2017年8月19日 星期六

Being Where We Are


So, one thing we can learn from True Nature is to have no preference, no choice; we don't need to choose what to experience. Our experience always simply happens. If we try to choose and say, "This is good, this is bad, this situation should include this and not that," we are already separating ourselves from True Nature; we are already not practicing.


True Nature shows us that to be where we are means having an awareness that embraces whatever is – whatever our perceptions are, at whatever level, in whatever condition or state we are in. That awareness embraces our experience completely, with immediate feeling, with as much understanding as possible. The awareness contacts the experience, holds it, embraces it – just by being there, by being with it, in it, around it.

from http://www.ahalmaas.com/glossary/allowing/being-where-we-are--1625

“覺察當下” 所說的是,直接融入每個當下經驗。

Being aware means immediacy. It means that the tentacles of my soul are wrapping themselves around the feelings, penetrating it and all its parts, feeling it from inside and outside--because my awareness extends everywhere. If I am not fully aware of the situation, how am I going to find out the truth about it? And if I am not interested in paying attention to what is happening now, what does that mean when I say that I love being myself?


When you love somebody, you want to find out everything about them, don't you? When you love something, what do you want to do with it? You want to know it. Love always translates into awareness, into knowing. If you love someone, you want to see them, you want to know them, you want to as completely familiar with them as possible. If you are really interested in being yourself, that interest begins with the awareness of where you are at this very moment. Being who you are can only arise from the love of being where you are.


It now becomes clear that being where you are is central to the practice of being real. And this is not separate from the practice of self-inquiry, for it is self-inquiry that will ultimately allow us to simply be by bringing us into more intimate contact with what we are being. Self-inquiry consists of two basic elements:

1 觀察你的內在經驗,直到明瞭身在何處及當下的情境,也就是,開始覺察每個瞬間的真實體驗(帶著覺察,完全的體驗,不跟隨不對抗),只要記住,既然我們無時不刻都身處於各種情境之中,我們一定能夠識別自己身在何處。

1. Observing your experience until you become clear about where you are. That is, becoming aware at any moment of what you are actually experiencing. Just remember: Since you are always some place; it is possible to recognize where you are.

2 當我們能夠完全的體驗當下後,開始探詢這一切是如何發生的,這樣的探詢會開始擴展當下經驗,因為我們無法立即領會大部份的內在經驗, 不管在任何情境之下,自然而然會想知道,使我們如此感受的真正原因,當我們越是帶著尋求解答的疑惑,越是對於當下的真相感興趣,我們便開始了解內在經驗的真相。這種了悟最後會讓我們領會,自性與當下的關聯。

2. Beginning to ask, "What is making this happen?" The moment you ask this question, the inquiry begins to expand our experience of where we are. Since you are not able to immediately comprehend most of you experience, it is natural that you will want to know, "What is making feel this way?" in any given situation. As you ask what is happening, as you become interested in more about where you are, you will begin to see the truth about experience. And that understanding will eventually lead you to grasp the relationship between your True Nature and where you are.

看見所謂的"真相", 能提供我們一種得以通盤領會的全觀性視野,而所謂的真相指是某種能夠帶給我們意義感的東西,或能夠指出當下發生的一致性。它不只是心智上的解釋,而是一種能夠帶給我們意義感的感受。它能夠被我們的心及靈魂所理解。當這種真相被揭露時我們能夠感受到一種洞見或了悟,且能夠被心智所理解。

Seeing something that we call truth--something that gives meaning or coherence to what is happening--give us an overall picture we can comprehend. It's not only a mental explanation but a felt sense of it being experientially meaningful to us. It makes sense to our heart, to our soul. As this meaning is revealed, we have the experience of insight in our heart, we discover some truth, something we can then know in our mind.

From "Learning to Be Real," a chapter of "The Unfolding Now," segment titled "Being Aware of Where You Are," ch. 2, p. 14

