2017年8月19日 星期六


True Nature Means Non-doing and Surrender

活在當下是一種臣服的型式,也就是帶有覺察的擁抱一切經驗。 如果我正感受到某種不喜歡的感覺,那麼便擁抱這份感覺、及我不喜歡這份感覺的事實。而不是采取一種預設立場以排拒負面的感受。

To be where we are really is a form of surrender to whatever is happening. And that surrender is an awareness that embraces whatever our experience is. If I am feeling something and I see that I don’t like it, then I embrace that I am feeling something and I embrace the fact that I don’t like it. I don’t take the position that I shouldn’t have a negative response to what I am feeling.


This implies a certain trust and confidence in our nature. Usually we don’t have that trust, so we want to take things into our own hands and twist them and turn them the way we want them to be. True Nature shows us that we have another option, which is to align with it in allowing our experience to be what it is.

What it Means to Surrender


So you can see from everything that has been said thus far that True Nature really doesn’t do anything. It doesn’t push and it doesn’t hold on to anything. It simply relaxes, effortlessly, and is present with full awareness, embracing the immediacy of feeling and sensing our experience. That is the sense in which surrender is meant.


It’s not that we are going to do something: “Okay, now I am going to surrender.” What are you going to do to surrender? I have never seen anybody surrendering. Nobody ever surrenders. Surrender means basically nondoing. It means not doing anything to what is arising in our experience. It means leaving ourselves and our experience alone.


不取不拒, 不跟隨不對抗

Remember that ceasing to meddle doesn’t mean that you do something to sop. Just being aware that you are meddling—and seeing what meddling does—is usually sufficient for it to stop by itself. You won’t have the feeling that you are stopping it; it just stops.

From "Hands Off Your Experience," a chapter of "The Unfolding Now," segment titled “True Nature Even Response to Our Meddling,” ch. 2, p. 28

