2017年11月12日 星期日

Genekeys 4 山水蒙卦

Lion獅子 18.85-24.5





陰暗層 —— 偏執、不寛容


易經中「蒙卦」被稱作「蒙昧的青年」,其命名說明了陰暗層的意義。4th 水山蒙卦陰暗層——「不寛容」根植於心智易受情緒化所影響,以其「錯卦」——49 Shadow of Reaction(反動)來理解是最容易的,由於人類被情緒所主宰,且普遍的情緒狀態多半混亂又不穩定,傾向於對一時興起的想法作出反應,而不是安住於內在的導引。當我們對「自」「他」的情緒聞雞起舞時,會執著於所感受到的情緒為真,而心智也認同這件事。
When the ancient Chinese named this 4th hexagram of the I Ching, they gave it the wonderful name Youthful Folly, and in doing so, they showed a profound understanding of its lower nature. The 4th Shadow, the Shadow of Intolerance, is rooted in the mind’s habit of becoming tangled up with human emotions. Intolerance is best understood through its relationship to its programming partner — 49th Shadow of Reaction. Because human beings are governed by their emotions, the general emotional state of humanity is unstable and chaotic. We tend to react to our whims instead of attuning to the quiet clear guidance that lies within each of us. In reacting to our own and others’ emotions, we decide that what we feel must be the truth, and our mind agrees with us.

「4th山水蒙卦陰暗層」其本上誤用心智邏輯的天賦。4th Genekey的力量是為了解決並了解邏輯層面的問題,正如稍後將在4th天賦中看到的那樣,它使我們對生命的模式及頃向有普遍性的了解。然而運作於低頻狀態時,會對於情緒會過度反應,並以扭曲的邏輯來強化情緒多變的本質。換言之,在陰暗層的影響下,如果心情不佳並對某人感到不喜歡,他們會找出一大堆的理由來合理化自己的不喜歡。這種偏頗的邏輯觀正是「不寛容」真正的意思。在陰暗層的影響下,心智被賦權決定人生重大事件,這會帶來災難,因為邏輯的角色是為了理解與溝通,而非做決定。
The 4th Shadow is essentially a misuse of one of the great gifts of the human mind — logic. The power of this 4th Gene Key is the power to read and solve logical patterns, and as we shall see in the case of the 4th Gift, this ability leads you to a universal understanding of the rhythmic patterns and tendencies of all life. However, at a low frequency based on emotional reaction or over-reaction, this Shadow uses the power of distorted logic to support and uphold its volatile nature. In other words, if the 4th Shadow has a bad day and decides it doesn’t like someone, it will find a whole list of logical reasons to support its dislike. This is what intolerance really is — a slanted perspective of logic. At the Shadow frequency, the mind is actually given the authority to make important life decisions, and this is often disastrous because its true role is not to decide anything. Its true role is to understand and communicate.

The aptness of the name Youthful Folly becomes apparent when you see what happens as this Shadow reaches an extreme emotional state. At the Shadow frequency, you identify absolutely with your emotional state, which defines the way you live your life. Any unresolved emotional pattern is taken up by your mind and built into a highly intricate logical framework that masquerades as the absolute truth. Through the medium of the 4th Shadow, opinions, judgments and resentments are the transmuted into convictions and certainties. In this way people blind themselves with their own logic and can become deluded and sometimes dangerous. Intolerance is based on a subjective distortion of logic, which only measures those patterns that a person wants to see, rather than seeing all patterns from both sides of an argument. The power of the 4th Gift of Understanding is founded upon this ability to objectively assess all aspects of a viewpoint, thus avoiding the pitfall of taking sides.

The human logical mind is actually not designed to take sides. The essence of logic is its foundation upon objectivity, but in the hands of fear, objectivity dies and logic becomes subjective, even at a collective level. You may wonder how something can be both collective and subjective. Racism and prejudice are examples of genetic or ancestral fears that manifest through certain population groups who then reinforce these fears through subjective logical argumentation. Even science is rarely truly objective, unless it remains open to all counter-arguments. In the case of science, a counter-argument might come from religion, which challenges logic as the only means of acquiring truth. Only when science is skeptical of its very own nature can it really be regarded as truly objective. The 4th Shadow forms a very subtle undercurrent to all human mental structures, from the scientific to the spiritual — it cannot help taking sides.

Mental assuredness cannot make the body feel safe.


The underlying nature of all the Shadow states is fear; in the case of the 4th Shadow, fear is projected onto others and then reinforced through taking a defensive (and sometimes offensive) mental position. This is how intolerance is created, and it is sometimes extremely subtle. Intolerance bases its position on opinion rather than fact. If you took the time to examine the other side of the argument, you would immediately understand that your opinion is rooted in a deep-seated emotional fear of something. The great problem with logic is that it can only disprove itself, which does not make human beings feel at all secure. Therefore, most people choose one single side of an argument because it makes them feel a certain mental solidity. Ironically, however, mental assuredness cannot make the body feel safe. The body can only feel safe when it surrenders to the moment without wanting something else.

The 4th Shadow is endlessly restless in its need to examine patterns and resolve questions. One answer is simply replaced by another question. The role of this Gene Key is to understand, but understanding cannot come through the mind itself. This is the essence of the 4th Shadow’s dilemma, and it keeps many people from realising its Gift. Understanding, as we shall see, only comes when you realise that your mind can never truly understand anything! Before you come to this huge inner realisation, you will live your life under the influence of the 4th Shadow and its persistent promise that it will one day arrive at an answer that brings you lasting peace. This is youthful folly, because only after much anguish and experience do you come to realise that there are no intellectual answers that bring about such peace. There are only two options for the 4th Shadow — you either settle for a onesided opinion and deny the other side, or you become lost in the fruitless quest to bring an end to the feeling of uncertainty that lies deep within you. Unless you make the leap into the true understanding of the 4th Gift, you have no choice but to be caught in eternal misunderstanding and intolerance.


壓抑態 —— 提不起興趣、冷漠

When the mental dynamism of this 4th Gene Key is frozen by the unconscious fear of a repressive nature, the result is an apathetic mind. An apathetic mind is a collapsed mind that is no longer bright or intelligent but has given up on understanding anything and sunk into a kind of mental lethargy. These people believe themselves to be less intelligent than others, when in fact they are really paralysed by an unconscious fear. Their fear is that they will have to assume responsibility for themselves, their decisions and their actions. Instead they choose to have no opinions about anything. Such people can pretend to be quite enlightened and very open, but there is a vital energy lacking inside them. Thus they can have problems in motivation as well as with their health. To escape their apathy, they simply have to start thinking again, but without letting their thinking rule their lives.


反動態 —— 挑剔的

In the reactive nature, thinking does rule a person’s life. The reactive nature projects out its eternal need for answers to questions, and it does so in the belief that these answers will bring them a sense of security. When they discover that this is not so, they become angry and blame someone — often the person or system that they supposed would give them all the answers! These people cannot let go of their need for some feeling of resolution so they make their mind the authority for bringing about this feeling, only to be endlessly disappointed. These people hone in on the most irrelevant details, unconsciously looking for a vent for their frustration. When they find such a detail, it affords them the opportunity to criticise or complain and thus release some of their pent up anger and tension. These people, above all, need to find a way to let go of the hope that their mind can ever bring them solace. When they do this, they can finally stop projecting their eternal disappointment onto others and begin to find a new awareness arising in them, outside of their mind.

True understanding lies outside the domain of the mind.




QUANTUM KOANS 無法被心智理解的公案

「天賦」——「理解」與知識無關,知識是為了平息心智所創造的需要以消除自身的不安,然而知識卻無法帶來平靜。最多它能帶給我們平靜的希望,諷刺的是,正是這份希望延續了智性層面無盡的追尋(it is this very hope that sustains your intellectual quest),令我們受限在陰暗頻率的影響之下。 只有真正的理解才能帶來平靜,因為真正的理解並非來自於心智層面。真正的理解是整個存在的理解,它不需經由大腦認知的同意。
If you are someone with powerful intellectual capacities, the 4th Gift represents a wonderful breath of fresh air for you. At the same time, it requires a huge quantum leap in your whole being. The Gift of Understanding has nothing whatsoever to do with knowledge. Knowledge is what your mind thinks it needs in order to take away its permanent feeling of unease. But knowledge can never bring a sense of peacefulness. At most it can give you the hope of that peace, although ironically it is this very hope that sustains your intellectual quest and keeps you within the confines of the Shadow frequency. Only true understanding can bring peace along with it because true understanding lies outside the domain of the mind. Understanding is of the whole being, and it does not and cannot require agreement from the cognitive capacities within your brain.

如果我們允許這個Genekey運行其自然過程,而不以邏輯承擔其決策責任,便會使覺察擴展到心智以外的地方。絕望的心智想透過獲取知識來平息焦慮,從種角度來看待生活的結果最後卻阻礙自己。(The very desperation of the mind to come to understanding through knowledge constantly thwarts itself by looking at life from every conceivable angle.)在某個時間點上,所有累積而來的能量一次爆發,進入心智的量子跳躍。這正是禪宗公案的運作方式,公案是一個無法被心智解決的困思邏輯,只有當心智了解到邏輯無法解決問題,才能有機會超出公案的二元對立( 譯註:傳統的解釋是:當心智被二元對立的思維困住時,由於太過專注,連二元對立的心念都無法出現,最後只剩下對於問題的疑惑時——也就是想知道但不知道,才有可能進入這種狀態 )。
If you allow the 4th Gene Key to run its natural course without giving it the responsibility to make decisions, it actually does something quite magical — it propels your awareness out of the mind. The very desperation of the mind to come to understanding through knowledge constantly thwarts itself by looking at life from every conceivable angle. At a certain point, all this pent up energy explodes into a quantum leap out of the mind. This is precisely how the concept of the Zen koan operates. A koan is a paradox given to the mind to solve, and at the precise moment when the mind has finally realised that its own logic can never solve the koan understanding dawns. This quantum leap is true understanding, which is a feeling of knowing that floods your whole body and radiates from the solar plexus area.

天賦——「理解」,唯一能夠滿足個體心智上的不滿足,它必需介由耗盡心智而無法由其他方式獲得。當透過邏輯從各種不同的角度來檢視任何概念時,會了解到,沒有任何一件事最終能夠被邏輯證明,因為邏輯總是能夠被用來反證。最後看見了這點,了解到心智無法處理真正重要的事,整個存在才能豁然開朗,最後反而能釋放心智去做自己喜愛最的事 —— 玩樂、研究、交流。
The Gift of Understanding is the only answer that will satisfy a person’s dissatisfaction, and it must come about through the exhaustion of your mind rather than any other way. When you look logically at all angles of any concept, you begin to realise that nothing can ultimately be proved through logic, because logic can always be used to prove the opposite. When you finally see this, your whole being lightens because you realise once and for all that the mind is of no use for resolving anything of real importance. This in turn releases the mind to do what it loves best — research and communicate and play.

當「4th天賦」從必需解決問題中釋放出來時,最後才能獲得自己的天才 —— 與各種存在的模式玩樂並將其以原創的方式會彙整出來,當我們感受到臍輪深出發自內肺的理解,心智便不再被迫需要防衛身的觀點(When you have the feeling of visceral understanding deep in your belly, your mind is no longer hampered by the need to defend your own viewpoint.),我們了解到所有邏輯公式都能夠被操作來證明或反證任何事。高頻率層次的「理解」也會帶來服務社會的渴望,利用「天賦-理解」所帶來心智上的活潑,以接受高我的支配。這個新發現的特質,能看到生命的潛在模式,使我們得以直接進入「天賦」的另一個面向 —— 理解人的能力。
When the 4th Gift is freed from having to solve your existence, it finally comes into its real genius — to play with the patterns of existence and arrange them in new and original ways. When you have the feeling of visceral understanding deep in your belly, your mind is no longer hampered by the need to defend your own viewpoint. In fact, you realise that all logical formulae can be manipulated to prove or disprove anything. The higher frequency of such understanding also brings with it the urge to be of service to the world, and you can use the mental alacrity of the 4th Gift to follow the dictates of your higher self. This newfound genius at seeing the underlying patterns of life also affords you direct access into another aspect of this 4th Gift — the ability to understand people.

透過了解心智結構的另一個面向,「天賦 - 理解」掃除了各種無法容受他人的可能性,並將這份天賦用來創造,以為世界帶來正向的改變。「4th 天賦」其「錯卦」「49th 革新」(Gift of Revolution) ,這樣的能量總是挾帶真正的理解,「理解」真正的本質是為了為社會帶來改善,因為「4th天賦」在能量上,仍然會感到某種程度的停不下來(restless),在陰暗層中這股停不下來(restless)的能量用來解決生命中的不安,而在天賦層,同一股能量(restless)則用來解決社會中的不安。
Through seeing all sides of any mental construct, the Gift of Understanding sweeps aside the possibility of intolerance and uses its gifts to create new roles or systems to bring positive change into the world. The programming partner of the 4th Gift is the 49th Gift of Revolution, and this energy always accompanies true understanding. The very nature of understanding is to bring about improvement for society in general, since the dynamic energy within this 4th Gift is still experienced as a certain restlessness. Whereas at the Shadow level, this was the restlessness to resolve your own insecurity, at the Gift frequency this becomes the restlessness to resolve the insecurity within society in general. Thus understanding always carries within it the seed intention to solve the problems of intolerance and division in the world.

In the coming genetic shift triggered through the 55th Gene Key and the 49th Gene Key the role of this 4th Gift will undergo some very important genetic changes, which will gradually sweep through humanity. The involution of powerful siddhic energy from the highest aspect of this archetype will bring about a minor but extremely important genetic mutation in this 4th Gene Key and its associated amino acid valine. This mutation will essentially phase out the 4th Shadow of Intolerance. The children that come into the world carrying this new sequence of mutations will not be emotionally polarised; their mental system will not run riot throughout their lives. The 4th Gift of Understanding will govern the way in which their minds operate from birth. They will bring about a social revolution on a global level, and this revolution will be based upon a logical understanding of the folly of the existing systems and structures. New formulae will come into the world through this 4th Gift that will undoubtedly lead to technological breakthroughs that solve longstanding problems rather than create new ones.



Not only will the coming shift bring about a social revolution, but it will also bring an end to one of the great searches of modern man — the search for knowledge. Through the rupturing of the 4th Shadow, understanding will take the place of knowledge and much of the thrust of our modern world will die down. We will no longer need to logically make sense of the paradoxes of existence because our new centre of awareness will give us a physical and energetic understanding of existence. Thus the role of logic in our world will alter. It will no longer be used to defend our prejudices and fears and it will no longer be used for purely personal benefit. Logic, at its highest frequency, is a means to orchestrate the most efficient society possible. True efficiency is based upon a higher holistic understanding of living systems. Once our understanding shows us how connected we all are to each other, we will see for ourselves that selfishness is the most inefficient frequency of all.

The 4th Gift forms the launch pad for an even more refined frequency — the Siddhi of Forgiveness. Forgiveness is born out of understanding, but it occurs when a being makes a leap beyond understanding. Forgiveness is a stage further on from social revolution. Just because a person has understanding and good intention, does not mean that they can orchestrate a perfect society. History has shown that revolutions never change the world — they just change society, and usually only briefly. The highest possibility of the 49th Gene Key is the Siddhi of Rebirth, and this is the Siddhi that always awakens alongside Forgiveness. As we have seen, understanding leads to the urge to serve the totality through instigating some kind of social reform. Forgiveness, however, is a pure siddhic state and as such it has no sense of restlessness at all. All siddhic states are the end of the line —they represent the absolute transcendence of our genetics and the end of being human.

Forgiveness is the thunderbolt that is released when a being attains Christ consciousness.

Forgiveness is the thunderbolt that is released when a being attains Christ consciousness. It is like a kind of cosmic warmth that melts the borders and boundaries within the world of form. Forgiveness allows the Truth behind all form to be seen. Further than that, it allows one to see through and thus become one with Truth. There exists a great mystery about the power of forgiveness concerning time. Forgiveness represents an involving force rather than an evolving force because it literally comes from the future towards the past. It is a Divine quality that descends, like Christ, into the world of form. In descending into human form, forgiveness lays its hand upon all humanity and works its way back through time, burrowing into our collective past, releasing and freeing energy that has lain trapped and stagnant for aeons. Forgiveness moves down the ancestral bloodlines of all humanity in this way, dissolving genetic blocks and lifting karmic curses wherever it travels. This is why the Siddhi of Forgiveness is often credited with being capable of inducing miracles, because it can release a karmic debt that has stagnated for generations. As such debts are released, those in whom they live can move through incredible transmutations. These mysteries are explored in more depth in the 22nd Gene Key through a transmission known as The Seven Seals.

The 4th Siddhi is a primary agent of Divine Grace, that is to say it does not adhere to human laws. It concerns the resolution of old debts, at all levels. At a purely individual level, the whole process of human incarnation is based around the notion of karmic debt. Until you have paid off all your debts, particularly through your relationships, you cannot escape the game of incarnation and reincarnation. Because it is also a part of the Ring of Union, the 4th Siddhi’s ultimate role is to bring humanity into a collective union through the resolution of karmic debt, individually, racially and mythically. In the material realm we will see this manifesting one day through nations forgiving each other their financial debts. Forgiveness as such is really a collective phenomenon, which is why we humans have never been able to control it or fake it. It falls upon you like a surprise, and something inside you opens up that was previously choked. It really is a miracle.

As more beings bring this Siddhi into the world, they play their part in the releasing of humanity’s collective karma. Such beings hold onto nothing in life because they have moved beyond understanding into pure Truth. The forgiveness that we know of now is but a tiny shadow in comparison to the beyondness of this 4th Siddhi. Pure Forgiveness is a universal panacea that radiates in every direction throughout time and space. It is the final answer to end all questions, and when the first atoms of forgiveness finally travel back to the very beginning of time, as they already have, the world we know will begin to dissolve. When all is forgiven, then forgiveness itself no longer exists, only Truth. The final destiny of the 4th Siddhi is to rupture the connection between the past and the future, between the black and the white, between the yin and the yang — to finally bring an end to the logical fabric of spacetime itself. True forgiveness is merciless because it returns everything to its source and is a force of pure annihilation. The ultimate goal of forgiveness is in fact to bring an end to the world of form itself.






gates: [ 63, 4 ],
center: [ 'Head', 'Ajna' ],
type: [ 'Collective, Understanding Circuite', 'type of Projected' ],
quarter: [ 'Initialtion', 'Duality' ],
     [ 'Purpose fulfilled through Mind',
       'Purpose fulfilled through Bonding' ],
相位: 157.5,
星座: 雙魚,獅子

