CODON RING: THE RING OF HUMANITY (10, 17, 21, 25, 38, 51) 基因密碼環——人性之環
A FIGHT WITHOUT PURPOSE 無來由的對抗38陰暗面 與其錯卦 39 是古老的基因規劃(genetic programming),主要基於確保個體性的生存。在智人的歷史上他們伴演著「物種生存法則」(animal kingdom)的角色。在我們開始探究38th shadow 前,應當先將以下觀點銘記於心:「如果沒有這二個shadow 人類不可能存活至今」。
The 38th Shadow joins its programming partner, the 39th Shadow, to form a very heavy duo. This is ancient genetic programming based on individual survival. Both these Shadows have strong connections with the animal kingdom through their role within early hominid history. Before we begin an exploration of the darker side of this 38th Gene Key, one should hold the following perspective: without either of these Shadows, there would probably be no humans walking the earth today.
這是基因矩陣(genetic matrix)中非常黑暗的地方,因為它代表了最原始的能量,其本能便是當感受到威脅時所産生的侵略性(when threatened is aggression)。野獸中的這種自然殘暴性,表現在當母獸覺察到幼獸面臨威脅時。 從這個觀點來看,當這個基因序在人類身上發展時,它變成了進化生存法則的基石。這個基因也與健康與幸福有很大的關連。
This can be a very dark place within the genetic matrix because it represents a primal energy whose main instinct when threatened is aggression. In animals, this natural ferocity is embodied in the behaviour of a mother when her cubs are threatened. As this aspect of DNA developed in human beings it became the foundation of the evolutionary law of the survival of the fittest. This Gene Key is also deeply connected to individual health and well being.
無論你與38shadow有無關連,今日同樣的遺傳線路(genetic wiring)仍然影響者所有的人類。它存在於人類集體能量場,當某個人類群體受到另一個群體的威脅時,是它反應最大的時候,並透過反動的方式展現其侵略性。38 shadow 喜歡也需要抗爭,這種抗爭的特性主要視其振動頻率而定。在低頻時他們為自己而戰也為生活而戰,必竟這個陰暗面叫作困頓中奮斗(Shadow of Struggle),這種困頓會讓人失去信心,不儘對於困頓爭扎者是如此,同樣與之相關被綁住(locked)的人也是如此。
This same genetic wiring still influences all human beings today, regardless of how closely associated you are to this Shadow. It is there in the collective energy field of humanity, and it is particularly strong when certain groups of human beings are threatened by other groups, manifesting strongly through its aggressive reactive side. This 38th Shadow likes and needs a fight, and the nature of this fight is dependent upon its frequency. At a low frequency, this Shadow fights with others, with itself or with life itself. It is after all called the Shadow of Struggle. This kind of struggle is very disempowering, both for the struggler and for anyone else who happens to get locked into the combat.
用被綁住(locked)這個字是很貼切的,因為它是38 genekey的特質。38在禮物層面被稱作毅力(Perseverance),但在低頻時是一股頑固抗爭的力量。當38結合其伴隨的錯卦(programming partner) 39 蹇卦的激怒(Shadow of Provocation) 時,38shadow 會咬住抗爭的對象不放,直至目標離開(the 38th Shadow simply digs its teeth into someone or something and doesn’t let go until that someone or something gives way.),因而總是導致某種程度的破壞性。
The word locked here is very appropriate for that is the nature of this 38th Gene Key. You can see that the Gift level is called Perseverance, but at a lower frequency this simply manifests as a stubborn persistence to fight, no matter what the outcome. When combined with its programming partner, the 39th Shadow of Provocation, the 38th Shadow simply digs its teeth into someone or something and doesn’t let go until that someone or something gives way. At a low frequency this always causes some kind of destruction.
多半 38 Shadow 會示現在關係中,當一方對生活無法感到圓滿時。38 shadow 介由抗爭來尋找生命的目的,從這個意義層面來說,它與28Shadow 的無意義感有磁力上的連結(magnetic connection),如果一個人找不到生命的目的(no real alignment of purpose),那個38的錯卦39就會帶著激怒的能量,造成關係動力的破壞性。
More often than not, this Shadow manifests in relationships when one or both people are not feeling fulfilled in their lives. The 38th Shadow is about the battle to find a sense of purpose in life, and in this sense it also has a strong magnetic connection to the 28th Shadow of Purposelessness. If there is no real alignment of purpose within a being, then the provocation carries a frequency that results in a very destructive dynamic in the relationship.
這種破壞性動力在這個世界上是非常普遍的,逐漸耗損關係中的愛,而這種對抗的需求會逐漸成癮,每段關係都有它潛在的目的(inner purpose),但如果關係中的二人方向不一致(purpose of two individual is not asigned),就沒有機會揭露關係的本質。(譯註:
These kinds of dynamics, which are very common in the world, gradually grind down the love within the relationship and the fighting actually becomes an addictive need. Every relationship has its own inner purpose, but if the purpose of two individuals is not initially aligned, then the true nature of the relationship never has a chance to reveal itself.
如果生命中找不到目的感 38 Shadow 是極度憂傷的,為了將這股憂傷有氣可出(one of the chief vents for this sadness),便是將它導向外在,以侵略性的方式導向與你最親近的人。
There is a great deal of sadness within this 38th Shadow. If there is no real sense of purpose in your life, one of the chief vents for this sadness is to channel it aggressively at those closest to you, usually members of your own family.
除了活出生命的目的性之外, 尚有一個阻斷 38 genekey 的成癮抗爭模式,那就是深呼吸。這種困頓與抗爭將人陷入一種短促的呼吸模式,使人完全忘卻自己,阻斷外在的影響而聽不進他人說的話(rendering you deaf to all outside influence),就如同有個外在的力量在主宰自己(out side force has you in possession),迫使我們攻擊自己與他人(keep banging your head (or someone else’s) against a wall.),當我們願意「停一停」「深呼吸」,這種迴路就會中斷,內在空間打開使我們得以重新定位自己(reorient your energies)。
Other than the absolute necessity of living out your true purpose, there is a great secret to breaking the addictive patterns of struggle embodied in this 38th Gene Key: simply take a breath. Struggle is a pattern that locks you into a certain breath pattern that makes you totally forget yourself, as well as rendering you deaf to all outside influence. It is as though an outside force has you in its possession and forces you to keep banging your head (or someone else’s) against a wall. The moment you take a breath and pause, the pattern is broken and a space arises in which you can reorient your energies.
At low frequencies, the tighter you hang on to things, the more resistance you create. By providing gaps in the pattern, you enable transformations to occur, and it is usually in these gaps that the answer to the struggle is resolved. You can actually see from these three Shadows — the 28th, 38th and 39th — how struggle and resistance allow you to diagnose whether you are fulfilling the true purpose of your life. In that sense, they can be extremely useful.
在集體層面來說 38 shadow 有其他的顯化方式。當38 39 成對出現時,使得人類對於暴力與抗爭成癮,這個陰暗面會讓人以非常個人化的觀點看事情,使得視野變的很小(little perspective)。歷史上許多戰爭的發生,都是因為當權者個人性的觀點導致侵略行為。38 Shadow的原型是不思考的,如果他們感到威脅,會以極度侵略性的方式反動而不會考慮到他人。
At a collective level this 38th Shadow has other manifestations in the world. The human addiction to struggle and violence is compounded through the pairing of the 38th and 39th Shadows. These Shadows see everything at a personal level, which means that they have very little perspective. History has shown that many great wars have been fought because certain individuals in positions of power reacted aggressively to another individual or tribe based on a personal agenda. The 38th Shadow is not an archetype that thinks. If it feels in any way threatened, it reacts in an extremely aggressive manner without consideration of who might be hurt.
許多無顧者因為 38 shadow 所採取的反動,而受殺害。這些人的內在抗爭需求只能以無意識層面來理解。在最深的層面而言,38所帶來的抗爭,維持了一種自我認同的幻像,使我們與外在産生分離(maintains the illusion of your separate identity)。只要我們還在抗爭就能確保外在環境的掌控權。這反映了人類最大的恐懼——如果我不再抗爭不再控制,那麼我將不復存在。
Many innocents have been slaughtered because of the 38th Shadow acting without taking pause to consider the logic or justice of its action. The core of this individual need to struggle can only really be understood when it is viewed at an unconscious level. At the deepest level, struggle maintains the illusion of your separate identity. As long as you can fight, you can remain in control of your environment. This reflects the greatest human fear — if there is nothing left to fight for, you may cease to exist.
這是一種無意識的死亡恐懼,防止人類超越他們的個體性。38所帶來的禮物,介由服務比自身更大的部份,誘使我們越超個體性所帶來的分離感。但當他落於恐懼的低頻振動時,我們不曾停下來深呼吸放鬆自己,所以這股力量無法流進表意識,以創造性的方式展現。 38genekey 帶來的頑固與充耳不聞的能量,造成現代人即便不再有生命上的威脅但仍然為生存而爭扎。
It is the unconscious fear of death that prevents human beings from transcending their individuality. The 38th Gift invites you to transcend your separateness through your individuality by means of serving a goal beyond yourself. But at the fear level we never stop to take a breath, so it never enters into our awareness to use this terrific life force in a creative way. Thus the whole energy of stubbornness and deafness within this Gene Key results in a planet where most of the world still has to struggle to survive. At the same time, the minority of people who do not outwardly struggle — the developed countries — continue to struggle internally through the stresses of living lives without a strong sense of purpose.
The repressive nature of this 38th Shadow is defeatist, and the majority of the western or developed world also holds this attitude. People simply do not have the perseverance to tackle the great issues (for example, world poverty) and this collective defeatism means that we do not even try.
在壓抑狀態下,genekey會呈現較「內向」的本質,失敗主義者的是這個二極化原型的一端。當38 shadow 的能量崩解時,會在身體層面積存巨大的張力。這種張力會造成他們害怕將巨大的生命能量導向服務於比自身更大的部份。這些人內在深處的某一層面已經放棄了,造成他們抑制生命的熱情。The defeatist attitude is one pole of this archetype. It is what happens when the energy within this Gene Key collapses. Those with this kind of nature store an enormous amount of tension in their bodies. This tension results from their failure to direct their huge life force in a direction that serves a higher purpose than their own. These are people who at some level deep inside themselves have given up, resulting in a dampening of all enthusiasm for life.
處於這個極端時,會變得很沮喪。這些人傾向於將自己的不幸轉為內在批判,因而鎖死了內在深處的能量。不幸的是,他們無法靠外在力量將自己抽離出這種能量休眠的狀態。這需要耗費強大的內在動機來提昇自己,以解放內在的陰暗面(free of their own inner demons.)。然而一但他們找到值得奮鬥的目標,潛在的能量就會釋放到生活中,身體感受到的張力也會緩解。
At its extreme this becomes deep depression. These people tend not to project their misery outward but internally blame themselves, thus locking the energy even deeper in their body. Unfortunately, there is no way that an outside influence can pull someone out of this state of shutdown. It takes a huge inner motivation within the individual to lift free of their own inner demons. However, once they find a cause worth fighting for, suddenly all that latent energy is released into the world and the tension leaves their being.
在反動(Reactive)狀態下,genekey會呈現外向特質,正如壓抑態沒有胃口與人爭戰,反動態則不得不戰,卻總是不知道為何而戰為誰而戰。這些人將自己的憤怒與侵略性投射至他人身上,表現出無來由的對抗,而這正是Shadow of Struggle的定義。 他們找不到目的與方向(no sense of purpose),持續的卡在人與人間的抗爭,以釋放身體累積的張力Just as the repressive nature lacks the stomach for a fight, so the reactive nature cannot help fighting, yet always ends up fighting the wrong things and the wrong people. The reactive nature is about projection. These are people who project all their anger and aggression onto others. They are the people who embody the very definition of struggle — to fight for no purpose. Having no sense of purpose, they are constantly locked in combat with other people in order to release the pent up tension in their bodies.
They actually become addicted to fighting as a means to discharge this tension they feel inside. Obviously, these people do not have successful and loving relationships. They can be tyrannical and controlling. If, on the other hand, they are able to channel this aggression into some kind of higher purpose, then they immediately drop their aggressiveness and transform the Shadow into the Gift of Perseverance.
THE INDOMITABLE SPIRIT OF THE UNDERDOG 不屈不撓的劣勢者38 Shadow 與 Gift 的不同在於他們抗爭的本質。我們必需找到奮鬥的方向,38 Shadow才能提升。當我們全身心的投入,快樂的為我們的目標奮鬥(As you pour your heart, body and soul into a fulfilling fight),困頓的抗爭狀態才會止息。在此我們學會了阻礙(meeting obstacle)與阻抗(fighting resistance)的分別。阻抗是當我們與宇宙法則對抗,它是所有陰暗面狀態的標誌。而阻礙則是生命自然律動下所産生的。阻礙是為了測試承坦與臣服,容許我們形塑新的技能並焠煉卓越。阻礙其實是一種偽裝的祝褔,38Gift就是介由阻礙設計出我們的逆增上緣。
The only difference between the 38th Shadow and the 38th Gift is the nature of the fight. You have only to find the right fight, and your whole experience of this Gene Key changes. As you pour your heart, body and soul into a fulfilling fight, it ceases to be a struggle. Here you learn the difference between meeting obstacles and fighting resistance. Resistance is what occurs when you are pushing against the universal flow and is a hallmark of all the Shadow states. Obstacles, however, are natural to the rhythm of life. Obstacles test your commitment and surrender, allowing you to forge new skills and hone your excellence. Obstacles are always gifts in disguise. The 38th Gift is designed for obstacles — in fact it loves them. If you are someone with the 38th Gift in your genetic profile, every obstacle is a wonderful and vital opportunity to feel more alive and to fulfil your higher destiny.
38帶來的禮物是毅力,當人面對逆境時才得以茁壯。這樣的人看似不費力的完成不可能的事,同時徹底的發揮他們自己。他們很活躍很規律 (active and physical),他們有基因上的需求來推動他們的身體與,喜歡投身到正確的行動中(being right in the thick of action)。正如我們在shadow 面所見的,這個原型並非著眼於思考層面(not a thinking archetype),它關乎於行動。唯一的訣竅便是知道何時該行動,這也是Gift毅力起作用的時機。它知道合時該收該放(it knows when to hold the energy back),換言之,他們在躍入一項新的行動時,懂的先停一停靜一靜(who have learned to draw a breath before they rush into some new action.),以確保自及的行動是出於實際與真實,而不是出於恐懼與憤怒。
The 38th Gift is the Gift of Perseverance. This is a Gift that really thrives when you are up against the odds. People with this Gift make the impossible look effortless, even whilst exerting themselves fully. These people are extremely active and physical. They have a genetic need to push their bodies and love being right in the thick of the action. As we saw with the 38th Shadow, this is not a thinking archetype. These are people of action. The only trick for them is to know when to act and when not to act and this is where the Gift of Perseverance comes into play. It knows when to hold its energy back. In other words, these are people who have learned to draw a breath before they rush into some new action. This breath is not so that they can think — it is simply to make sure they are responding from truth rather than reacting from fear or anger.
就像39蹇卦一樣,38也許戰士原型有著強烈的連結。在現代,戰士的道途不再如以往那樣。38genekey在各種新興領域中展開,各行各業都需要戰士(There are warriors in the business world, warriors in government and education as well as in the sciences and arts.)。無論哪裡,只要為了更高的目的而戰,當面臨不可超越的逆境時,38 Gift 會擴展出它的最大極限(you will find the 38th Gift stretching itself to its limits.)。
As with the 39th Gift, the 38th Gift has a strong link with the archetype of the warrior. In the modern world, the path of the warrior is not what it used to be. All kinds of new domains have appeared where this Gene Key is now played out. There are warriors in the business world, warriors in government and education as well as in the sciences and arts. Wherever there is a fight for a higher purpose especially against insurmountable odds, there you will find the 38th Gift stretching itself to its limits.
38Shadow總是為了恐懼與生存而戰, 38Gift則為了愛而戰。為了集體所創造出來的恐懼而戰,它並不思索自己在做些什麼,這些行為是否蠢。它只是知道當內心深處認定一件事是對的,會以全身心的能量承坦所指定的工作,絕不打退當鼓。但並不是說這些人的內心沒有恐懼,而是他們內心的愛總是比恐懼來的多。
Where the 38th Shadow is always fighting out of fear, and usually for survival, the 38th Gift fights for love. In our modern world, the only domain for the 38th Gift is the battle against the Shadow frequency, which is the battle against the collective frequency of fear. The 38th Gift does not think about what it is doing. It does not stop to consider how foolish its behaviour may appear. It simply knows in its heart when something is right and once it has committed its full energy to its appointed task it will never, never back down. Even so, this does not mean that such people are beyond fear, because they are not. However, the frequency of the Gift level insures that love always wins over fear.
38Gift 是「基因密碼環——人性之環」 的一部份,這六個基因代表了人類歷史的原型。38GeneKey設定了人類困頓抗爭的樣式——介由困頓抗爭以接觸靈性。它代表了人類內在探索的旅程中,光之戰士與黑暗力量的對抗(dark forces of your lower nature)。
The 38th Gift is part of a genetic codon family known as The Ring of Humanity. Each of the six Gene Keys in this group represents an archetypal aspect of the human story. In this story, the 38th Gene Key sets the pattern of all human struggle — the struggle of all form to reach spirit. In human beings it is represented by the quest of the inner warrior of light against the dark forces of your lower nature. It is this quest or battle that stands behind all external human conflict.
毅力是內在光之戰士最重要的特質,因為人類本能的黑暗趨力,深深的植入了我們的天性之中。因此正是透過戰勝黑暗面來讓我們更加茁壯。 隨著時間逝去,我們通過恆心、愛與信任,最終獲得生命的勝利,並找到我們內在的神性。
Perseverance is the most essential human attribute of the inner warrior because the darker forces of human instinct are so deeply embedded in our nature. Thus it is often through defeat that human beings learn to be stronger. Over time, through perseverance, love and trust, you will eventually attain victory and experience your own divinity.
他們總是堅定立場,吸收所有的阻礙,當他們走在自己的道途上,無論是否會成為受害者最終均能取得勝利。 38Gfit 迎來確定性與最終的勝利。 唯一必要的是找到對的戰場,知道為何而戰。
People with the 38th Gift become our heroes. These people take a stand, absorb all the obstacles along their path and eventually win their battles despite appearing to be the underdog. With the 38th Gift comes the certainty of final victory. The only necessity is to find the right battles.
For them, the right battles are those that empower others to stand up for themselves rather than remain victims of mass propaganda. There are two huge benefits to the collective that emerge from the manifestation of this 38th Gift. The first is a great challenge to the collective fear — it says that nothing is impossible if you stand up for what you believe in. The lives of people with the 38th Gift are living proof of this. The second benefit is that the 38th Gift also proves that you can fight a battle and win without resorting to violence and corruption. This does not mean that the 38th Gift is in any way soft — on the contrary, it can be fiercely aggressive in its service of a higher goal.
Many of the qualities that may be perceived as negative in the 38th Shadow become incredibly potent when they are put in service of a higher aspiration. Stubbornness can be an awesome quality when it is used to wear down a more powerful enemy. Aggression can be channelled into an appropriate force or used as a specific tactic at specific times. Even deafness can be wonderful when you need to edit out the negative propaganda of others. All of these qualities are fused together into this single word perseverance. What’s more, a further aspect comes into play at the Gift level that is lacking at the Shadow level — thrill. The experience of fighting a battle against the odds, but for a higher purpose, fills you with an indomitable spirit that feeds on itself and becomes stronger and stronger. At a certain level, this spirit enters into the realm of an extremely pure frequency, one that gives its name to the 38th Siddhi — the realm of Honour.
Capricorn - The Light of Initiation
魔羯 —— 啓蒙之光
This is the light which clears the way to the mountain top, and produces transfiguration,
thus revealing the rising sun.
Keyword Phrases
Let Ambition rule and let the door stand wide.
On the ordinary wheel ambition drives Capricorn toward achievement. The door to initiation and the freedom to serve humanity from a focus of loving awareness are always there. Yet fear and instinct blind Capricorn into believing that freedom is gained through attachment to form. The opened Gate remains unseen until such time as material illusion ceases and spiritual reality is revealed.
On the ordinary wheel ambition drives Capricorn toward achievement. The door to initiation and the freedom to serve humanity from a focus of loving awareness are always there. Yet fear and instinct blind Capricorn into believing that freedom is gained through attachment to form. The opened Gate remains unseen until such time as material illusion ceases and spiritual reality is revealed.
Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back.
全然以靈性為中心的魔羯,能保持在神性之愛的意識中。這段長途旅程告終,現在是停止修息與獎償的時刻。但服務的招喚太過強烈,即便身於天堂仍轉過身來,她透過巨蝎進入天堂這一道門,並回過頭來降生在物質世界,為了更進一步的服務人類。The totally Soul-centred Capricorn Initiate may remain in the consciousness of Divine Love. She has culminated a long journey and may now pause, rest and be rewarded. Yet the call to service is so strong that by ~turning her back~ on this supernal state, she takes the Gate In through Cancer and returns into incarnation for further service to mankind.