式,因為問題源頭的疑情無法被回答。邏輯是一種封閉的系統式思維。 因為邏輯總是導致疆局, 它無法回答終極的問題。科學甚至無法回答「如何」因為「如何」是「為什麼」的衍伸物。即使是最先進的量子物理也無法介由邏輯來找到答案,因此邏輯受限於邏輯自身(logic bends its own laws),創造的次元(如量子)無法被預測與證明。現今我們見證到,心智最絕望的一擲,因為心智正式圖了解一個無法被心智了解的問題。
Ultimately, as we shall see, the question can only be answered when it has become one with your consciousness, at which point it paradoxically dissolves. (這句看不是很懂(先放著不翻))
This pressure of the 61 stShadow also feeds the scientific mind. Thus, the scientific mind is also set up to fail in delivering a release from the pressure because the question of why is an unanswerable and rhetorical question. Logic is a closed-circuit system of thinking (a concept you can understand better through the 63 rdGene Key). Because logic always leads to stalemate, it simply cannot provide an answer to the ultimate question. Science cannot even truly answer the question of how because how is a derivation of why. Even the most advanced scientific thinking in quantum physics can no longer find answers within the domain of logic, and therefore logic bends its own laws, inventing dimensions that cannot be seen or proven. Today we are witnessing the last desperate throws of the intellect as it tries to understand a question that cannot be understood intellectually.Ultimately, as we shall see, the question can only be answered when it has become one with your consciousness, at which point it paradoxically dissolves. 


當一個人逃離61的陰暗面便會産生幻滅。 壓抑問題的源頭直接導致守舊與模仿的行為。幻滅通常來自於孩童時的制約,它是一種內在的自我放棄。因為它令我們感到害怕,以使我們迴避生命的問題,如果我們追循它,我們將失去一切令我們感到舒適安全的東西。我們將必須步上個人追尋的旅程,使我們必須放下名聲與地位。而且,我們只能獨自步上內在追尋之旅。當61的陰暗面透過壓抑態折射時,這些人會依循傳統的道路 —— 教育,宗教及科學。然而,在他們的內在深處,生命的疑問仍在,幻滅卻成為了內在真實的狀態。無論他們有多努力、多成功,他們的內在依然不安,不圓滿。
Disenchantment occurs when one turns away from the pressure of the 61 stShadow. The repression of the question of one’s true origin leads directly to imitative, conformist behaviour in the world. Disenchantment is an inner giving up that usually has its roots in our childhood conditioning. It is hiding from our own question because it terrifies us. The inner question scares us because if we pursue it, we will have to break away from all that feels comfortable. We will have to set off on a personal quest and that will take us away from the status quo. Furthermore, the inner quest is a dangerous path and can only be travelled alone.  When the 61 stShadow is refracted through a repressive nature, these people go the traditional route — through education, religion or science. However, deep down inside them, the question remains and disenchantment becomes their true inner state. No matter how hard they try or how much they gain and succeed in the world, inwardly they remain unfulfilled and restless. 


反動態下,人們會執迷於61陰暗面所帶出的問題。而不是經歷61陰暗面所帶來的挑戰,這些人變的疆固,並固著在單一的解答上。他們發現一個安全舒適的地方,並將自己依附在他們之中,這可能是某個方向,某種信念,與某個領導者。他們所做的便是將知識性的答案置放在重要的疑問之上,圍繞著答案建立起虛假的真實。由於固著於答案,他們也必須處理 找到「存在唯一的真理」的二難。他們開始幻想於自己的發現,通常會變成某種傳教士的形式以宣傳自己的發現。所有反動態的本質下根植於不安全感,並以憤怒作為一種防衛。這股憤怒能夠保護他們不用處理內在真正的問題。
The reactive human nature becomes obsessed by the question coming through the 61 stShadow. Rather than pass through the gauntlet of the 61 stGift, these people become frozen and fixed on a single answer to their inner question. Such people find a safe and comfortable place in the structure, leader, creed or direction to which they have become attached. What they do is place an intellectual answer over the top of the question and they build their reality around that answer. By rigidly holding on to their answer, they also have to deal with the psychotic dilemma of having found “the only true answer to the great question of existence.” They become fanatical about their discovery and usually become some form of missionary in its further propagation in the world. Beneath the surface of every reactive nature is a well of insecurity that bubbles to the surface as anger. This anger further protects them from having to deal with the true question within them. 


GOD IS PRESSURE  上帝是壓力,壓力背後是神的愛

當我們不再祟拜神而與神合一時,靈感便出現。 61天賦——「靈感」,聽起來像是個再普通不過的屬性,但是真正的61天賦一點也不舒服。靈感歸因於一種過程,它與一般的理解非常不同。靈感(Inspiration)這個字源於古印歐語系,意思為呼吸,並與拉丁文spiritus有所連結,同樣意為呼吸。靈感的過程便是:「漸近式的釋放我們所建構的疆固實相 」,也就是以疆固實相為內在呼吸,漸近式的釋放至外在世界 (The process of inspiration is a gradual releasing of your inner breath through the fabric of you reality and out into the world)。 靈感除了帶來創造性的示現以外,還包括了消解心智所構成的內在實相。

Inspiration is what happens when you stop worshiping God and start becoming God. The 61 stGift of Inspiration may sound like a common enough attribute, but the reality of this Gift is far from comfortable. Inspiration refers to a process that is very different from our normal understanding of the word. The word inspiration derives from the ancient Indo-European word for breath and is connected to the Latin spiritus, also meaning breath. ​​The process of inspiration is a gradual releasing of your inner breath through the fabric of your reality and out into the world. Despite its wonderful creative manifestations in the world, inspiration involves a powerful dismantling of the inner realities that have been built by your mind. 

靈感始於當我們將自己置身於生命疑問的第一線時。易經將61卦稱作「內在真相」,它作為一種象形符號代表了隱藏於我們內在深處的東西 (譯註: 應該是指中孚卦的孚,孵的意思 )。靈感之路通常始於向外尋找答案。靈感最初會偶發性的快速閃過,於其間我們快速覺知到真相的樣子。有時內在真相會長期揭露某個事件的本質(註)。這種粉碎心智的強大經驗通常會改變一個人的命運之路。靈感與其他的經驗其區隔在於,靈感的發生會伴隨經驗上的改變。即便一閃而逝的內在真相都會改變覺察力的運作,透過靈感使我們能夠在一個預備的狀態下接受更大的體驗。

(譯註: 長期揭露指的是, 他會分段式的一點一點的揭露,每次我們都以為自己看到的真相是真相,但其實都是真相的影子,之所以被稱作內在真相是因為,它的出現伴隨而來一種可信, 就是這個的感覺,除此之外通常也會引發改變,而這種內在揭露不會停,禪也說開悟沒有了期,所以即便看到內在真相,也不能緊抓著他,因為他會不斷揭露 )
Inspiration begins when you place yourself directly in the firing line of the inner question that lies within each human being. The ancient Chinese named this 61 stHexagram Inner Truth and as a pictographic symbol it represents that which is hidden deep within us. The path of inspiration often begins as an outer quest as you seek answers from the outside world through systems, teachers or disciplines. In the beginning, inspiration comes to you sporadically as flashes, in which you fleetingly perceive the nature of reality in a distilled form. Sometimes inner truth may be revealed to you for longer periods. Such shattering and powerful experiences usually alter the path of one’s destiny.  What separates inspiration from other heightened experiences is that after inspiration you are permanently altered. Even a brief flash of true inspiration will change the way your awareness operates. Through inspiration you are being prepared for an even greater experience than you can yet conceive. 


The path through the 61 stGift is necessarily a very creative path, since true inspiration destroys some aspect of your inner delusion, thus releasing a great surge of trapped energy into your body and life. Such energy naturally seeks an outlet through creativity. Creativity is the single most important Gift for drawing humanity out of its mass psychosis. It unlocks the latent forces of inspiration inside you, pulling you away from a state of victimisation. Inspiration and creativity have their challenges however. The main one for human beings is patience. Inspiration cannot be forced or predicted, but comes when it comes and stays for as long as it stays. In between these heightened inspirational states, you may well become dejected or depressed. However, at a certain level of frequency you will reach a plateau, and at this level the inspiration itself gives you enough energy to maintain a heightened state. Once again, the key is some form of creative process. 

61天賦——「靈感」,其本質上是心靈的,因為他的目的在於鬆脫疆固心智,開啟並擴展愛的能力。61天賦所伴隨而來的62天賦「精準」,使我們能夠以其他人能夠理解的語言形式,表達出無以言喻的靈感狀態,並能夠以大智慧及精要的方式,表達出生命的玄奧。61天賦的運作特徵便是原創性的表達,並以源源不絕的創意活動參與這個世界(and the seemingly endless stream of its activity in the world)。在這個過程中某些殊勝的事發生了,過去所認為的實相,於我們的內在深處鬆脫了。許多人在這個階段無法放下所體驗到的經驗,並執著於想要創造的形式。而那些能夠持續鬆脫實相定義的人,便能開始進入更高深的領域。他們進入意識之流,在這個意識之流中,「靈感」開始消解疆固的心智,在這個階段中,就如同好像有個更大的存有取代了我們的人生。我們可能無法真正的覺知到衪,但是我們正通往神性之門。 

By its very nature the Gift of Inspiration is spiritual because it serves to loosen the hold of your mental constructs, opening and expanding your capacity for love. Alongside the 61 stGift, the 62 nd Gift of Precision enables the wordless experience of inspiration to be expressed in a language that others can understand. The 62 ndGift of Precision is adept at expressing the mystery of life with great intelligence, beauty and economy. One of the hallmarks of the 61 stGift in action is the originality of its expression and the seemingly endless stream of its activity in the world. Deep within the person in the midst of such a process something extraordinary is occurring — their hold on reality as they know it is slipping. Many people are not able to let go during these stages and cling to the forms they have begun to create in the world. Those who can continually release the definitions of their reality do begin to enter a more rarefied realm. They enter a stream of consciousness in which inspiration begins to annihilate their lower mind. At this stage, it may appear as though a greater being is somehow taking over your life. You may not know it, but you are approaching a door — the door to the greatest secret known to humanity — the door to the Divine. 

One of the greatest statements ever made concerning the nature of divinity is the mystical axiom “God is pressure.” This revelation powerfully describes the process whereby the inner truth hidden within human beings is unlocked. You are a pressure machine! Deep inside your body, the pressure of the mystery of your being beats in the heart of every single molecule of living DNA. Through its associated codon ring, the Ring of Gaia, this 61 stGene Key represents a mystery hiding inside every single unit of matter in the universe. This mystery is the mystery of Christ consciousness, that quintessence of inner light that holds all things together. It is the creative evolutionary process that gradually unveils this inner light. Through the Ring of Gaia we can see how our ecosystem — the living, breathing diversity of the blue-green planet and all its life forms — is destined to discover its own inner truth as one entity. This codon ring shows that evolution is a force that is breaking out from inside us, and that to unlock its secrets we have only to look inward. 


gates: [ 61, 42 ],
center: [ 'Head', 'Ajna' ],
type:      [ 'Individual, Knowing Circuit', 'type of Projected' ],
quarter: [ 'Mutation', 'Initialtion' ],
     [ 'Purpose fulfilled through Transformation',
       'Purpose fulfilled through Mind' ],
模式:創始, 創始


Capricorn - The Light of Initiation

魔羯 —— 啓蒙之光

This is the light which clears the way to the mountain top, and produces transfiguration,
 thus revealing the rising sun.

Capricorn Keywords
Mountain Goat 山羊Sea-Goat 海山羊Unicorn 獨角馬
Ambitious 野心Objectifying Purpose
Culminating Purpose
Prisoner of Form
Relating Energy to Form
Perceiving the Energy within the Form
Encased by Structure
Relating to structure
Creating Structure
Anchoring Ideas in Earth
Server to the Earth
Abuser of Resources
User of Resources
Creator of Resources
Attached to form
Relating through form
Free to transform
Coal 碳Crystal 水晶Diamond 礸石

Keyword Phrases

Let Ambition rule and let the door stand wide.  

On the ordinary wheel ambition drives Capricorn toward achievement.  The door to initiation and the freedom to serve humanity from a focus of loving awareness are always there.  Yet fear and instinct blind Capricorn into believing that freedom is gained through attachment to form.  The opened Gate remains unseen until such time as material illusion ceases and spiritual reality is revealed.

Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back.  

全然以靈性為中心的魔羯,能保持在神性之愛的意識中。這段長途旅程告終,現在是停止修息與獎償的時刻。但服務的招喚太過強烈,即便身於天堂仍轉過身來,她透過巨蝎進入天堂這一道門,並回過頭來降生在物質世界,為了更進一步的服務人類。The totally Soul-centred Capricorn Initiate may remain in the consciousness of Divine Love.  She has culminated a long journey and may now pause, rest and be rewarded.  Yet the call to service is so strong that by ~turning her back~ on this supernal state, she takes the Gate In through Cancer and returns into incarnation for further service to mankind.

