2022年12月4日 星期日

人類圖筆記 - Temptation/Action binary


12 Gate of Restraint (個體人)




this is about the monk, this is about being isolated. It is one of the three gates of aloneness and is about waiting and being contemplative. It is about restraint until one is in the mood. Then it is the right time. Withdrawal that can only be maintained with communal support.

所以在成長過程中,學習獨處反思,覺察情緒的起伏就會是學習歷程之一,這也是個體人通道之一,克制是英文 Restraint 但 Ra 的意思是對學情緒的學習,用比較 newage 的說法是單純的覺察情緒,在不對的時機學會 inaction, 而上段 Withdrawal that can only be maintained with communal support. 指的是,當情緒不佳時,不是 social 的時機 (所以Withdrawal),但它需要你找到自己的 comunity,這個 community 能夠允許你在不想表達時能回到自己的空間裡面,而不是錯解你的狀態從此不再找你,所以 Withdrawal that can only be maintained with communal support 是這個閘門二元性中比較佳的運作方式,

It is a knowing gate and every time that it makes a social contact, it has to be able to explain itself. If you are away from the social power of the Solarplex center you never have to explain yourself. That can be very peaceful. During that time one can go through that process and allow the time for mutation to take place, and wait for that moment of mood, so that it can be externalized.

表達是以情緒能量作為推力,所以需要在情緒佳時作為表達的時機,不在時機下你無法表達自己真正想說的,所以當時機不到就獨處,反思,直到有真正的東西能夠帶給他人力量,所以這個閘門的 foundation 叫 Monk,學習獨處,反思與情緒波動相處.

This is the intrinsic lesson of the 12. By the way, you will not be in the mood unless you have a mutation to bring. That is true as well. Mutation for an individual, at its simplest level, is the moment that you can explain an aspect of your knowing. The moment that you can do so, that has a mutative value.

The moment that you can explain your knowing and if you are in the mood, that is your opportunity to mutate others and bring them to a new knowing. That is part of how the process works. If somebody has the detriment of the 12.1 in an undefined Throat, they may have extreme difficulty in being able to speak. This is a gate of articulation and the 12.1 people with the detriment in an undefined Throat can even be mute, or they go through long periods in their life where they do not speak.



The quality of restraint and importance of meditation and inaction inconfronting templation


透過誘惑作為一種動力,好讓我們能夠從情緒的本質中學習,學習情緒本質的不穩定,以找到 individual 帶給他人力量的顯化時機,而在這個環境中所發生的事件與人事物,就是我們的素材。南北交跟閘門不同的地方在於,南北交吸引的是情境,重複出現會讓我們距焦的情境,而我們從這個情境中學習。

11 Gate of Peace-Ideas

11 透過距焦於內視覺記憶,試圖由其中理出頭緒而產生各種的想法,評估各種行動信念,this is a channel of Seeker / Searcher,Idea 之所以有價值來自於,從他者的視角是有價值的,所以Idea一定有價值,價值一直都在,只是能不能找到視之為價值的人,所以 11 的Idea 是以分享作為顯化的方式,而不是來源於自行推動自己的 Idea, 想把自己的 Idea 顯化,如果是這樣會碰到很多的挫折。 由於11 直接連到喉嚨,處於一個能夠直接顯化的位置,所以它的壓力也會來自於,能不能找到可以分享價值的人,好讓自己的 Idea/價值 可以傳播出去。

Moon exalted, The nourishment derived from being with those who share the same goals and aspirations.

One of the great concerns of all first lines is whether or not their nature is going to be accepted by the other. Idea people are very concerned about whether anybody is going to have anything to do with their ideas, which is why idea people can be so fervent.

The beginning of a belief systems lies here in this gate in this line. In the white book, The gift of finding those who will value your ideas, is the whole thing about idea people.


11 透過距焦於內視覺記憶,試圖由其中理出頭緒而產生各種的想法,評估各種行動信念,所以它在二元性的另一端是 12 Templation, 能夠不要被內視覺牽著走而能從中理出頭緒,從射手原型來說,射手到處吃草最後忘了自己要去哪裡,這就是被內視覺牽著走,所以他的底需要雙子的 temptation.

所以當 11 來到了南北交所吸引的情境,就變成了 Action

Temptation and action, temptation and action, temptation and constant action without necessarily the assessment, without that either being a quality of the society or the individual, and you see it all around you.

所以 Templation / Action 二個放在一起會是什麼,我覺得像是在說什麼是正確的時機,克制為了找出不正確的時機,Action 是為了別人而行動,而把自己的理念分享出去,這我沒有一定的答案,可以放到占星裡面去看。