牧羊 26.225- 金牛1.6
SHADOW CHAOS 陰暗面 —— 混亂
CODON RING: THE RING OF LIFE AND DEATH(3, 20, 23, 24, 27, 42) 基因密碼環——生死之環
THE 3RD SHADOW – CHAOS 陰暗面 —— 混沌
FROM CHAOS TO COSMOS 由混亂到制序相較於大自然而及整個宇宙而言,人類基本上是渺小無力的,這是所有人的信念,而「水雷屯卦陰暗層」的核心,便是建在在這樣的信念之上,這個信念是由「人類信念的二大基石」——「宗教與科學」影響下所産生的(This is the programming domain of both religion and science, the two cornerstones of human belief.)。一方面,宗教介由一神或多神的涉入使人類遠離「自性」,因而在群體無意識中創造了分裂。這個無意識必需建立於「自」「他」對於神的投射,因而在這樣的情況下,創造了「自由意志」的概念,並因著於「至高無上的神」而産生了宗教審判。另一方面,科學認為人類由基因所決定,而基因的設定是為了物種的生存,因而使人類成為了科學概率的受害者(victims of the vagaries of chance)。無論哪一種情境都使得個體實現之路不好走,最後要不是發現:自己拒絕「外在的神性」,就是發現:因為「自由」的概念而置身於殘酷的適者生存世界之中。(譯註:前段的宗教「神性」,及後段的科學「自由」)
The 3rd Shadow lies at the core of all our beliefs that the human individual is basically powerless in comparison to nature or the infinite. This is the programming domain of both religion and science, the two cornerstones of human belief. On the one hand we have religion, which separates humanity from nature by the interposition of a God or gods, thereby creating a division in our entire unconscious reality. This reality must then be based upon the worship of either our own or someone else’s projection of what God is. Such a situation in turn creates the notion of free will and its judgment by the presiding deity. On the other hand we have science, which sees our nature as predetermined by our genes, which come pre-programmed only for survival, thus leaving all human beings victims of the vagaries of chance. In either scenario the individual comes off badly — we are either shown divinity only to be denied it, or we are shown freedom and then placed in a world of merciless competition in which only the lucky or strong can thrive.
此外,「3水雷屯卦陰暗層」介由了解單細胞的構造以領會人類DNA所伴演的角色。理解解單細胞能夠讓我們領會到,前文提及的二種信念系統如何帶領我們走至現代 (前所未有的演化分岐點)。就地球的意識體而言,我們正站在演化的深淵前(chasm),而人類對於演化的回應則決定了將導向混亂(chaos混屯),還是整體性的制序(cosmos宇宙)。歷史上的人類從未有過像現今這般,掌握世界續存的平衡力量。由於「3水雷屯卦」主宰著人類所認為的混屯(Chaos),有趣的是,chaos(混屯)及chasm(深淵)來自相同的字源。而混屯(Chaos)其原始的意義,更接近於「原始的空間」,只是人類基於恐懼的誤解,使得混屯變成了「失序」的意思。
Perhaps more than any other, the 3rd Shadow captures the essence of the role of human DNA through an understanding of the structure of the single cell, the prime unit of life on our planet. Through an understanding of the single cell we will see how both of the above belief systems have grown out of a very natural organic progression that has brought us to exactly where we stand now — at a great evolutionary fork. As a planetary consciousness, we now stand before a chasm, and humanity’s response to this threshold must either lead to chaos or it must lead to cosmos. Never before in history has the future of our entire planet and all its organisms hung in the balance of human behaviour. It is interesting to note that the words chasm and chaos are derived from the same root, since this 3rd Gene Key governs what we humans understand as chaos. It is also intriguing to note that the original meaning of the word chaos is closer to primordial space. It was only due to a misunderstanding based on fear that the word came to be equated with disorder.
為了更深入「3水雷屯卦陰暗層」,弄清其玄秘色彩,介由綜觀現代科學思想的方向,以回應我們所處的演化分岐點是很有幫助的。 當代主流科學思想主要建立於二大巨擘 —— 牛頓物理及達爾文生物學。僅管我們知道量子物理,但是現今科學界至仍深受「愛因斯坦」所帶來的震憾中。愛因斯坦的突破開啓了物理及科學全新的次元,這個次元無法完全的被理解,真誠的物理學家敢斷言:「科學的基石受到如此的動搖,以致於任何科學假設都有可能不再正確」。愛因斯坦的量子世界,至今仍未受主流生物學所理解,除了少 數勇敢的先鋒願意冒身敗名裂的風險以外。達爾文教條性的決定論仍廣範的受生物醫學所接受。然而新的量子生物學卻成為型塑現代科學的新趨。
In order to get to the bottom of the profound mystery within the 3rd Shadow, it is perhaps helpful to overview the direction of modern scientific thinking in response to our current evolutionary fork. Contemporary mainstream scientific thinking is still based mostly upon two giants — Newton in physics and Darwin in biology. Despite what we hear, the scientific world is still reeling from the aftershock of Einstein and what he discovered. Einstein’s breakthrough opened physics and all of science to vast dimensions that can barely be comprehended. All an honest physicist can say for sure any more is that the very bedrock of scientific thinking has been so severely shaken that no scientific premise can ever be taken for granted again. Einstein’s quantum world has still not filtered through to mainstream biology except for a few brave pioneers who are willing to put their reputations on the line. Darwin’s dogma of genetic determinism prevails and still remains at the root of all modern medical practice. However, a new quantum biology is indeed in the process of forming at the frontiers of modern science and it holds many fascinating possibilities.
量子生物學的核心建立在對於單細胞的理解上。根據主流生物學的觀點,指揮細胞的大腦存在於細胞核中,而細胞核又擁有DNA生命遺傳訊息。也就是這個理論是這樣的:如果細胞的大腦位於細胞核,而細胞核又有生命遺傳訊息,那麼細胞核既控制了細胞也控制了我們。然而量子生物學揭露了一個非凡的概念,直接挑戰了這個觀點。那就是「細胞的大腦並不在細胞核,而在與能夠與外界接觸的細胞膜」。簡言之,這說明了生命是設計來「合作」的,而非競爭。新生物學的觀點非常具有義意,其認為生命是相互關連的,是整體性的而不是分離的。舊的觀點認為,人類為自私基因的受害者,新的觀點則認為沒有人是受害者,世界是一種整體的合一性的制序(cosmos),彼此間相互關連又彼此互助。(譯註:cosmos 即宇宙,但中文的宇宙沒有序制的意思,所以翻成「整體性的制序」)
At the core of the new biology lies a completely new understanding of the single cell. According to the mainstream view, the brain of the cell resides within its nucleus where the genetic instructions for life (DNA) also reside. The thinking goes that if the brain is in the nucleus and the nucleus contains the instructions, then the instructions control the cell and therefore us. However, quantum biology has discovered something very remarkable that directly challenges this. The brain of the cell does not reside within the nucleus after all, but in the cellular membrane, which provides an interface with the environment. In a nutshell, this means that life is designed to be cooperative rather than competitive. This new biological view makes enormous sense when considered alongside quantum physics, which holds that all of life is interrelated and holistic rather than separatist. In the old view, we humans are the victims of our selfish genes; in the new view there are no victims, only a huge interconnected and interdependent cosmos.
In the old view, we humans are the victims of our selfish genes; in the new view there are no victims, only a huge interconnected and interdependent cosmos.
舊的觀點認為,人類為自私基因的受害者,新的觀點則認為沒有人是受害者,世界是一種整體性的合一制序,彼此間相互關連又彼此互助。「3水雷屯卦」在傳統易經中被翻作「萬事起頭難」(Difficulty at the Beginning)。這是很重要的洞見,因為「混屯」正是關乎於「初始狀態」(beginning)。當代科學的混沌理論正是建立在系統對無限小的初值變動條件與微擾。然而就生命演化而言,單細胞「初始」(beginning)的方向便是不計一切代價生存下去,這也形塑了「3水雷屯卦」的陰暗層。演化最大的挑戰總是在一開始的時候(beginning),因為每個細胞都得學習照養他自己,只有最強壯者才得以生存。人類在「3水雷屯卦陰暗層」的影響下也同樣的被鎖在「單細胞」的意識狀態中。這二者都是主宰世界的同一種意識,其副作用便是混沌(chaos)。然而「混沌」只是一種觀點,這種觀點掩蓋住看似混亂中的確定性,但最終將通往制序(conceals a hidden pattern that inevitably leads to order.)。如果生命真的是自私的,那麼它將永遠不會離開起跑點。
The original Chinese name for this 3rd hexagram of the I Ching is an unusual expression that is traditionally translated as Difficulty at the Beginning. This is a profound insight because chaos is about beginnings. Modern scientific chaos theory is founded upon tiny variations in initial conditions within a system. In terms of the evolution of life however, the single cell’s prime directive is indeed to survive at all costs, which is what forms the consciousness of this 3rd Shadow. The greatest challenge in evolution is always at the beginning because every cell has to learn to fend for itself. Only those that become strong will survive. Likewise, human beings are locked into single-celled consciousness at the frequency of the 3rd Shadow. This is the same consciousness that dominates across our planet, and its by-product is what we call chaos. However, chaos is really only a perspective that conceals a hidden pattern that inevitably leads to order. If life truly were that selfish, it would never have made it off the starting block.
According to the law of fractals, the same law that governs single cells also governs individual human beings, which means that early in our evolution we were programmed to survive. Our survival instincts are rooted in the primitive aspects of our brains, which became dominant as we learned to evolve from our apelike ancestors. Most of our modern beliefs and ideologies are based on these ancient aspects of our awareness that are rooted in fear, and we remain walled off within our individual cells. Our mainstream scientific thinking is still based on the divisive worldview that there exists no organising force in the universe other than chance. Likewise our religious thinking is locked into the same single cell consciousness and so we have divided the world into an inside and an outside — an us and then God.
上述的一切到底在說什麼呢?它又是如何影響我們每日的生活?答案就在「50火風鼎卦」(3水雷屯卦的錯卦)。「50鼎卦陰暗層」—— 腐化,意味著受困於自己的思維,令我們只能使用某種頻率激活原始的面向,使得在接收資訊時出現錯誤。當以更寬的視野看待站在演化深淵(chasm)前抉擇的我們,越是能夠了解並不存在「混沌」的混亂,一切都只不過是「萬事起頭難」而己。正是「3水雷屯卦陰暗層」令人們害怕改變,儘管人際連結是為了「改變」。為了演化,人類必需擁抱「混屯」而不是與之對抗,「3水雷屯卦陰暗層」導致人們對生命的不信任,而采取了原始的生存策略。不可思議的是,當我們信任「混屯」,允許環境改變自己而不是介由掌控環境以維持老舊的狀態時,便能領受這份不可思議 —— 我們會發現混屯之中總是暗藏着「轉化與改變」制序。
What then does all of this really mean, and how does it affect you in your daily life? One answer lies in the polarity of this Shadow, the 50th Shadow of Corruption. It means that you are only trapped by your own thinking — it is you who corrupts the data within your DNA by only allowing in a frequency that activates its most primitive components. The wider you open yourself to the chasm that lies ahead of you, the more you will realise that there never was any chaos. It was all simply the difficulty at the beginning. It is this 3rd Shadow that makes human beings afraid to change, despite the fact that we are wired to change. In order to evolve, a human being must embrace chaos rather than try to protect against it. The 3rd Shadow causes human beings to distrust life itself and therefore adopt the old survival strategy known as dog eat dog. Incredibly, when you trust in chaos and allow your environment to mutate you, rather than trying to control it and stay the same, the greatest magic is revealed to you — that in chaos there is and always has been a vast underlying transformative order.
REPRESSIVE NATURE – ANAL 壓抑態 —— 一絲不拘(制序強迫症)
我們最深的恐懼根植於生命建立在無常概率之上,這導致了生命最初掌控機制 —— 肛門期滯留人格,不管佛洛依德在這個現象上發現了什麼,千百年來就被受許多瑜珈及靜心系統所知曉。恐懼激使肛門周圍的肌肉産生細微的收縮,最後造成呼吸模式的改變。當呼吸變淺時,恐懼便會以掌控生命需求的方式示現。幾乎所有的人類都受到輕重不同種程度的影響,只有當我們開始接觸內在的核心恐懼時,生理系統才會放掉對自己的深層緊張。我們越是感受並允許恐懼存在,便越能放下並擁抱著整體性的合一制序(cosmos),越能深入的了悟到我們被衪保護與支持著。
Our deep-seated fear that life is simply based on chance leads to one of the first great human control mechanisms — that of anal retention. Despite the discoveries made by Freud regarding this phenomenon, it has been known about for millennia by many systems of yoga and meditation. Fear activates a very subtle restriction of the muscles around the anus, which in turn affects our entire breathing pattern. As our breathing becomes shallower, the fear manifests through our need to maintain control over our lives. Almost all human beings suffer from some level of anal retention, ranging from mild to acute. It is only when we begin to touch the core of the primal fear within us that our system begins to let go of this deep-seated tensing of our being. The more we feel and allow the fear, the more we let go into the embrace of the cosmos, and the more we realise how deeply we are held and protected by it.
In order to evolve, a human being must embrace chaos rather than try to protect against it.
為了演化,人類必需擁抱「混屯」而不是與之對抗REACTIVE NATURE – DISORDERED 反動態 —— 失序
反動態下,對於生命的恐懼會以憤怒的形式呈現。結果反而造成了我們所最害怕的「混屯」與「失序」。這種本質完全沒有方向、目的、與節律可言。他們挾帶「壓抑態」下最害怕的恐懼頻率,並以破壞、傾略與無法無天的形式呈現。同樣的他們也有輕重不同程度的影響。每當無法信任生命而相信恐懼時,便開始與集體的「混沌」頻率共振。當恐懼變成憤怒時,即便是在平常的狀況下都具有破壞性。以這層意義來說,所有的憤怒,除非當事人能夠「做的了主」,否則均能強化全球所攏罩的陰暗層「3水雷屯卦陰暗層」( In this sense, all anger that is not owned fully strengthens the frequency of the 3rd Shadow in the world.)(譯註:所謂當事人「做的了主」的憤怒,指的是 —— 如「文王一怒而安天下」的這種怒,完全自主,出於智慧與主動,原文為 all anger that is not owned fully )。
The adverse reaction to our fear of life is to express it outwardly as rage. The result of this is the creation of the very thing that terrifies us — chaos and disorder. These natures have absolutely no predictable direction, rhythm or purpose. They bring into the world the very vibration that terrifies the repressed nature — sometimes in the form of aggression, sometimes anarchy and always destruction. Again, there are varying degrees of this disease, from the mild to the acute. Every time we stop trusting in life and believe in our fears, we begin to co-create the vibration of chaos. Whenever that fear turns into anger, even in the most mundane circumstances, it carries a destructive force that will inevitably come back to haunt us. In this sense, all anger that is not owned fully strengthens the frequency of the 3rd Shadow in the world.
THE END OF ISLAND MENTALITY 孤島心態的終結「3水雷屯卦陰暗層」奇特的地方在於,雖然它既限縮又根植於恐懼,又受限於單細胞的生命觀,但卻握有未來的要義。我們所需要做的就是,回顧我們的演化,看看它最終會通往哪裡。對於一個單細胞有機體,其演化的跳躍便是突變為多細胞。如果這是真的,那麼細胞核的自私性質,其競爭性會使得任二細胞間不可能尋求合作。因此,細胞真正的大腦必定位於量子生物學所提到的細胞膜 ----- 允許細胞回應外界,更進一步地,允許DNA被環境所影響。這便是量子生物學的基楚,但被主流生物學視為一種異端。
What is so wonderful about the 3rd Shadow is that despite its narrow, fear-based, mono-celled outlook on life, it also holds the secret to our future. All one has to do is look back at our own evolution to see where it must inevitably lead — to the 3rd Gift, the Gift of Innovation. As single-celled organisms multiplied all across our planet, evolution prepared itself for a quantum leap — the great transition into multi-cellular life. If it were true that deep within the nucleus of every cell a selfish drive were paramount, then it is highly unlikely that any two cells could ever cooperate, since their very design would drive them to compete. The genius of the cell and its true brain must therefore lie where the quantum biologists say it lies — within the cell’s membrane. We know that the membrane allows the single cell to respond to its environment. But it goes one stage further than this — it must allow its DNA to be influenced by its environment. This is the foundational principle of quantum biology, and it is regarded as nothing short of heresy in the face of current mainstream biological dogma.
Who, what and wherever you are, if you are not continually transcending, then you are dying.
無論你是誰,如果不持續的超越,生命就會凋零死亡。我們現在能夠看到的是,生命的確是這樣運作的,百萬年前,單細胞意識躍進為多細胞意識,這意味著 —— 為了成為更大的有機體存活下去,DNA生存導向的設定必然發生了改變或調整。當我們將這樣的隱喻套用在人類身上時,會看到「3水雷屯卦天賦層」——「創新」所帶來的力量。「創新」是所有生命的內建機制,換言之,生命自身被設計為能夠【超越「初始」設定】(Difficulty at the beginning 即萬事起頭難),並探索新的意識形態,其超越「自私」的演化,有賴於合作與「創新」。...
What we can now see is that life does indeed work in this way. Millions of years ago, single-celled consciousness made a quantum leap into multi-celled consciousness, which means that the survivalbased programming within DNA must have either mutated or adjusted itself in order for the cell to be assimilated into a greater organism. When we apply the same metaphor to humanity, what we see is the empowerment of the human individual through the 3rd Gift of Innovation. Innovation is built into life. In other words, life itself is designed to transcend its own initial programming (Difficulty at the Beginning) and discover new and higher forms of consciousness. Beyond selfishness and chaos lies cooperation and innovation. Innovation only occurs when you truly begin to think for yourself. This may sound like an everyday occurrence but in fact it is relatively uncommon. In order to be truly innovative you have to attain a very high frequency that allows you to see beyond the collective worldview.
「3水雷屯卦天賦層」不單單只是關乎於創造力,它暗指了你必需永久脫離根植於恐懼的生命觀。「創新」因為樂觀而得以茁壯,這種樂觀並非是基於「希望」的樂觀。真正的樂觀是一種動態的能量,其核心便是創造。透過天賦層我們開始激發DNA更高的面向,並非DNA改變了,而是穿透DNA的頻率激發了其隱性設定(the frequency passing through it activates its hidden programming)。這正是單細胞生命讓道給合作性有機體的方式,也將會是自私讓道給集體意識的方式。然而整體遠比個體有力 —— 這正是主要的困難(The whole is far more powerful than its individual human components — that is the rub.)。
The Gift of Innovation is far more exciting than simply being creative. It implies that you have permanently escaped the fear-based perspective of the Shadow frequency. Innovation thrives on optimism, although this is not the kind of optimism that is built upon hope. True optimism is the dynamic energy at the heart of creation. Through the 3rd Gift, you begin to tap into the higher aspects within your own DNA. It is not that the DNA itself changes, but that the frequency passing through it activates its hidden programming. This is how single-celled life gave way to cooperative life, and it is how human selfishness must and will give way to collective consciousness. The whole is far more powerful than its individual human components — that is the rub.
在本質上,「創新」意味著合作,為了將生命突變至更高的秩序,我們必需整合。創新之路廣義來說意味著「透過引入某種新的元素」以獲得改善,這些人是偉大的整合者,他們了解所有生命的原始創傷,這種整體性的了解是一種效率(because they understand the primal law wound into the substructure of all life — that unity equals efficiency.)。
生命不斷的在變化,當它變化時正是超越之時,同時也擁抱整合了所超越的過去(as it mutates it transcends and includes those levels and views it has just transcended)。無論你是誰,如果不持續的超越,生命就會凋零死亡。
Innovation implies cooperation by its very nature. In order to mutate life to a higher order, you must integrate and synthesise. The path of innovation broadly means to improve something through the introduction of a new element or elements. Those who work with the 3rd Gift are life’s great synthesisers because they understand the primal law wound into the substructure of all life — that unity equals efficiency. This is the integral message encoded in the codon group known as the Ring of Life and Death. It is all based upon change, which is what the Chinese words I Ching mean — The Book of Changes. Life is continually mutating, and as it mutates it transcends and includes those levels and views it has just transcended. Who, what and wherever you are, if you are not continually transcending, then you are dying.
The 3rd Gift also teaches us something else wonderful about synthesis which has to do with another often-overlooked human gift — the gift of play. If you truly want to see the genius of innovation, you only have to watch a young child at play. When seen through the eyes of the 3rd Shadow, children appear to create nothing but chaos, but to the higher eyes of the 3rd Gift, a child is the living expression of genius. If we can recall the image of the cellular membrane allowing in certain frequencies from the environment which then impact on our DNA, this is exactly what a young child mirrors back at us. The child both mutates its environment (as any parent knows!) but is also mutated by its environment. The Gift of Innovation requires then that adults also allow themselves to be shaped by their environment. This means that you must be as open-hearted and open-minded as a child. All preconceived notions, dogmas or beliefs must be discarded when they no longer serve the developing synthesis. Innovation also requires a deep sense of inner trust. As you continue to work with this Gift, you continually update and change your position. Even though you may not yet see how everything fits together, you feel the underlying unifying spirit, and above all else you have enormous fun.
Through the Gift of Innovation, humanity must now improvise in order to survive the coming centuries. Just like those early single-celled organisms, we must mutate to become a complex multicelled organism. Just as those early organisms developed a nervous system culminating in a brain, we developed our governments and our modern global communication-rich culture. However, our greatest innovation is yet to come which is literally to relocate our brain from the cranium to the far more advanced solar plexus system. Just as the cell’s true brain is in its membrane rather than its nucleus, so our true brain is through our emotional system. Like the cellular membrane, the solar plexus system determines what frequencies are allowed in and out of the body. Thus as the individual mutates to receive higher frequencies, these frequencies unlock the higher organising principles of collective life embedded within our DNA. It is not we who make this decision, but life. These codes are already waiting inside us, threaded along those mazy pathways deep within our DNA. This is the sacred secret: life is designed to keep on innovating, and the old human with its single-celled island mentality has had its day.
gates: [ 3, 60 ],
center: [ 'Sacral', 'Root' ],
type: [ 'Individual, Knowing Circuit', 'type of Generated' ],
quarter: [ 'Initialtion', 'Mutation' ],
[ 'Purpose fulfilled through Mind',
'Purpose fulfilled through Transformation' ],
模式:「創始固定」, 「創始固定」