2017年8月21日 星期一

GeneKeys28 澤風大過


GIFT TOTALITY 天賦 ——生命的完形


CODON RING: THE RING OF ILLUSION (28, 32) 基因密碼環——幻像之環


陰暗面—— 無意義無目的感



The theme of purpose is a notion that lies central to this entire work on the 64 Gene Keys. In following your true purpose you unlock the manifesting power of your specific Gifts. However, there are forces in the world that directly challenge your ability to find your purpose, much less follow it.

28 shadow 所帶來的無目的感,代表了我們避無可避,難以擊退的問題,它能影響我們使我們無法找到內在的目的感,並尊循內在的聲音,28 shadow 直接切入了人類最深的核心恐懼 —— 恐懼死亡(fear of death)

The 28th Shadow of Purposelessness represents your potential nemesis in this regard, because it can ensure that you either never find your purpose or you never follow it through. This Shadow cuts to the core of the deepest of all human fears — the fear of death.


All fears can be reduced to this one fear. It is the fear of being extinguished — the prime emanation of human fear. Humans will do all manner of things to escape it. We tend to have one of two main patterns that emerge from this 28th Shadow. We either deny death altogether until it finally catches up with us, or we allow it to consume us and in so doing we live in constant reaction to our fear.

人類本質的陰暗面,其無意識徵像便是出於28GeneKey,它包含了基因矩陣中最黑暗的部份,世界上所有的惡魔原型, 多半介由直接人格化我們的死亡焦慮顯, 以顯化在世界。而「黑暗」這個字並不一定是負面的。28th shadow為我們建立了一個善惡對立的錯誤實相,它的主要面向就是為了確保物種與個體的生存。死亡焦慮加劇千年以來個體的生存本能, 並引領我們脫離黑暗的史前紀元, 進入個體生存最為保障的現代 。

Our unconscious symbols of the dark side of human nature have arisen out of this Gene Key. As such this Gene Key contains some of the darkest coding in the whole genetic matrix. All the demonic archetypes from around the world emerge as a direct personification of the unconscious fear of death that lies within every human being. Using the word darkest need not necessarily be construed as negative. The 28th Shadow simply sets us humans up in a falsely constructed reality peopled by good forces and by evil forces. The 28th Shadow is a major aspect of the genetic survival equipment that has led to the success of the human species. This Shadow with its fear of death has sharpened our individual instincts for millennia, and it has led us out of the darker ages of our prehistory into the current age in which individual survival is more ensured than ever before.

如果人生必需伴隨一個目的,那麼死亡則像徵目的的終結,所以面臨死亡直接將我們帶回一個問題: 生命的目的是什麼? 雖然最原始的目的是維持生理的建康,但還有一個更大的核心目的——生命的成長與進化,對人類而言成長與進化意味著創造性實現自我的獨特性(creative uniqueness),我們每個人都帶著創造性目的來到世上,如果我們要解放這股創造力就必需面對自己的陰暗面。換言之必需面內在對死亡最深層的恐懼.

受到死亡焦慮威脅的人,有點像這樣,他們害怕談論害怕失控,更怕別人因此不自在,說穿了萬一我表現出我最脆弱的一面時,別人不接受我,萬一我麻煩了別人,失控了——我怎麼辦?如果我跟多數人做一樣的事, 成為一樣的人, 會讓我有安全感! 如果我跟著別人的腳步走, 起碼不會太失敗 ! 死亡意味著可能會伴隨基本信念或價值的瓦解, 但是集體的文化與信念不允許, 因此常常會以與死亡不相干的議題全面的氾濫在我們的生活中)
The fact of death leads directly to the question of the purpose of an individual’s life. The prime purpose at a physical level is to maintain your health for as long as possible, but there is another core purpose built into us — to evolve. For a human being evolution means creative uniqueness. We are each born with a creative purpose that no other human being carries. If you are to release your true creativity into the world, you must meet your own dark side. In other words, you must at some point face your deepest fear of death.

死亡事實上指的是生命裡的急迫性經驗(The fact of your death actually gives an edge to your life),它迫使我們不計代價的尋找生命的目的與夢想。生命的質量與我們願不願意面對威脅夢想的內在恐懼成正比,事實上這些恐懼並不會真的威脅我們的夢想,真正威脅我們的是,我們的心智總認為威脅是威脅(only your mind sees it that way),如果你同大多數人一樣受到心智的脅迫,那麼你將看不見恐懼的本質是什麼,因為我們不斷的抗拒它,使它無法呈現它原有的樣貌,就像所有神話故事裡的證明一樣,我們必須面對無意識的恐懼, 致之死地而後生。

The fact of your death actually gives an edge to your life — putting you under pressure to find your life purpose and to take the risk of following your individual dreams. The amount of life you feel is directly proportionate to your willingness to face the fears that threaten your dreams. Actually, fear never threatens your dreams, only your mind sees it that way. If you are under the spell of your mind, as most people are, then you will fail to see the true nature of your fear because of your attempts to avoid it. As all our great myths testify, we must pass into the underworld in order to be reborn into the light. We must face our unconscious fears in the outside world.

面對死亡焦慮常見的方式,便是採納一些哲學性的觀點與想法,依循它,而不是活出自己,以面對自己的恐懼,這些哲學性觀點便是我們的宗教、信念、科學、以結構性的知識麻木我們的恐懼。人類的心智一點也不愛驚喜!接受死亡意味著必須接受一切的未知,我們的心智總是令我們相信生命的目的與意義發生在未來,而非當下,所以我們不斷的拖延,直到所有的恐懼來襲。因此我們必需深度的內觀自己的恐懼,因為生命的目的就在依存這些恐懼裡(your purpose actually lies within your fears),這是為什麼古代的教法告訴我們:人必須致之死地而後生,參透為何才能迎接任何。

The most common way of avoiding your fear of death is to adopt a fixed mental philosophy and then live within that philosophy rather than living with your fear. These philosophies are our religions, beliefs, sciences and systems — anything that becomes dogma for you and numbs your fear. The human mind does not like surprises! To live in the continual acceptance of death means to live with the continual threat of the unexpected. The human mind would have you believe that your life’s purpose lies in the future rather than here and now, so you keep postponing your life until you meet all your fears face to face at the end. You must look deeply into your fears now in order to find your purpose, because your purpose actually lies within your fears. This is why in the great mystical traditions, it is said that you must die before you can live.


The theme of purposelessness is really a contemporary theme that has become more and more pronounced as humanity has learned to master the material world. Survival gives you a powerful purpose. In the West we no longer fear our survival because we have created a society that supports everyone at a collective level. Almost no one in a wealthy advanced country will die of starvation. Because of this, our fear has shifted to the fear of purposelessness.

有別於過去恐懼死亡,現代人變的恐懼活著,害怕找不到生存的目的是一種偽裝的死亡焦慮(The fear of not finding your purpose is still really a dressed up fear of death.),多數人甚至不會去想是否實現了生命的目的,因為這麼做時會令他們直視死亡焦慮,多數人妥協於集體的信念,認為他們不得不買社會系統的帳(majority compromise and fall in line with the collective belief that they are trapped by the system — by money, by responsibilities, by taxes.)

Now instead of being afraid to die, people are more afraid to live. The fear of not finding your purpose is still really a dressed up fear of death. The majority of people do not even want to think about whether they are fulfilling their true purpose or not because to do so is to look right into their deepest fears. The majority compromise and fall in line with the collective belief that they are trapped by the system — by money, by responsibilities, by taxes.

從這方面來說,28shadow 會伴隨其「錯卦」 27 shadow of selfishnness(自私)。人們害怕自己因著於自私而去追尋自己的夢想,即便這些夢想能為整體服務,為更多人帶來益處。28shadow根植於覺察中心的聽覺系統,代表了聽覺能量振動的調節,在這個Shadow影響下,每種恐懼可視為一種振動,這種振動在各種文化中被人格化為惡魔、及任何與宿主分離的實體,這些現像形成了各種系統的基楚,其目的在探索人類天性的無意識黑暗面,好比薩滿教與心理分析。

In this regard it is interesting to ponder the 27th Shadow of Selfishness, the programming partner to this 28th Shadow. People are afraid to appear selfish and follow their dreams even though those dreams, if they are true dreams, will be of far greater service to the planet than anything else they do. The 28th Shadow represents a deep attunement to the acoustic field and is rooted in frequency and sound. In this Shadow every fear can be perceived as a vibration. These vibrations have been personified by many cultures as demons or entities with a separate existence from their host. This very interesting phenomenon forms the basis of many systems that explore the darker unconscious side of human nature, from shamanism to psychoanalysis.

薩滿將世界視為一種震動, 薩滿僧人將恐懼視為實存體,不是必須將其從內在的存有趨逐出去 , 就是必須得到轉化,這是薩滿的修行方式。而在另一方面,心理分析則透過心智上的檢驗,將這些恐懼以精神官能症命名之。不論薩滿還是治療師都知道恐懼是無法被移除的,只能幫助他們認出這些恐懼,並接受它,身心靈的和諧來自於當人擁抱了內在最深的恐懼,

The shaman operates in the world of vibration, and he or she identifies fear patterns as entities, which must be either dislodged from your inner being or transmuted. This is the foundation of true shamanic practice. Psychoanalysis on the other hand examines your mental and emotional world and names these same fear patterns neuroses. Other systems give other names to these fear frequencies. The true shaman or therapist also knows that he or she can never take away another person’s fears. He or she can only help the person identify those fears so that they can be accepted. Wholeness comes about as all your deepest fears are embraced, thus it is said that the only way to kill a demon is to absorb it into the light inside yourself.


All your inner demons emanate from a single source — an egregor or collectivity of all your fears rolled into one. This is the arch-demon, the antichrist or the doppelganger within each of us. The 28th Shadow truly represents everything within your psyche that you do not wish to accept, right down to your core fear of non-existence. Only as you reclaim each of these dark aspects of your inner being can you begin to assemble and manifest the true purpose of your life. This is the magic and true purpose of the 28th Shadow.



When you repress the darker sides of your nature, your life appears hollow and devoid of real juice. To turn away from your fears is to live a lacklustre existence with no deeply felt sense of purpose. Your life may be glamorous and successful or dull and mundane, but it has no centre. Such people often try hard to appear happy and easy-going, even to themselves, but to anyone who knows their own dark side, they hide nothing. The deeper you go into your fears, the more you feel the authenticity of others. Those who will not face their own demons live a half-life, unaware of how transparent they are. These people often pretend to be happy or evolved, but they lack the depth and deep understanding of those who have dared to look into the deep, dark mirrors of their souls.



The reactive side of this 28th Shadow is about risk-taking. These people react to the fear that they feel by transforming their fear into activity. This results in rash and impetuous acts that temporarily cloak the fear. Such people quickly become addicted to this risk-taking pattern and live their lives at the other extreme — at such a fast and unpredictable pace that they cannot stop and examine the fear that is driving them. These people will try anything and everything to give them a sense of purpose, but they cannot stop moving. Their most terrifying space is their own inner silence and stillness.


天賦——生命的完形(完形取自Gestalt 完形心理學,不明白完形可以google一下)


天賦-生命完形 屬於那些能夠信任生命的人,完形意味著人的整體必需包括陰暗面,必需包含我們的恐懼——將自己開放到一切的未知與變化中,與此同時仍保有對生命的承擔。 生命的完形展現的是一種極端的平衡——即28 shadow的二端,一端無法接收生命的改變(repressive nature - hollow),而另一端則無法承擔(reactiv nature - gambling)。
The Gift of Totality is a wonderful Gift to have, and it belongs to anyone who really knows how to trust in life. Totality means to live alongside fear — to live with the unexpected and to stay open to continual change whilst remaining committed. Totality is the balance between the extremes of the 28th Shadow — one extreme that cannot change and the other that cannot commit.

天賦-生命的完形擁抱了我們所有的天性(embrace the whole of your nature)與整體的生命經驗——無論是快樂與痛苦。成為我們的完形,意味著生活不被二元對立的心智主宰,而是活在當下,完全的了知到:生命的目的只在當下發生,而不在遙遠的未來。

The Gift of Totality means to embrace the whole of your nature and the whole of life — the pleasure and the pain. To be total in the sense of this Gift also means to live without allowing your mind to dictate your life. This is life lived for the moment, in the full knowledge that life purpose can only be found in the present moment rather than in the distant future. To have the Gift of Totality is to follow a mythic path.

當我們能夠持續的擁抱生命中的各種挑戰時,我們滙集並混合各種心靈的觀點,直到達成容格所說的個體化狀態。薩滿稱為靈魂復元。處於完形的狀態下的冒險有別於陰暗面的冒險,陰暗面的狀態下我的們冒險並沒有實際的事實根劇,沒有考慮到承坦,而完形狀態下的冒險指的是人願意冒著未知的情況下把事情建構完成,而我們所建構的正是通往天命的路。(the path of your true destiny.the path of your true destiny.)

As you steadily embrace the various challenges that life brings, you gather and compound the various aspects of your psyche until you reach what Jung called the state of individuation. The shaman might call this same process the retrieval or incarnation of your full soul. The state of Totality appears to be a continual state of taking risks — not the unfounded risks of the 28th Shadow but the risk of building something that you cannot really see until it is complete. What you are building of course is the path of your true destiny.

這是條基於信任生命所走出來的路,這條路上每個人自成一格,他們將存在交付給生命來安排。(surrendering their whole being into the mystery of life and its hidden rhythms.)。完形意味著活出每一份感觀, 對每一個當下保持覺察 ( accoustically 特別指內外聽覺)

This is a path of deep trust in which the individual strikes out on their path, surrendering their whole being into the mystery of life and its hidden rhythms. To be total is to be alive in every sense — it is to be acoustically alert to the vitality of every moment as it comes. In the resonant vessel of each moment fear cannot survive and thus you experience a deepening calm and quietness growing naturally within.

當我們與生命的完形相遇,生活便成了遊戲的舞台。我們活出浪漫的生活,這裡面有苦也有樂。當我們逐漸的面對內在的希特勒,會感到深度的顫慄,因為內在的惡魔事實上是偽裝的天使。每個生命中的情境,都是一種啓蒙的形式,它允許我們維持現狀或産生變革(allows you either to remain as you are or to evolve.)。

When you meet life through the Gift of Totality you meet life as a game to be played or a stage on which to act. This is life lived as a romance — a romance that includes both comedy and tragedy. There is a deep sense of thrill that comes as you progressively face your inner demons. Your demons, as we have learned, are really your angels in disguise. Every situation in your life is devised as a form of initiation that allows you either to remain as you are or to evolve.


At the individual level this Gift gives you a profound sense of freedom even when external forces appear to obstruct, challenge or entrap you. On the inner planes, Totality gives itself to every situation, allowing the game to play itself out with no expectation but with absolute conviction. When lived in this intuitive way, life shows you that it has an underlying purpose in everything that it brings you. You simply have to align yourself to the dramatic plotline as it unwinds before you.

當與 28 天賦 一致時,我們能擁有絕佳的技巧處理生命中的災難。當我們越能深度的接受每份恐懼的感受,恐懼對我們的影響就越小,生命中流露的愛也就越能感受到。當你開始感受到生命的目的流淌其間,便能感受到28 的錯卦 27 天賦-利他主義。 當我們的問題開始消解,生命的能量便開始流向他人。

People aligned with the 28th Gift have the wonderful knack of handling adversity lightly. The more deeply they accept each feeling of fear that comes the lighter they grow and the more love they feel towards life. As you begin to feel life’s purpose moving like a wave beneath you, you will feel the programming partner of this Gene Key, the 27th Gift of Altruism, become more influential. As your own issues begin to subside into the background, your life energy begins to direct itself towards others.

存在最大的秘密之一便是:生命真正的目來自於務服比自身更大的部份。這些人的行動與事跡使他們得以流芳百世,因為他們強烈的目的感燃燒出來的火光是如此的熾烈。為了克服死亡焦慮,我們開始了悟到唯有精神才是永恆的(one of the only things in life that lasts forever is the human spirit),這種了悟為我們鋪上了人類意識盛開之路 —— 精神永存的圓滿成就

One of the great mysteries of existence is that the only true sense of purpose in life comes from the impulse to serve something greater than one’s self. These are people whose acts and deeds immortalise them because their lives burn so brightly with the fire of their deep sense of purpose. In overcoming the fear of death, you begin to realise that one of the only things in life that lasts forever is the human spirit itself. This realisation about the eternal nature of the human spirit paves the way for the ultimate flowering of human consciousness — the Siddhi of Immortality.

28 與 32 組成了二元的基因密碼組——幻像之環。這二個genekey共享了與恐懼死亡有關的主題,32害怕死的不得其所,28則害怕死亡本身。幻像之環導致了人類的延宕與拖延,並將生命的目的著眼於未來。我們的思維總是圍繞在成就上而不是當下的圓滿。幻像能夠被一個簡單的了悟輕易破除,這個了悟是:生命的目的含藏在每個當下全身心的奉獻自己,而不是外在成就。當我們的圓滿來自活出生命角色所帶出的每個當下,我們才是完形的。無論我們在人生中伴演什麼樣的角色,只要我們完全的獻身於一件事,便能超脫這些角色的依附(as long as your commitment is total, you will discover a mysterious detachment ),而這個去依附的作用正是出完形勇氣所獲得的報償。

The 28th Gene Key and the 32nd Gene Key make up the binary genetic codon group known as the Ring of Illusion. These two Gene Keys both share a common theme of fear connected to death. Whilst the 28th Shadow fears death itself, the 32nd Shadow fears dying unfulfilled. The Ring of Illusion causes human beings to postpone their lives, seeking a sense of purpose in the future. Your thinking is based upon fulfilment then, rather than now. The Gift within this codon however is that the illusion can easily be broken through a simple understanding: true purpose is found in giving yourself one hundred percent to every moment, rather than having to do with any kind of achievement.
When your fulfilment comes from simply being alive in the thrill of the role life is bringing you in the moment, only then are you total. Whatever role you are playing in the game of life — lover, villain, master, disciple or seeker — as long as your commitment is total, you will discover a mysterious detachment running beneath the role itself, and this detachment is the reward for your courageous totality.





當肉身能夠在基因上永存,不代表就能消除其他原因所造成的死亡必然性,身體的永存不但不會消除死亡的恐懼,反而會讓人更執取,當人無法消解內在的陰暗面,身體的永存會是個災難。 人無法用心智來理解什麼叫做真正的永恆,因為真正的永恆是時空的寂滅。

Just because a body can genetically go on living doesn’t eliminate the possibility of death from other causes. Instead of taking away the fear of death, such a circumstance would more than likely increase the fear of death to obsessive proportions. Without the grounding of the acceptance of your dark side, the results of such an occurrence would very likely be catastrophic. The mind cannot really grasp what immortality means. True immortality is actually the cessation of time altogether.

當我們用心智來思索什麼是永恆的概念時,心智必需在時間線上才得以運作,因此思維永恆超出了自身的限制。這是為什麼心智無法了解什麼是永恆,事實上真正的永恆指的是時空的止息。這才是跳脫死亡的唯一途徑——也就是全然的活在每一個當下,因為我們是如此全然的活著,以致於死亡不復存在,這是為什麼「活出完形」的「天賦」,最終會導向「永恒」的「圓滿成就」。 然而「活出完形」指的是最大限度的活出生命, 永恒則代表消解一切至永恒的當下(Immortality means to die into the everlasting moment.)要做到這件事,首先必需消解的是我們的身份認同及存在的分離感,(To do this, your sense of identity and separateness must first die, leaving only life in its place.),當我們不再感到自己是一個分離的個體,不再有個中心的「我」在覺察著這個世界,死亡便不復存在(Once there is no localised centre of awareness, there is no death because there is nothing to die. Only consciousness remains, moving from one form to another endlessly. 〉

譯註,所謂 once there is no localised centre of awareness ,這是從進入合一境界的人,回過頭來看非合一境界的狀態,當人在合一境界時,並沒有一個具有中心的「我」在看世界,這時我們的「覺」是遍部在四周的,當我在敲木魚時,木魚與我並沒有分別,當自我中心少了,煩惱自然解脫(合一還不是開悟,也不是沒有自我,因為還具備名相與身份辨識功能),即便沒有進入過合一境界,當人在禪坐時也會感受到自我從「內」遍佈到整個環境的現像,所以如果就這句話而言,所謂的Immortaility 必需進入合一才能體會,重點翻到這就好,後面就不翻了 ^ o ^)
When the human mind imagines the concept of immortality it does so from within its own limitations. The mind can only conceptualise something within time, so it sees immortality as time that simply stretches into the future forever. This is why the mind cannot really grasp what immortality means. True immortality is actually the cessation of time altogether. This is the only way to escape death — to live so entirely within the present moment that death cannot exist. This is why the Gift of Totality must eventually lead to such a state. Whereas Totality means to live life to the utmost, Immortality means to die into the everlasting moment. To do this, your sense of identity and separateness must first die, leaving only life in its place. Once there is no localised centre of awareness, there is no death because there is nothing to die. Only consciousness remains, moving from one form to another endlessly.



以下筆記摘自 Rave I Chin Line Companion,筆記的形式主要為理解內化後重新編排整理,而翻譯的三個訴求「信、達、雅」,我自己只要求「信」,意思對,通順合理、脈落清楚,而不在乎是不是逐字翻,若您需要對照原文可參考心智圖對照,大致上重要的句子都會保留原文(如果沒有手賤刪除的話)

28 澤風大過卦——概述



Low Trigram 下三爻解釋

28.1 Preparation  


Mars Exalted 火星躍昇

Venus Detriment 金星落陷


28.2 Shaking hands with the Devil  

Shaking hands with the Devil 與魔鬼聯盟。爻名由需要從2爻的特質解釋起:『二爻以投射吸引相應的人,以滿足個人慾求,「缺乏基礎」而無法「內省自知」』,在投射上,二爻人像是在說「我必須贏得生命的價值,如果我不能贏、如果我不能冒險賭一把、生命便沒有價值」,這很容易導致沮喪(註)。它們只關注於能不能贏。1爻為生命的風險作詳盡的準備,而2爻則沒有基楚,他們無法看到細節以評估,只能賭一把,因為他想贏,換句話說,他們不知道什麼樣的勝敗是有價值的,也不知道如何才是生命的價值,他們需要透過這個歷程來學習。這一爻關乎於「不計手段與他人聯盟」(反感的聯盟 Distasteful alliance)就為了不失敗。


Sun Exalted 太陽躍昇

Jupiter in Detriment 木星躍昇


28.3 Adventurism  

爻名 Adventurism 冒險主義。由於3爻自12爻得出結論,「不是所有成敗都值得冒險」同時也保有1爻面對細節的小心,因此3爻除了不急於投射出自己的慾望,還帶有小心的成份。

無論1爻是否行動,2爻是否成敗,其過程本身就是他們需要學習的歷程,3爻也是,3爻在這裡要學習不要像1爻一直準備卻無行動,不要像2爻無準備冒然跳進去,爭扎的本身就是目的,無論最後,勝敗,都是個體化的過程,只要他們覺得值得就好,因為最後都會被合理化(註:這裡的合理化,不清楚跟3爻本身的策略思維導向,或者在思維上的合理化有沒有關連)。爻詞「缺乏基礎的冒險」( 3爻是28第一次平衡「2爻的行動」與「1爻的準備」,開始外化28的主題 )

Saturn Exalted 土星躍昇

Jupiter Exalted 木星躍昇


High Trigram 上三爻解釋

28.4 Holding on  


Jupiter Exalted 木星躍昇

Mercury in Detriment 水星落陷


28.5 Treachery  


Pluto Exalted 冥王躍昇

Sun in Detriment  太陽落陷
太陽象徵 Consciousness of I,卦爻內容:「與原先所信任的力量團體解盟,以靠隴另一個力量團體,以攪亂整體的情勢如某人在聽到奧修是如何的好之後,跑去奧修社區進修,回來之後不斷散播那裡的老師多麼的有智慧,並與他人建立了形同派系的支持關係,不久後又聽到某個老師很不錯,於是又跳入另一個靈修團體,使得原來的支持社群開始指責:「他是背叛者,這個人講的話不可信」。他們不斷在尋找生命有價值的事,不斷的冒險,而將本來的困頓拋在腦後,他們很清楚這種追逐沒有止盡。






  • 因為太頑固於找到價值所以有28,也因為有28所以很頑固。
  • 因為此生很想找到生命的價值,或害怕生命沒有價值。
  • 生命想改變,無論代價是什麼,就想賭一把看看。
  • 為了從掙扎中學習,以帶給自己與他人真正的力量。
  • 困頓與痛苦是因為生命想改變。
  • 為了在生命決擇的時刻,得以小心,不要冒然躍進。
  • 為了讓生命發生重大改變時,可以有一段困頓的過渡期,好解決之前沒能解決完的課題(如成長危機)。




channel: [ 38, 28 ]
center: [ 'Root', 'Spleen' ]
type: [ 'Individual, Knowing Circuit', 'type of Projected' ]
quarter: [ 'Mutation', 'Duality' ]
theme: [ 'Purpose fulfilled through Transformation', 'Purpose fulfilled through Bonding' ]
aspect: 67.5 // 在占星上不構成相位,在元素上「地水」底氣相通,陰陽相同
signs: [ [ 'Capricon魔羯' ], [ 'Scorpio天蝎' ] ]
modes: [Cardinal, Fixed]
elements: [Earth, Water]
yinyang: [yin, yin]

28 為固定星座,又是輪迴十字四象限中,「二元」的最後一個,也就是從「二元」跨到「突變與接受死亡」的交界,有點像二元對立的最後一門課,生死的對立與解決身分認同與依附的對立,在占星裡,當你擁有某個星座的特質,並不完全代表你就是那個星座,而有某部份在說你今生需要成為某個星座,意思是我們尚需學習才能完成該星座的課題,這裡有二層意義,一層是我完全不會需要重頭學,另一層是我本來就會,但沒學好,需要重新學習,對應到人類圖其實也有部份是這樣解釋的,比如當我們有28時,代表需要學習28的課題,而不完全是我們有28的能力,又比如人類圖說太陽135爻學接受,246爻學創造,但是易經的陰陽是反過來的,也就是易經135為陽,246是陰,如果再套占星的原則進來(需要學習,或者需要重新學習),135則有我以前學會創造,現在需要重新學習創造,所以得學習接受 ————這是我自圓其說的方式,是不是真如此還有待檢驗。

奧秘占星(esoteric astrology)

Scorpio - The Light of Day

天蝎 ——  曙光

This is the place where three lights meet - 
the light of form, the light of Soul, and the light of life.  They meet; they blend; they rise.

Scorpio Keywords
Scorpion 爬蟲類Eagle 天鷹Phoenix 鳯凰
Selfish desires
Dualistic desires
Selfless desires
Urge for death
Battle with life
Hides in darkness
Soars in air
Abides in Light
Hurts 傷害Heals 療瘉Transforms 轉化
Kills 消滅Sustains 維持Revitalises 新生

Keyword Phrases

Let maya flourish and let deception rule.   

This, and the key phrase that follows need little interpretation.  Maya is illusion on the plane of Desires.  It represents the mirage of personality-centred emotions.  Maya is clouded water that distorts and obscures the eye of the Eagle and the Heart of the Phoenix from penetrating into the darkness of matter so that the lower self may be irradiated with love and resurrected into Light.

Warrior I am and from the battle I emerge triumphant.  

this phrase is written on the banner of the Disciple as he marches out of the battlefield and into his field of service to humanity.



