2017年11月12日 星期日

Genekeys 26 山天大畜卦


SHADOW PRIDE 陰暗面 —— 自傲

SACRED TRICKSTER 神聖的詮巧(詮巧性的使用自我)

CODON RING: THE RING OF LIGHT(5, 9, 11, 26) 基因密碼環——光之環 


陰暗層 —— 自傲


我們身體的基礎結構建立在一組化學代碼上,其決定了身體如何儲存、捕抓光波,以轉成為能量。這個化學家族在集體層面被稱作「光之環」(Codon Ring of Light: 5th, 9th, 11th, 26th),在基因中關連到蘇氨酸(註)。 我們依據所處的狀態,進而允許不同頻率的光穿過我們的DNA,以催化不同的生化過程。科學上己知陽光中的紫外線頻段可以催化産生維他命D。光譜中包含了許多這類的催化密碼,不只決定了肉身的健康也決定的情緒、心智、以及靈性的健康。Genekeys 的中心思想所揭露的,關乎於作為一個人類如何透過DNA,以提昇或降低光的頻率,進而改變我們的實相。

Deep within the substructure of your physical body lies a set of four chemical codes whose ultimate role is to determine how your body captures, stores and transmutes light waves into energy. This chemical family (which includes the 5th, 9th, 11th and 26th Gene Keys) is collectively known as The Ring of Light and in genetics it codes for the amino acid threonine. Depending on the frequency of light you allow to enter your DNA, different biochemical processes are initiated, affected and/or prevented inside your body by means of these codes. It is already well known scientifically how the ultraviolet frequencies within sunlight catalyse your body to produce vitamin D, a vital component of your physical health. Light contains many such catalytic codes within its spectrum that determine not just physical health but also emotional, mental and ultimately spiritual well being. The central message of the Gene Keys revelation concerns the power that you as a human being wield to consciously and unconsciously raise or lower the frequency of light entering your body, thereby altering your reality through the medium of your DNA.

At the lower frequencies, those frequencies governed by fear, your DNA relays instructions throughout your body that are based upon individual survival. This very narrow set of parameters is the primary paradigm ruling our planet today. The 26th Gene Key is unique within the threonine group because it has to do with utilising light waves via the medium of the individual will. In other words, through your willpower you can bend light and turn it to your advantage. This Gene Key therefore has a great deal to do with the correct and harmonious use of will. There is a huge conditioning field on this planet telling you that nothing will ever come to you in life unless you reach out and grab it. At the Shadow frequency, you allow your unconscious fear to make you distrust the natural and easy flow of life. Out of this fear, you try to control life by pitting your individual will against the whole, and so the 26th Shadow of Pride begins to rule your life.

意志的力量在字面上指的是,有能力駕馭光的力量,並透過身體投射出我們的一言一行。它是物質世界的夢想能否實現的關鍵。如果我們有足夠的意志力便能成就任何事,而這句話正是陰暗層的慣用語,但有一點要記住的是,這個信念本身並沒有錯,它是通往高層頻率的必經之路。然而意志力有二種型式,第一種型式是「個人性意志」(Your will),稍後會看到它只不過是個幻象,第二種型式則是神的意志(Thy will),這部份會在天賦層介紹。「自傲」便是基於個人性意志 —— 它是一種信念,相信個體能控制自然的力量,以坐擁其上,它主宰了全球商業模式,現代化商業就是建立在個人性意志的合理化之上。受陰暗層所影響的人便是以「個人性意志」追求個人利益及認可,在商業中意味著,踩著別人往上爬。
The power of will is actually a magical power — it is quite literally your ability to harness the power of light and project it through your body as action, thought and words. It is the key to manifesting dreams on the material plane. If you have enough willpower, you can achieve almost anything. This is the language of the 26th Shadow, and it is important to remember that there is nothing wrong with this belief. It is a vital stepping-stone to a far higher frequency. However, there are two types of will — there is your will, which as we shall see is an illusion, and then there is thy will, which we will look at when we examine the higher frequencies of this 26th Gene Key. Your will is the foundation of human pride — it is the belief that you as an individual can control the forces of nature and come out on top. Nowhere in our society is this Shadow of wilful pride more dominant than in the sphere of business. All modern business is built on this rationale of individual willpower. If you are driven by the 26th Shadow then you, like many others, use your willpower for the sake of personal gain and recognition. In business this means that to climb to the top you must consciously or unconsciously push others down.

You can identify the 26 th Shadow in a person because they simply cannot relax, even for a single moment.

The word most commonly used to describe the energy and effect of the 26th Shadow is the word ego. In spiritual circles, the ego is widely regarded as the archenemy of the higher self, but when we come to explore it through the 26th Gift, we will learn that it has a higher purpose. When you allow yourself to be governed by fear, you are giving instructions to your DNA to try to establish and maintain control over others or your environment by means of your ego. In doing so, you effectively cut yourself off from those others as well as from your environment. At the Shadow frequency, this is the only way you can see to create success and security for yourself in life, so the 26th Gene Key tells you to get on the ladder of competitiveness just like everyone else around you.

在現代化社會下,階級制度、競爭、以及自我,被認為是自然的甚至是健康的。不幸的是,人們對於健康的定義太過狹窄。真正的健康指的是,人在面臨生命中本然的不確定性時,仍然可以保持輕安。26th Genekey 與免疫系統中的胸腺有強烈的連結,如果生命是建立在一個又一個的保障之下,在陰暗層的影響下便會磨損我們的免疫系統,導致壓力及早衰,更別提一些潛在的疾病問題了。如果加強「個人意志」在生命上,你也許能夠成功的達成目標,但卻有其代價 —— 對抗自然之流的結果,便是拒絕自己,拒絕真正的快樂,並以成癮於壓力取而代之。這樣的人無法放鬆下來。
In the modern world, hierarchy, competitiveness and ego are considered normal and even healthy. Unfortunately, the current definition of health on this planet is based on a very narrow set of criteria. Real health is only found when your inner being is completely at ease with life’s inherent uncertainty. The 26th Gene Key has a strong link to the function of the thymus gland, which is vital to your immune system. Societal conditioning tells you that if you really want something badly enough, you make it happen. If you base your life on this premise, the lower frequencies of the 26th Shadow will gradually grind down your immune response, leading to increased stress and premature ageing, not to mention a host of potential problems or diseases associated with the weakening of your immune system. If you try to force life to follow your will, you may well succeed in achieving your goals, but at what cost? By moving against nature, you deny yourself true happiness and replace it with an addiction to stress. You can identify the 26th Shadow in a person because they simply cannot relax, even for a single moment.

然而,如果更深入DNA看待其他潛在的可能性,會發現還有其他型式的成功模式 —— 這種模式被認為不夠現實,與現代化的現實狀態相差太遠。這種模式正等待著DNA被高頻光諎激活。我們容後會看到 26th Genekeys 揭露了許多未知的途徑。
If however you look deeply enough into the possibilities lying dormant within your DNA, you will find that other models for success and security exist — models that most people on this planet can scarcely entertain as realistic, so distant they seem from our modern reality. These higher models are waiting to be activated inside your DNA by the higher frequencies within the light spectrum. As we shall see at these higher frequencies, the 26th Gene Key reveals many hidden pathways within the quantum web that connects all beings though time and space.

... 略
Within the Ring of Light the 5th Gene Key allows you to synchronise your individual biorhythm into the wider cosmic pattern or grid, but it is the 26th Gene Key that finds all the shortcuts through the matrix. Such shortcuts or wormholes allow human beings operating at higher frequencies to break the normal laws of the material plane. However, at the shadow frequency, none of these shortcuts are available to you, and your only resource is to use brute force of will to get what you want. The philosophy of the 26th Shadow is based on every man for himself and in such a system, someone always loses. We can also see this reflected in the 45th Gene Key of Dominance, which is the programming partner of the 26th Gene Key.

前文提到 26th 陰暗層 關於乎「自我」與「自傲」,而其中潛在的恐懼便是「無力感」,他們與投射出「成功」及「自信」的形象有極大的關系。在低頻的影響下會令我們迫切需要安全感以維持某種「自我形象」,而對於這種不適感的自然反應,便是介由意志來讓自己高人一等以補足不安全感。這份恐懼甚至可能更深(來自害怕自身不覆存在的核心恐懼)。諷刺的是,當越是與依附於自我的力量感及社會地位,這份恐懼就越有破壞性。
As we have seen, the 26th Shadow is about ego and pride. One of the underlying fears of this Shadow is being perceived as powerless. It has much to do with projecting an image of success and confidence. The activation of this Gene Key at its lower frequencies leaves you craving security in your identity and your natural reaction to this discomfort will be to seek that security by setting yourself above others through an act of will. Even deeper lies the core human fear of non-existence. In a great cosmic irony, the more solidly you become attached to a powerful sense of ego and identity in the world, the more profoundly this fear affects and undermines you. You look back on your life and consider how many people you must have subdued to get where you are now. The deepest sadness of all is that this 26th Gene Key contains such effortless magic, but it is effectively negated by the deep-seated and false belief that you cannot get anywhere in life except by sheer force of will.


壓抑態 —— 操控(打壓形式的自傲)

26th 陰暗層可能是暗地進行的,當「自傲」透過壓抑態示現時,它就變成了操控,但並非明著來的操控。這些人介由打壓他人,或者以罪惡感及羞耻作為武器。通常這種行為模式出自於無意識,其意味著,他們認為不需要為傷害他人的行為負起責任。26th 陰暗層利用一種很自然的狡猾方式使他人感到低落及自卑。「自傲」根植於恐懼,常常導致操緃行為,是一個單純又致命的行為模式(It is a simple and lethal equation)
The 26th Shadow can be really sneaky. When pride manifests through a repressive human nature it becomes manipulation, but not in an obvious way. This is covert manipulation. These people manipulate others by putting them down, or use guilt and shame as subtle weapons. Often these patterns are acted out unconsciously, which means that such people rarely feel accountable for their actions or the effects they have on others. The 26th Shadow uses its natural cunning to make others feel bad or inferior, behaviour patterns rooted in fear. Pride that is rooted in fear always leads to manipulation. It is a simple and lethal equation.


反動態 —— 自誇(自誇形式的自傲)

比起壓抑態的非直接性,自傲更直接的版本便是自誇。這種「自誇」如同「自我」一般都是我們所熟悉的。所有低頻狀態都是孤立的,自誇是為了搏取注意力 —— 將自己彩繪的更加鮮明。當一個人處於這種狀態,他們不知道這樣的言行為自己帶來反效果。自誇有許多形式,有意識層面的與無意識的層面的,最明顯的就是炫耀財富與權力。在高頻的狀態下能搏取正面的注意力,然而在低頻狀態下則會吸引仇恨、妒忌及貪婪。
The more up-front version of pride is boastfulness. This is the pride that we all know so well as ego. All lower frequencies are inherently isolating. To boast is to try and draw attention to oneself — to render oneself more visible. When someone is boastful, they do not realise that their acts or words have the reverse effect of their intention. There are many ways of boasting, both conscious and unconscious. One of the most obvious is seen in displays of personal wealth, power and property.While the higher frequencies of the 26th Gene Key naturally draw positive recognition, the 26th Shadow and all its displays draw jealousy, resentment or at worst, inspire greed. These people suppress great anger, and when it inevitably explodes, it manifests as the ugliest form of pride and creates a strong repulsion in others.


天賦 —— 詮巧的自我


天賦層讓我們學會「意志」與「意圖」的區別(will and intention),在陰暗層的影響下,導致我們相信必須強力行使「個人意志」,以達成夢想。問題是,在陰暗層的狀態下,不可能知道自己真正的夢想是什麼。DNA中更高的目的被封存,以致無法以純然的意志力強行打開(You cannot force that purpose out into the world by sheer force of will)。只有當「個人性意志」臣服於整體時,更高目的才會顯現。這段臣服的過程始於開始了解到,我們需要的是調整自己,而非強行推動。(This process of surrender begins with the understanding that your higher purpose is something you must tune into, rather than impose upon the world.)
When you get to the Gift level of the 26th Gene Key, you learn a very great secret in life. You learn the difference between will and intention. At the lower frequency, the 26th Shadow leads you to believe that you must exert huge willpower to attain your dreams in life. The problem here is that at the Shadow frequency you cannot possibly know what your dreams really are. Inside the coils of your DNA your higher purpose lies concealed. You cannot force that purpose out into the world by sheer force of will. Your higher purpose can only manifest when you surrender your individual will to nature as a whole. This process of surrender begins with the understanding that your higher purpose is something you must tune into, rather than impose upon the world.

The 26th Gift celebrates your ego, without self-judgement and in full awareness.

26th 天賦歡慶自我的存在,純然的覺察而不進行自我批判。

When you first come into contact with your higher purpose in life you will most likely experience it inside as a subtle intention. The more you listen inwardly, the more deeply you will realise that this intention lies behind everything you do and say in life. Your attitude about this intention determines the success of its manifestation in the world. At the Shadow frequency, you respond to this intention through your pride and thus distort its manifestation by trying to pre-empt and force it. At the Gift frequency, your attitude invites a higher waveband of light into your DNA. This more refined frequency catalyses new micro-processes inside your body. For one thing, your immune system becomes stronger and your general level of health improves considerably. When the 26th Gift is activated, your thymus gland engages at a higher level and some curious things occur throughout your being. The first thing you may notice is that you begin to feel physically and emotionally warmer on the inside. The higher functioning of the thymus gland releases a soft vibration throughout your chest area that brings with it a wonderful feeling of open-heartedness and warmth.

我們可能會想知道,到底是做了什麼才能啓動身體的高層頻率,答案很簡單 —— 透過傾聽內在意圖。
You may well wonder what it is that you are doing to activate these higher frequencies inside your body, and the answer is simple — you are listening to your intention. You are listening to the higher purpose inside you. Simply by listening in this way without needing to do anything, you begin to absorb a higher frequency of light. Over time, prolonged attunement to these frequencies results in a frameshift mutation within your DNA. This spontaneous change completely reorganises the way in which your genetic code is translated, and another hidden code reveals itself for the first time in your life. It is this hidden code that corresponds to your higher purpose. Once it has been unlocked your life will change irreversibly.

26th 天賦歡歡慶自我的存在,純然的覺察而不進行自我批判。當我們喚醒了這層天賦,而了悟到「自傲」並非全然是錯的,「自傲」與「詮巧的使用自我」是同一股能量,當我們學會如何創造性的使用自我,他會變得即美麗又強大。 26th 天賦喜愛吸引觀注,它關乎於樂愛宣傳,無論是宣傳産品,宣傳你自己或者宣揚真理,它代表了行銷之愛 —— 介由包裝來宣揚你想傳達的事物。為了販售産品或真理,必須先引人注目,必須先擁抱自傲及自我,並以此服務於更高的目的。
The 26th Gift celebrates your ego, without self-judgement and in full awareness. When this Gift awakens, you realise that there is absolutely nothing wrong with pride. Pride is simply a low frequency word for the same energy that can be called Artfulness. When you learn how to use pride creatively, it becomes something powerful and even beautiful. The 26th Gift loves attention. It is designed to draw attention. This Gift is about the love of selling something to someone — whether a product, yourself, or a truth. The 26th Gift represents the love of marketing — of dressing something up so that others will buy into it. In order to sell a product or a truth, you have to put yourself in the limelight. You have to embrace the energy of pride and ego that lies within all humans and use it in the service of your higher purpose.

26th 天賦帶有一種與生俱來的精明,並透過自我的力量傳達訊息,若要做到則必須完全擁抱你的自我。在靈性的領域中,「自我」帶有負面的意味,它被視為必須被征服或超越的。事實上沒有任何東西能夠介由征服以達成超越,只有透過吸收、接受、享受其中才有可能超越。這是一種「享受自我」的天賦,透過天賦「詮巧的自我」,「自我」成為了一種藝術形式。他們天生知道如何在人前說出確切的語言,在根植於恐懼的低頻當中,這種操緃聽眾的能力是有破壞性的(基於恐懼宣掦理念),然而在高頻中,我們得以由恐懼中解脫,並以愛來宣揚,這正是「心的行銷」。
The 26th Gift includes natural-born shrewdness. Through this Gift, you can use the power of your ego to deliver your message. To do so, you must fully embrace it. We have seen that ego has a negative connotation in many spiritual circles, where it is often seen as something to be conquered and transcended. Actually, nothing can be transcended through conquest. Only through absorption, acceptance and even enjoyment can the ego be transcended. This is the gift of enjoying your ego. Through the Gift of Artfulness, your ego actually becomes an art form. Out of this Gift emerges the ability to manipulate racial memory — in other words, you instinctively know how to speak the exact language of the person before you. This ability to manipulate your audience can be devastating at the lower frequencies, since it is rooted in fear and sells itself through fear. But at a higher frequency, freed from fear, the 26th Gift sells itself through love. This is heart marketing.

在靈性的領域中,「操緃」這個字是令人厭惡的(bête noir)。然而當「操緃」是基於誠實公開時,卻是美麗的。藝術是一種微細的操緃形式,正如同音樂一般,人類也能介由「操緃」由低頻走向高頻,而這正是26天賦所善長的。它讓你知道,自己正被「操控」,因此我們能選擇是要接受、或是拒絕對方所提供的。對於26th天賦而言,這只是遊戲,在天賦狀態下,透過操緃自己的「自我」以影響他人的「自我」。它與陰暗層不同的是,陰暗層下我們被「自我」、渴求成功、認可、與掌控所呑喰,當運作於天賦層時,並不與自我産生認同 —— 「自我」只是工具,如同戲服一般。
This word manipulation is another bête noir in the spiritual domain. However, as long as manipulation is open and honest, it can be a beautiful thing. Art is a subtle form of manipulation, as is music. Human beings can be moved from lower frequencies to higher frequencies through manipulation, and this is where the 26th Gift excels. It lets you know you are being manipulated so that you can give in and allow yourself to be swept away, or reject what is being offered. It is a game for the 26th Gift. Through this Gift you manipulate your own ego in order to manipulate someone else’s ego. The difference between the frequency of the Shadow and the Gift is that when you are operating from the 26th Shadow you are effectively consumed by your own ego and its voracious need to feed off of success, recognition and dominance. When you are manifesting the 26th Gift you are not identified with your own ego — it is simply something you use, like a costume you put on before a show.


圓滿成就 —— 消融(隱形)的自我

(譯註:  Invisibility, 在Sufism 蘇菲玄秘主義裡,合一境又叫Invisibility,而卡巴拉本身又出自於蘇菲,不過關於Invisibility到底是真的還是一種隱喻,有個故事很有趣,這是在Science and Non-Duality 論譠上聽到的,也許可以分享一下:

裡面有一段Almaas談到自已在經驗到絕對之境時(absolute darkness),經驗到自己的覺察慢慢的消失,最後連自已也消失了,那裡什麼都沒有,他說他經驗到了non-being,non-existence,回過神以後,他問在一旁的朋友Karen: 剛剛發生了什麼,Karen回答:你剛剛消失了)


(譯註:  Cinnabar(硃砂),中國的內在煉金術中 Cinnabar Field 又稱作丹田,共有三個,上中下,至於為什麼Cinnabar Field是丹田,後文會寫,硃砂指的是外丹——外在術金術的一部份,而人的丹田則是內在煉金術,之所以提到硃砂大概是假借其多變的本質(硃砂可加熱提煉水銀,而水銀 - mercury 字面上有多變的意思),Sddhi狀態中的Invisibility 主要指的是,自我被消融掉或自我越來越小(invisibility),而能展現出靈活的一面(水銀 - 多變的本質),所以Shadow、Gift、Siddhi,三者像在講的是「自我認識」、「自我實現」、「自我消融」,而The Great CINNABAR FIELD 在意思上到底需不需要跟丹田放在一起,這個我不太清楚,但如果Great指的是 upper Cinnabar Field(上丹田)那就比較有道理了,因為上丹田跟空性有關,但是文中的The Great Cinnabar Field 指的是:

The Great Cinnabar Field is the energetic grid that links all aspects of existence. It is the quantum ocean of fluctuating, interchangeable energy and matter, and it is the play of the waves of existence upon this ocean. One who becomes master of this ocean is one who can move within the grid without separate existence — one in whom God is at play.


In traditional Taoist alchemy, there is a secret formula known as the Kan(坎) and Li(離). Kan means water and Li means fire. In this alchemical formula, the solar plexus is seen as a cauldron(練金爐), and emotional energy is the water within the cauldron. The fire beneath the cauldron is awareness (also known as chi(氣)), and this awareness is said to cook the emotional energy (also known as jing(精)). The result is a process of steaming in which a third transcendent force arises through the process. The Chinese call this third force shen(神), which means spirit. Western alchemy uses similar archetypes but in a different cultural way. In the west we tend to see the two forces as a man and woman within us — animus and anima. These two copulate in a mystical union giving birth to a magical child, often seen as mercury.

所以「道」裡面的「精」「氣」「神」對應到西方的內在煉金術指的是融合陰陽而重生的「孩子」,而mercury 本身有 水銀、多變、也有「水星」的意思,而水星又象徵小孩子,大概因為這樣所以連結到硃砂吧 XD(真受不了古代人),而Great Cinnabar Field 大概可以確定指的是某種能量海之類的吧。

因譯者本人非玄秘主義者又是5/1人,因此讀到偏玄秘色彩的東西,最多讀一讀了解一下是什麼,個人提不起勁去翻譯,因此後段自己讀原文吧 XD 

There is a saying on the mystical path, which more or less translates as: In order to transcend the ego, one must first have an ego worth giving up. This delightful statement beautifully encapsulates the teaching of this entire 26th Gene Key. In the original Chinese I Ching, the name of this hexagram was The Taming Power of the Great, which at the Gift level could well refer to the process of taming one’s ego. When the ego runs wild in our lives, as it does at the lower frequencies, it causes havoc. As you become aware of your own ego, it releases its hold on you and you can learn to play with it. However, there exists an even higher mutation waiting to occur within your DNA, one in which this taming of the power of the great refers to a magical process that only occurs through the 26th Siddhi. As you open your heart to life more and more, your thymus gland triggers a vibration of such refined intensity that it spontaneously ignites the higher functioning of the pineal gland. As most esoteric systems testify, the pineal gland opens a chemical pathway within your brain that allows you to access cosmic consciousness. In this way, we may understand the taming power of the great to refer to the meeting of the macrocosm and the microcosm deep within your physical body.

The 26th Siddhi of Invisibility is a very unusual manifestation of the higher states of consciousness. Invisibility at this level can mean many different things. The ancient Chinese Taoists had another special name for this 26th Gene Key, referring to it as The Great Cinnabar Field. For the Taoists, cinnabar was a substance that represented the mercurial aspect in alchemy. The qualities of mercury or quicksilver are the qualities of the 26th Siddhi. In this respect, mercury represents the ability to become one with your environment, to camouflage yourself so as to appear invisible. This is the difference between the embodiment of my will and thy will, which was mentioned earlier. This 26th Siddhi dissolves all sense of individual will. Everything in the cosmos is driven by a single turbine and surrender to this impulse renders the individual ego invisible — not just your own ego, but everyone else’s egos as well. The whole game just falls away.

One manifesting this Siddhi stands nowhere. These beings cannot be pinned down to a single concept — wherever you look, they are there and whenever you try and pin them down, they are gone. This is the meaning of invisibility in this context — it refers to one who has become one with existence. The Great Cinnabar Field is the energetic grid that links all aspects of existence. It is the quantum ocean of fluctuating, interchangeable energy and matter, and it is the play of the waves of existence upon this ocean. One who becomes master of this ocean is one who can move within the grid without separate existence — one in whom God is at play.

Those who manifest this Siddhi teach humanity to take life less seriously. They trick us into the great Truths.

Play is a large part of the 26th Siddhi. We human beings have always sensed the secrets of the 64 Siddhis, but we have rarely considered such divine manifestations to be concealed within our own genetic code. Throughout human history, the Siddhis have been anthropomorphised and projected outside our bodies into the figures of our gods, archetypes and mythologies. The gods of the 26th Gene Key are the trickster gods — the Nordic Loki, the American Indian Coyote or the Hindu monkey god Hanuman. These are the great archetypes of shape shifting. The Celtic figure of Merlin is another of the archetypes of invisibility, and the 26th Siddhi certainly shares his wizard-like, playful qualities. Through these archetypes the Divine is seen as being playful and sometimes mischievous. Those who manifest this Siddhi teach humanity to take life less seriously. They trick us into the great Truths.

The 26th Gene Key, as we have seen, carries the quality of ego within it and is adept at marketing. At the siddhic level, these gifts are played with for the sole purpose of Divine fun. These people will use whatever faculties they possess to transmit their sense of love for creation. From their vast understanding of the language of the universal quantum field, they may create extremely complex teachings just to lure the mind through its addiction to finding answers. Whatever tricks, shortcuts and wormholes they use to draw you in, they do so to draw your attention to a higher truth — that nothing really matters. Nothing can alter consciousness. To truly integrate this simple truth is to realise that all human life is essentially meaningless. But this meaninglessness does not detract from the wonder of existence; rather it enhances the beauty around us. Above all, it leaves us alive to play.

To dance with the 26th Siddhi is to let go of all agendas. Such people are invisible in a way that most cannot understand. They are invisible because they do not care what others project on them. They do not seek to enlighten anyone; they do not really want to influence anyone at all. They truly have no agenda. They are simply here as loose cogs within the machinery of existence. They love to defy the laws that we humans cling to. They are the tricksters who love to twist and turn in the currents of existence, for no other reason than that they can. Ironically, such people with no agenda have often left the greatest mark on the history of our consciousness. Because we cannot pin them down, because we cannot understand them with our minds, we either have to reject them or laugh with them. Laughter is the true legacy of the 26th Siddhi. Their laughter peals like an endless string of bells throughout the Great Cinnabar Field of existence.



gates: [ 44, 26 ],
center: [ 'Sacral',  'Ego' ],
type: [ 'Tribal, Ego Circuit', 'type of Projected' ],
quarter: [ 'Duality', 'Mutation' ],
     [ 'Purpose fulfilled through Bonding',
       'Purpose fulfilled through Transformation' ],

模式:固定, 變動


Sagittarius - A beam of direct, focused Light

射手 —— 距焦的直線光束

In this the point of light becomes the beam, revealing a greater light ahead 
and illumining the way to the centre of the light.

Sagittarius Keywords
Self-centred experiences
Integrating experiences
The Goal of experiences
Desire dominates mind
Mind and desire relate
Higher Mind energies
Horserider 騎馬者Rider and horse 騎士與馬Riderhorse 人馬一體
Bow and Arrow
The jungle
The clearing
The Path

Keyword Phrases

Let food be sought.

This phrase symbolises the urge to gain experience, something that Sagittarius on the ordinary wheel of life does quite indiscriminately.  Any food will do - the idea is just to gather the basic substances of life in order to bring about those situations that stop the Horse "in his tracks".  When he is thus satiated and bursting he may then realise that he had better take control of the reins, since he is the rider as well as the steed.

I see the goal.  

I reach that goal and then I see another.  This sentence clearly depicts the frame of reference of a Sagittarian on the reversed wheel of discipline and initiatic promise.



