CODON RING: THE RING OF WATER(2, 8) 基因密碼環——水之環 (註:坤卦在帛書又作「川」)
AS YOU SEE IT, SO IT CHANGES當我們如實的了知(改變並非出於自己),改變接蹱而至
「坤卦」作為64個Genekey中最為陰性面向的原型之一,它代表了最為美麗的宇宙智慧,如果要向一個外星人描述「人性的本質」及「存在的理由」,你將不得不看看2nd 「坤卦」。1st 「乾卦」描述著光與能量的陽性法則,2nd「坤卦」則將其引入物質世界。即便在陰暗層的影響下,坤卦也教導我們事物的存在都有其目的,演化中每個部份無一不在這個相互關連的計劃裡,衪是一股連結力量,將看似截然不同的事物連結在一起,以這層意義而言,衪代表了偉大母親的擁抱,並牽引我們進入整體性的合一 ,這便是陰性法則的真相。我們與陰性法則的共振決定了通過DNA的頻率。無論是拒絕、相信、昐望或實現,都不會改變這個真相。這是一股存於宇宙中的力量,設計安排了每件事,然而它就存於每一個人之內。
As the most archetypically feminine of all the 64 Gene Keys, the 2nd Gene Key and the journey it represents contain a beautifully simple distillation of cosmic wisdom. If you wanted to describe the nature of humanity and the reason for our existence to an alien being, you would have to look no further than this 2nd Gene Key. As the 1st Gene Key tells the story of the great masculine principle of energy and light, the 2nd Gene Key grounds this story into the world of form. Even at the Shadow level of consciousness, this Gene Key teaches us that there is a purpose to everything in existence. At no point in evolution has anything ever occurred that was not a part of a huge interconnected plan. This is the truth that resides within the feminine principle — it is the binding force for all the seemingly disparate cells and events within existence, and in this sense it represents the great motherly embrace that pulls us all into a single unity. Your personal resonance to this great truth of our unity determines the overall frequency passing through your DNA. Whether you believe it, deny it, wish for it or embody it, the truth does not change. There is a force within the universe that choreographs everything, and it is found right inside you.
「2nd 坤卦陰暗層」—— 「失去生命的方向」(Shadow of Dislocation),在字面上很有趣。它暗喻了迷失在時空之中及一種分裂解體的感受。然而,當我們感到寂漠、害怕、與情感上的截斷時,事實上我們並沒有迷失 —— 只是它的感受就是如此。陰暗層的狀態只是受制於生理機能所産生的觀點。生命中沒有任何一刻無一不是與其他物種處於和諧的狀態。我們幾乎不可能做出錯誤的決定,也不可能錯誤的改變人生,這些感受都只是生理上的差異(it is all simply nuances in your biology)。
The 2nd Shadow is the Shadow of Dislocation, which is an interesting word. It implies both the sense of being lost in time and space and of dismemberment. However, when you feel lonely, cut off, afraid or dejected, you have never actually lost your way — it just feels that way. The Shadow state is really only a human perspective rooted in your biological functioning. There is not a single moment in your life that is not perfectly in harmony with all creation. Neither is there the slightest possibility that you can make a wrong decision or take a wrong turn in life. It is all simply nuances in your biology.
Your biology determines your perception, and your perception is the measuring stick for your evolutionary frequency. Evolutionary frequency refers to the current state of advancement of your awareness. Human awareness is following an evolutionary curve. It began as a primitive form of instinct rooted in our animal origins, then it took a great leap at a certain point in history as the brain began to evolve and we moved into this current phase as thinkers.We have now attained our zenith as thinkers, and are preparing for another great leap — the leap into a new biological awareness rooted in the nerve ganglia of the solar plexus. You have to understand where you have come from if you are to see where you are going, and where you are going is into the awareness of the unity and oneness of all beings. It is such a paradox: You have never left this state of oneness, and yet the operating system within human biology does not currently allow you to feel this continual sense of connection.
譯註:「覺受」即 perception,而perception是什麼呢?一般人比較能感受到cognition,也就是認知,比如某人說了一句話,我們對這句話産生了某種想法認知進而産生行為,而cognition的背後還有個perception,perception是 I aware without cognition,也就是佛法講的「如實」,意思是「是什麼就是什麼」,如看到火是紅色,接近火時感受到火很熱,而不是看到火或接近火時感到很危險,而perception的背後則是awareness,純然的awareness並沒有"I"在裡面,而perception則有。
It is tempting to look at so-called primitive human awareness — that of the aboriginal tribal groups still left across our planet — and dream of the return to that primal awareness that existed long before the human brain developed so rapidly. Most aboriginal cultures do not live with a sense of separation from life itself, so modern human beings are often left with the sense that we have somehow gone adrift. We tend to think that there is something wrong with the direction we have taken — exemplified by the massive technological revolution that is sweeping us before it. But the rapid development of the human brain is a vital bridge to an even greater leap in awareness. Even so, the mind is our great blind spot. In evolving the way it has, it prevents us from inhabiting that older instinctive awareness, and so across the world a great fear has taken root — the fear that humanity might actually destroy itself.
「2坤卦陰暗層」恐懼於迷失生命方向,正是因為我們視自己為分離的個體,與萬有及自性分離,從而感受到巨大的集體恐懼。我們的覺受令我們偏離了事實真相。「2nd坤卦——迷失」與伴隨而來的「錯卦」「1st乾卦——熵」(註)令我們失去連結並感到不信任,行動時感到更加孤立。以信任為基礎的行動、及恐懼為基礎的行動有截然不同的結果,前者為他人創造能量,而後者則從他人身上搏取能量。如果讓陰暗層影響我們的每一個決定,則會把我們拉入干擾頻率中,這意味著我們脫離了與其他萬有産生的共振狀態(同時性,原文為 - This means that you don’t appear to be in synchronicity with life),因而錯失生命中的機會,最後進入一再重複的模式而耗盡一切精力。
The fear that we are going in a bad direction comes from the 2nd Shadow. It is because we now see ourselves as separate from nature that we feel this great collective fear. Our perception dislocates us from the truth. This collective fear pervades our individual lives as well. The 2nd Shadow, along with its programming partner the 1st Shadow of Entropy, pulls us away from living in a state of trust and connectedness and also reinforces this sense of isolation through our actions. Actions that come out of trust have very different results from actions that come out of fear. The former creates more energy for everyone and the latter takes energy away from everyone. In your personal life, if you allow it, the 2nd Shadow will affect every decision you make, pulling you into an interference frequency. This means that you don’t appear to be in synchronicity with life, so you miss opportunities that would serve you and end up in repetitive patterns that can be very draining for all concerned.
譯註:乾卦中的「熵」——即描述系統不作功的單位,熵越高,系統越混亂、越不作功,genekeys 把熵用來描述「心的功能」,也就是熵越高,心越混亂,「心的功能」就越低,我們便越不平靜、越混亂、越無法愛自己,而熵則可以看作是「心智」,也就是當我們越依賴「心智」,熵就越高,心越無法展現自己的功能。
It is because we now see ourselves as separate from nature that we feel this great collective fear.
正是因為我們視自己為分離的個體,與萬有及自性分離,從而感受到巨大的集體恐懼然而「2nd 坤卦陰暗層」—— 「失去生命的方向」為生命腳本中不可分割的一部份,使我們得以體驗脫離宇宙之流的感受,即便這種感受是一種幻象。陰暗層最後會招致「混亂」,而「混亂」也是「存在」組成的一部份。當我們想逃離寂漠及迷失的感受時,陰暗層會令我們見證到自己的無助,只有坦然的覺察,深入陰暗面時,改變的奇蹟才會發生。當內心能夠坦然的面對,這種覺察的轉變令我們跳出心智模式,以躍入更大的意識擴展之中。我們需要記住這個洞見—— 我們無法透過刻意的作為來改變自己的現實(you do not change your reality through doing anything)。每個人的DNA之中都有一種知覺轉換的設定,當它啓動時,無論我們是否刻意作為,它都會發生,因為演化面向發生在生理層面(... and when it is activated it occurs in spite of you, as an aspect of your biological evolution.)。在某個時刻,新的覺察會開啓,最初它會漸進式的發生,但隨著時間流轉將會為生命品質帶來顯著的改善。當我們如實的了知(改變並非出於自己),改變接蹱而至(As you see it, so it changes)。
However, the 2nd Shadow of Dislocation is an integral part of the script for life. It actually allows you to experience being out of the universal flow even though this experience is an illusion. Ultimately, even the level of frequency that courts chaos is a part of the overall fabric of existence. The 2nd Shadow allows you to witness your own helplessness as you seek to escape the feeling of dislocation and loneliness. As soon as you enter deeply into this shadow world with your full and honest awareness, it magically appears to change. This shift in your inner honesty precipitates a leap out of the mind and into a newer and far more expansive awareness. One needs to really grasp this insight — you do not change your reality through doing anything. There is a perceptual shift prewired into the DNA of every human being, and when it is activated it occurs in spite of you, as an aspect of your biological evolution. At a certain point your new awareness simply begins to open up. It does so gradually at first, but over time it coincides with a remarkable improvement in the quality of your life. As you see it, so it changes.
最早所傳下來的易經中,有一小部份在「卦義」與「卦序」方面與現代易經有所不同。其中一個有趣的部份便是「乾卦」與「坤卦」的卦序。有強烈的蹟象顯示,最早的卦序始於「坤卦」,代表純然的「陰」,由於當時處於父權社會系統,可能因此而將「坤陰」與「乾陽」互換!(註)就玄秘主義者而言,將純然的「陰」作為第一卦反而比較說的通。再一次重申,陰與陽的順序取決於頻率,在陰暗頻率下,陽性的特徵會先出現,令我們變得分離、催逼與不信任。而陰性面向則是基於合一、信任、與臣服,它們代表高頻所具備的特質。「坤」指的是場域(大地)的意思(one of the translations for this hexagram, known as Kun, is the word Field),它代表了我們所生活的宇宙場,當與這個場調和一致時,就有方向性,當與之不調和時便會感到迷失沒有方向。
In the earliest versions of the I Ching that have come down to us, there appear to be quite a few anomalies with the more modern translations and sequences. One of the most interesting of these concerns is the ordering of the 1st and 2nd hexagrams. There is strong evidence that the oldest versions began with this 2nd hexagram, representing complete yin. The patriarchal systems that translated the original text must have swapped the prime yin for the prime yang! Esoterically and mythically it makes far more sense to begin with the feminine rather than the masculine. Again, it depends on your frequency. At the Shadow frequency the masculine always comes first, which becomes the way of distrust, separation and force. The feminine approach however is based on unity, surrender and trust, which are hallmarks of all higher frequencies. Furthermore, one of the translations for this hexagram, known as Kun, is the word Field. This is a beautifully apt word to describe this 2nd Gene Key, because it represents the universal field in which we live. To move in harmony with this field is to be oriented, and to move out of harmony with the field is to be disoriented and dislocated.
壓抑態 —— 迷失
陰暗層中的二種模式 —— 「迷失」及「過度組織化」描述了大多數人的狀態。在壓抑態中,「迷失」敍述了一種狀態,使人無法與普世性的天命靠齊。壓抑恰當的描述了唯物主義和自私之路——不顧他人及環境而走在自己的路上。我們真正的命運便是喚醒自私心並走向普世價值。對於沒能活出精神面向的人,便會表現出這種迷失、受苦的狀態。若無法體驗到與萬有的連結力量,便無法擁有足夠的內在支持以應付生命中的考驗,若無法與萬有産生連結,生命本身似乎沒有意義,總是排徊、掙扎著。
The two pattern nuances of the 2nd Shadow — that of being lost or regimented — describe the state of the great majority of mankind. In the case of the repressed nature, being lost describes the state of being out of alignment with one’s true universal destiny. The repressive nature aptly describes the path of materialism and selfishness which follows its own path without regard to the greater environment. Our true destiny is to awaken out of our selfishness to our universality. Those with no sense of the spiritual dimension to life inhabit this state of being lost and the by-product of being lost is misery and suffering. Without the experience of a direct connection to the greater cosmic forces, one has nothing within to bolster one in dealing with life’s trials. Life itself seems to have no purpose. Without a cosmic connection within one’s being, one will always flounder in the world.
反動態 —— 過度組織僵化
陰暗層的另一端則是將外在結構及節律強加在生命之上,這源自於未化解的憤怒。「過度組織僵化」事實上敍述了世界上的宗教,迫使人們被夾在「個體性」與「體驗到的外在神性」之間(... which put themselves between an individual and their direct experience of the Divine)。它也描述了科學企圖將生命組織化,以形成一種有意義的邏輯架構。所有企圖掌控、壓制生命的,都是由 2nd 反動態陰暗層浮現的。並不是說科學與宗教錯了,而是因為它們掩蓋住了生命中隱藏的和諧性。生命中真正的意義與目的感是發自於內的 —— 它是一種與萬有同步的神秘體驗。
The reverse pole of this Shadow is the enforcement of an external rhythm or structure over the top of life. This stems from deep anger that has never been resolved. Regimentation actually describes many of the world’s great religions, which put themselves between an individual and their direct experience of the Divine. Regimentation can also describe science, which attempts to organise life into some form of meaningful and logical framework. Anything that tries to control life and pin it down emerges from the reactive side of the 2nd Shadow. None of this is to say that religion and science are wrong, except when they serve to obscure the hidden harmony that lies within an individual. The true meaning and purpose of life is only to be found within one’s heart — in the mystical experience of moving in perfect synchronisation with all that is.
整個陰暗層所涉及到的主題是「方向定位」—— 也就是天賦層的能力,在陰暗層的影響下會體驗到方向混亂、無法定位,而當我們走向天賦層時便開始「重新定位」。同樣的,如同陰暗層所得到的結論,在這個轉變的過程中,所走的路並非白廢的,即便我們做了很多看似徒勞無功的事(there is no question of any doing on your part as this shift in your process engages even though it may feel to you as though you are doing quite a lot. 照字面翻的話是:所做的任何事是並非出錯或有問題的,即便讓我們感受到自己做了很多事一樣)。也許你開始找治療師幫助自己探索陰暗面,因而開始改變自己的決定從而改變自己的生活。也許你開始索探玄秘系統,或找老師幫你催化這個過程。也許它來自於人生中的發展危機。重要的是,所有人都依循DNA中所設定的原型模式,而演化之路則無情的把我們拖往意識合一之路。
The whole process described in the 2nd Shadow involves orientation, the 2nd Gift. At the Shadow frequency you experience dis-orientation, whereas as you begin to reach into the Gift dimension, you become re-oriented. Again, as was discussed in the 2nd Shadow, there is no question of any doing on your part as this shift in your process engages even though it may feel to you as though you are doing quite a lot. Perhaps you started going to a therapist who helped you to see aspects of your Shadow, which in turn began to change your decisions and therefore your life. Perhaps you discovered a great mystical system or teacher who catalyzed this process. Perhaps it happened as a result of a personal crisis or perhaps it just spontaneously occurred as a complete surprise to you. The point is that all human life follows the same archetypal pattern laid down inside your DNA. Evolution itself is drawing you inexorably along the path towards awareness of your unity and oneness.
天賦——「方向定位」有二個層面,不是透過轉變覺察以改變行為,就是透過改變行為以催化覺察的轉變。無論所感受到的是那一種,都有一些路標可供參考,其中一個關鍵性的體驗,便是感受到「同步性」(Synchronicity)的發生。「同時性」是「天賦 - 方向定位」最直接的示現,它令我們瞥見存在的樣子,並將自己置身在更寬廣的脈落之中。「同時性」無法被刻意創造,而是發自於 「2nd天賦」的陰性本質 —— 換言之它發生在當我們非刻意追尋時(they happen when you are not looking),一旦意識開始在更高的生理層次上運作(太陽神經叢),生命的節奏會更自在,我們不再感到迷失,而開始體驗更加寬廣的次元。
The Gift of Orientation has two faces. It either comes as a shift in your awareness that then affects your actions, or it comes as a shift in your actions which then catalyses a shift in your awareness. Whichever tone your experience takes there are a number of indicators that precede your permanently residing at the Gift level of frequency. One of the key experiences that people have is an increased feeling and occurrence of synchronicity. Synchronicity is the direct manifestation of the Gift of Orientation — it allows you to peep through the keyhole of existence and place yourself in a wider perceptual context. Synchronicities cannot be forcibly created but flow out of the feminine nature of the 2nd Gift — in other words, they happen when you are not looking. As your awareness begins to operate at its highest biological level — through the solar plexus system — so you fall into an easier rhythm of life. You no longer feel dislocated but begin to experience life in a more and more magical dimension.
另一個意識廣展的路標,則可以在「8th 天賦 - 風格」中發現。透過同一化學家族的連結 —— 基因家族環-水之環(2, 8),「2nd 天賦」與「8th 天賦」在基因上有著強烈的連結,代表了新的、原創性的生活風格。當我們開始將自己定位在更寛廣的脈落下,便開始展露自己的真實樣貌,有別於受制於情緒化與承諾,反而將其作為發展新天賦的手段,我們也開始改寫(override)他人對自己的感受及投射。簡言之,我們開始享受生活,以致於這股四溢的能量開始充塞於生活,最後形成一種獨一無二的個人風格,即便這會有一點危險,但至少是新鮮與不可比擬的。這種風格是一種自相矛盾的悖論 —— 也就是當我們越是與萬有連結,才越能夠見證到自己的獨特性——尤其在發揮創造性過程中(creative process)。
One of the other indicators of your rising awareness is to be found in the 8th Gift of Style. Through the chemical family known as The Ring of Water this 2nd Gift shares a strong genetic link with the 8th Gift, which presents as a new and original way of living. As you become oriented into a wider context, your real face begins to show itself in the world. Instead of being weighed down by your changing moods and commitments, you use them as a means of developing a new flair. You also begin to override the perceptions and projections of others. In short, you begin to enjoy life so much that this rising energy spills over into your life as panache — a unique sense of individual style that is inimitable and always fresh, if even at times a little dangerous. Your panache or style is the sign of another paradox — that as you come more into contact with your unity with all creatures, you also witness an enhancement in your own uniqueness, particularly through your creative process.
The more you let go into the feminine yielding quality of this Gift, the more universal power floods through you.
當越是能臣服於這股陰性的力量,宇宙之流便越能充塞於我們之中。2nd「天賦」在DNA中伴演著非常特別的角色,它在四週創造了一種吸引力場,不僅將個人層面的事物導向萬有的安排(It not only unifies the microcosm with the macrocosm),也將物質層面導向靈性層面。其關鍵就在2nd Genekey 所代表的胺基酸。每個人身上都有一些礦物質是帶有磁力特性的,2nd「天賦」關乎於這些礦物質的化學組成及目的。這些礦物質就在人體中,告訴我們如何才能活出和諧的人生(特別是內分泌系統)
以下翻譯摘自貓氏二號星球 (譯者本人有點懶了 XD)
- 比如:生物學家發現內分泌釋出到松果體時, 含有一種 鐵的化學元素(就是磁鐵礦), 此礦物是連結電磁力以活化細胞功能的要件。在大 部分動物實驗中發現, 所有造物都內建了[磁性指引系統], 以便能與更寬廣的節奏 校準方向; 磁力讓所有生命得以連結, 小至原子, 大至整個銀河。
The 2nd Gift has a special role within your DNA in that it creates a kind of attractor field around you. It not only unifies the microcosm with the macrocosm, but it also unites matter and spirit. A secret resides in the chemicals and amino acids for which this Gene Key codes.In every human being there are certain minerals that have magnetic properties, and this 2nd Gift concerns the chemical composition and purpose of these minerals. These minerals in our bodies, and particularly those in our endocrine glands, appear to tell us how to live life in or out of harmony. For example, in the tissues of the pineal gland, biologists have discovered a ferrous chemical known as magnetite. This mineral has been proposed as a key in linking electromagnetic activity to cellular function. The fact that it has also been found in most animals suggests that all creatures have a built-in magnetic guidance system that keeps them in alignment with wider rhythms. It is through this magnetism that all life is linked, from the spin of the atom to the wheeling of the great galaxies.
隨著2nd「天賦」頻率的提升,會活的更和諧,靈光圈(aura)的電磁力也會增加。當越是臣服於這個「天賦」的陰性面向,便有越多萬有的力量得以被我們利用,成長的時序便越能被微調,以致於當我們發現自己失衡了,指引方向的磁性傳感器立即會告知大腦。正是透過 2nd「天賦」令我們得以發現隱藏的生命議題 —— 讓所有的眾生得以進入整體性的覺察裡。2nd「天賦」四週所創造的吸引力場得以影響四周的人,其意味著和諧正在四散開來(Harmony is catching),這是為什麼完全臣服於生命歷程的人是如此的強而有力,他們能夠直覺的感知到其他人對於自身課題的臣服及抗拒的程度,久而久之,他們便能透過自身的靈光圈幫助他人進入自身的和諧。
As the frequency through the 2nd Gift rises, you live more harmonically and the electromagnetic power of your aura increases. The more you let go into the feminine yielding quality of this Gift, the more universal power floods through you. Your timing becomes more and more fine tuned, so much so that if you find yourself out of harmony the magnetic mineral transducers in your body immediately convey this to your brain. It is through the 2nd Gift that you can see the hidden agenda of life — to bring all beings into awareness of their unity. The magnetic attractor field around a person who is centred in the 2nd Gift exerts a powerful effect on all those around it, meaning that harmony is catching. This is why people who are deeply surrendered and attuned to life’s processes can be so empowering. They can intuitively sense how surrendered or resistant others are to the great truth of their universality. Over time, such people bring others into their own personal harmony through the magnetic power of their aura.
Oneness cannot be comprehended, only lived.
合一境無法以心智理解,只能活出它。THE 2ND SIDDHI – ONENESS
圓滿成就 —— 合一
DIVINE LOGIC 神聖的邏輯(註:或神性的邏輯,如果用神聖指的是邏輯有神聖(全面性)的一面)2nd 「圓滿成就」描述了「覺醒」或「開悟」的體驗。它是所有 Siddhi 狀態的基礎,因為神性的本質便是「陰性」。神性的「陰性」面向很玄秘,因為在某種意義上「陰性」完全不能被稱為一種「極性」,而「陽性」則非常簡單而直接,但是「陰極」卻超越了任何理性與理解。「陽性」法則事實上是將「陰性」外化,而不單是指二元性的一端。在 Sdddhi 層次中並不存在二元性, 因為二元性被「無法思議」的「神聖邏輯」催毀。在這個高度覺察的層次中,數學的運作與心智層面的數學不大一樣。一加一不等於二,而是三。在Siddhi狀態下唯一存在的數字是「一」及「三」。 而「一」指的是「一即一切」 —— 「一切」都是「意識」安住在自性之中。它是「陰性」的最終狀態,或者純然的接受性狀態。
The 2nd Siddhi describes the experience of enlightenment or awakening. It is the cornerstone of all the siddhic states, being as it is the essence of the Divine Feminine. The Divine Feminine pole has a great mystery within it, because in a certain sense it cannot be said to be a pole at all. The masculine pole is very simple and straightforward, but the feminine is beyond any sense of reason and understanding. The masculine principle is really an externalisation of the feminine rather than a duality. At the siddhic level there is no such thing as duality. Duality is destroyed by a strange kind of Divine logic. At this heightened level of awareness, mathematics works differently than on the mental level. One plus one doesn’t equal two, but always makes three. The only numbers that really exist at the siddhic level are one and three. One is one — it is consciousness resting in its own nature. It is the ultimate state of yin or femininity, or as this 2nd hexagram is often known — it is the receptive.
接受性、陰性、母性、與柔軟這些文字帶有誤導性,因為我們會傾向以極性對立的方式理解。然而,他們暗示了超出文字之外的東西,所以我們需要以不同的方式思考,以理解2nd Sddhi的意思。當「一」以物質的形式外化它自己,並非創造了二元性,而是三位一體(trinity)。二元性事實上指的是一種「關係」,而每種「關係」事實上都是「三」 —— 如,有「男人」、「女人」便形成了「夫妻」—— 也就是需要再考慮到「關係本身」。在神性數學中,2是一種幻象,其在邏輯上不成立。如果真要說的話,只能說2是一種「關聯性的橋接」—— 它是一個動態的過程,在2出現以前便瞬間轉變了。
Words such as receptive, feminine, yielding or mother can be misleading as we tend to understand them as poles with opposites. However, they hint at what lies beyond them, so we need to consider them in a different way if we are to grasp what the 2nd Siddhi really means. This is something that can only be grasped intuitively. Thus when the One externalises itself as a manifestation in form, it has not created a duality, but a trinity. Every duality is really a relationship, and every relationship is really a three — there is a man, a woman and instantly there is also a couple — the relationship itself. In Divine mathematics, the number two is always an illusion — it cannot logically exist. If you can say anything at all about the number two you might say it is a bridge — a dynamic process that is instantaneously transmuted before it is even born.
這些概念無法用一般的邏輯理解。如同量子物理中的粒子無法被定義,因為一但定義了,便與我們的受覺器官連結上(譯註:如果不好理解的話,可以這樣說,當我們定義了,無形中形同於定義者也參與了實驗,在定義前,量子可以是任何一種定義,定義後,量子便失去了定義前的豐富合一狀態,因此無法被定義),因此合一無法被理解,只能被活出它。「開悟並不是一種經驗」。這個句子可以拿來當「禪宗公案」來參。如果把「合一」當作一種能夠被獲得的經驗,那麼便落入了「合一」與「非合一」的二元性了。第三件事是「超驗性經驗」(譯註:超驗性的經驗,不是超驗「性經驗」 transcendence)。「超驗性經驗」並不會發生在我們身上,而是否定了想要得到「超驗性經驗」的我們。諷刺的是,「超驗」並不會讓我們脫離生活,如其名詞所暗示的(譯註:「超」的本身暗示了「被超」),它將我們放置在生命中的核心,我們一直都在那。它整合了所有的對立,終結所有的謎,讓所有的玄秘保持他們本然的樣子,並帶來了一種無法描述的信任。我們甚至無法使用「信任」這個字來描述Sddhi狀態的合一,因為「信任」的本身也暗示了二元性,因為有信任就有被信任者。
These are concepts that cannot be approached with ordinary logic. Just like the quantum particles in physics that avoid our definition because they appear to be linked to our very perceptual apparatus, oneness cannot be comprehended, only lived. Enlightenment is not an experience. This is a sentence to meditate upon like a Zen koan. If you see oneness as an experience to be attained or that may one day happen to you, then you are caught within that straight line between two points. The third thing is transcendence. It does not occur to you — rather it negates you. Ironically, transcendence does not take you away from life, as its name might suggest — it places you right in the heart of life, where you have always been. It unifies all opposites, ends all riddles, leaves all mysteries just as they are and brings a sense of trust that cannot be described. One cannot even really use a word like trust to describe the Siddhi of Unity because trust suggests duality again — that there is somehow a truster and a trustee. This is the wonderful dilemma of the siddhic state.
gates: [ 14, 2 ],
center: [ 'Sacral', 'Gcenter' ],
type: [ 'Individual, Knowing Circuit', 'type of Generated' ],
quarter: [ 'Mutation', 'civilization' ],
[ 'Purpose fulfilled through Transformation',
'Purpose fulfilled through Form' ],
模式:「固定」, 「固定」