THE 13 THSHADOW – DISCORD 陰暗面 - 內外的不和協
THE CHEMISTRY OF PESSIMISM 悲觀主義13 Genekey關注於傾聽的主題. 透過這個Genekey我們將看見,傾聽的藝術有許多向度,並與意識的擴展與收縮緊緊的綁在一起(註)。當運作於陰暗面下,由於無法傾聽並從經驗中學習,使我們的內在變得「不和協」 ( Shadow of Discord)。傾聽(listening)與聽見(hear)是完全不同的。聽見關乎於吸收聲音的資訊,而傾聽只能介由整個存在才能做到( can only be done with your whole being) 傾聽通常需要花時間退回內在,使其得以有效運作。傾聽也與我們如何在情緒上處理生命經驗有高度的連結。傾聽與情緒之間的連結, 對於13同人卦有著重要含意,特別是陰暗層。 因為全球性的突變發生在太陽神經叢,情緒的化學物質正經歷著劇變,而13陰暗層將會受其影響。
(譯註: 同人卦有傾聽為伙伴的意思,當我們能夠傾聽內外在時,如同意識的自我延伸,因此形成了一種意識的擴展,當我們不能夠時便產生內外在的不和協,形同一種意識的緊縮)
The 13 thGene Key concerns a single theme — the theme of listening. Through this Gene Key we will see how many dimensions there are to the art of listening and how deeply tied it is with the expansion or contraction of human consciousness. At the Shadow frequency this is the Shadow of Discord, which is the inability to listen to and learn from your experiences in the world. Listening is entirely different from hearing. Hearing refers to the acoustic absorption of auditory information, whereas listening is something that can only be done with your whole being. Often listening requires withdrawal and time in order for it to function effectively. Listening is also highly linked to the way in which you process your life experiences on an emotional level. The link between listening and the emotions has profound implications for the future of this Gene Key and in particular its Shadow frequency. Because of the global mutation currently taking place in the solar plexus system of all human beings, our emotional chemistry is undergoing some extraordinary changes and the 13 th Shadow will be affected by these changes.
13「陰暗層」會伴隨其錯卦 7地水師卦「陰暗層」[分裂] ,這二個伴隨彼此的Genekey強力的影響人類作為一個物種的方向。這二個Genekeys 是人類與社群互動最早的因基設定。事實上他深入切斷了基因的部落原型設定。也影響了我們互動的能力。7與13Genekey 引領(steer)人類的意識, 朝向我們的命運路徑行駛。7Genekey把我們拉向未來,而13Genekey 趨使我們傾聽並從過去經驗中學習。
Along with its programming partner, the 7 thShadow of Division, this genetic partnership exerts an enormous influence on the direction of humanity as a species. These two Gene Keys are prime programming agents for the way in which humans interact at a group level. They actually cut far deeper than the tribal programming archetypes within our genome, which also affect our interactive capacities. The 7th and 13th Genekeys steer the one consciousness of humanity along the line of our destiny. Whilst the 7 thGene Key pulls you towards the future, the 13th urges you to listen to and learn from your past. This archetypal placement within your DNA makes these two Gene Keys different from all others, as though they were somehow outside the scope of human influence. It is the battle waged within the frequencies of these codes that decides your future. The 13 thGene Key in particular is one of the most important of all the 64 Gene Keys, since it involves the way in which you process your past.
陰暗面下所産生的內在「不和協」關乎於無法逃離過去的制約。人類基因中,堆疊著人類集體經驗的資料庫,因為我們無法處理這些記憶,使我們陷入了自我毀滅的模式。13與30透過基因密碼環——淨化之環,共享了非常重要的化學連結。30陰暗層 「慾望」,使得我們傾聽的能力被人類「慾望」的原始趨力鈍化(weighed)。
Discord refers to the inability to escape your own past. Stacked within the human genome lies a library of collective human experience, and your inability to process all this memory is what keeps you locked into the same self-destructive patterns. The 13 thShadow shares a very important chemical connection to the 30 thShadow, through its link with the same genetic codon signature known as The Ring of Purification. The 30 thShadow — the Shadow of Desire — is where the connection between your ability to listen is weighed against the raw force of your human desire. This codon, which codes for the amino acid known as glutamine, is one of the great human genetic battlefields. Interestingly enough, there is now a large body of scientific evidence linking this amino acid to various functions and malfunctions in our gut. Symbolically, one might draw a connection between how effectively we human beings process our past and how effectively our body eliminates waste. The force of human desire found in the 30 thShadow usually outweighs our ability to listen to our past experience, and this leads us once again down roads that do not serve humanity as a whole.
The problem is rooted in the human emotional system and this 30 thShadow of Desire is the core of it. Because desire cannot be sated in its current form, it influences the direction of the whole human race. Despite what has happened in our past, we go on making the same poor decisions and judgments. This sets up a global frequency of discord in which we can clearly see where we have been going wrong, but are unable to remedy it at a collective level.
An example of this is the current threat of global warming. We can see what damage our lifestyle is doing to the long-term future of our planet, but our desire outstrips the energy to do anything about it. Anyone who has a deep knowledge of human history will see the same cycles being repeated over and over but each time with different nuances. It is true that today there is more global awareness of the problem than ever before. However, this awareness does not change human behaviour. We hear the discord that we are creating, but we do not listen to it. In the end, our emotional urge to satiate the desire within always wins. That sums up the dilemma of the 13 thShadow.
The ancient Chinese name for this 13 thhexagram of the I Ching is The Fellowship of Man. It is a beautiful name, seemingly filled with hope, and it does in fact describe the higher frequencies of this 13 thGene Key.
然而在低頻運作下,因為我們無法傾聽而持續追逐眼前的議程,使社會造成致災性後果。諷刺的是,我們無法從慾望中找到慰藉。無論我們滿足了多少的慾望,都永遠不夠。我們只能聽見世界的不和協,因為我們無法傾聽它所造成的整體困境,進而無法與之親近形成伙伴關係 (譯註: 同人卦意思為 與之相同,親近,形成伙伴的意思)。 這是為什麼我們不斷的替未來設定方向( 透過7地水師卦 陰暗層[分裂]), 如同一個與當下分裂的未來。當我們無法傾聽真正的問題是什麼,所有的行為會為我們的社會創造更多的分裂。
However at the lower frequencies, because of our inability to listen, we go on pursuing our own short-term agendas with disastrous consequences to the greater society. Ironically we find no solace from our own desires either. No matter how many of our desires we sate, more appear. We hear only discord in the world because we are unable to listen to the overall dilemma. We cannot yet see it at a collective level, so we are not ready to find out what the Fellowship of Man really is. This is why we keep programming our future direction (through the 7 thShadow) as a future of division. Not listening to the real problem, all our actions create more and more divisions within our societies.
由於承襲自過去歷史的記憶,以及我們無法擴展內外在關係(Out of all this ancestral memory and our inability to create or find the Fellowship of Man),無意識間便形成了悲觀主義。我們不再相信所有人能夠克服天性創造和平的世界, 歷史便是很好的證明。
Out of all this ancestral memory and our inability to create or find the Fellowship of Man, a huge pessimism emerges at an unconscious level. We no longer believe collectively that we can surmount our own nature and create a truly peaceful world. History provides compelling evidence of this. In fact our pessimism emerges directly from our genes because, shockingly, our pessimism is in actuality correctly founded — we cannot surmount our own nature. Only nature can overcome us, which is precisely what lies in the pipeline right now. Nature is preparing a new kind of human being. Nature as a whole has learned and listened to her past experience, and through us, she will create the giant leap that is needed to free us from a web that we have no hope of escaping. Nature will create a human in whom the art of listening will no longer have to compete with raw desire. In a single unprecedented and radical sweep, she will do this by killing off desire itself.
這些人假裝對他人同情憐憫,而卻什麼也不做。壓抑態可能會展現出傾聽所有人的樣子,但很快的便失去了毅力。 這些人在某種意義上是悲觀的,因為他們讓其他人輕蔑的對待自己,卻沒有從中傾聽自己真正的問題。無論你說什麼,他們都同意。他們錯誤的使用傾聽,並在這個過程中切斷了與他人在情緒上的連結。這是一種情緒壓抑,他們迴避了苦樂,並將自已安頓在虛假的安全感之中。These people pretend to be empathic and sympathetic to others whilst at the same time doing nothing. The repressive side of this Shadow may make a show of listening to everyone but it soon becomes apparent that they have no real backbone. These people are permissive in the sense that they let others walk all over them without learning anything. They will agree with you no matter what you say. They mistake hearing for listening and in doing so they cut themselves off emotionally from others and from their environment. This is one of the deepest forms of emotional repression that does not want to take in the pain/pleasure cycle at any level, so it sacrifices both extremes and settles for a false sense of safety.
當內外在的不和協透過反動態示現時,會變成固執心胸狹窄。無論你說什麼這些人都不會同意你。心智狹窄的人,卡在一種反射式的情緒模式中(stuck in a reactionary emotional pattern ),以此創造出自己的生活風格。從字面上來說,這些人無法看到自身慾望之外的東西,並充滿著悲觀主義。他們的人生哲學建立在人類的生存恐懼之上,且無法迎接真正的改變。這些人對於人類的天性懷著苦澀,並以慎怒對待那些不這麼看的人。最後他們人生中的任務,常常變成揭穿樂觀主義者的假面具。When discord manifests through a reactive being, it becomes narrow-mindedness and/or bigotry. These people will disagree with you no matter what you say! Narrow-mindedness is about getting stuck in a reactionary emotional pattern and then making a lifestyle out of it. These people are literally unable to see beyond the limits of their own desires and they are filled with pessimism. Their philosophy is founded upon the fear patterns that have guided all human beings to where they are now, and they are not open to the possibility of real change. Such people harbour a deep bitterness about the nature of human beings and this comes out most frequently as anger, especially at those who do not see things their way. With such people it often becomes their mission in life to debunk the views of those who are optimistic about the future and about humanity.
THE FELLOWSHIP OF MAN 伙伴關係當我們對情緒越來越能夠覺察時,辨示力便出現了。當我們深深的了解道自己如何的被慾望所制約,便能開始了解道所有人也是如此。出於13天賦覺察力的提升,我們開始看見自己的感受如何與對他人的觀點產生關連。只有當我們能夠清楚的檢示自已的感受後,才能開始以更客觀的方式看待事情。久而久之,我們會更清楚自己想做什麼,並以更大的觀點傾聽自他間的關係。在天賦層的運作之下,我們清楚的覺察到慾望流過自身,雖然無法刻意停止,但也不再成為慾望的受害者。
Discernment emerges as your emotional nature comes more and more into awareness. As you realise how deeply in the thrall of desire you are, you begin to understand the whole of humanity as well. Out of this incredible swelling of awareness arises the 13 thGift of Discernment. Discernment begins at an individual level as you come to see how deeply your view of others is connected to your feelings. Only when personal feelings are witnessed and examined can you begin to see things in a more objective manner. Over time, your personal agendas become more lucid and you reclaim the ability to listen to others and the world from a broader perspective. At this level of frequency, you become fully aware of the desires coursing through your body and although you cannot do anything to stop them, you are no longer the victim of them. For the first time you see your own individuality clearly and you realise that something else exists behind that individuality — a kind of witnessing awareness that is greater than your sense of individuality. This is the birth of your ability to listen.
隨著這股辨示力的提昇,會伴隨來許多的禮物。就好像世界的面紗被揭開了一樣。我們會看到13Genekey 是人性集體經驗/記憶 的資料庫( repository of the collective past experiences and memories of humanity)。 相較受制於「業」的資料庫而反動,我們開始揭露自己的過去。過往所認為的隨機性經驗,現在己能辨示出他們的模式了。當我們不再上演主觀又情緒化的戲碼時,我們會開始以迷思的角度來看待生命 (見註)。迷思性思維是一種帶有滲透力的詮釋方式,也就是心智如何滲透慾望面紗的影響,以解譯出我們的傾聽能力. ( mythical thinking is the way in which the mind interpret your ability to listen behind the veil of your desire ) 以迷思的層面來看待生命,便是以更大的原型來看待生命是如何運作的。透過了解自己的過去,我們會看到所有的個體都上演著相似的主題。
(譯註: 以下是個人的理解跟體悟, 迷思性思維本來又解作神話性思維, 因為mythical 本身有神話的意思, 而這個字又源於 myth (迷思), 在神話中沒有任何一件事帶有事實根據,也不能被證明, 所以成了一種迷思. 而迷思性思維也帶有這種特性, 當我們以其他更大的角度看待生命卻又不妄下結論時, 正因為他是迷思無法被完全的證明, 因此我們會以開放的態度看待自己所傾聽而來的資訊, 至於這個迷思是不是真的不一定很重要, 因為我們會持續的從其他角度看待生命, 因此不容易貼人標籤, 也不會貼自己標籤
這個統計是在調查遭受家虐背景的單親媽媽,本來是探討受虐家庭與其焦慮程度,他們把受虐背景分成階序,用來比較受虐程度與焦慮之間的關連,結果大乎意料之外,那些真正的受虐兒反而沒有很明顯的焦慮,因為他們打從心底知道父母對自己根本沒有愛,他們願意面對現實,所以反而沒有很大的焦慮,他們的焦慮程度跟一般人差不多, 而那些焦慮很強的單親媽媽反而是受虐程度不大的,這種不確定性讓他們永遠抱著幻想,覺得父母哪天會回過頭來愛我。
迷思性思維本來是用來鬆脫自己對別人及自己的看法,可是有些事擺明就是事實(比如像上述的受虐兒),那些焦慮最大的單親媽媽,對「關係」還抱有幻想,但是卻是最受害的,所以,到底是什麼原因讓有些人就是看不見事實,或者扭曲事實 —— 也許是因為自我的穩定性吧,因為對有些人而言真相是殘酷的 。這個統計剛好可以補足說明,迷思性思維背後需要一個穩定的自我,還有到底傾聽背後的慾求及目的性到底是什麼會反應自己的不穩定。 )
With the rising of your discernment comes many gifts. It may appear to you now as though a great veil has been drawn back from the world. As we have seen, the 13 thGene Key is a repository of the collective past experiences and memories of humanity. Instead of reacting out of this karmic library, you now begin to demystify your own past. What you may have thought of as a random series of experiences can be seen as following a discernible pattern. Without being caught in the drama of subjective emotional personification, you can begin to view life at a mythic level. This mythical thinking is the way in which the mind interprets your ability to listen behind the veil of your desire. To view life at a mythic level is to see the great archetypes playing out in our lives — both our personal lives and the greater collective history of man. Through understanding your own past in this way, you can see that the storylines of all individuals play out variations of the same themes. At this level, we can recognise these same archetypal themes in every culture’s rituals, fairy tales, legends and myths.
一但我們停止了情緒性主觀的生命視野, 一個新的視野將於我門的內在打開,這是一種樂觀主義。樂觀主義漸進式的擴展了情緒中心投射至外在世界的覺察力。但也可能相反。當我們發展出連結所有生命型式的覺察力(the awareness connecting all life forms is received) 並引入了情緒中心,便能擴展自我的覺察(sense of Self),以包容所處的現實,這便是真正的伙伴關係。透過承襲自文化上的包衭,無論發生了什麼,我們都陷在各種神話,故事,與我們想超越的原型裡。世界上所有的習俗故事與信念均深植我們的DNA,這是為什麼同樣的模式不斷的重現在歷史之中。
Once you stop viewing life on a subjective emotional level, a new landscape of feeling opens up inside you. This feeling is the early manifestation of your future ability to transcend your emotional system — and it is experienced as optimism. Optimism is the gradual swelling of awareness within your solar plexus system transferred and projected outward onto the world. One might also view it in reverse. The awareness connecting all life forms is received and drawn into your solar plexus system, thereby expanding your sense of Self to include a far wider reality — the true Fellowship of Man. Through our cultural heritage, whatever it happens to be, we are all embedded with the myths, stories and archetypes that we need to eventually transcend our own emotional dramas. All the world’s stories, rituals and beliefs have grown out of the very infrastructure of our DNA, which is why the same patterns emerge over and over throughout history, regardless of culture, geography or even isolation.
這些集體的神話故事, 內含了演化的鍊金爐. 這些故事中, 人們總是能渡過黑暗期, 最終到達意識上的超越. 這也是為什麼對於人生多角度的辨示力, 最終會導向樂觀主義.
These collective myths and fairy tales contain the alchemical codes of evolution, including its various mutations. The stories always pass through dark periods of transition ultimately arriving at transcendent states of consciousness. This is why discernment leads to optimism. With your Gift of Discernment you don’t just see the symbols. You live them in your own life, which is why they bring you such optimism. Every character within the myths is an aspect of the world psyche and every circumstance they pass through is a part of our own genetic and spiritual evolution. All of this is particularly relevant today because we are passing through a mythic test as an entire species, which is perhaps the first time this has ever happened. Those with discernment know in their bellies that this phase of our history must and will lead to a transcendent leap in consciousness, regardless of the subjective interpretations of the fear-based culture in which we live.
THE 13th SIDDHI – EMPATHY 圓滿成就 - 共感(譯註: 英文的empathy 不單單只是同理心, 他有共感的成份, 而有共感自然會同理, 但同理心卻不是共感。 中文的同理心範圍很窄, 比如,當empathy用在設計上時,常用來描述設計師能不能與其他族群的使用習慣產生共感, 進而改善這個器物,並非單單只是設身處地的為他人設想生活中的不便,而是融進了該族群的背景文化與職業,試者活出該族群並重現他們的習慣,並以此重新體驗這些不便,進而設想出解決方案,有種整個與對方合一的特性, 所以共感不只是中文的同理心那麼窄,而genekey的共感指的是什麼,見內文 )
THE GREAT COSMIC HUB 宇宙的橋接器The 13 thSiddhi, like its partner the 7 thSiddhi, has much secret wisdom hidden within it. Our DNA is an incredible substance — it contains all the memories of our entire species and even those earlier life forms from which we descended. Like a fractal shard of God itself, DNA forms the living, vibrating link to the beginning of life on this planet. Even more profoundly, it connects us to the seed from which our very universe first sprouted. It is through this 13 thSiddhi that information from our collective past can be recovered. Like a kind of cosmic librarian it has all the access codes to every volume every written on the pages of life. We are not just talking information here, but experience. The 13 thSiddhi can unlock the essence of what it is to experience being a wild panther, or a strawberry, or a mollusc. This is the power of empathy.
多數人在使用同情共感(empathy)這個字時,都沒能領會它的深層意含,在現代化社會它常與憐閔產生混淆。 就genekeys的語言來說, empathy 代表了 Siddhi 狀態下的振動 (譯註: Siddhi是竼文, 有神通及圓滿的意思),它無法以心智來捕抓,因為真正的共感與心智無關。就empthy這個字的字首em而言,代表了within的意思( 有其間的意思 ),而就sympathy這個字的字首sym而言,代表了with的意思(有與之同在的意思),以這樣來理解這二個字時,Sympathy憐閔代表與對方的感受同在,而Empathy則意味著進入對方之內。多數人無法思索什麼是進入對方之內,所以這個字就被視為一種隱喻了,且漸漸的被了解為一種心智或情緒上的投射。圓滿成就的共感需要一個人完全的消融自我,一但切斷了辨示事物名相的能力, 共感會像個存於背景的恒常覺察,以揭露他自已。換言之,我們其實互為彼此。
These days most people use the word empathy without grasping its deeper connotations. As a fairly modern word, it is almost always confused with sympathy, a much older word coined by Aristotle. In the language of the 64 Gene Keys, empathy represents a siddhic vibration and as such cannot be grasped by the mind because true empathy has nothing whatsoever to do with the mind. The prefix em means within whereas the prefix sym means with. Herein lies the key to understanding the word. Whereas sympathy means to feel with another person, empathy means to be inside that person. Most people cannot conceive of being inside another person so the term has come to be seen as metaphorical and is generally understood as being a mental or emotional projection onto or into another person. Let us reclaim then the true power of this simple word. The Siddhi of Empathy requires complete dissolution of the individuated self. Once identification with one’s form has been cut, empathy reveals itself as the background awareness of all living forms. In other words, we really are inside each other. Whereas sympathy requires two, empathy demands one.
以下筆記摘自 Rave I Chin Companion,筆記的形式主要為理解內化後,重新編排整理,而翻譯的三個訴求「信、達、雅」,我自己只要求「信」,意思對,通順合理、脈落清楚,而不在乎是不是逐字翻(Genekey是逐字翻,翻到後來覺得很沒必要,所以改以內化後重點說明的方式),若您需要對照原文可參考心智圖對照,大致上重要的句子都會保留原文(如果沒有手賤刪除的話)。
13 天火同人卦——概述
Low Trigram 下三爻解釋
13.1 Empathy
爻名 Empathy 「同理心」,一爻大多為卦門的本質,卦爻內容「平靜的與他人産生交流與關連的能力,這是一輩子的學習課題,而非立馬學會的」 。
Venus Exalted 金星躍昇
Moon in Detriment 月亮落陷
月亮像徵專注在所建立的結界範圍內,也帶有防衛與保護的意味,卦爻內容「膚淺的情感,同理心的開放性之中帶有動機,像政客那般」,雖然帶有動機,但「政客」本身也同時說明了這些人有傾聽的準備(get ready to go out)。躍昇與落陷各有其特色,無法明確的說明那個比較好,過份取悅或保護都有他相應的缺點。
偏執型的同理 - 有選擇性的傾聽與同理。
爻名 Bigotry 偏執或固執。爻名由來需從2爻的特質談起。二爻人以「投射作為服務的手段,但卻出於個人慾求,且缺乏基礎(內省自知)」,他們以投射場吸引相應的人,以滿足個人慾求,「缺乏基礎」而無法「內省自知」,這是他們的基本特質。他們的投射場就像在說著:「來吧,我會傾聽你說故事」,因此在成長歷程中,會不斷吸引身邊的人向自己傾訴各種密秘,但實際上他們也許只關注自己的事,甚至對這種情況感到困擾、不耐煩,長時間的累積以後,他們學會選擇性的傾聽。對於每一爻來說,「傾聽」都是一輩子的課題,不可能立馬學會。卦爻內容:「傾聽的風險隨時都在,只能與特定的人士達成伙伴關係如特定的種族、宗教、國家、或意識形態」。
Sun in Detriment 太陽落陷
太陽在這裡大概是取「自我」的像徵(Consciousness of I),卦爻內容:「開放性不足 認為沒有人值得被傾聽」「偏執的認為 低階物種不可能有什麼好的想法」「極度不利於傾聽的位置,即便再好的想法都會被扭曲」。無論躍昇還是落陷,最大的學習及危機都是「偏見」。
爻名 Pessimism 悲觀主義。爻名由來需要由「3爻特質」及「下三爻作用在集體迴路的限制」談起。
Earth Exalted 地球躍昇
Venus in Detriment 金星落陷
High Trigram 上三爻解釋
Fatigue 疲乏,爻名由來需要從「4爻特質」解釋起 。當集體迴路來到上三爻時,他們能夠意識到「另一端」的存在,於是傾聽便由「被動」轉化為「主動」,如職業訪談者,不斷的蒐集人們的故事。4爻基本特質為「single minded」「one track-process」,他們的模式很固定,走單一路徑、執著於單點突破,當他們與集體迴路相遇時,會意識到必須有所顯化,當他們傾聽時,不懂得如何停下來,而耗盡了自身的能量,直到他們覺得聽夠了才會停下來。如果本身是屬於能量類型的人,這個歷程會持續很久。他們的課題是,當傾聽完了以後,需要為自己騰出一點空間,以進入靜默與沉思。
Pluto Exalted 冥王星躍昇
Venus in Detriment 金星落陷
(暫 )
譯者個人想問的問題: 對人的直覺、投射、傾聽與標籤化
Aquarius - The Light that shines on Earth, across the sea.
水瓶 —— 遍照地球及海洋的光。
This the light which ever shines within the dark and cleansing with its healing rays that which must be purified until the dark has gone.
Keyword Phrases
Let desire in form be the ruler.
The need to give shape and form to the dispersed and airy quality of the Aquarian lower self is achieved to some degree in the earthy sign of the Mountain Goat. It is here that the ego may try to incorporate the ideas and ideals so important to the Water Bearer into their practical and physical forms. The experiences in Capricorn will train the lower self to understand the relationship between the real and the ideal as the lessons of physical limitations and responsibilities reveal themselves.
The need to give shape and form to the dispersed and airy quality of the Aquarian lower self is achieved to some degree in the earthy sign of the Mountain Goat. It is here that the ego may try to incorporate the ideas and ideals so important to the Water Bearer into their practical and physical forms. The experiences in Capricorn will train the lower self to understand the relationship between the real and the ideal as the lessons of physical limitations and responsibilities reveal themselves.
Water of life am I, poured forth for thirsty men.
奧秘的智識形成了白魔法的基礎 -—— 教導了靈魂煉金術的顯化法則(第七道光 ——制序)。高階的水瓶是人類突變者的連連訓練基地,散播愛與智慧以拯救世界。
True esoteric knowledge forms the basis for white magic - that Seventh Ray quality which teaches the Laws of Manifestation behind the alchemy of the Soul. Aquarius on the higher levels is a training ground for the transformers of humanity, as these enlightened and dedicated people serve to distribute the Love and Wisdom that saves the world.
奧秘的智識形成了白魔法的基礎 -—— 教導了靈魂煉金術的顯化法則(第七道光 ——制序)。高階的水瓶是人類突變者的連連訓練基地,散播愛與智慧以拯救世界。
True esoteric knowledge forms the basis for white magic - that Seventh Ray quality which teaches the Laws of Manifestation behind the alchemy of the Soul. Aquarius on the higher levels is a training ground for the transformers of humanity, as these enlightened and dedicated people serve to distribute the Love and Wisdom that saves the world.