2017年8月21日 星期一

Genekeys 18 山風蠱卦


SIDDHI PERFECTION 圓滿成就 —— 完美(圓滿)
GIFT INTEGRITY 天賦 —— 內外一致,言行如一


CODON RING: THE RING OF MATTER (18, 46, 48, 57)  基因密碼環 —— 物質之環

THE 18 thSHADOW – JUDGEMENT 陰暗面 —— 批判


人類的基因矩陣對於基因上的缺點非常敏感, 正是這種敏感性導致了批判與判斷力的 特質。正如我們所見,18Genekey 的主題關乎於批判與完善事物,它不是能夠強化自他的力量,就是反過來弱化自他的力量。這種批判的主題,遍及所有人性及任何你能想像到的特質之中。

Built into the human genetic matrix is a deep sensitivity to imperfection, and it is this sensitivity that gives rise to the human qualities of criticism and judgement. As we shall see, the 18 thGene Key and its themes of Judgement and Integrity can have either an empowering or a disempowering effect on you and others. This theme of Judgement runs about as deep in human nature as any other trait you can imagine. 

18山風蠱卦的陰暗層始於童年。他們天生就有挑戰權威的需要, 而人生早期經驗中,最初的權威者便是我們的父母。挑戰權威是一種健康的事,因為它是自我區隔的天生趨力。這個過程始於發展週期的第三個七年裡(14-21),它關乎於心智的成長與擴展,正是在這個時期塑型了我們對未來的判斷,並開始測試及型塑批判的能力.  這個過程的關鍵在於,父母的震動頻率更勝於孩子. 如果父母在這個過程犯下太個人化的錯誤(make the mistakes of taking this process personally),孩子便不可能在這個階段轉變為成人,而會陷在與父母相同的低頻狀態中. 如果這個階段的父母沒有陷在自我批判的模式中,那麼這個階段便能養育出真正的成人. 不幸的是,多數的孩子均無法發展為真正的成人,而是終其一生都陷在低頻的批判模式中.

The 18 thShadow begins in your childhood. It has a built-in need to challenge authority, and the first real authority in your life is your parents. Challenging our parents is a fundamentally healthy thing to do, as it is a part of our innate urge to become differentiated. This process begins in earnest as we enter our third seven-year cycle and roughly spans the ages of 14 through 21. This stage of our development primarily concerns the growth and expansion of our mental faculties, and it is during this period that our future opinions are laid down and our capacity to judge is tested and forged. The key to this process lies more in the frequency of the parents than the child. If the parents make the mistake of taking this process personally, the child will never fully make the transition through this biological phase, instead becoming stuck at the same low-frequency as the parents. If, however, the parents do not get stuck in their own judgemental or self-judgemental patterns, then this phase will result in true adulthood. Sadly, most children never make it to true adulthood but stay solidly trapped in deep low frequency patterns of judgement for the rest of their lives.

18山風蠱卦陰暗層,導致了集體的受害現像(譯註:原文為victim mind, mind指的是我們的心智,而心智的本質是主客二元對立,也就是基於 [取] 與[排拒],因為它不是[主]就是[客],永遠有個分離的自已在看世界,苦本來就無所不在,當我們強烈的抓著某件事又無法如願時,自然會認為自已受害 ).  「受害者心智模式」( victim mind) 是世界上所有潛在性批判思維的集合. 如果我們很真誠的檢視自己的想法,可能會發現大部份的思維都受到「受害者心智模式」的影響. 換言之,你允許自己受到集體負面思維的影響. 最後這一句話的真正的意思可能會讓很多人感到驚訝. 「受害者心智模式」是我們內在世界的各種抱怨,擔憂,及各種流言蜚語. 多數人都在抱怨生活中的各種面向,特別是人際關係,我們無盡的擔憂各種瑣事. 諷刺的是,正是這種狀態使我門遠離健康與財富上的豐足.  也許我們會認為抱怨是人性,但抱怨為彼此創造了低頻的影響. 換言之,我們越抱怨就越是對自已及世界造成傷害.

The 18 thShadow gives rise to a collective phenomenon in the world known as the victim mind. The victim mind is a conglomeration of all the undermining, judgemental thought patterns throughout the world. If you sincerely examine your own thoughts during a typical day, you will probably discover that a great percentage of your thinking is affected by the victim mind. In other words you are allowing your mind to be influenced by the collective negative thought patterns of the whole of humanity. The true import of this last statement can come as a huge shock to many people. The world of the victim mind is an inner world of gossip, complaining and worrying.  Most of us complain inwardly about all aspects of our lives, especially the people in our relationships, and we worry incessantly about mundane issues such as money and our health. Ironically, it is exactly this kind of thinking that keeps us from being abundant in terms of both our wealth and our health. You may think it is absolutely human to complain, but it creates a negative frequency in the human aura of both the complainer and the victim. In other words, the more you complain the more you damage yourself and the world. 

以道德層面來說,批判的名聲並不好,當我們在談論不批判時,就好像在說它是生命的最高目標. 事實上不批判不太可能,因為它是心智運作的方式. 造成「受害者心智模式」,是因為,我們與自己的想法產生認同. 換言之,批判界定出我們的自我認同,並讓我們感到更安全. 然而,如果我們能在批判的當下同時保持覺察,我們就不會被自己的心智綁住,因此批判的頻率便開始改變.  由於18山風蠱卦陰暗層會伴隨其錯卦17 陰暗層-意見,這二個基因主題,伴隨彼此不可分割,並與我們的DNA連結在一起. 所有的批判都根植於自我的意見. 當我們越是認同自己的意見,就越必需對其做出防衛,然而當我們越不緊抓自己的想法,我們就越不在乎自己必須是對的。18的陰暗層關乎於自己必須是對的,若要鬆綁這份需要,必須放開我們的自我認同.  如果我們的基因全像則寫檔(hologenetic profile)裡有18,那麼最重要的問題就是問自己: 我寧可選擇正確還是選擇快樂.

Morally speaking, judgement gets a bad rap in the modern world. We talk about being non-judgemental as though it were one of the highest goals in life. In fact, it is impossible not to judge because judgement is the way in which the human mind thinks. What defines the low frequency of the victim mind is that you identify with what you think — in other words, your judgements define your identity and make you feel more secure. However, if you can make a judgement and at the same time be aware of judging then you are no longer trapped by your own mind and thus the frequency around that judgement changes.  Because the 18 thShadow is twinned with the 17 thShadow of Opinion, these two genetic themes are inseparably linked through the structure of your DNA. All judgement is rooted in opinion and vice versa. The more you think you are your opinions the more you have to defend them, whereas the more lightly they are held the less attached you will be to being right. This 18 thShadow is about needing to be right. It takes a loosening and a lightening of your identity to let go of your need to be right. If this Gene Key is a part of your hologenetic profile then the most important question to ask yourself is: Would I rather be right or happy? 

關於18陰暗層最吸引人的地方在於,批評本身的細節一點也不重要. 無論我們的政治立場是什麼,我們又有多厭惡某人,這些一點都不重要. 唯一重要的是,我們多麼認真的看待自己的批判. 如果我們與批判產生認同,無論去到哪都會激起他人的負面情緒( stir people up negatively ),這並非由我們的意見造成的,而是透過混亂不安的能量場造成的. 即便這些批判對自己而言是正向的,它仍可能被他人誤解,因為我們抓的太緊了.  「受害者心智模式」會被生活中最無關緊要的事給固化. 在陰暗頻率運作下,這些事指的是,心智太過認真的看待某些事。

What is so fascinating about the 18 thShadow is that the details of the judgements themselves are utterly irrelevant. It doesn’t matter what your political views are or how much you might detest or disapprove of someone. The only thing that matters is how seriously you take your own judgements. If your identity rests on your judgements then everywhere you go you will stir people up negatively — not through your opinions, but through the turbulent frequency you put out into your environment.  Even if your judgement feels positive to you, the chances are it will still be misread by others just because you hold it so tightly. The themes of both the 17 thand 18 thShadows can also become easily obsessed with details. The victim mind can fixate on the tiniest and most irrelevant details in life. At a low frequency these are the kinds of minds that blow things far out of proportion, espousing opinions that are actually far removed from the facts. 


The 18 thShadow holds another of the key secrets of all human interaction — all judgement is self-judgement. Because we humans perceive ourselves as separate from each other, we miss this vital fact. To challenge another person is to create a division within yourself. This does not mean that you should never challenge others, but it does mean that you need to remember that the other represents something inside of you that you are being given an opportunity to resolve. The key to raising the frequency of the 18 thShadow lies in this perspective that everything external in your life is a mirror of an internal process seeking resolution. This is why the highest aspect of the 18 thGene Key is Perfection, because life is continually offering you a pathway to the realisation of your own perfection. 

據物質之環的觀點,18山風蠱卦 是嵌入染色體的恐懼基因鍊之一. 這些恐懼深入身體的免疫系統,並創造了一個基因矩陣使所有的人類均能啟蒙至更高的狀態。正是因為我們通過了這些恐懼,以使我們能夠獲得更高的了悟. 正是透過物質之環的基因群,靈魂穿透了物質世界,釋放了自身的光( release its true radiance)。18陰暗層掌控了心智體的完整性. 它是一種漸近似的了悟,也就是我們的生活其實是身體更大的一部份。當我們越能接受這個觀念所帶來的責任,我們越不會以個化的方式看待生命,生命也會變得更容易. 18陰暗層會使我們在理智上依附於物質世界,長遠來說會加劇我們的苦難,然而當我們離開了「受害者心智模式」,我們便開始改變。

As an aspect of the Codon Ring of Matter, the 18 thGene Key is part of a genetic chain of low frequency fears buried in the human genome. These fears lie deep within the body’s immune system and create the matrix for all human initiation into higher states. It is precisely your passage through these fears that allows you to gain access to the higher levels of frequency and realisation. It is through the cluster of Gene Keys within this codon that spirit first penetrates into the world of matter and releases its true radiance. In this inner world, the 18 thShadow governs the integrity of your mental body — your mind. The secret of this Shadow is the gradual realisation that your outer life is your greater body.  The more deeply you accept responsibility for this, the less personally you take life and the easier it becomes. The 18 thShadow is thus a place inside your DNA that causes you to become mentally attached to the material world and all its distractions, which in the long run only serves to increase your suffering. However, as you escape the victim mind you begin to alter the coding structure of this aspect of your DNA, thereby attracting a higher energetic frequency stream into your life and changing everything for the better. 


在陰暗面的壓抑態下關乎於自卑. 這種模式是由我們與父母的關係發展而來的,特別是在青少年時期. 如果我們的父母太過嚴勵的批判我們,自我批判的模式便會嵌入其中. 出於這種自我批判,我們會變得很守舊, 我們會跟著多數人的腳步走,而不是捍衛我們自己. 所有的批判都是基於比較,自我批判則是將不滿意的自己與高於自己的人比較,最後導致了深度的自卑並埋沒了自已.
The repressive side of the 18 thShadow is about feeling inferior. This pattern first develops through our relationship with our parents, particularly during our teen years. If our parents judge us too harshly during these formative years, a pattern of self-judgement sets in. If you are one of these people then your pattern is to turn judgement in on yourself. Out of your own self-judgement you become a conformist, going along with the majority instead of standing up for yourself and your own convictions. All judgement is based on comparison, and with self-judgement you compare yourself unfavourably to someone who you consider to be above you. This in turn gives rise to a deep-seated feeling of inferiority and a constant habit of undermining yourself. 


反動態下會以感覺優於他人的方式顯化. 他們會持續的需要挑戰權威, 這種習慣始於挑戰父母. 如果挑戰父母是不被允許的, 那麼這種挑戰權威的行為模式便會成為孩子性格的一部份. 它發生在, 當父母無法維持清楚的界限, 反而掉入了自我批判的受害者模式. (譯註: 孩子的挑戰引發了父母的自我批判進而不允許孩子挑戰), 這時, 孩子因為「父母不夠強壯以保持內外一致的整合性」進而產生下意識的憤怒, 這股憤怒便成為了挑戰權威的趨力. 孩子的這股憤怒會被轉移到對權威的不尊重. 這些人反覆無常, 並將自我認同建立在削落他人之上. 
The reactive side of the 18 thShadow manifests as the judgement of others based on feeling superior. This judgement emerges as a constant need to challenge any authority figure, beginning with the parents. If the process of challenging one’s parents is not permitted a natural resolution, this behaviour pattern becomes a permanent part of one’s character. It occurs when our parents do not maintain strong enough boundaries around us and instead fall victim to their own self-judgements. The urge to challenge then becomes cemented by an unconscious anger in the child that the parents were not strong enough to maintain their integrity. This translates in the teen’s life to a deep disrespect for authority and a belief that one is somehow above it. These are volatile people whose very identity is then built around the undermining of others. 

THE 18 THGIFT – INTEGRITY 天賦 —— 內外一致,言行如一


18天賦與心理學極度相關. 事實上他是心理學旳基礎,因為他手握著制約人類的關鍵。當孩子出世時,天生便渴望探索環境的邊界。而18Genekey 是關於我們終其一生都會碰到的邊界( 物質, 情緒, 與心智) 。因為我們在生理上便被烙印著七年為一期的循環,可以說直到21歳以前我們都不能完全的顯化自己。在第一個發展週期的七年裡,我們會透過身體的發展探索物質世界. 在第二個發展週期的七年裡,會透過情緒的發展學習處理性別與身份認同.  第三個發展週期的七年裡,我們會完成這個循環以進入成人, 這個階段我們的想法會快速發展, 並采納一種以批判及各種意見所組成的心智結構。 

The 18 thGene Key is psychologically extremely profound. It is actually the basis of psychology because it holds the keys to human conditioning. From the moment a child is born, an innate urge inside its DNA begins to explore the boundaries of its environment. This Gene Key is about the material, emotional and mental boundaries that you meet throughout your life.  Because we are biologically imprinted in seven-year cycles, it is possible to say that we have not fully incarnated into our lives until the age of 21. The first seven years critically tests the integrity of the physical world through the development of our physical foundations — our skeletal structure, muscles, basic physiology and movement. The second seven-year cycle sees the development of our emotional life as we pass through puberty and learn to handle our sexuality and the way it governs our basic identity through attraction and repulsion. The third seven-year phase completes our incarnative cycle into adulthood by way of our teen years when our thinking develops extremely rapidly and we adopt a mental structure made up of many levels of judgement and opinion.

這三個生命週期是相互建構而成的,這意味著在第一個週期裡碰到的問題,也會在第二及第三個週期相應的連結點碰到。這三個發展週期中,基因密碼環——物質之環  扮演著佷重要的角色,並在這三個發展週期中測試我們的環境。本質上,這些Genekey在尋找的是持續的生物迴饋,使孩子能夠以健康的方式定位他自己。  

Each of the three phases of our early life is built upon each other in a logarithmic fashion. This means that a problem encountered in the first cycle will appear again at the same junction in the second and third cycles. Throughout each of these cycles, the Codon Ring of Matter and its associated Gene Keys play a crucial role through continued testing of the outer environment. Essentially, these Gene Keys are looking for constant biofeedback so that the child can orient itself in the world in a healthy manner. The three phases — physical, emotional and mental — are governed by the 46 th , 48 th and 18 thGene Keys respectively, whereas the 57 thGene Key lays down the even deeper seeds of these three phases through the three trimesters during gestation. Thus this codon ring is of huge importance at the developmental level as it governs the very infrastructure of our physical, emotional and mental health. As the Gene Keys are understood in more depth, these four in particular will bring a great revolution in the way in which we approach the whole notion of child education. 

因為18掌管了14-21歳智性面的發展,它回答了很多這個階段父母可能有的問題。在第三個階段所浮現的模式,必需視前二個階段所碰到的問題而定。舉例, 如果你的父母在第二個發展週期的中間離異, 那麼同樣的混亂也會出現在第三個發展週期的中間,但這次它會聚焦在心智上而非情緒上。 

Since the 18 thGene Key governs your intellectual development through your teen years from 14 to 21, it answers a lot of questions that parents may have about this challenging phase of young adulthood. The patterns that emerge in this third cycle of your life are dependent on what happened in the earlier two cycles. If, for example, your parents split up during the middle of the second phase, then this same type of upheaval will appear in your life in the middle of your third cycle, but this time it will have a mental focus rather than an emotional one. At every stage in your early development you have many opportunities to heal aspects of earlier cycles, or depending on how you and those around you deal with these challenges, you will imprint these low frequency patterns even more deeply into your psyche. 

由18所掌控的第三個發展週期,是最關鍵的發展週期,因為他代表了這是父母幫助孩子推向成人的最後一次機會。 如果父母自己沒能內外一致,便無法創造一個正確的環境,以幫助孩子通過這個最具挑戰的階段。因此 18Gnekey決定了孩子進入了成人階段能否整合的很好,或者只是一個受傷的孩子卻擺出成人的架子。青少年期父母必需為孩子制定出清楚的邊界,但是18Genekey並不是這樣運作的。

The third seven-year cycle governed by the 18 thGene Key is therefore the most critical cycle because it represents the last chance parents have to help their child reach true adulthood. If the parents are not rooted deeply in their own integrity, they will fail to create the proper environment for the child to pass cleanly through this most challenging phase.  The 18 thGene Key thus determines whether a child enters adulthood as an integrated adult or as a wounded child posing as an adult. Naturally parents have to set some strong boundaries during this teenage phase, but the 18 thGene Key is not really about this. 

18天賦「內外一致」的密秘在於,它能夠保有足夠的內在空間,使我們不與自我批判起反應。作為一個父母我們可能會被這個階段孩子的混亂給影響, 但是同樣作為一個父母,我們也必須學習退後一步,並信任生命。如果父母明白自己的角色對於這個階段的孩子有多重要,他們可能會少點批判。

The secret of the Gift of Integrity is to be able to hold your own space without reacting to your judgements or self-judgements. As a parent, you will be drawn in by the upheaval of this period in a child's life, but as a parent you also have to learn to stand back from it and trust in it. If parents truly understood how crucial their role is during this phase in their child’s life, they might act with less judgement and feel much surer of themselves. 

內外一致(Integrity )不單只是緊抓著你的價值,這個字常常用在建築及工程,用以形容材料結構的強度。內外一致性是一種物理屬性,事實上它是免疫系統維持身體張力的功能。許多人必需花七年的時間, 以解決青少年期所遺留下來的問題 —— 無論是透過治療,推拿(bodywork),或其他針對制約的支持系統。

Integrity as a vibration means far more than just holding fast to your values. It is actually a word often used by architects and engineers to describe the strength of material structures. Integrity is a deeply physical attribute and is actually a function of your immune system in maintaining the tensile strength within your body. For many people who have to resolve issues from their teenage cycle, it will take a full seven years — whether through therapy, bodywork or some other sustained system that targets your conditioning.

內外一致性是人身本有的 (Integrity is born into the human vehicle),但它也必須要掙得(earned)。 當人整合成內外一致,終其一生都會保持,因為它本來就是我們的自性。如果18Genekey在你的基因全象檔(hologenetic profile)中很重要,童年的議題會一直重現。我們必須參透我之所以為現在的我,以釋放非我制約的面向。這會使我們精通於了解制約的方式,也能幫助他人擺脫它。當我們能夠擺脫「受害者心智模式」,批判便能內外一致得到整合 —— 這種內在一致的狀態是「受害者心智」的主要敵人,

Integrity is born into the human vehicle, but it also has to be earned — whether during teen years or later on in life. When a person has attained the Gift of Integrity or grown into it through a healthy passage into adulthood, it will remain forever because it is the true nature of every human being. One of the greatest opportunities of the 64 Gene Keys is afforded to parents. If you can see the higher frequency of your child from the moment of birth and if you can continuously hold that frequency for them through thick and through thin, you will see a living miracle growing before your very eyes. If the 18 thGene Key is prominent in your hologenetic profile, your life will continually bring you back to these recurring issues rooted in your childhood. You will have to understand what made you the way you are in order to release the aspects of your conditioning that do not belong to you. In time, this will make you a master of understanding the ways conditioning works and you can help others break free just as you have. When you are free from the trap of the victim mind, your judgement becomes Integrity — the archenemy of the victim mind. It is the same energy, the same archetype, but experienced from a higher level of consciousness.

判斷,批判思維,與更正事物,如果正確的使用,是很重要的特質。「內外一致」的天賦,關乎於維持並要求高標準。作為一個己療癒的成人,我們的目的是幫助他人完成童年未完成的歷程。活的喜悅以將這種內外一致的整合性傳給下一代。為了支撐這種內外整合的一致性,我們必須有勇氣挑戰他人以達到我們的標準。 活出這種內外一致性便是承擔整個世界 —— 也就是以客觀及非個人的方式,挑戰整個世界以維持標準。這正是18「天賦」—— 以非個人的方式並學習發自內心( from your heart )的批判,發自內心的批判並非殘酷的,因為這種內外一致只有一個目的 —— 帶著真心與慈悲服務於更大的整體。

Judgement, criticism and correction are magnificent qualities when used in the right way. The Gift of Integrity is about demanding and maintaining a high standard in everything you do. As a fully healed adult, your purpose is to help others complete their childhoods so that they can finally enjoy their lives and pass on their integrity to their children.  To uphold Integrity, you have to be courageous — you have to challenge anything and anyone who does not meet your high standards. To live with Integrity is to take on the whole world — to challenge it to meet the high standards you are setting. Wherever you see someone living with Integrity, you are seeing someone using the power of judgement in an objective and impersonal way. This is the great Gift of the 18 thGene Key — not to use or take judgement personally, but to learn to judge from your heart. Judging from the heart can never be cruel because true Integrity has only one purpose — to serve the whole in the spirit of truth and compassion. 

THE 18 THSIDDHI – PERFECTION 圓滿成就 —— 完美(譯註:Perfection 也可作「圓滿」,但放到18的主題而言,像是內在追求自己的圓滿,而外在追求非個人的完美)

THE BODHISATTVA 菩薩道(譯註:菩薩在藏傳佛教又解為生命的勇士)

正如18「天賦」完成了由孩童期跨至成人期的旅程,18「圓滿成就」,透過熱情服務於完善世界的願景 (to the vision of perfection)。顯示了如何療癒心智上的痛苦,及顯示了作為一個成人在世界中位置。

Just as the 18 thGift completes our journey from childhood to adulthood, the 18 thSiddhi shows us how to heal our mental anguish and assume our true place in the universe as whole adults. It does this through tireless compassionate service to the vision of perfection. 

當我們內外一致的服務於整體,便會變得越來越不滿足。當我們做的越好就越了解到,自己能做的越多。這被稱作神聖的不滿足。(譯註:可參考58)我們所見之處均能看到加以改善的地方。當我們的內外越是一致,越能為更高的目的服務 (you aim higher and higher in your service)。完美是人類最高的願景,我們也應開始走向這個願景,但不是為了自己而是為了世界。在這個層次上,我們以批判的原型來挑戰這個世界。而在較高的層次上是無限的,因此看似無法到達,但就像禪宗的「公案」無法由心智解決,如果我們持續的追求完美,最後會在我們的內在開花結果,成為一種自然的狀態。於是便能超越「完美」二字所定義的侷限了。

When you put your Integrity in service to the whole, an amazing thing happens — you become more and more dissatisfied! The more good you do, the more you realise how much more you could do. This is known as divine dissatisfaction. Everywhere you look, you see how the world could be improved. As you become more and more anchored in your integrity you aim higher and higher in your service. Perfection is the highest vision a human being can aim for, and you do begin to aim for this highest of ideals — not for yourself, but for the sake of the world. At this level you are using the archetype of judgement to challenge the fabric of reality itself. The higher levels are infinite and therefore seem impossible to attain, but like a Zen Koan that cannot be solved by the mind, if you keep aiming for perfection it will eventually blossom within you as a natural state. You will pass beyond the very definition of perfection. 

18「圓滿成就」包含了一些重要的悖論。活在完美的狀態意味著心智的死去(譯註:只有心智的二元死去,完美才會發生),以這個觀點,完美是一種結束。當我們了悟什麼是完美,演化便中止了。 18「圓滿成就」是菩薩願的源頭。菩薩願意放下更高的意識成就,只為了能夠留下來幫助這個世界上的人。

The 18 thSiddhi contains some profound paradoxes. Living in a state of perfection entails the death of the mind and, as such, perfection is an ending. When you realise perfection, evolution ends. But the 18 thSiddhi is the source of the tradition of the bodhissatva vow. The bodhissatva is a being who forgoes his or her highest state of consciousness in order to stay in the world and help others attain that state. This tradition holds a deeply metaphorical genetic truth. Our genes are all bodhissatvas programmed to serve the whole until it has attained perfection. 

我們己經看到,18Genekey 介由持續的挑戰環境以符合更高的原則,以確保人類的健康。然而完美的健康之後是什麼?這是個有趣的問題,因為它涉及了所有的創造物。直到所有人類的創傷被療癒以前,真正肉身上的健康無法被獲得。

We have seen that the 18 thGene Key is designed to ensure human health by constantly challenging our environment to come in line with higher principles. What then is perfect health? This is an interesting question because it involves the whole of creation. The true physical health of humanity cannot be attained until all human wounds have been healed. Even though a human may attain a state of perfection beyond all human understanding, the body is still a part of humanity and as long as there are still wounds in the world, almost nobody can experience perfect health. In other words, perfect health cannot occur unless the whole is healed. This is why the siddhic states of consciousness still have a purpose in the world — they reflect the state of inner perfection to all humanity so that in time we will recreate that state in the outer world as well. The 18 thSiddhi will also one day bring a new science of mental healing into the world. This science will be built upon the understanding that the mind is an energy field existing on its own plane. As we begin to unlock this Siddhi, so our minds can be used to heal mental, emotional and even physical problems instantaneously. Even deep psychic disturbances like madness can be completely healed through contact with this 18 thSiddhi. It will herald a new age of healing in which human perfection will come thicker and faster than we may believe. 

The Codon Ring of Matter ensures that the whole of humanity must one day reach a state of perfection where evolution ends and we as a species finally enter the dimension of eternity. Each of the Gene Keys within this Ring is responsible for an aspect of this spiritualisation of the material plane. The 18 thSiddhi contains the knowledge of how to bring perfection to earth through the mental plane. To the one who lives within this Siddhi, perfection is already here as an imprint underlying all creation. These people live in the Eden that we all long for, but paradoxically they must help move that state from the inner reality to the outer. 

18「圓滿成就」不常見於這個世界。它涉及了化身為完美的原型。這些人孜孜不惓服務於人類。矛盾的是,他們於靈性的體驗中知道世界本來就是完美的 —— 世界一點也不需要被改善。但他們被這股原型所趨使,使得他們孜孜不倦的改善自身及整個世界,直到他們死去。

The 18 thSiddhi is not often seen in the world today. It involves the incarnation of an archetype of perfection. Such people are tireless in the service they give to humanity. Paradoxically, they know through personal spiritual experience that the world is perfect exactly as it is — there is nothing about the world that need be improved. Yet they are driven by this archetype of perfection to keep tirelessly improving both themselves and the world until the day they die.



Libra - The Light that moves to rest

天秤 —— 由動態轉向靜止的光

This is the light that oscillates until a point of balance is achieved. 震盪的光,直到平衡點發生
 It is the light which is distinguished by a moving up and down. 以上下震盪界定自己的光

Libra Keywords
Imbalance 不平衡Urge for equilibrium 渴求平衡Perfect balance 圓滿平衡
Lust 貪慾Lust vs love 愛與慾求的平衡Perfected love 圓滿的愛
Need for dominance
Winners and losers
Perfection of Sacrifice
Personal relations
Interpersonal relations
Transpersonal relations
Totally egocentric
Myself vs others 
The One Humanity
Eye for an eye 意見回擊Eye to eye 意見一致The Third Eye 第三方意見
Materialistic 唯物論Idealistic 理想主義Realistic 務實主義

Keyword Phrases

Let choice be made.  

這段陳述揭露了在俗世層面上,天秤持續受到的張力。它是一種對立的張力,需要和諧與平衡。透過人格自我上演高我與小我的戰爭, 天秤的試煉便是在此耕耘,學習正確的批判與愛。
This statement reveals the consistent tension which exists for Libra on the ordinary wheel.  It is the tension of opposing forces, needing harmony and balance.  This is the battle between the lower and the Higher selves as it plays itself out through the personality.  It is here that Libra is tested, and right judgment and proper use of love are cultivated.

I choose the way which leads between the two great lines of force.  

Right choice is always made when one is aligned with the Will-to-Good.  This statement reflects the relationship between the First and Seventh Rays, as well as between Aries and Libra.  The battle lines are drawn, and yet Libra's goal is one the focus of world service through the unfolding of expanded consciousness and the resulting responsibilities such visions entail.  This is symbolised for us through Saturn's exaltation in the Scales.



