2017年8月21日 星期一

GeneKeys 10 天澤履卦

射手 魔羯(28.125-3.75)

SIDDHI BEING 圓滿成就—— 存在


CODON RING: THE RING OF HUMANITY (10, 17, 21, 25, 38, 51) 基因碼:人性之環



作為人類發展個體性的關鍵因素之一,10th 所帶來的振動頻率指出了人類最大的問題 ——自我之愛, 到底什麼才是愛自己。這股無法觸及(註)的趨力始於10th的陰暗面,它是人類基因中最原始的原型之一,趨使我們持續的聚焦在自己的身體上。

As one of the keystones of human individuality, the 10th Gene Key and its frequency bands point towards one of the deepest of all human issues — the notion of self-love. This intangible force within human beings begins life here in the 10th Shadow, where it brings continual focus on your own immediate environment, which is your body. This is one of the most primitive of all the aspects and archetypes within the human genome.

當10th基因的振動頻率運作在陰暗面時,會將生命力力向內緊縮,並在此展開個體化與自我超越的旅程,使它成為64shadow中最玄秘之一(註)。然而當我們聚焦在這股向內緊縮的力量時,無形中便排除了其他的存有參與我們的人生。這股力量在原始時代能夠確保個體的生存,並將「自我的重要性」放在一切事物之前。因此這股力量所帶來的超越與轉化,也會發生在轉化「自我的重要性」上,也就是當人能夠將自我奉獻在最高的意義上(to see a person give his or her life for another or for a higher cause is to see this 10th Shadow transcended)。

(譯註:所謂最玄秘,來自於小我或心智功能上的矛盾,愛自己追求的是一種「心」的狀態,然而這是心智辦不到的,因為不管如何在心智上下功夫都無法達成愛自己,因為心智本身的功能便是基於排拒,當心智沉澱或小我消解,心的功能才會出來,所以 makes it one of the most mystical of the 64 Shadows,但不是說告訴自己不要愛自己,因為這樣也會強化小我)
At its shadow frequency it tightens all your life force and forces it inward, which in the long run makes it one of the most mystical of the 64 Shadows. It is here that the individual journey towards awakening and transcendence truly begins. However, this genetic centripetal force excludes other beings from your immediate concern and attention. In early hominids, this 10th Shadow ensured individual survival since it put the safety of its own vehicle before anything else. In humanity, to see a person give his or her life for another or for a higher cause is to see this 10th Shadow transcended, as its prime purpose is to put oneself first.


In our modern world, the 10th Shadow still governs us on a collective level, even though it is showing signs of awakening today. The emphasis of the 10th Shadow is on the individual, which can be both a blessing and a curse. Individual differentiation is the cornerstone of evolution itself. If we humans do not discover our own identity and uniqueness, we cannot transcend it and move our society to a higher level.

就好的一方面而言,當我們越能夠發展自己的個體性,便越能夠與萬有産生連結,這是人類最美的矛盾 —— 「唯有透過發展意識的多樣性,我們才能與萬有産生連結,才能感受到萬物的合一性」(譯註: 浩瀚意識vastness consciousness 為了經驗祂自己,也為了體驗自己的豐富性,所以創造了時空,當時空出現時,浩瀚意識便能透過 個人性意識 individual consciousness 體驗並豐富衪自己,所以個人性意識 individual consciousness的豐富性無礙於統一的浩瀚意識vastness consciousness,事實上這就是浩瀚意識vastness consciousness創造時空的目的)

The blessing is that the more different we each allow ourselves to be, the more we operate as a unity. This is one of the most beautiful of all human paradoxes — that only through our very diversity can we arrive at our unity.

但有一些趨力會防礙我們發展,使我們遠離自身的獨特性,它就是10th 天澤履卦所伴隨而來的錯卦 15th Shadow of Dullness 地山謙卦——一成不變的恐懼,這份恐懼掩蓋了活出自己的恐懼(conceals a fear of being different),使我們被阻隔在集體層面( It shuts you down at a collective level ),像個盲從的旅鼠一樣,使我們的獨特性被掩蓋。

But there are forces that tug against evolution, and these forces, coming from within, keep us from experiencing our true uniqueness. The programming partner of this shadow is the 15th Shadow of Dullness, and since this 15th Shadow conceals a fear of being different, it shuts you down at a collective level. The 15th Shadow makes us into lemmings that follow the crowd, thus allowing our uniqueness to be over-ridden.

15th Shadow of Dullness 地山謙卦,使我們把注意力轉向身以外的事物,而10th shadow則完全相反,它使我們沉溺於自身的獨特性,追循並行使之。因此世界上存在者二種人,盲從跟隨者,與不計一切代價遠離人群的人。10th shadow 無法考慮自身以外的人,以致於無法看見聽見週遭的感受與聲音。 這使得他人不易與我們建立關係,即便我們認為自己能夠,也與人建立了許多關係,但真相是我們的內在空間不足以容納其他人。我們用主觀性的投射來看待他人,因客觀性不足,最終導致關係的災難。

Just as the 15th Shadow puts your attention on everything but your own uniqueness, the 10th  Shadow does the opposite — it makes you obsessed with your own uniqueness and how to find it and follow it. Thus in the world today we can see two main types of people — those who follow the crowd and those who try to escape the crowd at all cost. The 10th Shadow does not and cannot consider anyone outside oneself. Through this shadow, you become so self-obsessed that you no longer see or hear the feelings of those around you. This makes it very difficult for other people to relate to you, even though you may feel that you can relate to them. Even though you may have many relationships, the truth is that you really don’t have enough space within your psyche for the concept of others. Everything and everyone is viewed through your own subjective projection field and this loss of objectivity can lead to only one result — it creates havoc in all your relationships.

透過10th shadow的視角下,我們會看到自己不斷想改變他人,因此很難試著去接受他人也有自己的獨特性。在心理學及精神病學中,這種自我沉溺是一種自戀,適度的自戀是心理創建康的基本條件。然而在陰暗面的振動頻率之下,人們會陷入無止盡的自我反射。當人們越是了解「自我」所産生的煩惱是什麼,就越能夠將自己的振動頻率提升至更高的層次。

Through the lens of the 10th Shadow, all you see when you look at others is people you would like to change. Thus you find it extremely difficult to accept anyone else for their uniqueness. In psychology and psychiatry, such self-obsession is known as narcissism and in moderation it is considered to be an essential component of a healthy psyche. However, at the shadow frequency such narcissism, like the legend it is derived from, keeps human beings endlessly trapped by their own reflection. Ironically, the more of an expert you become in the subject of the lower self, the further away you travel from your higher self. It is the ageless journey of self-knowledge epitomised in the famous axiom cut into the stone above the door of the oracle in Delphi — “Know Thyself.”


This self-obsession of the 10th Shadow is driven by fear, and it is a very specific unconscious fear — it is the fear of losing your identity. As one of the deepest of all human fears, this fear forces you into a pattern of trying to find out who you are in order that you might find some kind of permanent definition in life. This quest for your true identity is the greatest quest there is.

然而當它處於低頻振動時,這種自我追尋與自覺的特質,會變成自我迷戀,使得我們離真正的自己越來越遠。當我們渴望逃離「害怕失去自我認同」的恐懼時,便創造出一個永無止盡的旅程,裡面充滿著各種戲劇性的冒險,在這各式各樣的冒險之中,唯獨缺少面對自己的旅程。這是10th shadow所設的陷阱,它讓我們不斷的追逐自己的影子,使我們在追尋「自性」的過程中作繭自縛。

However, at the low frequency of the shadow level, this quest for selfknowledge becomes an obsession that actually keeps you from defining who and what you are. In your thirst to escape your fear, you create a journey that has no end, filled with drama and adventure perhaps, but ultimately one in which you never have to face yourself. This is the craft of the 10th Shadow — it tricks you into chasing the shadow of your own reflection, and your very journey towards your true nature becomes your own net.


In the modern western world, self-obsession is everywhere. People are obsessed with how they feel and how they look, with what they wear, what they own and where they live. As long as you are looking at yourself you cannot see around you, and there is the rub. Until you come to recognise your own self-obsession you cannot transcend it, which is why it is a necessary evil.

所有的內在發現之旅均始於這種自戀,它是永無止盡的迷宮,即便我們走上靈性追尋之旅,也會因為自戀的著眼點而陷入迷宮之中。事實上現今西方所出現的靈性追尋之旅,這種令每個人緊抓不放的靈性之旅正是自戀的一種展現。這種成癮的追尋讓我們離自己越來越遠,當我們越是追尋自己,就越是找不到(The more you look for your own true identity, the more ephemeral it becomes. )

All inner journeys begin with this self-obsession and it can truly become an endless labyrinth. Even when self-obsession takes the form of a spiritual search, it can become a trap. In fact, in many ways the spiritual search for truth that is gripping so many individuals in our western world today is the greatest self-obsession of all. The path itself easily becomes an addiction that keeps you from truly being yourself. The more you look for your own true identity, the more ephemeral it becomes.

這些無止盡的追尋(All circular paths),最後都會找到一個突破點,也就是當人們「步上」(註)了「自我覺察」的道路,並跳出永無止盡的追尋,最終發現原來他們無法透過追尋來找到自己(once they realise that what they are seeking cannot be found.)。這種揭露真相的了悟是自發性的,只有當人在自我追尋的過程中迷失了,並能在迷失中安住自己時才會發生(only when you have been well and truly lost in the mazy pathways of the self.)。至於這需要花多久,因人而異。

All circular paths do eventually arrive at breakthrough. Those who tread the path of selfknowledge (the ancient Chinese name for this 10th hexagram of the I Ching is Treading) will eventually escape the treadmill once they realise that what they are seeking cannot be found. This is a spontaneous revelation that can occur only when you have been well and truly lost in the mazy pathways of the self. No one can say how long it will take for such a revelation to dawn, since it differs from individual to individual, but it cannot be faked. The true revelation that comes through the 10th Shadow leads inevitably to the creative explosion that emerges through the 10th Gift of Naturalness.

REPRESSIVE NATURE – SELF-DENYING 壓抑態(壓抑保持自我認同的恐懼)——自我拒絕

在壓抑狀態下,genekey會呈現較「內向」的本質,在10th shadow指的是自我拒絕,它將向內集中的能量反轉,使其由原本的向內專注變得「離心」,它關注所有的事情唯獨不關注自己。他們為別人而活且忍受其他人。這種自我犧牲不帶有正向成份,他們的生活是由妥協構成,讓渡自主權,而像個人形僵屍般的活著。雖然這樣的表達方式可能會讓人很震驚,但世界上許多人都是這般活著 —— 沒有真正的自我之愛與核心定位。這種讓渡「自性」的生活方式便是 外道宗教,介由投射依附外在無上的權威,而捨棄內在的神性。
The introverted nature of the Shadow of Self-Obsession is to deny oneself altogether. This kind of reversal of the energy of self-obsession becomes entirely centrifugal and focuses on everything and anything but oneself. These are people whose lives are lived for others and through others. However, such martyrdom does not have a positive spin and cannot serve evolution. These lives are made up entirely of compromise in which those who deny themselves become like zombies for the collective. Although this kind of language may sound shocking, a huge majority of the world population lives like this — with no real self-love and no true centre or heart within themselves. These people are the prime targets for the great world religions. Their self-denial does not allow them to recognise the Divine within themselves, finding it far easier to project such an authority outside them.

REACTIVE NATURE – NARCISSISTIC 反動態(為迴避「自我認同的恐懼」而反動)——自戀

When the self-obsessive force is externalised through the reactive nature, it becomes truly narcissistic in the sense that it excludes all others. Just as the repressive nature denies its own existence, the reactive denies the existence of others. These are people whose lives are based entirely around themselves. The fear within them lives as anger — they project their fear of losing their identity onto others and onto society in general.Such people cannot yield any part of themselves to others. They live in paranoia that the world or others will somehow rob them of their right to freedom. The reactive nature finds relationships the hardest of all, since they are essentially locked in a love affair with themselves, but not with their true self. The true self is everywhere and in everything, since its nature is love. However to realise such a concept, one has to drop the very thing that gives one the illusion of safety — the illusion of individual identity.



10天賦等待著我們發現本然的自己,這是我們存在的核心,透過這個核心我們才能表露出最具創造性與獨特性的自己。人類的生命旅程能夠透過10 天賦 ——「自然」 展現,「自然」意味著做你本然的樣子,我們或多或少都在試著做自己,但是有很多人卻被制約成別人的樣子。自從人類開始發展大腦皮質層後,我們的歷史本來就是這樣。當我們具備了新皮質層,大腦開始思索他自己時,大腦第一個浮現的問題便是:「我是誰?」在這個問題産生之前,人活的很「自然」——僅限於獸性層面的自然。

The Gift of Naturalness is a Gift that waits within every single human being. It is the centre of your being and only through this centre can you express your own creative uniqueness. The life of every individual human being is a journey through the frequencies of this 10th Gene Key. To be natural means to be yourself. We are all trying to be who we are, but many of us have been conditioned to be other than who we are. It has been this way throughout our history, ever since we began to develop the complex neo-cortex. The moment the mind was equipped to reflect on itself, the primal question Who am I? was born. Prior to this question, human beings did live in the state of naturalness, but only in the sense that they were more a part of the animal kingdom and had not yet fully developed into homo sapiens. Even so, it is still interesting how much we can learn about this 10th Gift through the animal kingdom, whose normal state is naturalness.


The human journey, of course, is unique and is obviously different from that of the animals. We have to solve the conundrum of having a mind that can look at itself. The primal question Who am I? has to be answered before the Gift of Naturalness can once again be realised. There are so many paradoxes in this 10th Gift — the main one being that you cannot be who you are as long as you think you are someone, but you still have to set off and search for this someone in order to realise that they do not exist!

當我們在追尋我是誰時,這個問題的本身便會帶來很大的張力,而正是這個張力的釋放讓我們接觸到10th Gift的本體。只有當我們照破了「自我沉溺」以後,我們那個本然的自己才會破曉而出。揭露自性最大的了悟便是體認到,自性是不能被定義的,我們本然的自己不應該被標櫼化,並沒有一個自己可做。一但我們了悟到:我既不屬於我的名子、我的感受、我的行動、也不屬於我的想法,我的自性比我所認為的一切還來的廣大。

There is much tension inherent in this simple little question Who am I? and it is the releasing of this tension around your identity that is the essence of the 10th Gift. The 10th Gift of Naturalness can dawn only when self-obsession exhausts itself. The first great revelation that comes from the journey into your own unique nature is that you cannot be defined by any kind of label. Once you understand that you are neither your name nor your actions, feelings, thoughts or beliefs, you realise that human nature is something far greater and wider than you ever suspected.

在禮物層的振動頻率中,隨著一切定義自我的企圖均消解了, 我們的存在本身會釋放出具大的能量到我們的生命中。這種能量的示現是伴隨著強烈的創造力與童心,我們失去了老舊的認同,與此同時卻感到,我們集中在大鳴大放的遼闊裡。這份禮物無法以操作的方式取得,當我們的內在空間打開,感受到內在的自由時,這份禮物才會昇起。

At the Gift level of frequency, there is a huge releasing of energy through your being and out into your life as all attempts at defining who you are begin to subside. The usual manifestation of this energy is an intense creativity coupled with a new sense of playfulness. You lose your sense of identity and simultaneously begin to feel centred in a wider context. The Gift of Naturalness cannot be practiced, copied or systematised. It can only emerge through a rising sense of inner freedom and spaciousness.

成為本然自己的第一個階段裡,這種逐漸增強的放鬆與自在,與更古以來存在己久的原型一致,這一個過程源自於當我們開始問自己:我是誰、我在做什麼、我為什麼在這裡?開始了一連串針對生命意義與目的欵問,也就是容格所說的「個體化」過程 。

This sense of increasing ease and relaxedness in your life tends to follow an age-old archetypal sequence that appears to be universal. As we have seen, this process — which Jung called individuation — begins with the question Who am I? This question, which may also appear in different guises such as Why am I here? or Why am I doing this?, kick-starts a process of inner questioning about the purpose and meaning of your life.


The second phase of becoming natural tends to be a deep inner questioning and questing in which you isolate yourself in some sense from your previous responsibilities and give time and space to understanding your own nature more. For most people this phase lasts a long time and it is also the phase during which most people become stuck in the lower frequency of self-obsession, falling in love with the endless quest for self knowledge. At a certain point however this phase gives way to a natural collapse and a subsequent letting go of all searching as you realise the futility of trying to find something that is clearly indefinable. This realisation marks a huge transition point in your life and represents the release from your self-obsession.


It can also be a very challenging time as you let go of all the constructs and techniques with which you may have identified and from which you derived security. Fortunately this third phase swiftly becomes consolidated and integrated into your being, and you enter a new dimension in which you become more and more deeply relaxed. This fourth phase is something like a rebirth as you externalise what is truly inside you for the first time in your life. It is a time of deep joyousness and purpose and it is only as you find this sense of relaxedness that you begin once again to feel truly natural.


The fifth and final phase of the process of becoming yourself manifests as the flowering of your individualised differentiated self. This is when you hit the peak of your own mythology and bring something entirely new into the world based on the high principle that has always lain latent within you. This final flowering of your inner being manifests as a challenge to the current norm, since your true nature is always found at the cutting edge of evolution. The idea, whatever it may be, represents the true beauty within the individual finding expression in the world.

Throughout this work there are references to the hidden chemical pathways within our DNA. These genetic networks are known as the 21 Codon Rings, and they contain many mysteries. The 10th Gene Key belongs to a chemical family known as The Ring of Humanity which includes the 10th, 17th, 21st, 25th, 38th and 51st Gene Keys.

人性之環是最複雜的 基因密碼組,他蔵有神話故事的關鍵要素。這六個genekeys封存了「成為一個人」的玄秘要素。當我們受傷感到絕望(25 無妄卦)就必需戰勝自己(38 睽卦)的陰暗面 ,克服內在信念(17 隨卦)的制約,臣服於生命的需求拿回生命的主控權(21 噬嗑卦)並找到我們的真我(10),之後步上覺醒之路(51 震卦)
(譯註:人性之環與人類的創傷有關係,以下摘自21的描述 21是人性之環(Ring of Humanity)的一部份,它形成了人類創傷的整體面向。人性中的神聖創傷(sacred wound)(註),及一切受苦的理由,均能被人性之環中的Genekey所解放。 .... 刪
As one of the most complex codon groups, this chemical family holds the keys to the great mythic story lines from all cultures. These six Gene Keys encapsulate all the mythic elements of what it means to be a human being. Wounded from the outset (25), you must do battle with your shadows (38), overcome the limitations of your mind (17 ), surrender your need to control life (21) and find your true self (10) before you can awaken (51). You can see from this very profound grouping how deeply bonded we humans are by the same basic dramas. There is great beauty to be discovered here, and when you find it, you will finally realise that naturalness is the simplest thing of all. It is simply there inside you the moment you decide to stop arguing with life!





Sagittarius - A beam of direct, focused Light

射手 —— 距焦的直線光束

In this the point of light becomes the beam, revealing a greater light ahead 
and illumining the way to the centre of the light.

Sagittarius Keywords
Self-centred experiences
Integrating experiences
The Goal of experiences
Desire dominates mind
Mind and desire relate
Higher Mind energies
Horserider 騎馬者Rider and horse 騎士與馬Riderhorse 人馬一體
Bow and Arrow
The jungle
The clearing
The Path

Keyword Phrases

Let food be sought.

This phrase symbolises the urge to gain experience, something that Sagittarius on the ordinary wheel of life does quite indiscriminately.  Any food will do - the idea is just to gather the basic substances of life in order to bring about those situations that stop the Horse "in his tracks".  When he is thus satiated and bursting he may then realise that he had better take control of the reins, since he is the rider as well as the steed.

I see the goal.  

I reach that goal and then I see another.  This sentence clearly depicts the frame of reference of a Sagittarian on the reversed wheel of discipline and initiatic promise.



Capricorn - The Light of Initiation

魔羯 —— 啓蒙之光

This is the light which clears the way to the mountain top, and produces transfiguration,
 thus revealing the rising sun.

Capricorn Keywords
Mountain Goat 山羊Sea-Goat 海山羊Unicorn 獨角馬
Ambitious 野心Objectifying Purpose
Culminating Purpose
Prisoner of Form
Relating Energy to Form
Perceiving the Energy within the Form
Encased by Structure
Relating to structure
Creating Structure
Anchoring Ideas in Earth
Server to the Earth
Abuser of Resources
User of Resources
Creator of Resources
Attached to form
Relating through form
Free to transform
Coal 碳Crystal 水晶Diamond 礸石

Keyword Phrases

Let Ambition rule and let the door stand wide.  

On the ordinary wheel ambition drives Capricorn toward achievement.  The door to initiation and the freedom to serve humanity from a focus of loving awareness are always there.  Yet fear and instinct blind Capricorn into believing that freedom is gained through attachment to form.  The opened Gate remains unseen until such time as material illusion ceases and spiritual reality is revealed.

Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back.  

全然以靈性為中心的魔羯,能保持在神性之愛的意識中。這段長途旅程告終,現在正是休息與獎償的時刻。但服務的招喚太過強烈,即便身於天堂,魔羯仍轉過身來,她透過巨蝎進入天堂這一道門,並回過頭來降生在物質世界 —— 為了更進一步的服務人類。
The totally Soul-centred Capricorn Initiate may remain in the consciousness of Divine Love.  She has culminated a long journey and may now pause, rest and be rewarded.  Yet the call to service is so strong that by ~turning her back~ on this supernal state, she takes the Gate In through Cancer and returns into incarnation for further service to mankind.



