CODON RING: THE RING OF MATTER (18, 46, 48, 57) 基因密碼環——物質之環
EQ AND IQ這個Shadow是人類最深的恐懼之一——我們生來便是不足的。人類通常不知道自己真正的能力,但是當我們環顧四周便能看到許多的典範,展現出卓越的天賦及不可思議的成就。然而今日的人們尚未從需要安全保障的夢魘中醒來,我們站在演化史上的轉淚點上,如果我們想要産生演化上的躍進,每個人都必須直視這份恐懼。
There is no darker place represented anywhere within human DNA than the 48th Shadow. This Shadow gives rise to one of the deepest of human fears — the fear that we are inherently inadequate. Human beings as a rule have no idea of their true capabilities. We can look around and see individual examples of great men and women who have displayed remarkable gifts and who have sometimes achieved the miraculous. However, humanity as it is today has not waked from its dark dreams. We stand at the cusp of one of the greatest turning points in our evolutionary history, and each of us will have to look deeply into this primal fear if we are to make the great leap that now lies before us.
只有處於集體危機時刻,才有可能看見 48 GeneKey 的潛力。似乎它需要以危機作為媒介,以將人類團結起來。我們在戰時看到這種團結的力量, 它激化了48genekey的高頻區段,使人們能夠團結一致克服重重困難,展現出不可思議的功績,這在和平時代是很少見的。這種現象說明了48的本質,它源於一種力量,根植於交流共享與服務。因為人類正面臨前所未有的危機——環境破壞——使得48會為了切實的解決問題並為了群體而催逼我們,使我們深入自己的心靈。在未來幾年裡,我們必須了悟到48的陰暗頻率是如何掌控我們的。
Only during times of great collective crisis is it possible to see the potential of the 48th Gene Key. It seems the medium of crisis is required to bind human beings together. We see this uniting power during times of war, which often activate the higher frequencies of this Gene Key and allow groups of people to operate as a single entity, overcoming great odds and performing incredible feats rarely seen in peacetime. This phenomenon says much about the nature of the 48th Gene Key, which at its source is a power rooted in communion and service. Because humanity is now facing its greatest ever crisis —namely the destruction of our own environment — the potential of this 48th Gene Key is urging us to dig deep into our souls for collective and practical resolutions. In the years ahead, we are going to have to understand this 48th Gene Key and the hold that its shadow frequency has over us.
48是主宰孩童發展期的四個genekey之一,這四個genekey在基因密碼環中被稱為幻像之環。48genekey 在第二個七年裡(7到14歳)為我們留下不可磨滅的印記。在孩童發展的第二個七年裡,關乎於情緒的發展,它為我們自身的不足感源自何處提出了詮釋。當我們化為肉身進入情緒體及星光體時,我們的父母及整個世界的情緒模式,無所不在瀰漫四方,使其逐漸的烙印在我們的靈光圈上(aural field)。48 的陰暗層滲入了我們的基因中,並以情緒上的不足感對我們造成傷害,當我們經歷了情春期,社會規範與制約令我們感到困惑與矛盾,使我們不知該如何處理自己的性別與情緒。大多數人均不知道這個發展期對於青少年有多重要,大部份的時間裡,他們被迫獨自處理自己的問題。其結果造成的是,沒有多少人在這個時期是不受傷的。
Because of its role within the codon group known as the Ring of Matter, the 48th Gene Key is one of four Gene Keys that govern our developmental cycles as children. The 48th Gene Key imprints us throughout our second seven-year cycle from the age of seven to fourteen. This second cycle relates to our emotional development and explains exactly where our feelings of inadequacy come from. As we incarnate into our emotional or astral body, the prevalent emotional patterns of our parents and the world at large are imperceptibly imprinted within our aura. The 48th Shadow seeps into our genes to undermine us through a deep sense of emotional inadequacy. As we go through the tender time of puberty, society’s conditioning sends us very confusing and contradictory messages about how to handle our emotional and sexual nature. Most people have little idea how profound and delicate this developmental stage is for young people, and for the most part they are left to deal with it on their own. The result is that few emerge unscathed.
( 譯註 - 情緒文盲: from wiki: Emotional literacy is made up of 'the ability to understand your emotions, the ability to listen to others and empathise with their emotions, and the ability to express emotions productively. To be emotionally literate is to be able to handle emotions in a way that improves your personal power and improves the quality of life around you. Emotional literacy improves relationships, creates loving possibilities between people, makes co-operative work possible, and facilitates the feeling of community. 情緒文盲指的是無法了解與表達自己的情緒,也無法了解他人的情緒並與他人同理,因而無法在了解情感的基楚下行使個人力量,用以改善生活創造愛與合作的關係 )
Until quite recently, emotions were generally seen as something that undermined intelligence, which was understood as being equated only with rational thinking. Thankfully, emotional intelligence — also known as EQ — is now increasingly recognised by more and more people. The fact is that your EQ is a perfect counterbalance to your IQ, and together they make up a well-rounded intelligent individual. Most people have never learned to take full responsibility for their emotions. They get caught in the drama of projecting their emotional states onto others. The 48th Shadow is responsible for creating these emotionally illiterate generations. If we don’t know how to handle emotional states with equanimity, integrity and clarity, we never fully enter adulthood, but remain at some level children.
48 的陰暗頻率釋放至身體的每一個細胞時,其所呈現的狀態,便是對於未來及自身能力的不確定感。當他伴隨「錯卦」的陰暗層(21 控制)出現時,會制約人們持續想要掌控生活中的每一個領域。於是我們創造出一個錯誤的實相,這個實相需要以各種細節、時程、與系統性的組織來填滿,好讓我們感到安全。諷刺的是 ,沒有任何一種外在保障能夠移除內在不足的核心恐懼。甚至當它運作於更引陰暗的狀態時,會以控制他人作為控制自身恐懼的手段。在陰暗面的趨使下,當人感到空虛與無知時,會試著以獲取知識的方式來填補空白,然而知識並無法移除自身的恐懼。知識具備光明與黑暗二種面向,當其運作於光明面時,能轉知識為智慧,當其運作於陰暗面時,則會讓人對知識成癮,使我們遠離內在真相並創造出一種虛假的安全感。
The frequency that the 48th Shadow releases into the cells of your body emerges as a profound uncertainty about the future and your ability to handle it. When coupled with its programming partner, the 21st Shadow of Control, these two Shadows program human beings to try to stay in control of every area of our lives. We create a false reality of details, timelines and systems, all designed to make us feel more secure. The irony is that nothing external can take away our core fear of inadequacy. An even darker side to this Shadow concerns the manipulation of this fear as a means of controlling others. The feeling of emptiness experienced at the Shadow frequency drives human beings to try to fill this inner void through the acquisition of knowledge. But knowledge cannot take away the fear. Knowledge has both a dark side and a light side. Whereas the light side transforms knowledge into wisdom (its higher counterpart), the dark side becomes addicted to knowledge as a means of distraction and false security.
Human beings have become adept at selling the dream of security and the fear within the masses buys into it. All systems of knowledge based on logic promise security and the more complex the system the more people tend to believe it. This often happens with modern science. The problem is not science itself, which is a wonderful tool as long as it is used in the quest for the spirit of truth. The problem is often the scientists whose findings and theories are used to bolster their own personal agendas and emotional inadequacies. Such people proffer an illusory security screen that covers reality while purporting to explain the universe we live in.
48 確實超出了人類的理解。它是通往「無窮盡」的入口,沒有任何一樣東西能像「無窮盡」般能夠拉起人類的不足感。在易經中48的原型象徵「井」,我們不清楚井底有多深,而48運作於陰暗層時便如同一口深不見底的井。
The 48th Gene Key is quite simply beyond human understanding. It is a portal to the infinite, and there is nothing like infinity to raise the spectre of inadequacy in the human mind! The original Chinese name for this archetype is The Well. When you look down the well, you have no idea how deep it is or what lies at the bottom. The 48 th Shadow is like a bottomless black hole. It is the primal fear of the feminine and was enacted in archetypal form during the great witch-hunts that took place across Europe during the Middle Ages. Out of the 48 th Shadow humanity’s deep paranoia is born — these are the men in black, the aliens, gods or governments who seem to be manipulating our lives. It is the fear that someone else might be in possession of knowledge that can be used to control you. Of course, the true source of the fear is within, but that does not stop human beings from projecting it outside ourselves onto all manner of people and phenomena.
現代科學競技所創造出來的安全,便是出於這份深層的恐懼。所有系統性的宗教、經濟與教育都試著創造出一種集體的安全感。只要人們涉入某種系統之中,恐懼便會暫時隱藏於背景之中。根植的於48 陰暗面的恐懼,也會催逼我們創造越來越多的財富。48所組成的物質之環(Ring of Matter),使我們只在物質的領域裡逃離這份恐懼,而不是向內直視這份不安。然而再多的財富都不能使我們感到真正的安全,因為這份恐懼根植於我們的DNA之中。(since the fear itself is rooted in the physical structure of our DNA)
Modern science is only one arena that promises us security from our deepest fears. Systematised religion, economics and education all try to create the feeling of collective security for the people on our planet. So long as you keep people involved in some sort of system, the deep fear moves into the background. Another major manifestation of this 48 th Shadow is the urge to create more and more wealth. This urge too is rooted in our fear of inadequacy. The Ring of Matter programs us to try to escape the fear through the material realm, rather than turning inward to the source of the discomfort itself. However, no amount of material wealth can make us feel secure, since the fear itself is rooted in the physical structure of our DNA.
最終,人類是宇宙奧秘的一部份,有許多地方是心智(思辨)無法觸及的(there are places where the mind is not destined to travel)。每個人最終必需向內直視最深的恐懼——害怕空無。(註)當我們有勇氣縱身一躍,我們會發現,空無不裡面並不是冷冰冰的,什麼也沒有,而是充滿愛與光明。
Ultimately, we humans are a part of the mystery of the universe, and there are places where the mind is not destined to travel. Every human being must eventually turn inward and look into our deepest fear — the fear of the void. When we gather our courage and make that leap, we will discover something wonderful. The void is not empty and cold but warm, loving and bursting with light and wonder.
REPRESSIVE NATURE – BLAND 透過壓抑來迴避陰暗面 —— 平淡溫和像小綿羊
There are two types of people within the collective Shadow frequency — those who duck their heads and give in to their fears (repressive), and those who project their fears externally onto others (reactive). The repressive nature of the 48 th Shadow forms the collective blandness of the mass consciousness. These are the sheep whose fears are buried beneath the surface by whatever the system tells them. The majority of people on our planet fall into this category. This consciousness is too afraid to look into the fear within its body, so it settles into the fixed patterns given to it by society. Of course, life arranges events in all people’s lives that force them to face their fears. However, unless such events precipitate a major awakening, the repressive nature tends to bury its head even deeper in the sand once such periods pass.
REACTIVE NATURE – UNSCRUPULOUS 透過反動來迴避陰暗面 —— 無視他人的無道德行為
The other side of the 48 th Shadow is seen in those who feed the general sense of inadequacy in others. These are people whose rage does not allow them to admit that they are also afraid and so they become victims of the system in a different way. These people use their knowledge to manipulate the fears of others while hiding behind the system. They keep their own fear at bay by externalising it, and they increase the general level of fear by their unscrupulous actions. Such behaviour greatly reinforces the Shadow frequency. It is because of these people that humanity feels a general paranoia. We know that there are people in positions of power throughout the system who do not care about others at all, but we cannot always see and identify them. This gives us the feeling that all of society is impersonal and beyond our control.
THE LIGHT AT THE BOTTOM OF THE WELL —— 一探井底的智慧之光由於48所帶來的恐懼,它掌控著人類的希望,並取決於為人父母的手中。前文提到48掌控著7-14歳的情緒發展階段,人類所有的情緒問題都根植於這個階段,因此對於這個階段的孩童而言,有個穩定的情緒環境對於情緒發展是很重要的。因為情緒及星光體是人體靈光圈的精徵層,它主要透過父母的星光體進行學習,如果父母不能提升自身的頻率轉化其陰暗面,其失調的情緒模式便會烙印在孩子的星光體上。幾乎所有的人遠在青少年之前便因父母的精微體而造成傷害。在心理學上我們傾向認為,制約發生在行為層面,但它發生在更精微的層面,超出心理學的認知。當我們14歳處於青少年發展期時,也許我們可能是個充滿著智慧、EQ、完整且內在穩定的人,但也可能是個充滿著強烈的不足感的人。
For all its darkness and fear, the 48 th Gene Key holds great hope for humanity, and this hope mostly lies in the hands of parents. We have already seen that the 48 th Gene Key governs our emotional developmental cycle in childhood. All human emotional issues are rooted in this phase, so it is extremely important that children between the ages of seven and fourteen are given a stable emotional environment in which to develop. Because the emotional or astral body is a subtle layer of the human aura, it learns primarily through the astral bodies of its parents. If a child’s parents have not raised the frequency of their DNA beyond the Shadow consciousness, their dysfunctional emotional patterns imprint the astral body of the child. Almost all teenagers are wounded by their parents’ subtle bodies well before they become teenagers. In psychology we tend to think of conditioning as behavioural, and it is, but it takes place at a far subtler level than most psychology acknowledges. When you emerge at the age of fourteen into your powerful teenage cycle, you either emerge whole, imbued with natural wisdom, emotional intelligence and internal stability, or you emerge with a profound sense of inadequacy that characterises your teenage years.
然而,在這空無一物的井底是有光的。隨著父母療癒了情緒上問題,便能將健康的情緒模式傳給孩子,既而代代相傳。在過去的五十年間,有越來越多的健康成人進入這個世界。沒有任何一種角色能像父母一樣,對於服務人類社群起到那麼關鍵的作用。這不只是個體療癒最快的道路,也是療癒整個世界最快的一條路。每個健康的成人對於地球的療癒都是很重要的資源,因為他們不懼怕內在的真實感受。 運作於天賦面的健康成人正一波波的療癒著我們的地球。
There is, however, light at the bottom of the well. As parents heal their own emotional issues and raise the frequency of their DNA, they pass on healthy emotional patterns to their children, who then pass these on to their children. In the last fifty years this pattern has brought more and more healthy adults into the world. There is no role of greater importance or service to humanity than that of being a parent. It is not only the fastest track to your own healing, but is also the fastest track to the healing of the whole world. Every healthy adult is a powerful resource for the healing of our planet, because such people are not afraid of their true feelings and fears. The astral body of our whole planet is in the process of being healed by the increasing waves of these people operating at the Gift frequency.
提升48陰暗層,其關鍵在於「信任」。當我們學會在更廣的層面上信任生命,48的井便開始揭露自身的密秘。生命邀請我們信任自身的陰暗面,其意味著我們必需擁抱自己的恐懼(you have to enter into your fears)。因為48運作於陰暗面的頻率根植於生理層面(譯註:胰臟中心),因而非常的不好受。這層恐懼並非來來去去,而是一直常駐於我們的內在。即便我們無法移除它,當我們擁抱這份恐懼時,實事上是鬆綁心智上的焦慮。這是一段緩慢的學習過程,學習於不再害怕恐懼本身。就好像我們終於試著把汲水桶放到井底,想要一探井底有什麼。當我們不再恐懼便能從井底收到各種面對挑戰的解決問題的方式,我們會對井底的智慧之光感到很驚奇,這便是48天賦「豐資」(Resourcefulness)。
The secret of moving beyond the reach of the 48th Shadow can be found in a single word — trust. As you learn to trust life on a broader scale, the well begins to reveal some of its secrets. Life invites you to begin by trusting the Shadow frequency itself which means that you have to enter into your fears. Since the 48 th Shadow is a very physical fear vibration deep within the body, this can be very uncomfortable. This fear does not come and go but is always there, fixed and focused inside you. By entering into this field of fear, you actually lessen your mental anxiety even though you cannot remove the fear. It is a process in which you slowly learn to stop being afraid of fear itself. Instead of hiding from the darkness inside you, it is as though you finally lower a bucket down the well and then pull it up to see what it contains. What you receive is a wonderful surprise. Out of the well come all manner of solutions to all manner of challenges in the world around you. You will be amazed that so much light can emerge from such a dark place. This is the essence of the Gift of Resourcefulness.
隨著我們學習信任生命,並相信生命的解答會在對的時刻到來,恐懼與焦慮便漸漸的消解了。48天賦「豐資」有自證預言(self-fulfilling)的特性(註 )。無論井底的資源浮現的是什麼,必然包含了我們當下所需要的,若我們以這種方式信任生命,會強化我們的內在安全並引領我們進入更深層的信任。漸漸的,我們會了悟到恐懼不足只是腦中的幻像。無論這份被投射出來的恐懼以何種方式呈現都不再重要,它可能是恐懼孤獨、金錢、甚至是時間不夠用,因為我們的內在深處能夠自給自足,它含藏著無限的資源,能夠化解虛妄不實的恐懼(can always provide a solution to your imagined fear)。當我們能夠打開自己,擁胞恐懼脆弱與未知時,解決之道自然會到來。正是透過這鼓接納未知的開放狀態,才能發現這個珍寶,所以我們既不能壓抑生命的不確定,也不能迴避它所帶來的恐懼,我們只能安住其中。
(譯註: 自我應驗預言(self-fulfilling prophecy),係指一個人對於他人的期望,往往成為被期望的人自我實現的預言,亦即一個人期望他人成功,他人就會成功;反之期望他人失敗,他人就會失敗,故亦稱之為期望理論。 http://secretdepartment.blogspot.tw/2012/07/self-fulfilling-prophecy.html )
As you learn to trust that an answer will always emerge at the right moment in your life, your sense of fear and anxiety gradually begin to fade. The wonderful thing about the Gift of Resourcefulness is that it is self-fulfilling. Each time the bucket comes up out of the well, it contains exactly what is needed at that particular moment. In this way, trust leads to deeper trust, reinforcing inner security through repetition. Gradually your fear of inadequacy is proven to be an illusion. It doesn’t matter where your projected fear hides — it could be your fear of being alone, your fear of not having enough money or your fear of running out of time — deep within you lies a self- sustaining and unlimited resource that can always provide a solution to your imagined fear. These solutions come to you when you arrive at the moment of fear open, un-reactive, vulnerable and unknowing. It is through your unknowing that the pearl will be delivered to you, so you must neither repress nor react to your fear; you must simply sit with it.
臣服於未知是股基於「如實」的強大力量(hugely powerful in its honesty)(譯註:如實的意思是,是什麼就是什麼,就像靠近火就感到熱,而不是靠近火就感到危險,前者是如實,後者不是),它關乎於信任超越感官之外的事物,一股比自身更大的力量。這股力量恆常存在,但我們的身體總是根據集體創造出來的恐懼而起反應。當我們學著信任未知,生命會毫不費力的自行解決,於是去制約便於我們的內在展開。一般來說這個過程最少花七年(譯註:七年指的是全身細胞完全更新的週期,這是以分子生物醫學的觀點來看的[人的發展週期也跟七的數字有關]信息醫學的觀點可能不同,如果對信息醫學有興趣可以找找相關的資料)
This state of surrender into not knowing the answers is hugely powerful in its honesty. It is about trusting in the great force field that lies beyond your normal sentience. The force field is always there but your body usually reacts according to its conditioned programming coming through the collective fears of the Shadow frequency. As you learn to trust your not knowing, life resolves itself effortlessly and beautifully and a natural process of deconditioning takes place inside you. Generally speaking this process takes a minimum of seven years, since that is how long it takes for the body to learn or unlearn cellular patterns.
我們真正的資源在於我們的天賦與能力,這是承襲自DNA與生俱來的天賦。然而更棒的是,豐資釋放了內在源源不絕的創造力 (unleashes a great tide of inner creativity),它為我們生命中所出現的各種問題,提出了很棒的解決方法。這鼓力量來自於整體性的生命觀,當你開始以這鼓生命之流信任生命與環境,豐資的天賦便會自發性的出現。我們會開始了悟道,我們的可能性比想像中還來的大。當我們隨著生命的自然節奏進行,生命將以最自然的節奏揭露它自己以提供最佳的解答。它也許不會照著我們主觀的想法走,但它的確使我們的內在深處感到圓滿。
Your real resources lie in your gifts and talents — the inherent gifts that are wired into your DNA. The icing on the cake is that your resourcefulness unleashes a great tide of inner creativity that provides extremely elegant solutions to all manner of questions and issues in your life. The force field of which we have spoken is nothing less than the pattern of life as a whole. As you begin to trust life and your place within the greater weave of this pattern, your natural gifts spontaneously emerge. You begin to realise that you are capable of far more than you ever dreamed possible. When you move in rhythm with life it reveals its own hidden timing which is always perfect. It may not always conform to your mental dreams of how your life might or might not work out, but it does leave you feeling deeply fulfilled.
每個人都是註定來成長的(Every human being is designed to prosper),因為生命是豐盛的。豐盛與財富是截然不同的概念,人只要滿足「需要」就能很豐盛,而財富意味著滿足我們「想要」的一切。財富在定義上,主要出於安全感的需求,根植於陰暗層的幻像。需要的則不多,無論你走在哪條路上,生命都會為你準備。對有些人而言,這一點也不夠,對有些人而,這己經夠多了。一個人是不是活出圓滿,我們可以看的出來,因為他們能找到自己真正需要的,而不是籍由不斷的囤積以創造出虛假的安全感。
Every human being is designed to prosper because life itself is prosperous. Prosperity is an entirely different phenomenon from wealth. To prosper, all a human being needs is a little more than enough, whereas to be wealthy means to have a lot more than enough. Wealth by this definition is formed out of the need for security, which has already been shown to be an illusion and is rooted in the fear of the Shadow frequency. Whatever your destiny, life will arrange for you to have a little more than you need. For some that means very little and for others it means a very large amount because different humans live out different human myths. One can tell when a person is fulfilled in life because they find exactly the support they need when they need it, rather than stockpiling in order to try to create false security.
豐資的另一個重要面向便是整合性的力量(integrative power)(譯註:大概在說與他人整合在一起,或者翻為整體)。我們所有的天賦與資源最終都會伴隨著一項設計——就是我們必需為整體提供服務。以這個觀點來看,所有的天賦都是神聖的。我們內在的深井(譯註:48井卦)只為了服務他人——正是那些將汲水桶放到井底,並將我們的內在資源取出的人 (譯註:類似的部份可以讀讀humandesign PHS,當人的personality consiousness如果是rightness時,也有這種特性,自己本來不知道自己有什麼能力,當有人詢問時,自然會蹦出來 )
Another vital aspect of the Gift of Resourcefulness is its integrative power. All of your inner talents and resources are ultimately designed with a built-in programming agenda — to offer service to the whole. In this sense all true talent is holistic. Your inner well exists only to serve others. It is they who come and throw the bucket down the well and draw out your resources.
就隱喻來說,所有的人都是設計來滿足彼此的渴望,意味著,為了成長我們必需真誠無私的與人互動,介由與整體服務,我們發揮了最大的效能。這是為什麼豐資帶有團結的力量,即便面臨敵人。 當人匯集了資源是很有力量的,這可以在過去的戰爭中看到。當群體意識,頻率漸漸提昇,我們會開始創造出新的商業模式。在未來我們會看到以服務為導向的文化(譯註:現在就有服務設計),當這鼓文化興起時,人類會開始以整體的方式運作。
Metaphorically all human beings are designed to slake each other's thirst, which means that you have to interact honestly and selflessly in order to prosper. In serving the whole you serve yourself in the most efficient way possible. This is why resourcefulness has the power to unite even the greatest enemies. When human beings pool their resources they become truly powerful. We saw this at the Shadow frequency in the case of human beings uniting during common crises or wars. As the frequency of the mass consciousness gradually rises, we will begin to create new ways of doing business in the world. In the future we will see the growth of a service-based human culture rather than a greed-based culture and as this culture emerges, humanity will begin to operate as a single entity in perfect harmony with a higher universal rhythm.
THE 48TH SIDDHI – WISDOM 圓滿成就 —— 智慧
以下筆記摘自 Rave I Chin Line Companion,筆記的形式主要為理解內化後,重新編排整理,而翻譯的三個訴求「信、達、雅」,我自己只要求「信」,意思對,通順合理、脈落清楚,而不在乎是不是逐字翻,若您需要對照原文可參考心智圖對照,大致上重要的句子都會保留原文(如果沒有手賤刪除的話)。
48 水風井卦——概述
- 長期累積的大量資訊 —— 48
- 辨識出巧妙及具有意義的模式(模式所需的「覺察力」) —— 48
- 分析批判最具顯化價值的可行性方案 —— 18
- 從使用性、實用性及人們的故事中找出具有啓發的部份 —— 19、13
而「模式辨識力」所需的「覺察力」指的正是「48水風井卦」,「在環境中保持覺察與辨示,是井深的基楚」,而辨示是一種累積的過程 ,他需要「不斷的學習各種事物的形式,由形式的分解看出其組成模式,再由組成模式轉化為形式」,其學習歷程如同將井填滿般,當井底有東西才有可能出現深度,從雜亂中辨識出可用的模式。這種辨示力所需的覺察力(或者靈感所需的覺察力),是一種不斷重複的過程。任何靈感都可以再次被細分為無數個小靈感,任何主要目標也都可被細分為無數個細項,「從看似瑣碎無干的事物中,辨示出與主要目標有關的可用模式」,它是一個不斷重複再創造的過程,在這個過程中會了解到,「各種靈感的組合需要時間與空間」,井深裡埋蔵著所有的東西,它不論重要性只管蒐集,因為即便是最瑣碎零星的事都有它存在的價值。
井深(模式辨示力) = 覺察力 + 長年累積的學習(學習各形式的組成模式及解構方式)
事物的顯化 = (井深 + 分析評估 )+ 需求及經驗層次的考量 + ...
Low Trigram 下三爻解釋
48.1 Insignificance
爻名 Insignificance 「微不足道」,指的是:由於深井只管蒐集,而深井中所浮現的模式,有賴於深井中存在些什麼,很多時候看似無用的小事,最後卻成為創意發想的關鍵。1爻人的基本特質是「打好基礎」,「一點一點的累積」,慢慢的把井給填起來,所以爻名才叫做「微不足道」,因為很多微不足道的小事,都有可能是創意的關鍵。所有的1爻代表了「事物的本質」,因此閘門的本質也可以在1爻找到。
Moon Exalted 月躍昇
Mars Detriment 火星落陷
爻名 Degeneracy 惡化,爻名由來需要從2爻的特質解釋起,二爻以投射吸引相應的人,以滿足個人慾求,「缺乏基礎」而無法「內省自知」,因為二爻人缺乏真正的基礎,卻在投射場上吸引有需要的人,好讓自己的能量有地方可用,因此當2爻人交付設計案給案主時,如果案主挑三撿四,要你改其他方案,而其他方案其實根本沒有比較好,2爻人會縮回去,而無法堅持原來的設計案有其價值,最後無法保持內外的一致性(Integrity),如同變向邀情他人甘擾(interference)我們的投射場,以再次吸引類似的人事物,最後使情況惡化,因為我們變的越來越沒信心,越來越不相信自己的直覺,自己的深度。 「只有重拾信心相信直覺,才能在投射場共振到與你一樣的人一起共事。」
Venus in Detriment 金星落陷
If I respect myself and require that others deal with me respectfully, I send out signals and behave in ways that increase the likelihood that others will respond appropriately. When they do, I am reinforced and confirmed in my initial belief. If I lack self-respect and consequently accept discourtesy, abuse, or exploitation from others as natural, I unconsciously transmit this, and some people will treat me at my self-estimate. When this happens, and I submit to it, my self-respect deteriorates still more.
這篇名為Six pillars of self esteem 的文章中有個段落寫到人際關係的準則,也適用這種退化現像,高自尊的人會吸引高自尊的人在一起(這裡的高自尊不是負面那種,而是指人格自我很很健康),低自尊的人則會吸引低自尊的人在一起:
If I respect myself and require that others deal with me respectfully, I send out signals and behave in ways that increase the likelihood that others will respond appropriately. When they do, I am reinforced and confirmed in my initial belief. If I lack self-respect and consequently accept discourtesy, abuse, or exploitation from others as natural, I unconsciously transmit this, and some people will treat me at my self-estimate. When this happens, and I submit to it, my self-respect deteriorates still more.
這篇名為Six pillars of self esteem 的文章中有個段落寫到人際關係的準則,也適用這種退化現像,高自尊的人會吸引高自尊的人在一起(這裡的高自尊不是負面那種,而是指人格自我很很健康),低自尊的人則會吸引低自尊的人在一起:
An important principle of human relationships is that we tend to feel most comfortable, most “at home,” with persons whose self-esteem level resembles our own. Opposites may attract about some issues, but not about this one. High-self-esteem individuals tend to be drawn to high-self-esteem individuals. We do not see a passionate love affair, for example, between persons at opposite ends of the self-esteem continuum—just as we are not likely to see a passionate romance between intelligence and stupidity. (I am not saying we might never see a “one-night stand,” but that is another matter. Note I am speaking of passionate love, not a brief infatuation or sexual episode, which can operate by a different set of dynamics.) Medium-self-esteem individuals are typically attracted to medium-self-esteem individuals. Low self-esteem seeks low self-esteem in others—not consciously, to be sure, but by the logic of that which leads us to feel we have encountered a “soul mate.” The most disastrous relationships are those between persons who think poorly of themselves; the union of two abysses does not produce a height.
爻名 Incommunicado 被監禁者,爻名由來需要由「3爻特質」及「下三爻作用在集體迴路的限制」解釋 起。48.3與48.4是水風井卦中最堅難的一個爻線,多半中年以後才會發揮,停留時間也很短暫(Ra的海王就是在48.3 48.4),且下三爻只要作用在「集體迴路」中,就會碰下三爻的限制,因為下三爻較關注於個人,無法連結到 the other side (註)。
(註:the other side 指的是:正如概述所講到邏輯迴路具有「此有故彼有」的特性,必需要有能量提供者,引介者或發起者,再加上標的物才能夠成型,而 the other side指的就是能夠與自身以外的集體産生連結的部份,「我有能量」指的是「此有」,而自身之外所連結的一切,指的是「彼有」,一個此端,一個彼端,二者伴隨彼此而生)
因此在集體的顯化上,無法處於一個相對主動的位置,因為你無法連結到 the other side 是什麼,再加上3爻在本質上有「不定形」(boundless, boundaryless 沒有清楚的邊界)的像徵,不斷的透過「嘗試錯誤」、「連結的建立與重置」(Bonds make and broken),嘗試各經驗與試驗來讓自己相對定形,這樣的人會執著於技能,他們會想著:「如果我有足夠的技能就可以取出我的深度,就算我得到了深度,我還要繼續尋找下一個技能」,這無形之中就己經否認了你有深度,因為深度建立在信任與信心之上,而三爻人的不信任在這裡會讓48不好發展,多半最後3爻人會放棄發展自己的「深度」,也是在這個時候才能品嘗到深度的果實,正是這樣,所以才有其爻名 「被監禁者」。如果你有興趣知道如何以「不定型」詮釋三爻,見下圖。
Moon Exalted 月亮躍昇
Mercury in Detriment 水星落陷
High Trigram 上三爻解釋
爻名 Restructuring 重新建構與調整,爻名由來需要從「4爻特質」解釋起 。4爻基本特質為「single minded」「one track-process」,他們的模式很固定,走單一路徑、單點突破,當他們與集體迴路相遇時,領會到「必需」顯化集體的 the other side(註),所以是很執著的能量。
(註:the other side 指的是:正如概述所講到邏輯迴路具有「此有故彼有」的特性,必需要有能量提供者,引介者或發起者,再加上標的物才能夠成型,而 the other side指的就是能夠與自身以外的集體産生連結的部份,「我有能量」指的是「此有」,而自身之外所連結的一切,指的是「彼有」,一個此端,一個彼端,二者伴隨彼此而生)
他們與3爻不同的是,3爻是 low trigram ,因無法接觸到the other side,最後放棄,3爻即便很挫折也因為最後放棄、學會接受而消解其張力,但4爻可不是,4爻因為可以接觸到the other side,所以當行運行星引動進入16時,4爻人常常可以得到靈感,但是來來去去很短暫,因為本身很執著單一,所以成長歷程中會認為自己是不是出了什麼問題,上一秒還好好的,下一秒就寫不出東西了,甚至會憤怒的對待自己靈感枯節時所創造的一切。
4爻人需要認知道:「深度是以集體層面為架構,長期的挫折為推力,靈感的消逝正是為了下次靈感昇起前的準備,好讓我們重新將井填滿,無論當下所取得的靈感是什麼,都是當下最好的選擇,不需要否認它」。所以當4爻人在進行長期專案時,必需要考慮到自身靈感過於短暫的限制,能夠評估自己的現況來重新調整專案的目標與時程。以上正是這個爻名的來由,而 Restructuring 也可以看作利用靈感消逝的空檔,不斷的累積學習以將井填滿,以作為下次靈感的準備。
Sum Exalted 太陽躍昇
卦爻內容:「利用短暫的靈感期限制,以評估現況 並重新調整建構長期目標,以助於當靈感再次回來時 事情可以進展的很順利」。
Earth in Detriment 地球落陷
卦爻內容:「當靈感再次來時 抗拒重新調整建構長期目標傾向於懷疑必需要這樣做」。
爻名 Action 行動,爻名由來需要從 5爻人的基本特質說起。5爻人具有 「普及化、通用化」(universalize) 及 「投射場能引誘他人」(seductive) 的特性,再加上5爻人能夠與123爻的基礎産生共振,所以是一個相對容易發起的位置,而集體層面的顯化、實現或者合作,需要所有人都處於準備就位的狀態,當你就定位但集體沒有就定位,當集體就定位了但你卻沒有,當創新的行動發起時,很多人會害怕失敗,甚至批判不可行,所以伴隨「行動」而來的便是恐懼失敗,而進入不斷的評估細節,拉長執行時間,好讓自己不失敗。
Mars Exalted 火星躍昇
火星像徵行動力,卦爻內容:「A natural urge to apply energy to action.」。
Moon in Detriment 月亮落陷
Libra - The Light that moves to rest
天秤 —— 由動態轉向靜止的光
This is the light that oscillates until a point of balance is achieved. 震盪的光,直到平衡點發生
It is the light which is distinguished by a moving up and down. 以上下震盪界定自己的光
Keyword Phrases
Let choice be made.
這段陳述揭露了在俗世層面上,天秤持續受到的張力。它是一種對立的張力,需要和諧與平衡。透過人格自我上演高我與小我的戰爭, 天秤的試煉便是在此耕耘,學習正確的批判與愛。
This statement reveals the consistent tension which exists for Libra on the ordinary wheel. It is the tension of opposing forces, needing harmony and balance. This is the battle between the lower and the Higher selves as it plays itself out through the personality. It is here that Libra is tested, and right judgment and proper use of love are cultivated.
這段陳述揭露了在俗世層面上,天秤持續受到的張力。它是一種對立的張力,需要和諧與平衡。透過人格自我上演高我與小我的戰爭, 天秤的試煉便是在此耕耘,學習正確的批判與愛。
This statement reveals the consistent tension which exists for Libra on the ordinary wheel. It is the tension of opposing forces, needing harmony and balance. This is the battle between the lower and the Higher selves as it plays itself out through the personality. It is here that Libra is tested, and right judgment and proper use of love are cultivated.
I choose the way which leads between the two great lines of force.
Right choice is always made when one is aligned with the Will-to-Good. This statement reflects the relationship between the First and Seventh Rays, as well as between Aries and Libra. The battle lines are drawn, and yet Libra's goal is one the focus of world service through the unfolding of expanded consciousness and the resulting responsibilities such visions entail. This is symbolised for us through Saturn's exaltation in the Scales.
Right choice is always made when one is aligned with the Will-to-Good. This statement reflects the relationship between the First and Seventh Rays, as well as between Aries and Libra. The battle lines are drawn, and yet Libra's goal is one the focus of world service through the unfolding of expanded consciousness and the resulting responsibilities such visions entail. This is symbolised for us through Saturn's exaltation in the Scales.